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In perennial plants, freeze-thaw cycles during the winter months can induce the formation of air bubbles in xylem vessels, leading to changes in their hydraulic conductivity. Refilling of embolized xylem vessels requires an osmotic force that is created by the accumulation of soluble sugars in the vessels. Low water potential leads to water movement from the parenchyma cells into the xylem vessels. The water flux gives rise to a positive pressure essential for the recovery of xylem hydraulic conductivity. We investigated the possible role of plasma membrane aquaporins in winter embolism recovery in walnut (Juglans regia). First, we established that xylem parenchyma starch is converted to sucrose in the winter months. Then, from a xylem-derived cDNA library, we isolated two PIP2 aquaporin genes (JrPIP2,1 and JrPIP2,2) that encode nearly identical proteins. The water channel activity of the JrPIP2,1 protein was demonstrated by its expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The expression of the two PIP2 isoforms was investigated throughout the autumn-winter period. In the winter period, high levels of PIP2 mRNA and corresponding protein occurred simultaneously with the rise in sucrose. Furthermore, immunolocalization studies in the winter period show that PIP2 aquaporins were mainly localized in vessel-associated cells, which play a major role in controlling solute flux between parenchyma cells and xylem vessels. Taken together, our data suggest that PIP2 aquaporins could play a role in water transport between xylem parenchyma cells and embolized vessels.  相似文献   
The radish Rfo gene restores male fertility in radish or rapeseed plants carrying Ogura cytoplasmic male-sterility. This system was first discovered in radish and was transferred to rapeseed for the production of F1 hybrid seeds. We aimed to identify the region of the Arabidopsis genome syntenic to the Rfo locus and to characterize the radish introgression in restored rapeseed. We used two methods: amplified consensus genetic markers (ACGMs) in restored rapeseed plants and construction of a precise genetic map around the Rfo gene in a segregating radish population. The use of ACGMs made it possible to detect radish orthologs of Arabidopsis genes in the restored rapeseed genome. We identified radish genes, linked to Rfo in rapeseed and whose orthologs in Arabidopsis are carried by chromosomes 1, 4 and 5. This indicates several breaks in colinearity between radish and Arabidopsis genomes in this region. We determined the positions of markers relative to each other and to the Rfo gene, using the progeny of a rapeseed plant with unstable meiotic transmission of the radish introgression. This enabled us to produce a schematic diagram of the radish introgression in rapeseed. Markers which could be mapped both on radish and restored rapeseed indicate that at least 50 cM of the radish genome is integrated in restored rapeseed. Using markers closely linked to the Rfo gene in rapeseed and radish, we identified a contig spanning six bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones on Arabidopsis chromosome 1, which is likely to carry the orthologous Rfo gene.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Communicated by H. C. BeckerS. Giancola and S. Marhadour contributed equally to this work  相似文献   
The purpose of this research was to characterize by X-ray crystallography the ternary dimethylformamide (DMF) Cu(II) complex of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), in an effort to compare the structure-activity relationships for the anticonvulsant activity of this and other Cu(II)aspirinate chelates. The ternary DMF Cu(II) complex of aspirin was synthesized and crystals grown from a DMF solution were characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. This crystalline material was analyzed for anticonvulsant activity in the Maximal Electroshock (MES) Grand Mal and subcutaneous Metrazol (scMET) Petit Mal models of seizure used to detect anticonvulsant activity. The ternary DMF complex was found to be a monomolecular binuclear complex, tetrakis-mu-(acetylsalicylato)bis(dimethylformamido)dicopper(II) [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)(DMF)(2)] with the following parameters: monoclinic, space group P2(1)/n, a=12.259 (1), b=10.228 (1), c=16.987 (1) A, beta=92.07 (1) degrees; V=2128.5 (3) A(3); Z=2. The structure was determined at 180 K from 2903 unique reflections (I>1sigma(I)) to the final values of R=0.030 and wR=0.033 using F. This binuclear complex contains four acetylsalicylate bridging ligands which are related to each other in a two by two symmetry center. The four nearest O atoms around each Cu atom form a closely square planar arrangement with the square pyramidal coordination completed by the dimethylformamide oxygen atom occupying an apical position at a distance of 2.154 (1) A. Each Cu atom is displaced towards the DMF ligand by 0.187 A from the plane of the four O atoms. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)(DMF)(2)] crystals show a strong antiferromagnetic coupling of the copper atoms, similar to that observed with other binuclear copper(II)salicylate compounds. Studies used to detect anticonvulsant activity revealed that [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)(DMF)(2)] was an effective anticonvulsant in the MES model of seizure but ineffective against scMET-induced seizures. The monomolecular ternary binuclear [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)(DMF)(2)] complex is more effective in inhibiting MES-induced seizures than other binuclear or mononuclear Cu(II) chelates of aspirin including: binuclear polymeric [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)], [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)(H(2)O)], which is anticipated to be less polymeric, and monomolecular ternary [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)(DMSO)(2)] and [Cu(II)(aspirinate)(2)(Pyr)(2)]. These and other chelates appear to be more effective in the scMET model of seizure than [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)(DMF)(2)]. These structure-activity relationships support the potential efficacy of Cu chelates of aspirin in treating epilepsies.  相似文献   
The adsorption isotherm data of (R)- and (S)-1-indanol and of their racemic mixture on cellulose tribenzoate were measured by frontal analysis. The experimental data for each enantiomers were fitted to the single-component bilangmuir isotherm model. The competitive experimental data were fitted to the ideal adsorption solution model (IAS), the real adsorption solution model (RAS), and the bilangmuir thermodynamically consistent model (BTC). The mass transfer kinetic parameters were estimated from systematic comparisons between the experimental single-component band profiles and profiles calculated using the general rate model (GR) of chromatography coupled with the generalized Maxwell-Stefan equation (GMS). The validation of the isotherm model and of the mass transfer kinetic model was made by comparing the experimental band profiles obtained for solutions of the two enantiomers and those calculated with the competitive GR-GMS model. The excellent agreement observed proves that a combination of the BTC isotherm model and the GMS kinetic model, using the best values of the BTC and GMS parameters estimated from single component experiments, allows an excellent prediction of the binary isotherm and the binary mass transfer kinetics.  相似文献   
To meet the technical challenge of recovering human IgG fusion protein from transgenic whole goat milk at reasonable cost with high purity and yield, a predictive aggregate transport model for microfiltration has been developed (Baruah and Belfort, 2003). Here, to test the model's predictability of permeate flux and mass transport, a comprehensive series of experiments with varying wall shear rate, feed temperature, feed concentration, and module design are presented. A very good fit was obtained between the model predictions and measurements for a wide variety of experimental conditions. For microfiltration module design comparison, a linear hollow fiber module (representing current commercial technologies) gave lower permeation flux and higher yield than a helical hollow fiber module (representing the latest self-cleaning methodology). These results are easily explained with the model that is now being used to define operating conditions for maximizing performance. The procedure described by the model is generalizable and can be used to obtain optimal filtration performance for applications other than milk.  相似文献   
A methodology, called the aggregate transport model, is presented that can a priori predict both the pressure-independent permeation flux and yield of target species for the microfiltration of poly-disperse solutions. The model captures the phenomenon of critical shear rate. Beyond the critical shear rate (expressed as a ratio of shear rate to permeation flux), the transmission of proteins drops sharply as a result of cake classification. The widely reported benefits of operating at uniform transmembrane pressure and constant wall concentration follow from this method. The methodology is general in nature and can be used predictively to obtain an optimal balance between flux and yield of target species during the microfiltration of many commercial poly-disperse suspensions. In the accompanying paper we test this model for microfiltration of transgenic whole goat milk.  相似文献   
Psychrophilic enzymes: hot topics in cold adaptation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
More than three-quarters of the Earth's surface is occupied by cold ecosystems, including the ocean depths, and polar and alpine regions. These permanently cold environments have been successfully colonized by a class of extremophilic microorganisms that are known as psychrophiles (which literally means cold-loving). The ability to thrive at temperatures that are close to, or below, the freezing point of water requires a vast array of adaptations to maintain the metabolic rates and sustained growth compatible with life in these severe environmental conditions.  相似文献   


The cytotoxicity and the rejoining of DNA double-strand breaks induced by γ-rays, H2O2 and neocarzinostatin, were investigated in normal and PARP-1 knockout mouse 3T3 fibroblasts to determine the role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP-1) in DNA double-strand break repair.  相似文献   
Many lemur species are characterized by some form of female dominance, ranging from female feeding priority to complete female dominance, although this is a rare trait in primates and other mammals. The status of the Milne-Edwards' sifaka (Propithecus diadema edwardsi), a diurnal lemur, is ambiguous. Some short-term studies have found little or no aggression. The aim of the current, long-term study was to quantify the intersexual-dominance patterns of this sifaka. The distribution, outcome, and context of aggressive interactions were studied in four groups of wild sifakas. The majority of intersexual aggressive interactions were decided, with the loser expressing submissive behavior. Intersexual aggressive interactions occurred in all social contexts, and within all social contexts the females won the vast majority (92.7-96.0%) of aggressive interactions. While aggression rates were low (0.22/hr), this evidence suggests female dominance. We propose that female dominance exists because it provides a fitness advantage to both males and females.  相似文献   
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