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When treated with ethylene in O2, conditioned potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Russet Burbank) tubers – that is, tubers kept at room temperature for 10 days or more – yield slices that are CN? resistant. Ten % CO2 in the gas mixture not only synergizes the effect of ethylene, but replaces the need for conditioning as well. The response to CO2 is more pronounced with increasing time from harvest. By contrast fresh slices from untreated tubers are CN? sensitive, as are slices from tubers incubated in O2 or O2 plus CO2. The suggestion is made that CN? resistance is constitutive, and that treatment with ethylene/CO2 in O2 confers on potato tuber tissue a resistance to the extensive degradation of membrane phospholipids that normally attends slicing and leads to the loss of CN? resistance. In this connection respiration inhibition by imidazole, an inhibitor of fatty acid α-oxidation, is extensive in slices of untreated tubers, and sharply diminished in slices of ethylene-treated tubers in proportion to their CN? resistance. The coextensive rise of respiration rate and CN? resistance in aged potato slices has led to the presumption that the CN?-resistant path mediates the respiration climax. Accordingly the alkaloid, lycorine, has been considered to inhibit the development of CN? resistance in aging potato slices because it curtails the wound-induced respiration. A comparison was carried out on the effect of lycorine on CN?-sensitive and CN?-resistant fresh slices – the latter obtained from ethylene/CO2-treated tubers. Lycorine suppressed the development of the wound-induced respiration without restricting the development of CN? resistance.  相似文献   
The diel vertical migration of planktonic rotifers in a small, hypereutrophic tarn was investigated on four occasions in 1983. When the tarn was isothermal the rotifers were distributed throughout the water column. After stratification, the rotifers were confined to the top 1–2 m of oxygenated water. On all four dates the rotifers were aggregated at specific depths in the water column. On some occasions, the pattern of aggregation changed as the animals performed distinct diurnal migrations. Keratella cochlearis, K. quadrata and Polyarthra vulgaris usually followed the reverse migrations of the phytoplankton. In contrast, the movements of Anuraeopsis fissa were less pronounced and were associated with variations in the depth of the oxycline.  相似文献   
The chicken oocyte receptor for low and very low density lipoproteins has been identified and characterized. Receptor activity present in octyl-beta-D-glucoside extracts of oocyte membranes was measured by a solid phase filtration assay, and the receptor was visualized by ligand blotting. The protein had an apparent Mr of 95,000 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels under nonreducing conditions and exhibited high affinity for apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins, but not for high density lipoproteins or lipoproteins in which lysine residues had been reductively methylated. Binding of lipoproteins was sensitive to EDTA, suramin, and treatment with Pronase. In these aspects, the avian oocyte system was analogous to the mammalian low density lipoprotein receptor in somatic cells. Furthermore, a structural relationship between the mammalian and avian receptors was revealed by immunoblotting: polyclonal antibodies directed against the purified bovine low density lipoprotein receptor reacted selectively with the 95-kDa chicken receptor present in crude oocyte membrane extracts.  相似文献   
Inhaled irritants induce secretory cell hyperplasia in nasal epithelium of animals. To characterize this response histochemically it is first important to know the histochemical character and distribution of epithelial mucosubstance in the normal nasal cavity. An automated image analyzing method was used to detect and quantitate acidic, neutral, and sulfated mucosubstances in the epithelium lining the nasal and paranasal airways of eight bonnet monkeys. Tissue sections 2 micron thick from defined regions of these airways were stained with either alcian blue/periodic acid-Schiff to demonstrate acid and neutral mucosubstances or high iron diamine to demonstrate sulfated mucins. Respiratory epithelium covering maxilloturbinates had the largest volume of stainable mucosubstance per unit surface area of basal lamina, whereas the maxillary sinus epithelium had the least. There was a general anteroposterior increase in the quantity of total epithelial mucosubstance along the septal and lateral walls of the nasal cavity, and there was more acidic than neutral mucosubstance in the posterior nasal airway than in the anterior. Epithelial mucosubstance in the maxillary sinus was predominantly neutral. Therefore, we conclude that there are substantial regional quantitative differences in stainable mucosubstances in the primate nasal epithelium which must be considered when examining nasal mucosa for irritant-induced changes in epithelial mucins.  相似文献   
The mycelial weight of eight out of nine isolates of Trichoderma spp. and Gliocladium virens increased in media supplemented with 2000 mg/l of nitrogen (N) from the fertilizers NH4Cl, NaNO3, and a commercial 20–20–20. In general, the greatest increase in growth (up to 311 %) occurred with 20–20–20. The extent of growth was similar with either NH4Cl or NaNO3, but was less than that with 20–20–20. Measured by radial development on agar surfacesgrowth of isolates was either not affected or was constricted by supplemental fertilizers. Production of conidia by six out of eight isolates was stimulated by 20–20–20 but not by NH4Cl or NaNO3. Germination of conidia of all isolates, generally was high (> 85 %) on amended and nonamended agar. Chlamydospore formation by three Trichoderma isolates in liquid media was not affected by fertilizers. Antagonism or overgrowth of the pathogen Rhizoctonia solani by Trichoderma isolates in culture was reduced appreciably by NaNO3, but was not affected by NH4Cl or 20–20–20. Addition of 20–20–20 to natural soil did not reduce further the survival of R. solani caused by germling preparations of six out of seven Trichoderma isolates. However, reduction in survival of the pathogen caused by a T. hamatum isolate was stimulated further (45 %) by the fertilizer.  相似文献   
Growth rates of unattached bacteria in groundwater contaminated with treated sewage and collected at various distances from the source of contamination were estimated by using frequency of dividing cells and tritiated-thymidine uptake and compared with growth rates obtained with unsupplemented, closed-bottle incubations. Estimates of bacterial generation times [(In 2)/mu] along a 3-km-long transect in oxygen-depleted (0.1 to 0.7 mg of dissolved oxygen liter-1) groundwater ranged from 16 h at 0.26 km downgradient from an on-land, treated-sewage outfall to 139 h at 1.6 km and correlated with bacterial abundance (r2 = 0.88 at P less than 0.001). Partitioning of assimilated thymidine into nucleic acid generally decreased with distance from the contaminant source, and one population in heavily contaminated groundwater assimilated little thymidine during a 20-h incubation. Several assumptions commonly made when frequency of dividing cells and tritiated-thymidine uptake are used were not applicable to the groundwater samples.  相似文献   
A variety of folate analogues were synthesized to explore the specificity of the folate binding site of hog liver folylpolyglutamate synthetase and the requirements for catalysis. Modifications of the internal and terminal glutamate moieties of folate cause large drops in on rates and/or affinity for the protein. The only exceptions are glutamine, homocysteate, and ornithine analogues, indicating a less stringent specificity around the delta-carbon of glutamate. It is proposed that initial folate binding to the enzyme involves low-affinity interactions at a pterin and a glutamate site and that the first glutamate bound is the internal residue adjacent to the benzoyl group. Processive movement of the polyglutamate chain through the glutamate site and a possible conformational change in the protein when the terminal residue is bound would result in tight binding and would position the gamma-carboxyl of the terminal glutamate in the correct position for catalysis. Steric limitations imposed on the internal glutamate residues that loop out and additional steric constraints imposed by binding of different pterin moieties would be expected to effect slight conformational changes in the protein and/or the terminal glutamate and would explain the decrease in on rate and catalytic rate with increased polyglutamate chain length, and the differential effect of one-carbon substitution on the catalytic rate with polyglutamate derivatives. The 4-amino substitution of folate increases the on rate for monoglutamate derivatives but severely impairs catalysis with diglutamate derivatives. Pteroylornithine derivatives are the first potent and specific inhibitors of folylpolyglutamate synthetase to be identified and may act as analogues of reaction intermediates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A complete human metaphase chromosome has been reconstructed from a series of electron microscopical projections obtained by tilting the specimen stage at 3 degree intervals from –60 to +60 degrees. The reconstructed structure is about 3.0 m long, 1.6 m wide, and 0.8 m thick. The mass distribution was fairly homogeneous within the chromatids and neither a hollow nor a dense core was observed. The distribution and course of fibers observed are most consistent with a looping model of chromosome structure.  相似文献   
Synthetic peptide SH624 (SHHPARTAHYGSLPQK), residues 59–74 of human myelin basic protein (MBP) was found to be encephalitogenic in the rabbit. Four antisera raised, against the peptide were employed in a liquid-phase equilibrium competitive radioimmunoassay with a series of synthetic peptide analogs of the region to probe the structural requirements of the B-cell determinant subsumed within SH624. The cross-reactivities of the four antisera with intact MBP were also examined. Immunochemical analyses of the four antisera suggested specificities directed against a conformational determinant dependent upon residues from the more phylogenetically conserved carboxyl C-terminal region, residues 65–74 (TAHYGSLPQK) of the synthetic immunogen. Peptide analogs shorter than SH624 from the C-terminal end showed no cross-reactivity with any of the reagent antisera while analogs shorter from the N-terminal end and including the encephalitogenic sequence TTHYGSLPQK, as well as, HYGSLPQK were reactive under equilibrium competitive conditions. SH624-reactive antibodies, cross-reactive with purified heterologous MBPs from 10 different species were also identified in all four reagent antisera. The results of these experiments support previous investigations demonstrating the accessibility of the encephalitogenic 65–74 region in intact MBP. They also underscore the importance of B-cell recognition of organ specific antigenic determinants with respect to MBP immunology and, in particular, the recognition of autoreactive determinants in the neighborhood of encephalitogenic centers.  相似文献   
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