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Various human Burkitt lymphoma and LCL lines established in vitro and their derived somatic cell hybrids were tested for their comparative EBV receptor levels in a virus binding assay. Their graded C3b and C3d complement receptor expression was estimated simultaneously by means of isotope labeled rosette marker cells. The receptor concentration of each cell line was related to Raji as the standard of comparison, K 562, P3HR-1, and YACUT were used as negative controls. In general, the charging curves for EBV and C3d receptors parallelled each other (r = 0.97) while C3b receptor charging showed no correlation (r < 0.60). In the Raji hybrids between the C3b receptor positive Raji parent and various patents that were negative for this receptor, C3b receptor expression was low or negative. In contrast, the C3d negative P3HR-1 line gave rise to hybrids, after fusion with receptor-positive cells, that were intermediate with regard to their C3d receptor expression. The host range restriction of the Epstein-Barr virus is determined at the receptor level. The close relationship between the EBV receptor and the C3d receptor, a B-lymphocyte-specific moiety, suggests that the moderate interaction with EBV with the B lymphocytes may have had a selective advantage, favoring the presence of EBV. Since EBV causes lytic infections after artificial introduction into nonnatural host cells, it may represent a B-lymphocyte-specific host range mutant, derived from an originally lytic herpesvirus with a much broader target cell range.  相似文献   
Stimulation of prostaglandin (PG) release in rat astroglial cultures by various substances, including phorbol esters, melittin, or extracellular ATP, has been reported recently. It is shown here that glucocorticoids (GCs) reduced both basal and stimulated PGD2 release. Hydrocortisone, however, did not inhibit ATP-, calcium ionophore A23187-, or tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate (TPA)-stimulated arachidonic acid release, and only TPA stimulations were affected by dexamethasone. GC-mediated inhibition of PGD2 release thus appeared to exclude regulation at the phospholipase A2 (PLA2) level. Therefore, the effects of GCs on the synthesis of lipocortin I (LC I), a potent, physiological inhibitor of PLA2, were studied in more detail. Dexamethasone was not able to enhance de novo synthesis of LC I in freshly seeded cultures and failed to increase LC I synthesis in 2-3-week-old cultures. It is surprising that LC I was the major LC synthesized in those cultures, and marked amounts accumulated with culture time, reaching plateau levels at approximately day 10. In contrast, LC I was barely detectable in vivo. This tonic inhibition of PLA2 is the most likely explanation for unsuccessful attempts to evoke PG release in astrocyte cultures by various physiological stimuli. GC receptor antagonists (progesterone and RU 38486) given throughout culture time reduced LC I accumulation and simultaneously increased PGD2 release. Nonetheless, a substantial production of LC I persisted in the presence of antagonists. Therefore, LC I induction did not seem to involve GC receptor activation. This was confirmed in serum- and GC-free brain cell aggregate cultures. Here also a marked accumulation of LC I was observed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary Cellular binding of anti-bSTH and anti-oPRL IgG is demonstrated in the brain and the pituitary gland of the African freshwater fish Calamoichthys calabaricus by means of the unlabeled antibody enzyme method at the light microscopic level. In the brain, somatotropin and prolactin are demonstrated in separate neurons in the preoptic area. The somatotropinergic and prolactinergic perikarya are distinct from those of the hypothalamic-hypophysial neurosecretory neurons, i.e., those stainable with aldehyde fuchsin presumed to be vasotocinergic and isotocinergic. The somatotropinergic and prolactinergic neuronal perikarya give rise to separate beaded axons which pass either ventroposteriorly into the infundibulum, terminating in the neurohypophysis, or ventro-laterally through the wall of the preoptic recess, terminating near the superficial capillary bed covering this part of the brain surface. Moreover, coarse dendrite-like processes of both kinds of immuno-reactive neurons extend towards, and end in, the third ventricle. Binding sites in the brain to antisera against hLH, hFSH, hTSH and anti-(1–24) ACTH IgG, all reactive in the pituitary, are not observed in the neurons confined to the preoptic area.Supported by the Danish Natural Sciences Research CouncilThe authors wish to thank Professor Dr K.G. Wingstrand, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, for placing two series of C. calabaricus at their disposal. They would also like to thank the National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Digestive Diseases, Bethesda, USA, for the generous gift of antisera against the subunits of human LH, TSH and FSH, and likewise Dr L. Hummer, Glostrup Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark, for the gift of the anti-(1-24)ACTH IgG  相似文献   
The filamentous cyanobacterium Oscillatoria chalybea grows phototrophically on a mineral medium in the presence of either nitrate or ammonium ions as nitrogen source at similar growth rates. In the absence of any combined nitrogen source in the medium the cyanobacterium also grows, although at a reduced growth rate. The steady state rate of oxygen evolution by filaments from these three culture conditions is approximately constant if compared on an equal chlorophyll basis. Qualitative differences, however, emerge, if transient phenomena, e.g. the oxygen gush, are investigated. Only nitrate-and nitrogen-free-grown cultures show an oxygen gush, whereas ammonium sulfate-grown cultures do not show this phenomenon. Fluorescence induction in O. chalybea shows a fast monophasic rise, comparable to the fluorescence rise curves of higher plant chloroplasts in the presence of dithionite. The steady state level of fluorescence in ammonium sulfate-grown cells is up to seven times higher than in nitrate-grown cells when compared on an equal chlorophyll basis. In ammonium sulfate-grown cells, DCMU (N,N-3,4-Dichlorophenyl dimethylurea) causes a further increase in fluorescence level. In nitrate-grown cyanobacteria, however, the effect of DCMU consists of a decrease of the steady state level of fluorescence. In context with earlier research on Anabaena cylindrica, another filamentous cyanobacterium, it appears that the type of the nitrogen source used for growth determines the main location of the DCMU-block in this organism. It thus appears that in O. chalybea the site of DCMU inhibition lies on the oxygen-evolving side of photosystem II, if the organism is grown on nitrate. If grown on ammonium sulfate, no substantial difference of the location of the inhibition site when compared to algae or higher plant chloroplasts is found.Thylakoid preparations of O. chalybea perform the usual Hill reactions with ferricyanide, p-benzoquinone or silicomolybdate as electron acceptors. In each case it is seen that with thylakoids of nitrate-grown cells the steady-state level of fluorescence is lowered by DCMU in the presence of these acceptors, which should be the case, if DCMU inhibits electron transfer on the donor side of photosystem II. According to the literature silicomolybdate accepts electrons mainly before the DCMU-block in higher plant chloroplasts. Hence, in higher plants this reaction is mainly DCMU-insensitive. In thylakoids of O. chalybea, however, the Hill reaction with silicomolybdate is DCMU-sensitive which provides further evidence that the DCMU-block is on the oxygen-evolving side of photosystem II in O. chalybea provided the cells have been grown on nitrate.Abbreviations DCMU N-N-3,4-Dichlorophenyl dimethylurea  相似文献   
Unbalanced growth induced by depletion of manganese ions was a prerequisite for production of ribonucleotides in a high salt mineral medium with the wildtype strain Brevibacterium ammoniagenes ATCC 6872. The concentration of manganese strictly controlled the overall deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis, whereas ribonucleic acid (RNA), protein and cell wall synthesis remained essentially unimpaired in the manganese-lacking cells.The reversibility of inhibition of overall DNA synthesis was shown by enhanced incorporation (up to threefold compared to the cultures supplied with sufficient manganese) of [8-14C] adenine into alkali-stable, trichloroacetic acid-insoluble material after subsequent addition of 10 M MnCl2 to 15 h-old depleted cultures.The results of inhibitor studies on the restoration of overall DNA synthesis due to subsequent addition of manganese ions to depleted cultures suggest that ribonucleotide reduction is the primary target of the manganese starvation during nucleotide fermentation with Brevibacterium ammoniagenes ATCC 6872.  相似文献   
From a screening on agar plates with bis(benzoyloxyethyl) terephthalate (3PET), a Bacillus subtilis p‐nitrobenzylesterase (BsEstB) was isolated and demonstrated to hydrolyze polyethyleneterephthalate (PET). PET‐hydrolase active strains produced clearing zones and led to the release of the 3PET hydrolysis products terephthalic acid (TA), benzoic acid (BA), 2‐hydroxyethyl benzoate (HEB), and mono‐(2‐hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (MHET) in 3PET supplemented liquid cultures. The 3PET‐hydrolase was isolated from non‐denaturating polyacrylamide gels using fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and identified as BsEstB by LC‐MS/MS analysis. BsEstB was expressed in Escherichia coli with C‐terminally fused StrepTag II for purification. The tagged enzyme had a molecular mass of 55.2 kDa and a specific activity of 77 U/mg on p‐nitrophenyl acetate and 108 U/mg on p‐nitrophenyl butyrate. BsEstB was most active at 40°C and pH 7.0 and stable for several days at pH 7.0 and 37°C while the half‐life times decreased to 3 days at 40°C and only 6 h at 45°C. From 3PET, BsEstB released TA, MHET, and BA, but neither bis(2‐hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET) nor hydroxyethylbenzoate (HEB). The kcat values decreased with increasing complexity of the substrate from 6 and 8 (s?1) for p‐nitrophenyl‐acetate (4NPA) and p‐nitrophenyl‐butyrate (4NPB), respectively, to 0.14 (s?1) for bis(2‐hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET). The enzyme hydrolyzed PET films releasing TA and MHET with a concomitant decrease of the water‐contact angle (WCA) from 68.2° ± 1.7° to 62.6° ± 1.1° due to formation of novel hydroxyl and carboxyl groups. These data correlated with a fluorescence emission intensity increase seen for the enzyme treated sample after derivatization with 2‐(bromomethyl)naphthalene. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2011  相似文献   
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