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We generated numerous simulated gene-frequency surfaces subjected to 200 generations of isolation by distance with, in some cases, added migration or selection. From these surfaces we assembled six data sets comprising from 12 to 15 independent allele-frequency surfaces, to simulate biologically plausible population samples. The purpose of the study was to investigate whether spatial autocorrelation analysis will correctly infer the microevolutionary processes involved in each data set. The correspondence between the simulated processes and the inferences made concerning them is close for five of the six data sets. Errors in inference occurred when the effect of migration was weak, due to low gene frequency differential or low migration strength; when selection was weak and against a background with a complex pattern; and when a random process—isolation by distance—was the only one acting. Spatial correlograms proved more sensitive to detecting trends than inspection of gene-frequency surfaces by the human eye. Joint interpretation of the correlograms and their clusters proved most reliable in leading to the correct inference. The inspection and clustering of surfaces were useful for determining directional components. Because this method relies on common patterns across loci, as many gene frequencies as feasible should be used. We recommend spatial autocorrelation analysis for the detection of microevolutionary processes in natural populations.  相似文献   
Electron microscopy, in conjunction with X-ray microanalysis, was used to investigate the effects of exposure to cadmium on the elemental composition of the macroalgaUlva lactuca. The cell wall was the only region of the cell to show any marked change in chemical composition as a result of exposure to cadmium, with less calcium evident in cadmium-treated thallus compared with untreated thalli. The cell wall ofU. lactuca is a complex structure made up of polysaccharides consisting of many-branched chains composed mostly of rhamnose and galactose subunits. Some of the hydroxyl groups on the subunits are substituted by sulphate groups. Borate is associated with the rhamnose subunits, which contain no sulphate groups, and calcium binds to borate, cross-linking the rhamnose groups. The borate-calcium complex adds rigidity to the cell wall; the replacement of calcium by cadmium will, therefore, influence the rigidity of the thallus. The ecological significance of this work is discussed with respect to the ability of the alga to withstand grazing or emersion.  相似文献   
An exo-(1-->4)-beta-D-galactanase was isolated from ripe tomato fruit (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv Ailsa Craig and cv Better Boy) using anion-exchange, gel filtration, and cation-exchange chromatography. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the most active fraction revealed a predominant protein band at 75 kD and several minor bands. A 30-amino acid N-terminal sequence from this 75-kD protein showed a high degree of homology with other recently identified beta-galactosidase/ galactanase proteins from persimmon and apple fruits (I.-K. Kang, S.-G. Suh, K.C. Gross, J.-K. Byun [1994] Plant Physiol 105: 975-979; G.S. Ross, T. Wegrzyn, E.A. MacRae, R.J. Redgwell [1994] Plant Physiol 106: 521-528) and with the predicted polypeptide sequence encoded by the ethylene-regulated SR12 gene in carnation (K.G. Raghothama, K.A. Lawton, P.B. Goldsbrough, W.R. Woodson [1991] Plant Mol Biol 17: 61-71). The enzyme focused to a single band of beta-galactosidase activity on an isoelectrofocusing gel at pH 9.8. The enzyme was specific for (1-->4)-beta-D-galactan substrates with a pH optimum of 4.5. The only reaction product detected was monomeric galactose, indicating that the enzyme was an exo (1-->4)-beta-D-galactanase. beta-Galactanase activity increased at the onset of ripening in normal fruit, but no similar increase was detected in the nonripening mutants nor and rin. A tomato homolog (pTombetagal1) was isolated using the SR12 cDNA clone from carnation as a probe. This clone showed 73% identify at the amino acid level with beta-galactosidase-related sequences from apple and asparagus and 66% identity with SR12. pTombetagal1 is a member of a gene family. Northern analysis demonstrated that pTombetagal1 expression was ripening related in normal fruits, with lower levels apparent in the nonsoftening mutants.  相似文献   
The cortical cytoplasm of the alga Nitella contains reticulateactin that does not survive perfusion fixation with glutaraldehydeunless prestabilized with the cross-linker 3-maleimidobenzoyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidester (MBS). Cytochalasin D remodels thiscortical actin into short rods which are more stable, survivingaldehyde fixation without MBS pre-treatment. The overall alignmentof these actin rods correlates with that of cortical microtubules(transverse in young cells, random in old cells) but probablydoes not involve one-to-one correspondence. The time course,dose dependence and reversibility of these structural changesbroadly resemble those for streaming inhibition by cytochalasinbut the cortical actin responds to concentrations that do notslow streaming. Because the structural changes concern the corticaland not the subcortical actin, they seem unlikely to directlyinhibit streaming. Formation of cortical rods is not a responseto streaming inhibition per se since it does not occur whentwo other inhibitors of streaming (2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) andNethyl maleimide (NEM)) are used. NEM, however, resembles MBSin stabilizing the reticulate form of cortical actin even thoughit cannot cross link. 1Address from July 1995; Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Osaka University, Machikaneyama 1-1, Tayonaka, Osaka, 560 Japan.  相似文献   
Geoffrey Fryer 《Hydrobiologia》1995,307(1-3):57-68
The distinctness of the Anomopoda and the polyphyletic nature of the so-called Cladocera are emphasized.An attempt is made to reconstruct the ancestral anomopod, which probably lived in Palaeozoic times. This task is facilitated by the availability of detailed information on extant forms, which includes functional as well as purely morphological considerations and enables us to understand the means whereby complex mechanisms were transformed during evolution. Comparative studies on the ecology and habits of extant forms also throw light on the probable way of life of the ancestral anomopod.Adaptive radiation within the Anomopoda is briefly surveyed and an outline of the suggested phylogeny of the order is indicated.Institute of Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Lancaster  相似文献   
The evolutionary relationships of two classes of plant β-glucan endohydrolases have been examined by comparison of their substrate specificities, their three-dimensional conformations and the structural features of their corresponding genes. These comparative studies provide compelling evidence that the (1→3)-β-glucanases and (1→3,1→4)-β-glucanases from higher plants share a common ancestry and, in all likelihood, that the (1→3,1→4)-β-glucanases diverged from the (1→3)-β-glucanases during the appearance of the graminaceous monocotyledons. The evolution of (1→3,1→4)-β-glucanases from (1→3)-β-glucanases does not appear to have invoked ‘modular’ mechanisms of change, such as those caused by exon shuffling or recombination. Instead, the shift in specificity has been acquired through a limited number of point mutations that have resulted in amino acid substitutions along the substrate-binding cleft. This is consistent with current theories that the evolution of new enzymic activity is often achieved through duplication of the gene encoding an existing enzyme which is capable of performing the required chemistry, in this case the hydrolysis of a glycosidic linkage, followed by the mutational alteration and fine-tuning of substrate specificity. The evolution of a new specificity has enabled a dramatic shift in the functional capabilities of the enzymes. (1→3)-β-Glucanases that play a major role, inter alia, in the protection of the plant against pathogenic microorganisms through their ability to hydrolyse the (1→3)-β-glucans of fungal cell walls, appear to have been recruited to generate (1→3,1→4)-β-glucanases, which quite specifically hydrolyse plant cell wall (1→3,1→4)-β-glucans in the graminaecous monocotyledons during normal wall metabolism. Thus, one class of β-glucan endohydrolase can degrade β-glucans in fungal walls, while the other hydrolyses structurally distinct β-glucans of plant cell walls. Detailed information on the three-dimensional structures of the enzymes and the identification of catalytic amino acids now present opportunities to explore the precise molecular and atomic details of substrate-binding, catalytic mechanisms and the sequence of molecular events that resulted in the evolution of the substrate specificities of the two classes of enzyme.  相似文献   
[14C]Malonyl-CoA bound to intact mitochondria isolated from rat liver and heart in a manner consistent with the presence of two independent classes of binding sites in each tissue. The binding characteristics for mitochondria obtained from fed male rats were: for heart, KD(1) = 11-18nM, KD(2) = 30 microM, N1 = 7pmol/mg of protein, N2 = approx. 660pmol/mg of protein; for liver, KD(1) = 0.1 microM, KD(2) = 5.6 microM, N1 = 11pmol/mg of protein, N2 = 165pmol/mg of protein. In the presence of 40 microM-palmitoyl-CoA the characteristics of binding at the high-affinity sites were changed, so that for heart KD(1) = 0.26 microM, with no change in N1 and for liver KD(1) = approx. 2 microM, with N1 increased to approx. 40pmol/mg of protein. Differences between the two tissues in tightness of malonyl-CoA binding at the high-affinity sites explains the considerably greater sensitivity of heart CPT1 (overt form of carnitine palmitoyltransferase) to inhibition by malonyl-CoA [Saggerson & Carpenter, (1981) FEBS Lett. 129, 229-232; McGarry, Mills, Long & Foster (1983) Biochem. J. 214, 21-28]. Starvation (24h) did not change the characteristics of [14C]malonyl-CoA binding to liver mitochondria and did not alter the I50 (concentration giving 50% inhibition) for displacement of [14C]malonyl-CoA by palmitoyl-CoA. Therefore the decreased sensitivity of liver CPT1 to inhibition by malonyl-CoA in starvation [Saggerson & Carpenter (1981) FEBS Lett. 129, 225-228; Bremer (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 665, 628-631] is not explained by differences in malonyl-CoA binding. Percentage occupancy of the high-affinity sites in heart mitochondria by malonyl-CoA correlated closely with percentage inhibition of CPT1 measured under similar conditions. This finding supports the proposal that the high-affinity binding sites are the functional sites mediating inhibition of CPT1 by malonyl-CoA. Similar experiments with liver mitochondria also suggested that the occupancy of high-affinity sites by malonyl-CoA regulates CPT1 activity. 5,5'-Dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid), which decreased the sensitivity of heart or liver CPT1 to inhibition by malonyl-CoA [Saggerson & Carpenter (1982) FEBS Lett. 137, 124-128], also decreased [14C]malonyl-CoA binding to the high-affinity sites of heart mitochondria. N1 values for [14C]malonyl-CoA binding to high-affinity sites in liver mitochondria were determined in various physiological states which encompassed a 7-fold range of CPT1 maximal activity (fed, starved, pregnant, hypothyroid, foetal). The N1 value did not change in these states.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (isoniazid) causes a large increase in the salt-solubility of collagen when injected into chick embryos; this change is accompanied by the inactivation of lysyl oxidase (EC, the enzyme responsible for initiating cross-link formation in collagen and elastin. In addition, isoniazid markedly decreases the liver content of pyridoxal phosphate. The depletion of pyridoxal phosphate takes approx. 6 h, whereas the inhibition of lysyl oxidase and the increase in collagen solubility occur more slowly. A reversal of these effects of isoniazid can be produced by the subsequent injection of a stoichiometric amount of pyridoxal, supporting the role of pyridoxal as a cofactor for lysyl oxidase. Treatment of chick embryos with beta-aminopropionitrile, an irreversible inhibitor of lysyl oxidase, causes an inhibition of the enzyme, which begins to recover within 24 h but which is not affected by the administration of pyridoxal; with isoniazid inhibition, however, lysyl oxidase activity does not show any sign of recovery by 48 h. It is proposed that isoniazid may cause the inhibition of lysyl oxidase by competing for its obligatory cofactor, pyridoxal phosphate. The potential clinical implications in the therapeutic control of fibrosis are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Propylene glycol (PG), glycerol (G), or a combination of both were introduced into and eluted from 116 rabbit kidneys. The function of the kidneys was then studied on an ex vivo shunt by determining bloodflow and creatinine clearance. The cryoprotective agents (CPAs) were introduced and eluted at the rate of about 30 mM/min in an albumin-Ringer's lactate perfusate. In this system, 1.75 to 2.25 M cryoprotectant could be introduced and removed with no demonstrable loss of function. Significant injury was incurred at and above 2.5 M concentrations. When a combination of PG and G (equal proportions) was utilized, both 2.5 and 2.75 M total concentrations were tolerated by the kidney, with no loss of function. These studies demonstrate that in this very rigorous test system, cryoprotectant-induced injury can be significantly diminished by combining two agents of low toxicity. This suggests that osmotic injury may be enhanced by specific toxicities of cryoprotective agents, which can be minimized by using combinations, such as was done in these studies. Also, it has been shown that PG is at least as low in toxicity in the rabbit kidney as is G.  相似文献   
Abstract The adherence of purified elementary bodies of Chlamydia trachomatis strain UW-31 to monolayer cultures of HeLa 229 cells exhibited kinetic evidence of positive cooperativity. An abrupt increase in the rate of adherence occurred as chlamydial dose was increased. Only freshly isolated chlamydiae showed this behavior. In the presence of the lectin wheat germ agglutinin, the stimulated adherence showed typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The results suggest that chlamydiae may promote their own binding to the host-cell surface, and the lectin, when cell-bound, may provide additional chlamydiae-binding sites.  相似文献   
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