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Soil fungal communities involved in the biodegradation of polyester polyurethane (PU) were investigated. PU coupons were buried in two sandy loam soils with different levels of organic carbon: one was acidic (pH 5.5), and the other was more neutral (pH 6.7). After 5 months of burial, the fungal communities on the surface of the PU were compared with the native soil communities using culture-based and molecular techniques. Putative PU-degrading fungi were common in both soils, as <45% of the fungal colonies cleared the colloidal PU dispersion Impranil on solid medium. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis showed that fungal communities on the PU were less diverse than in the soil, and only a few species in the PU communities were detectable in the soil, indicating that only a small subset of the soil fungal communities colonized the PU. Soil type influenced the composition of the PU fungal communities. Geomyces pannorum and a Phoma sp. were the dominant species recovered by culturing from the PU buried in the acidic and neutral soils, respectively. Both fungi degraded Impranil and represented >80% of cultivable colonies from each plastic. However, PU was highly susceptible to degradation in both soils, losing up to 95% of its tensile strength. Therefore, different fungi are associated with PU degradation in different soils but the physical process is independent of soil type.  相似文献   
1. Dispersal is a fundamental ecological process, so spatial models require realistic dispersal kernels. We compare five different forms for the dispersal kernel of the tansy beetle Chrysolina graminis moving between patches of its host-plant (tansy Tanacetum vulgare) in a riparian landscape. 2. Multi-patch mark-recapture data were collected every 2 weeks over 2 years within a large network of patches and from 2226 beetles. Dispersal was common (28.4% of 880 recaptures after a fortnight) and was more likely over longer intervals, out of small patches, for females and during flooding. Interpatch movement rates did not differ between years and exhibited no density dependence. Dispersal distances were similar for males and females, in both years and over all intervals, with a median dispersal distance of just 9.8 m, although a maximum of 856 m was recorded. 3. A model of dispersal, where patches competed for dispersers based on their size and distance from the beetle's source patch (scaled by the dispersal kernel) was fitted to the field data with a maximum likelihood procedure and each of five alternative kernels. The best fitting had relatively extended tails of long-distance dispersal, while Gaussian and negative exponential kernels performed worst. 4. The model suggests that females disperse more commonly than males and that both are strongly attracted to large patches but do not differ between years, which are consistent with the empirical results. Model-predicted emigration and immigration rates and dispersal phenologies match those observed, suggesting that the model captured the major drivers of tansy beetle dispersal. 5. Although negative exponential and Gaussian kernels are widely used for their simplicity, we suggest that these should not be the models of automatic choice, and that fat-tailed kernels with relatively higher proportions of long-distance dispersal may be more realistic.  相似文献   
Successful immunotherapy of solid tumors has proven difficult to achieve. The aim of the current study was to further investigate the effects of peripheral CD80-mediated co-stimulation on the efficacy of polyclonal anti-tumor effector CTL in an adoptive transfer model. Splenocytes obtained from wild-type mice immunized with CD80-transduced EL4 tumor cells were expanded in vitro in the presence of either IL-12 or IL-15 and irradiated CD80-transduced EL4 tumor cells. Polyclonal CD8 T cells were the major subset in the effector population. Primed effector cells were adoptively transferred into immuno-deficient Rag-1-deficient mice which were then challenged with syngeneic vector-control or CD80-transduced EL4 tumor cells. Expression of CD80 enhanced the elimination of EL4 tumors and mouse survival. Both IL-12 and IL-15 cultured cells had enhanced cytotoxicity. Importantly, anti-tumor memory was maintained without tumor evasion following re-challenge with either CD80-transduced and vector-control EL4 cells. We also show, using antibody-mediated depletion, that endogenous NK cells present in Rag-1-deficent mice exert anti-EL4 tumor activity that is enhanced by CD80 expression. Collectively these data show that peripheral co-stimulation by tumor expression of CD80 results in enhanced anti-tumor efficacy of NK and polyclonal effector T cells, and suggest that TCR repertoire diversity helps protect against tumor escape and provides memory with resultant robust immunity to subsequent tumor challenge irrespective of CD80 status.  相似文献   
The AU-rich element (ARE) RNA-binding protein KSRP (K-homology splicing regulator protein) contains four KH domains and promotes the degradation of specific mRNAs that encode proteins with functions in cellular proliferation and inflammatory response. The fourth KH domain (KH4) is essential for mRNA recognition and decay but requires the third KH domain (KH3) for its function. We show that KH3 and KH4 behave as independent binding modules and can interact with different regions of the AU-rich RNA targets of KSRP. This provides KSRP with the structural flexibility needed to recognize a set of different targets in the context of their 3'UTR structural settings. Surprisingly, we find that KH4 binds to its target AREs with lower affinity than KH3 and that KSRP's mRNA binding, and mRNA degradation activities are closely associated with a conserved structural element of KH4.  相似文献   
Sequence variation in the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) oncogene structure may affect antigen-presenting cell (APC) function of infected B cells and immune escape by EBV-specific T cells and thus contribute to the development of malignancy. Normal B cell-associated LMP1 (B-LMP1) upregulates B cell APC function through activation of the necrosis factor (NF)-kappaB subunit, RelB. We examined the ability of B-LMP1 and a nasopharyngeal carcinoma-associated LMP1 (NPC-LMP1) to modulate B cell APC function and T-cell responses. B lymphoma cells transfected with NPC-LMP1 stimulated resting T cells in mixed lymphocyte reaction less efficiently than B-LMP1 transfectants. Unexpectedly, antigen presentation to CD4(+) T helper cells was reduced owing to potentiation of regulatory T-cell function by NPC-LMP1 transfectants, which produce increased levels of interleukin-10, rendering CD4(+) T cells hyporesponsive. Thus, after primary EBV infection, T cells may escape activation by NPC-LMP1. These observations have important implications for the establishment of EBV-associated malignancy in the context of infection with tumour-associated EBV LMP1 variants.  相似文献   
The CHORI-212 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was constructed by cloning EcoRI/EcoRI partially digested DNA into the pTARBAC2.1 vector. The library has an average insert size of 161 kb, and provides 10.6-fold coverage of the channel catfish haploid genome. Screening of 32 genes using overgo or cDNA probes indicated that this library had a good representation of the genome as all tested genes existed in the library. We previously reported sequencing of approximately 25,000 BAC ends that generated 20,366 high-quality BAC end sequences (BES) and identified a large number of sequences similar to known genes using BLASTX searches. In this work, particular attention was given to identification of BAC mate pairs with known genes from both ends. When identified, comparative genome analysis was conducted to determine syntenic regions of the catfish genome with the genomes of zebrafish and Tetraodon. Of the 141 mate pairs with known genes from channel catfish, conserved syntenies were identified in 34 (24.1%), with 30 conserved in the zebrafish genome and 14 conserved in the Tetraodon genome. Additional analysis of three of the 34 conserved syntenic groups by direct sequencing indicated conserved gene contents in all three species. This indicates that comparative genome analysis may provide shortcuts to genome analysis in catfish, especially for short genomic regions once the conserved syntenies are identified. Shaolin Wang and Peng Xu contributed equally to the article.  相似文献   
The malaria parasite undergoes a remarkable series of morphological transformations, which underpin its life in both human and mosquito hosts. The advent of molecular transfection technology coupled with the ability to introduce fluorescent reporter proteins that faithfully track and expose the activities of parasite proteins has revolutionized our view of parasite cell biology. The greatest insights have been realized in the erythrocyte stages of Plasmodium falciparum. P. falciparum invades and remodels the human erythrocyte: it feeds on haemoglobin, grows and divides, and subverts the physiology of its hapless host. Fluorescent proteins have been employed to track and dissect each of these processes and have revealed details and exposed new paradigms.  相似文献   
Human moral judgement may have evolved to maximize the individual''s welfare given parochial culturally constructed moral systems. If so, then moral condemnation should be more severe when transgressions are recent and local, and should be sensitive to the pronouncements of authority figures (who are often arbiters of moral norms), as the fitness pay-offs of moral disapproval will primarily derive from the ramifications of condemning actions that occur within the immediate social arena. Correspondingly, moral transgressions should be viewed as less objectionable if they occur in other places or times, or if local authorities deem them acceptable. These predictions contrast markedly with those derived from prevailing non-evolutionary perspectives on moral judgement. Both classes of theories predict purportedly species-typical patterns, yet to our knowledge, no study to date has investigated moral judgement across a diverse set of societies, including a range of small-scale communities that differ substantially from large highly urbanized nations. We tested these predictions in five small-scale societies and two large-scale societies, finding substantial evidence of moral parochialism and contextual contingency in adults'' moral judgements. Results reveal an overarching pattern in which moral condemnation reflects a concern with immediate local considerations, a pattern consistent with a variety of evolutionary accounts of moral judgement.  相似文献   
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