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Chytridiomycosis in Wild Frogs from Pico Bonito National Park, Honduras   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Almost half of the endemic species of Honduran amphibians have declining populations; some of which seem to be extinct since they have not been seen in several years in places where they were once common. Disappearances in pristine and protected habitats have occurred in several highland localities throughout the country. The highland amphibian fauna of Pico Bonito National Park declined sometime between 1989 and 1995. An amphibian chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has been linked to similar declines in other neotropical regions. We checked 19 specimens for this disease, which were collected in the park in 2003. The only Rana maculata examined was found to be infected, as were three of the six Eleutherodactylus aurilegulus surveyed for the disease. Two of the infected E. aurilegulus were collected at 120 m elevation and showed strong infections. One of these was lethargic and did not react when it was collected in the field, although it was still alive. A complete necropsy could help determine if the B. dendrobatidis infection was responsible for these symptoms, and further research might show how susceptible E. aurilegulus is to this pathogen at low altitudes. More research should be focused on the distribution of this pathogen in Honduras, and on how this disease has affected the local amphibian fauna.  相似文献   
A hydrocyclone with a volume of 2.56 cm3 was studied as a potential cell retention device for mammalian cell cultures (6 L volume). For the feasible operation range (0.9 to 1.6 L/min flow corresponding to pressure drops of 0.4 to 1.3 bar) the hydrocyclone was characterized with regard to flow split (underflow‐to‐overflow ratio) and flow ratio (underflow to supply). Cultures of BHK and HeLa cells (with low cell concentrations) were applied to measure separation efficiency and cell viability for a hydrocyclone operation period of 3 min corresponding to a cell suspension throughput of 2.7 to 4.8 L. Cell separation efficiencies ranged from 0.77 to 0.97 and cell viability was not affected except for BHK cells in the overflow at the highest pressure drop (1.3 bar). As the overflow is commonly used for product harvest and cells are discarded, the application of the hydrocyclone has no detrimental effect on the reactor perfusion system. The results indicate that only cells passing from the primary vortex downwards into the inner secondary vortex and from there upwards could be damaged. Evidence for this hypothesis is obtained from operating the hydrocyclone with closed overflow (only centrifugal forces acting) for a period of 3 h. In these studies no significant effect on cell viability could be detected for HeLa and CHO cells. Hence, the results indicate that the hydrocyclone can be appropriately used for cell retention and separation in perfusion cultures. Application at higher pressures is recommended whereby separation efficiencies of 0.97 without any loss in viability can be achieved.  相似文献   
There is now increasing acceptance that divergence of phenotypic traits, and the genetic structuring that underlie such divergence, can occur in sympatry. Here we report the serendipitous discovery of a sympatric polymorphism in the upper Forth catchment, Scotland, in a species for which high levels of phenotypic variation have been reported previously, the Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus. Attempting to determine the proximate mechanisms through which this pattern of phenotypic variation is maintained, we examine the use of the available feeding resource and the genotypic and phenotypic structure of charr in this system. We show clear differences in head morphology between charr from three very closely connected lakes with no barrier to movement (Lochs Doine, Voil and Lubnaig) and also differences in muscle stable isotope signatures and in stomach contents. There were significant differences at 6 microsatelite loci (between Lubnaig and the other two lochs) and very low estimates of effective migration between populations. We conclude that, despite living in effective sympatry, strong genetic and phenotypic sub-structuring is likely maintained by very high levels of site fidelity, especially during spawning, resulting in functional allopatric divergence of phenotype.  相似文献   
This paper explores social arrangements associated with seed transactions among small-scale maize farmers in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico, where no formal seed supply system exists. We test the hypothesis that individual farmers have strong incentives to participate in some form of collective action to ensure their access to seed. Six communities were studied, three of them in detail, using in-depth, semistructured interviews with key informants; focus group discussions; and a tracer study that followed seed flows among farmers. Farmers mostly saved seed and only occasionally acquired seed from outside sources. We found no evidence of a specialized social organization based on collective action to mediate seed flows. Seed transactions are infrequent, bilateral, and ad hoc, although trust is an important component, as it ensures reliable information about the seed is provided. Implications of these findings are discussed, especially for genetic diversity if the current supply system breaks down.  相似文献   
Developing Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae form a stalked fruiting body in which individual cells differentiate into either stalk cells or spores. The major known inducer of stalk cell differentiation is the chlorinated polyketide DIF-1 (1-(3,5-dichloro-2,6-dihydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)hexan-1-one); however a mutant blocked in the terminal step of DIF-1 biosynthesis still produces one of the prestalk cell subtypes – the pstA cells – as well as some mature stalk cells. We therefore searched for additional stalk cell-inducing factors in the medium supporting development of this mutant. These factors were purified by solvent extraction and HPLC and identified by mass spectroscopy and NMR. The mutant lacked detectable DIF-2 and DIF-3 (the pentanone and deschloro homologues of DIF-1) but four major stalk cell-inducing activities were detected, of which three were identified. Two compounds were predicted intermediates in DIF-1 biosynthesis: the desmethyl, and desmethyl-monochloro analogues of DIF-1 (dM-DIF-1 and Cl-THPH, respectively), supporting the previously proposed pathway of DIF-1 biosynthesis. The third compound was a novel factor and was identified as 4-methyl-5-pentylbenzene-1,3-diol (MPBD) with the structure confirmed by chemical synthesis. To investigate the potential roles of these compounds as signal molecules, their effects on morphological stalk and spore differentiation were examined in cell culture. All three induced morphological stalk cell differentiation. We found that synthetic MPBD also stimulated spore cell differentiation. Now that these factors are known to be produced and released during development, their biological roles can be pursued further.  相似文献   
The island rule and a research agenda for studying ecogeographical patterns   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
We are currently experiencing a resurgence of interest in ecogeographical rules, which describe general trends in morphology and related traits along geographical gradients. In order to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the generality and underlying causal mechanisms for these patterns, we recommend a new, more integrated research agenda. In particular, we recommend studies that simultaneously consider different clines in morphology, geographical ranges and diversity as intricately related phenomena; all being ecological, evolutionary and biogeographical responses of organisms to selection regimes that vary non-randomly over space and time, and among species with different ecological and evolutionary histories.  相似文献   
Little is known about the cognitive and subjective experiences of fish that are confined with conspecifics of varying body sizes. Plasma cortisol and several behavioural variables were recorded when a ȁ8mediumȁ9 sized fish had its familiar social group (comprised of medium, like-sized individuals) replaced with a group of fish that were either medium sized, smaller or larger than itself. Interestingly, the medium sized test fish showed very few behavioural responses indicative of stress when exposed to a new social cohort. Fish did not use a particular part of their tank, or water column, nor did they show any significant change in locomotory behaviour. There was no difference in aggressive ȁ8chasingȁ9 behaviour in any of the treatments, however, medium sized fish were frequently chased by their tank-mates when exposed to the ȁ8largeȁ9 fish treatment, and were almost never chased by fish smaller than themselves. Similarly, plasma cortisol concentrations did not differ between fish that were exposed to different size treatment groups, although there was a high increase above baseline levels; this suggests that encounters with unfamiliar fish were stressful, regardless of size.  相似文献   
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