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Molecular approaches for studying biological rhythms in insects have been well investigated in the model Drosophila melanogaster, in which a number of genes have been characterized in terms of sequence, expression, protein interactions and involvement in the control of locomotor activity and eclosion rhythms. However, only scattered information is available for insect vectors of diseases. In this paper, we report the cloning and expression analysis of the clock gene timeless in the mosquito Aedes aegypti, vector of Dengue and Yellow Fever viruses. In Drosophila, timeless has a crucial role in the control of the central pacemaker and the resetting mechanism that allows the clock to synchronize with the environment light-dark cycles. Comparison of the predicted protein sequence encoded by timeless in Ae. aegypti and D. melanogaster demonstrated high similarity in some important domains, suggesting functional conservation. Analysis of the daily expression of timeless in Ae. aegypti shows a peak in mRNA abundance around the light-dark transition.  相似文献   
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has emerged as a serious obesity-related disorder. NAFLD encompasses a wide spectrum of hepatic derangements ranging from a surfeit of fat in the liver (steatosis) to lipid surplus accompanied by fibrosis and cellular death (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH). The most widely accepted model to explain the progression from simple NAFLD to NASH is the "two-hit hypothesis," wherein fat over accumulation per se is not sufficient to induce the progression to statohepatitis, but renders the liver more susceptible to "second hits" that, once imposed upon the steatotic liver, cause further aberrations that culminate in the development of NASH. However, in light of recent data from our laboratory and elsewhere, we propose that an increased ratio of saturated-to-unsaturated fatty acids delivered to or stored within the liver may, in part, mediate the progression from simple steatosis to NASH. The molecular mechanisms that mediate the effect of saturated fatty acids are unclear, although proinflammatory cytokines, reactive oxygen species, and endoplasmic reticulum stress may all play a role. Collectively, these data suggest that saturated fatty acids may represent an intrinsic second hit to the liver that hastens the development of NASH.  相似文献   
Lung morpho-functional alterations and inflammatory response to various types of mechanical ventilation (MV) have been assessed in normal, anesthetized, open-chest rats. Measurements were taken during protective MV [tidal volume (Vt) = 8 ml/kg; positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) = 2.6 cmH(2)O] before and after a 2- to 2.5-h period of ventilation on PEEP (control group), zero EEP without (ZEEP group) or with administration of dioctylsodiumsulfosuccinate (ZEEP-DOSS group), on negative EEP (NEEP group), or with large Vt (26 ml/kg) on PEEP (Hi-Vt group). No change in lung mechanics occurred in the Control group. Relative to the initial period of MV on PEEP, airway resistance increased by 33 +/- 4, 49 +/- 9, 573 +/- 84, and 13 +/- 4%, and quasi-static elastance by 19 +/- 3, 35 +/- 7, 248 +/- 12, and 20 +/- 3% in the ZEEP, NEEP, ZEEP-DOSS, and Hi-Vt groups. Relative to Control, all groups ventilated from low lung volumes exhibited histologic signs of bronchiolar injury, more marked in the NEEP and ZEEP-DOSS groups. Parenchymal and vascular injury occurred in the ZEEP-DOSS and Hi-Vt groups. Pro-inflammatory cytokine concentration in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was similar in the Control and ZEEP group, but increased in all other groups, and higher in the ZEEP-DOSS and Hi-Vt groups. Interrupter resistance was correlated with indexes of bronchiolar damage, and cytokine levels with vascular-alveolar damage, as indexed by lung wet-to-dry ratio. Hence, protective MV from resting lung volume causes mechanical alterations and small airway injury, but no cytokine release, which seems mainly related to stress-related damage of endothelial-alveolar cells. Enhanced small airway epithelial damage with induced surfactant dysfunction or MV on NEEP can, however, contribute to cytokine production.  相似文献   
Propagule pressure is considered the main determinant of success of biological invasions: when a large number of individuals are introduced into an area, the species is more likely to establish and become invasive. Nevertheless, precise data on propagule pressure exist only for a small sample of invasive species, usually voluntarily introduced. We studied the invasion of the American bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, into Europe, a species that is considered a major cause of decline for native amphibians. For this major invader with scarce historical data, we used population genetics data (a partial sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene) to infer the invasion history and to estimate the number of founders of non-native populations. Based on differences between populations, at least six independent introductions from the native range occurred in Europe, followed by secondary translocations. Genetic diversity was strongly reduced in non-native populations, indicating a very strong bottleneck during colonization. We used simulations to estimate the precise number of founders and found that most non-native populations derive from less than six females. This capability of invasion from a very small number of propagules challenges usual management strategies; species with such ability should be identified at an early stage of introduction.  相似文献   
Until recently, concerns regarding viral infections and hematologic malignancies were primarily focused on the transplantation of an allogeneic graft. In the last years, the use of immunomodulatory agents such as monoclonal antibodies (e.g. anti CD20, anti CD52) directed against lymphocyte antigens in the treatment of hematopoietic malignancies (e.g. lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia) has added a great potential to impact on the incidence, severity and timing of viral infections. Patients may acquire viral infections through several mechanisms including transfusion, community exposure or via the donor origin in the case of stem cell transplant. Endogenous reactivation of latent viruses is also commonly observed. Viral replication may lead directly to viral diseases or induce indirect effects such as increased incidence of opportunistic infections and decreased patient survival. Traditionally, herpesviruses have been and are still today the most important viruses in patients with hematologic malignancies. Nowadays, several emerging viral infections have been highlighted as being of concern in this patients' population.  相似文献   
Of the seven recognized species of the Anopheles gambiae complex, A. gambiae s.s. is the most widespread and most important vector of malaria. It is becoming clear that, in parts of West Africa, this nominal species is not a single panmictic unit. We found that the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the X-linked rDNA has two distinct sequences with three fixed nucleotide differences; we detected no heterozygotes at these three sites, even in areas of sympatry of the two ITS types. The intergenic spacer (IGS) of this region also displays two distinct sequences that are in almost complete linkage disequilibrium with the distinct ITS alleles. We have designated these two types as S/type I and M/type II. These rDNA types correspond at least partly to the previously recognized chromosomal forms. Here we expand the geographic range of sampling to 251 individuals from 38 populations. Outside of West Africa, a single rDNA type, S/type I, corresponds to the Savanna chromosomal form. In West Africa, both types are often found in a single local sample. To understand if these findings might be due to unusual behavior of the rDNA region, we sequenced the same region for 46 A. arabiensis, a sympatric sibling species. No such distinct discontinuity was observed for this species. Autosomal inversions in one chromosome arm (2R), an insecticide resistance gene on 2L, and this single X-linked region indicate at least two genetically differentiated subpopulations of A. gambiae. Yet, rather extensive studies of other regions of the genome have failed to reveal genetic discontinuity. Evidently, incomplete genetic isolation exists within this single nominal species.  相似文献   
We performed a linkage analysis on 25 extended multiplex Portuguese families segregating for bipolar disorder, by use of a high-density single-nucleotide-polymorphism (SNP) genotyping assay, the GeneChip Human Mapping 10K Array (HMA10K). Of these families, 12 were used for a direct comparison of the HMA10K with the traditional 10-cM microsatellite marker set and the more dense 4-cM marker set. This comparative analysis indicated the presence of significant linkage peaks in the SNP assay in chromosomal regions characterized by poor coverage and low information content on the microsatellite assays. The HMA10K provided consistently high information and enhanced coverage throughout these regions. Across the entire genome, the HMA10K had an average information content of 0.842 with 0.21-Mb intermarker spacing. In the 12-family set, the HMA10K-based analysis detected two chromosomal regions with genomewide significant linkage on chromosomes 6q22 and 11p11; both regions had failed to meet this strict threshold with the microsatellite assays. The full 25-family collection further strengthened the findings on chromosome 6q22, achieving genomewide significance with a maximum nonparametric linkage (NPL) score of 4.20 and a maximum LOD score of 3.56 at position 125.8 Mb. In addition to this highly significant finding, several other regions of suggestive linkage have also been identified in the 25-family data set, including two regions on chromosome 2 (57 Mb, NPL = 2.98; 145 Mb, NPL = 3.09), as well as regions on chromosomes 4 (91 Mb, NPL = 2.97), 16 (20 Mb, NPL = 2.89), and 20 (60 Mb, NPL = 2.99). We conclude that at least some of the linkage peaks we have identified may have been largely undetected in previous whole-genome scans for bipolar disorder because of insufficient coverage or information content, particularly on chromosomes 6q22 and 11p11.  相似文献   
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