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? Here, we studied the poplar C(19) gibberellin 2-oxidase (GA2ox) gene subfamily. We show that a set of paralogous gene pairs differentially regulate shoot and root development. ? PtGA2ox4 and its paralogous gene PtGA2ox5 are primarily expressed in aerial organs, and overexpression of PtGA2ox5 produced a strong dwarfing phenotype characteristic of GA deficiency. Suppression of PtGA2ox4 and PtGA2ox5 led to increased biomass growth, but had no effect on root development. By contrast, the PtGA2ox2 and PtGA2ox7 paralogous pair was predominantly expressed in roots, and when these two genes were RNAi-suppressed it led to a decrease of root biomass. ? The morphological changes in the transgenic plants were underpinned by tissue-specific increases in bioactive GAs that corresponded to the predominant native expression of the targeted paralogous gene pair. Although RNAi suppression of both paralogous pairs led to changes in wood development, they were much greater in the transgenics with suppressed PtGA2ox4 and PtGA2ox5. The degree of gene suppression in independent events was strongly associated with phenotypes, demonstrating dose-dependent control of growth by GA2ox RNA concentrations. ? The expression and transgenic modifications reported here show that shoot- and leaf-expressed PtGA2ox4 and PtGA2ox5 specifically restrain aerial shoot growth, while root-expressed PtGA2ox2 and PtGA2ox7 promote root development.  相似文献   


Melatonin receptor 1B (MTNR1B) belongs to the seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled receptor superfamily involved in insulin secretion, which has attracted considerable attention as a candidate gene for type 2 diabetes (T2D) since it was first identified as a loci associated with fasting plasma glucose level through genome wide association approach. The relationship between MTNR1B and T2D has been reported in various ethnic groups. The aim of this study was to consolidate and summarize published data on the potential of MTNR1B polymorphisms in T2D risk prediction.


PubMed, EMBASE, ISI web of science and the CNKI databases were systematically searched to identify relevant studies. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were calculated. Heterogeneity and publication bias were also tested.


A total of 23 studies involving 172,963 subjects for two common polymorphisms (rs10830963, rs1387153) on MTNR1B were included. An overall random effects per-allele OR of 1.05 (95% CI: 1.02–1.08; P<10−4) and 1.04 (95% CI: 0.98–1.10; P = 0.20) were found for the two variants respectively. Similar results were also observed using dominant or recessive genetic model. There was strong evidence of heterogeneity, which largely disappeared after stratification by ethnicity. Significant results were found in Caucasians when stratified by ethnicity; while no significant associations were observed in East Asians and South Asians. Besides, we found that the rs10830963 polymorphism is a risk factor associated with increased impaired glucose regulation susceptibility.


This meta-analysis demonstrated that the rs10830963 polymorphism is a risk factor for developing impaired glucose regulation and T2D.  相似文献   
Four little bustards (Tetrax tetrax) (one adult and three juvenile males), captured with leg nooses and fitted with a backpack radiotag, died after capture. The first bird was found after 16 days with its left foot caught in the harness and died after 1 day. The other birds showed symptoms of capture myopathy after release, such as the difficulty or inability to fly and/or walk. They died after 5, 6, and 8 days, respectively. At necropsy, muscles affected in all cases were those from the legs, and these were diffusely pale and dull, with a soft friable texture. Microscopically these muscles had multiple foci of myofiber fragmentation, loss of striation, and necrosis; a mononuclear cell infiltrate was observed in muscle from two birds. These findings suggest the little bustard is susceptible to capture myopathy and that caution should be exercised during its capture and handling.  相似文献   
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - Plasma-derived extracellular vesicles (EV) can serve as markers of cell damage/disease but can also have therapeutic utility depending on the nature of their...  相似文献   
肠球菌是宿主肠道中正常G~ 球菌,目前已成为医源性感染的重要致病菌。临床上有30%肠球菌感染患者感染源不明,拟肠道来源可能性最大。本文给小鼠肌注灭滴灵3日,造成动物肠系膜淋巴结(MLN)肠球菌的感染率为40%;肌注灭滴灵加口服链霉素,MLN的感染率上升为90%,肝脾内脏中的感染率为83%;联合使用上述抗生素合并25%体表面积烧伤,动物发生致死性肠球菌性肠源性感染,动物诸内脏中肠球菌感染的检出率均高达100%。本研究证明肠球菌感染可以是肠源性的。  相似文献   
Cell mechanical behavior has traditionally been studied using 2-D planar elastic substrates. The goal of this study was to directly assess cell-matrix mechanical interactions inside more physiologic 3-D collagen matrices. Rabbit corneal fibroblasts transfected to express GFP-zyxin were plated at low density inside 100 micro m-thick type I collagen matrices. 3-D datasets of isolated cells were acquired at 1-3-min intervals for up to 5 h using fluorescent and Nomarski DIC imaging. Unlike cells on 2-D substrates, cells inside the collagen matrices had a bipolar morphology with thin pseudopodial processes, and without lamellipodia. The organization of the collagen fibrils surrounding each cell was clearly visualized using DIC. Using time-lapse color overlays of GFP and DIC images, displacement and/or realignment of collagen fibrils by focal adhesions could be directly visualized. During pseudopodial extension, new focal adhesions often formed in a line along collagen fibrils in front of the cell, while existing adhesions moved backward. This process generated tractional forces as indicated by the pulling in of collagen fibrils in front of the cell. Meanwhile, adhesions on both the dorsal and ventral surface of the cell body generally moved forward, resulting in contractile shortening along the pseudopodia and localized extracellular matrix (ECM) compression. Cytochalasin D induced rapid disassembly of focal adhesions, cell elongation, and ECM relaxation. This experimental model allows direct, dynamic assessment of cell-matrix interactions inside a 3-D fibrillar ECM. The data suggest that adhesions organize along actin-based contractile elements that are much less complex than the network of actin filaments that mechanically links lamellar adhesions on 2-D substrates.  相似文献   
A bacterial screening was carried out in the rhizosphere of two Digitalis species, D. thapsi and D. parviflora, both at the vegetative stage and at flowering. A total of 480 isolates were characterised at genus level, Bacillus being the dominant genera in all cases. Fifty percent of the Bacillus strains isolated from each species were analysed by PCR-RAPDs. At 85% similarity, 12 groups separated for D. thapsi and 18 for D. parviflora. One strain of each group was selected for biological assay on D. lanata, evaluating growth promotion and cardenolide content in leaves after inoculation performed in the root system. The plant parameters evaluated were leaf surface area, shoot and root dry weight and leaf number. Lanatoside C content was evaluated by HPLC. Only 17 strains caused significant increases in at least one of the parameters evaluated. The most striking result was that some strains promoted growth and increased cardenolide content at the same time. This effect was detected on leaves while inoculation was carried out on roots. Interestingly, these two parameters are not enhanced simultaneously under regular conditions in pot or in tissue cultures.  相似文献   
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