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The tobamovirus resistance gene L 3 of Capsicum chinense was mapped using an intra-specific F2 population (2,016 individuals) of Capsicum annuum cultivars, into one of which had been introduced the C. chinense L 3 gene, and an inter-specific F2 population (3,391 individuals) between C. chinense and Capsicum frutescence. Analysis of a BAC library with an AFLP marker closely linked to L 3-resistance revealed the presence of homologs of the tomato disease resistance gene I2. Partial or full-length coding sequences were cloned by degenerate PCR from 35 different pepper I2 homologs and 17 genetic markers were generated in the inter-specific combination. The L 3 gene was mapped between I2 homolog marker IH1-04 and BAC-end marker 189D23M, and located within a region encompassing two different BAC contigs consisting of four and one clones, respectively. DNA fiber FISH analysis revealed that these two contigs are separated from each other by about 30 kb. DNA fiber FISH results and Southern blotting of the BAC clones suggested that the L 3 locus-containing region is rich in highly repetitive sequences. Southern blot analysis indicated that the two BAC contigs contain more than ten copies of the I2 homologs. In contrast to the inter-specific F2 population, no recombinant progeny were identified to have a crossover point within two BAC contigs consisting of seven and two clones in the intra-specific F2 population. Moreover, distribution of the crossover points differed between the two populations, suggesting linkage disequilibrium in the region containing the L locus. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. R. Tomita and J. Murai contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
Intraspecific nuclear DNA variation in Drosophila   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
We have summarized and analyzed all available nuclear DNA sequence polymorphism studies for three species of Drosophila, D. melanogaster (24 loci), D. simulans (12 loci), and D. pseudoobscura (5 loci). Our major findings are: (1) The average nucleotide heterozygosity ranges from about 0.4% to 2% depending upon species and function of the region, i.e., coding or noncoding. (2) Compared to D. simulans and D. pseudoobscura (which are about equally variable), D. melanogaster displays a low degree of DNA polymorphism. (3) Noncoding introns and 3' and 5' flanking DNA shows less polymorphism than silent sites within coding DNA. (4) X-linked genes are less variable than autosomal genes. (5) Transition (Ts) and transversion (Tv) polymorphisms are about equally frequent in non-coding DNA and at fourfold degenerate sites in coding DNA while Ts polymorphisms outnumber Tv polymorphisms by about 2:1 in total coding DNA. The increased Ts polymorphism in coding regions is likely due to the structure of the genetic code: silent changes are more often Ts's than are replacement substitutions. (6) The proportion of replacement polymorphisms is significantly higher in D. melanogaster than in D. simulans. (7) The level of variation in coding DNA and the adjacent noncoding DNA is significantly correlated indicating regional effects, most notably recombination. (8) Surprisingly, the level of polymorphism at silent coding sites in D. melanogaster is positively correlated with degree of codon usage bias. (9) Three proposed tests of the neutral theory of DNA polymorphisms have been performed on the data: Tajima's test, the HKA test, and the McDonald-Kreitman test. About half of the loci fail to conform to the expectations of neutral theory by one of the tests. We conclude that many variables are affecting levels of DNA polymorphism in Drosophila, from properties of nucleotides to population history and, perhaps, mating structure. No simple, all encompassing explanation satisfactorily accounts for the data.   相似文献   
The sand rat, a member of the gerbil family, is a valuable small animal model in which intervertebral disc degeneration occurs spontaneously as the animal ages. Radiographic features of cervical and lumbar degeneration resemble those in human spines. We conducted a retrospective analysis of spines of 140 animals 3?41 months old focusing specifically on the presence of annular tears that are not visible by radiography and have not been described previously in the sand rat disc. During degeneration of the nucleus pulposus, notochordal cell death occurs and granular material, which stains with Alcian blue for proteoglycans, accumulates. Lamellar architecture also deteriorates and annular tears occur that are morphologically similar to the concentric, radiating and transdiscal annular tears in human discs. These tears contain granular material that provides a “marker” that can be used to distinguish the annular tears from artefactual separations during sectioning. We observed lamellar degeneration and separation in the annulus fibrosus at 4 months with associated tears that contained granular material in the nucleus. Tears that contained granular material and displacement of the degenerating nucleus were common in cervical and lumbar discs of animals older than 9 months; some specimens showed tears at 4 and 5 months. With advanced degeneration, granular globules were displaced dorsally adjacent to and into the spinal cord area and also ventrally into regions where osteophytes formed. We present morphologic data that expand the utility of this rodent model of spontaneous age-related disc degeneration and provide novel information on annular tears and disc degeneration.  相似文献   


Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of plague and a potential agent of bioterrorism and biowarfare. The plague biothreat and the emergence of multidrug-resistant plague underscore the need to increase our understanding of the intrinsic potential of Y. pestis for developing antimicrobial resistance and to anticipate the mechanisms of resistance that may emerge in Y. pestis. Identification of Y. pestis genes that, when overexpressed, are capable of reducing antibiotic susceptibility is a useful strategy to expose genes that this pathogen may rely upon to evolve antibiotic resistance via a vertical modality. In this study, we explored the use of a multicopy suppressor, Escherichia coli host-based screening approach as a means to expose antibiotic resistance determinant candidates in Y. pestis.  相似文献   


Arthropods are infected by a wide diversity of maternally transmitted microbes. Some of these manipulate host reproduction to facilitate population invasion and persistence. Such parasites transmit vertically on an ecological timescale, but rare horizontal transmission events have permitted colonisation of new species. Here we report the first systematic investigation into the influence of the phylogenetic distance between arthropod species on the potential for reproductive parasite interspecific transfer.  相似文献   
The rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) of the cell has an architectural editing function that checks whether protein structure and three-dimensional assembly have occurred properly prior to export of newly synthesized material out of the cell. If these have been faulty, the material is retained within the rER as an inclusion body. Inclusion bodies have been identified previously in chondrocytes and osteoblasts in chondrodysplasias and osteogenesis imperfecta. Inclusion bodies in intervertebral disc cells, however, have only recently been recognized. Our objectives were to use transmission electron microscopy to analyze more fully inclusion bodies in the annulus pulposus and to study the extracellular matrix (ECM) surrounding cells containing inclusion bodies. ECM frequently encapsulated cells with inclusion bodies, and commonly contained prominent banded aggregates of Type VI collagen. Inclusion body material had several morphologies, including relatively smooth, homogeneous material, or a rougher, less homogeneous feature. Such findings expand our knowledge of the fine structure of the human disc cell and ECM during disc degeneration, and indicate the potential utility of ultrastructural identification of discs with intracellular inclusion bodies as a screening method for molecular studies directed toward identification of defective gene products in degenerating discs.  相似文献   
曲酸生产菌的复合诱变选育*   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以黄曲霉(Aspergillus flavus.)为出发菌株,经3次紫外线、1次^60Co、3次亚硝基胍多重复合诱变处理,选育获得曲酸生产菌UCN7—17,配以最佳培养条件,发酵7d,曲酸产量由原来的0.926%,提高到6.3%。实验证明采用多因子复合诱变,能有效改变菌株对诱变因素敏感性,提高变异率,逐步提高突变株的产酸水平。  相似文献   
A practical and easy-to-use analysis technique that can study the patient's hip joint contact force/pressure distribution would be useful to assess the effect of abnormal biomechanical conditions and anatomical deformities on joint contact stress for treatment planning purpose. This technique can also help to establish the normative database on hip joint contact pressure distribution in men and women in different age groups. Twelve anatomic parameters and seven biomechanical parameters of the hip joint in a normal population (41 females, 15 males) were calculated. The inter-parameter correlations were investigated. The pressure distribution in the hip joint was calculated using a three-dimensional discrete element analysis (DEA) technique. The 3D contact geometry of the hip joint was estimated from a 2D radiograph by assuming that the femoral head and the acetabular surface were spherical in shape. The head-trochanter ratio (HT), femoral head radius, pelvic height, the joint contact area, the normalized peak contact pressure, abductor force, and the joint contact force were significantly different between men and women. The normalized peak contact pressure was correlated both with acetabular coverage and head-trochanter ratio. Change of abductor force direction within normal variation did not affect the joint peak contact pressure. However, in simulated dysplastic conditions when the CE angle is small or negative, abductor muscle direction becomes very sensitive in joint contact pressure estimation. The models and the results presented can be used as the reference base in computer simulation for preoperative planning in pelvic or femoral osteotomy.  相似文献   
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