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1. At a local scale, the species composition, diversity and spatial variation of wetland plant communities are determined primarily by spatial and temporal heterogeneity in their environments. Less is known about variation at a landscape‐level. The floodplain of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River in China includes hydrologically connected, subtropical wetlands with different hydrological characteristics. 2. We examined seed‐bank species composition and richness in marshes of two contrasting hydrological types: permanent marshes, fed by local runoff, and lakeshore marshes more closely connected to the regulated river. Lakeshore marshes are flooded annually to depth of approximately 1 m and during flooding they support an alternate, aquatic vegetation type. The soil seed bank in March was a comparative estimator of species diversity. At the beginning of the growing season it included seeds from both phases of alternating vegetation types associated with the annual hydrological cycle. 3. A regional pool of 101 species was detected in the seed banks of six wetlands associated with the river and its tributaries: 56 occurred in permanent marshes and 59 in lakeshore marshes, with only 15 common to both. Species rarefaction curves indicated that more species occurred in permanent than lakeshore marshes at equal numbers of individuals sampled. However, the more heterogeneous lakeshore seed banks were estimated (Chao 2) to have greater total species richness (81) than permanent marsh (60). 4. Analysis using Sørensen's coefficient of similarity and DCA ordination revealed complex variation, with much greater differences between hydrological types than within them, irrespective of geographical distance. The types also differed significantly in the composition of four functional groups of species. 5. Despite the potential for dispersal of propagules via the annually pulsing river system (hydrochory), at a regional and landscape scale, diversity is maintained largely by large‐scale temporal hydrological heterogeneity and smaller scale spatial and topographic heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) degrade components of the extracellular matrix of the disc, but the presence of MMP-19 has not been explored. In other tissues, MMP-19 is known to act in proteolysis of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding protein-3, thereby exposing this protein to make it available to influence cell behavior. MMP-19 also has been shown to inhibit capillary-like formation and thus play a role in the avascular nature of the disc. Using immunohistochemistry, normal discs from six subjects aged newborn through 10 years and 20 disc specimens from control donors or surgical patients aged 15-76 (mean age 40.2 years) were examined for immunolocalization of MMP-19; six Thompson grade I discs, five Thompson grade II, eight Thompson grade III, five Thompson grade IV, and one Thompson grade V discs were analyzed. The results indicate that in discs from young subjects, MMP-19 was uniformly localized in the outer annulus. In discs from adult donors and surgical patients, outer and inner annulus cells only occasionally showed MMP-19 localization. The greatest expression of MMP-19 was observed in young discs, and little expression was seen in older or degenerating discs. Because MMP-19 has been shown to regulate IGF-mediated proliferation in other tissues, its decline in the aging/degenerating disc may contribute to the age-related decrease in disc cell numbers.  相似文献   
We have recently shown that the protective mechanism of ischemic preconditioning (PC) is impaired in the myocardium that survived infarction and underwent postinfarct ventricular remodeling. In this study, we examined the hypothesis that failure of PC to activate PKC- underlies the refractoriness of the remodeling heart to PC. Circumflex coronary arteries were ligated in rabbits to induce infarction and subsequent ventricular remodeling, and only sham operations were performed in controls. Hearts were isolated before (i.e. 4 days later) or after (i.e. 2 weeks later) remodeling of the left ventricle and used for isolated buffer-perfused heart experiments. Myocardial infarction was induced in isolated hearts by 30 min global ischemia/2 h reperfusion, and its size was measured by tetrazolium staining. Using separate groups of hearts, tissue biopsies were taken before and after PC, and PKC translocation was assessed by Western blotting. Areas infarcted in vivo by coronary ligation (CL) were excluded from subsequent infarct size/PKC analyses. In the hearts 4 days after CL, PC with 2 cycles of 5 min ischemia/5 min reperfusion induced PKC- translocation from cytosol to particulate fractions and limited infarct size to 40% of control value. In the hearts remodeled 2 weeks after CL, PC failed to induce PKC- translocation and infarct size limitation. In this group, PKC activity and hemodynamic responses to adenosine were similar to those in sham-operated controls. When remodeling after CL was prevented by valsartan infusion (10 mg/kg/day), an angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor blocker, PC could induce both infarct limitation and PKC- translocation. The present results suggest that persistent activation of AT1 receptors during remodeling disturbed the PC signaling between G proteins and PKC-, which underlies the refractoriness of the remodeled myocardium to PC.  相似文献   
5种沉水植物无性繁殖和定居能力的比较研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
 竹叶眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)、微齿眼子菜(Potamogeton maackianus)、苦草(Vallisneria spiralis)、穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)、黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)是长江中下游湖泊主要的沉水植物。在栽培条件下,它们的无性繁殖速率(单位时间内新增个体数)大小顺序为黑藻>微齿眼子菜>竹叶眼子菜>苦草>穗花狐尾藻。同时采用抛掷实验的方法观察研究了这5种沉水植物及其无性繁殖体的存活和生根情况;完整植株存活率为黑藻>穗花狐尾藻>微齿眼子菜>竹叶眼子菜>苦草,无性繁殖体部分存活率为黑藻>苦草>穗花狐尾藻>微齿眼子菜>竹叶眼子菜。生根能力和其存活时间长短相关,而且生根能力与存活率大小基本一致。在实验中,只有穗花狐尾藻的断枝存活率和生根能力存在差异,故无性繁殖体生根能力为黑藻>苦草>微齿眼子菜>竹叶眼子菜>穗花狐尾藻。  相似文献   
We investigated whether the multifunctional intercellular proteoglycan, serglycin, is expressed in human intervertebral disc cells and assessed its localization. We also investigated expression levels of serglycin in human annulus fibrosus (annulus) cells exposed to IL-1ß and TNF-α, which are two proinflammatory cytokines that are expressed during disc degeneration. Immunolocalization of serglycin was common in many cells of the human annulus, but less common in the nucleus pulposus (nucleus). Both intracellular and cell membrane localization were observed. Annulus cells from Thompson grades III, IV and V degenerated discs exhibited a 4.69 fold up-regulation in serglycin expression vs. cells from healthier grades I and II discs. In monolayer annulus cell culture, cells from more degenerated discs exhibited a 9.4 fold up-regulation of serglycin expression compared to cells from healthier discs. Exposure of cultured cells to IL-1ß or TNF-α caused significant up-regulation of serglycin expression. We found that serglycin expression increased with increasing disc degeneration both in vivo and in vitro, and also increased with exposure in vitro to IL-1ß and TNF-α.  相似文献   
Drosophila melanogaster belongs to a closely related group of eight species collectively known as the melanogaster subgroup; all are native to sub-Saharan Africa and islands off the east coast of Africa. The phylogenetic relationships of most species in this subgroup have been well documented; however, the three most closely related species, D. simulans, D. sechellia, and D. mauritiana, have remained problematic from a phylogenetic standpoint as no data set has unambiguously resolved them. We present new DNA sequence data on the nullo and Serendipity-alpha genes and combine them with all available nuclear DNA sequence data; the total data encompass 12 genes and the ITS of rDNA. A methodological problem arose because nine of the genes had information on intraspecific polymorphisms in at least one species. We explored the effect of inclusion/exclusion of polymorphic sites and found that it had very little effect on phylogenetic inferences, due largely to the fact that 82% of polymorphisms are autapomorphies (unique to one species). We have also reanalyzed our previous DNA-DNA hybridization data with a bootstrap procedure. The combined sequence data set and the DNA-DNA hybridization data strongly support the sister status of the two island species, D. sechellia and D. mauritiana. This at least partially resolves what had been a paradox of parallel evolution in these two species.   相似文献   
F1-ATPase is a rotary motor protein driven by ATP hydrolysis. Among molecular motors, F1 exhibits unique high reversibility in chemo-mechanical coupling, synthesizing ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate upon forcible rotor reversal. The ε subunit enhances ATP synthesis coupling efficiency to > 70% upon rotation reversal. However, the detailed mechanism has remained elusive. In this study, we performed stall-and-release experiments to elucidate how the ε subunit modulates ATP association/dissociation and hydrolysis/synthesis process kinetics and thermodynamics, key reaction steps for efficient ATP synthesis. The ε subunit significantly accelerated the rates of ATP dissociation and synthesis by two- to fivefold, whereas those of ATP binding and hydrolysis were not enhanced. Numerical analysis based on the determined kinetic parameters quantitatively reproduced previous findings of two- to fivefold coupling efficiency improvement by the ε subunit at the condition exhibiting the maximum ATP synthesis activity, a physiological role of F1-ATPase. Furthermore, fundamentally similar results were obtained upon ε subunit C-terminal domain truncation, suggesting that the N-terminal domain is responsible for the rate enhancement.  相似文献   


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. Infections of the respiratory tract are a hallmark in CF. The host immune responses in CF are not adequate to eradicate pathogens, such as P. aeruginosa. Dendritic cells (DC) are crucial in initiation and regulation of immune responses. Changes in DC function could contribute to abnormal immune responses on multiple levels. The role of DC in CF lung disease remains unknown.


This study investigated the expression of CFTR gene in bone marrow-derived DC. We compared the differentiation and maturation profile of DC from CF and wild type (WT) mice. We analyzed the gene expression levels in DC from naive CF and WT mice or following P. aeruginosa infection.


CFTR is expressed in DC with lower level compared to lung tissue. DC from CF mice showed a delayed in the early phase of differentiation. Gene expression analysis in DC generated from naive CF and WT mice revealed decreased expression of Caveolin-1 (Cav1), a membrane lipid raft protein, in the CF DC compared to WT DC. Consistently, protein and activity levels of the sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP), a negative regulator of Cav1 expression, were increased in CF DC. Following exposure to P. aeruginosa, expression of 3β-hydroxysterol-Δ7 reductase (Dhcr7) and stearoyl-CoA desaturase 2 (Scd2), two enzymes involved in the lipid metabolism that are also regulated by SREBP, was less decreased in the CF DC compared to WT DC.


These results suggest that CFTR dysfunction in DC affects factors involved in membrane structure and lipid-metabolism, which may contribute to the abnormal inflammatory and immune response characteristic of CF.  相似文献   
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