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Summary It was found that intracellular glycogen is stabilized against acid treatment when it is stored under dry conditions for three months after methanol fixation. This stabilization allowed quantitative double fluorescence staining, for nuclear DNA and intracellular glycogen, in a single cell. A Feulgen nucleal reaction with acriflavine-Schiff's reagent following 5 N HCl hydrolysis at 25°C for 4 min, was followed by a pararosanilin-Schiff PAS reaction for glycogen. This short term hydrolysis was found to be sufficient for the performance of a acriflavine-Schiff's Feulgen nucleal reaction and to provide good preservation of intracellular glycogen. Quantification of nuclear DNA and intracellular glycogen was consecutively carried out with a digital microfluorometer on a single ascites cancer cell of the AH-13 line stained by this method. It was found that there is a positive linear correlation between the amount of DNA and glycogen in this cell line.This work was partly supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Cancer Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   
Summary The factors affecting fluorescence fading in cytofluorometry were investigated using different kinds of nuclear staining, mounting media, and procedure of specimen preparation. Acceleration of fluorescence fading was observed in smear specimens treated with RNase, trypsin, or hypotonic solution before pararosaniline Feulgen nuclear staining. Similar effect was found for other DNA-stainings such as 33258 Hoechst and Feulgen reactions with different Schiff-type dyes, such as acriflavine-SO2 and cresylviolet-SO2, when chemically pure DNA was used. Fluorescence decay was rapid for all fluorochromes examined, when glycerin or buffer solution was used as mounting medium. Marked stabilization of fluorescence emission was induced in specimen mounted in non-fluorescent resin, Entellan (Merck), after post-staining fixation with absolute methanol for all tested fluorochromes. The same treatment induced almost complete fluorescence stabilization of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC); no detectable fluorescence fading was observed in a specimen stained with indirect immunofluorescence reaction using anti-UV-DNA antibody, during storage for 2 years at room temperature without special protection against light. These observations suggest that factors which bring about conformational stability of macromoleculedye complexes generally induce fluorescence stabilization.  相似文献   
A novel galactosylalkylglycerol modified with a long-chain cyclic acetal at the sugar moiety, 3-O-(4'6'-plasmalogalactosyl) 1-O-alkylglycerol, was isolated from equine brain. The presence of cyclic acetal linkage, its linked position, and the length of the acetal chain of the natural plasmalo lipid were determined by proton NMR spectroscopy and fast-atom bombardment;-mass spectrometry, as well as gas chromatography;-mass spectrometry and gas;-liquid chromatography. To identify the isomeric stereostructure of the natural product, the plasmalo derivative was chemically synthesized from 3-O-galactosyl 2-O-acyl 1-O-alkyl glyceride through acetalization after deacylation. As a result, the direction and position of the acetal chain of the natural plasmalo lipid were characterized as an "endo"-type 4',6'-O-acetal derivative linked to galactoside by comparison with the NMR data of the synthesized product. The chain lengths of alkyl and acetal groups were C(14) for the former and C(16) and C(18) for the latter, and those for the latter group were mostly similar to those of plasmalogalactosyl ceramide, which was previously isolated from equine brain.  相似文献   
A thermophilic spore-forming strain HN-68, only d-xylose grown cells of which have an activity of d-glucose isomerization, was isolated from soil, and identified to be similar to Bacillus coagulans Hammer. The conditions necessary for maximal production of the glucose isomerizing activity by the cells from shaken cultures in d-xylose media were studied. Much higher activities were observed with the cells grown from 14 ~ 16 hours at 40°C on d-xylose medium containing yeast extract, ammonium chloride, manganese sulfate and calcium carbonate. d-Glucose isomerizing activity was also developed inductively by exposing the washed cells grown on d-glucose to d-xylose within one hour. With the use of living cells as an enzyme source, the addition of both cobaltous ion and toluene in reaction system remarkably enhanced the reaction rate of d-glucose isomerization.  相似文献   
A functional role of Co2+ and Mn2+ in the d-glucose- and d-xylose-isomerizing reactions by d-glucose-isomerizing enzyme obtained from the cells of Bacillus coagulans, strain HN–68 was investigated. (1) The enzyme required Co2+ and Mn2+ for d-glucose- and d-xylose-isomerizing activities, respectively. (2) The enzyme which bound the metal, Co2+- or Mn2+-enzyme, was active form. Co2+ was bound to the enzyme in a molar ratio of 4:1. (3) The rate of activation by metal ion varied with incubation pH. (4) The binding of substrate to the enzyme was completely independent in the presence of metal ions. (5) However, it seemed unlikely that the Co2+ and Mn2+ acted as catalyzer on the reaction. (6) The binding sites for Co2+ and Mn2+ were different from each other. (7) The experimental data obtained might be successfully explained in terms of the suitable conformational changes for d-glucose and d-xylose isomerization, which were induced in the catalytic sites of the enzyme by binding Co2+ and Mn2+, respectively.  相似文献   
Because survival and growth of human hepatoma cells are maintained by nutrient, especially glucose, glucose starvation induces acute cell death. The cell death is markedly suppressed by hypoxia, and we have reported involvement of AMP-activated protein kinase-alpha (AMPK-alpha), Akt, and ARK5 in hypoxia-induced tolerance. In the current study we investigated the mechanism of hypoxia-induced tolerance in human hepatoma cell line HepG2. ARK5 expression was induced in HepG2 cells when they were subjected to glucose starvation, and we found that glucose starvation transiently induced Akt and AMPK-alpha phosphorylation and that hypoxia prolonged phosphorylation of both protein kinases. We also found that hypoxia-induced tolerance was partially abrogated by blocking the Akt/ARK5 system or by suppressing AMPK-alpha expression and that suppression of both completely abolished the tolerance, suggesting that AMPK-alpha activation signaling and the Akt/ARK5 system play independent essential roles in hypoxia-induced tolerance. By using chemical compounds that specifically inhibit kinase activity of type I-transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) receptor, we showed an involvement of TGF-beta in hypoxia-induced tolerance. TGF-beta1 mRNA expression was induced by hypoxia in an hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha-independent manner, and addition of recombinant TGF-beta suppressed cell death during glucose starvation even under normoxic condition. AMPK-alpha, Akt, and ARK5 were activated by TGF-beta1, and Akt and AMPK-alpha phosphorylation, which was prolonged by hypoxia, was suppressed by an inhibitor of type I TGF-beta receptor. Based on these findings, we propose that hypoxia-induced tumor cell tolerance to glucose starvation is caused by hypoxia-induced TGF-beta1 through AMPK-alpha activation and the Akt/ARK5 system.  相似文献   
3-Amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-1) is known as a dietary carcinogen and it requires metabolic activation by cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A subfamily to have carcinogenicity. On the other hand, our previous report demonstrated that Trp-P-1 induces apoptosis in primary cultured rat hepatocytes, but the metabolically activated Trp-P-1 added extracelluarly to hepatocytes did not induce apoptosis. In this study, we focused on the intracellular status of CYPs and investigated apoptotic events induced by Trp-P-1 using hepatocytes isolated from rats treated with three chemical inducers for CYPs. In cultured hepatocytes from rats treated with 3-methylchoranthrene, which mainly induces CYP 1A, Trp-P-1-induced apoptosis was suppressed. In the same cultures, intact Trp-P-1 was decreased and its metabolites were increased. Phenobarbital and pyridine did not affect Trp-P-1-induced apoptosis. These results suggested that evoking CYP 1A activity might interfere with apoptosis induced by Trp-P-1 in rat hepatocytes under the ex vivo system.  相似文献   
Serine/threonine protein kinase AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a key metabolic stress-responsive factor that promotes the adaptation of cells to their microenvironment. Elevated concentrations of intracellular AMP, caused by metabolic stress, are known to activate AMPK by phosphorylation of the catalytic subunit. Recently, the tumor suppressor serine/threonine protein kinase LKB1 was identified as an upstream kinases, AMPKKs. In the current study, we found that stimulation with growth factors also caused AMPK-alpha subunit phosphorylation. Interestingly, even an LKB1-nonexpressing cancer cell line, HeLa, exhibited growth factor-stimulated AMPK-alpha subunit phosphorylation, suggesting the presence of an LKB1-independent pathway for AMPK-alpha subunit phosphorylation. In the human pancreatic cancer cell line PANC-1, AMPK-alpha subunit phosphorylation promoted by IGF-1 was suppressed by antisense ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) expression. We found that IGF-1 also induced AMPK-alpha subunit phosphorylation in the human normal fibroblast TIG103 cell line, but failed to do so in a human fibroblast AT2-KY cell line lacking ATM. Immunoprecipitates of ATM collected from IGF-1-stimulated cells also caused the phosphorylation of the AMPK-alpha subunit in vitro. IGF-1-stimulated ATM phosphorylation at both threonine and tyrosine residues, and our results demonstrated that the phosphorylation of tyrosine in the ATM molecule is important for AMPK-alpha subunit phosphorylation during IGF-1 signaling. These results suggest that IGF-1 induces AMPK-alpha subunit phosphorylation via an ATM-dependent and LKB1-independent pathway.  相似文献   
The contiguous 874.423 base pair sequence corresponding to the50.0–68.8 min region on the genetic map of the Escherichiacoli K-12 (W3110) was constructed by the determination of DNAsequences in the 50.0–57.9 min region (360 kb) and twolarge (100 kb in all) and five short gaps in the 57.9–68.8min region whose sequences had been registered in the DNA databases.We analyzed its sequence features and found that this regioncontained at least 894 potential open reading frames (ORFs),of which 346 (38.7%) were previously reported, 158 (17.7%) werehomologous to other known genes, 232 (26.0%) were identicalor similar to hypothetical genes registered in databases, andthe remaining 158 (17.7%) showed no significant similarity toany other genes. A homology search of the ORFs also identifiedseveral new gene clusters. Those include two clusters of fimbrialgenes, a gene cluster of three genes encoding homologues ofthe human long chain fatty acid degradation enzyme complex inthe mitochondrial membrane, a cluster of at least nine genesinvolved in the utilization of ethanolamine, a cluster of thesecondary set of 11 hyc genes participating in the formate hydrogenlyasereaction and a cluster of five genes coding for the homologuesof degradation enzymes for aromatic hydrocarbons in Pseudomonasputida. We also noted a variety of novel genes, including twoORFs, which were homologous to the putative genes encoding xanthinedehydrogenase in the fly and a protein responsible for axonalguidance and outgrowth of the rat, mouse and nematode. An isoleucinetRNA gene, designated ileY , was also newly identified at 60.0min.  相似文献   
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