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The edema-forming activity of eight Costa Rican crotaline snake venoms and its neutralization by a polyvalent antivenom were studied using the mouse footpad test. All of the venoms induced edema, the highest activity being present in the venoms of Bothrops lateralis and Bothrops picadoi. When experiments were performed with preincubation of venom and antivenom, neutralization of edema was poor. Moreover, it was observed that, with some venoms, edema increased when large doses of antivenom were used. This effect was also observed when some venoms were incubated with coral snake antivenom, suggesting that venoms may release some pharmacologically active component(s) from antivenom, since the latter contains traces of alpha-2 and beta globulins. Based on these findings, an alternative approach to the study of the neutralization of edema was used; in this new method, antivenom was injected i.v. before venom administration, thereby avoiding preincubation. With this technique, a much better neutralization of edema was observed, although with some venoms it was still poor. Venoms contain low molecular weight factors which induce edema, suggesting that lack of immunogenicity of some components may cause a poor neutralization. However, such components are responsible for only a minor portion of the edema induced by crude venoms. It is suggested that experiments in which venom and antivenom are preincubated preincubated in testing the neutralization of edema should be avoided, and that a more adequate approach may be an independent inoculation of venom and antivenom.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Escherichia coli has two L-cysteine biosynthetic pathways; one is synthesized from O-acetyl L-serine (OAS) and sulfate by L-cysteine synthase (CysK), and another is produced via S-sulfocysteine (SSC) from OAS and thiosulfate by SSC synthase (CysM). SSC is converted into L-cysteine and sulfite by an uncharacterized reaction. As thioredoxins (Trx1 and Trx2) and glutaredoxins (Grx1, Grx2, Grx3, Grx4, and NrdH) are known as reductases of peptidyl disulfides, overexpression of such reductases might be a good way for improving L-cysteine production to accelerate the reduction of SSC in E. coli. RESULTS: Because the redox enzymes can reduce the disulfide that forms on proteins, wefirst tested whether these enzymes catalyze the reduction of SSC to L-cysteine. All His-tagged recombinant enzymes, except for Grx4, efficiently convert SSC into L-cysteine in vitro. Overexpression of Grx1 and NrdH enhanced a 15-40% increase in the E. coli L-cysteine production. On the other hand, disruption of the cysM gene cancelled the effect caused by the overexpression of Grx1 and NrdH, suggesting that its improvement was due to the efficient reduction of SSC under the fermentative conditions. Moreover, L-cysteine production in knockout mutants of the sulfite reductase genes (cysI and cysJ) and the L-cysteine synthase gene (cysK) each decreased to about 50% of that in the wild-type strain. Interestingly, there was no significant difference in L-cysteine production between wild-type strain and gene deletion mutant of the upstream pathway of sulfite (cysC or cysH). These results indicate that sulfite generated from the SSC reduction is available as the sulfur source to produce additional L-cysteine molecule. It was finally found that in the E. coli L-cysteine producer that co-overexpress glutaredoxin (NrdH), sulfite reductase (CysI), and L-cysteine synthase (CysK), there was the highest amount of L-cysteine produced per cell . CONCLUSIONS: In this work, we showed that Grx1 and NrdH reduce SSC to L-cysteine, and the generated sulfite is then utilized as the sulfur source to produce additional L-cysteine molecule through the sulfate pathway in E. coli. We also found that co-overexpression of NrdH, CysI, and CysK increases L-cysteine production. Our results propose that the enhancement of thioredoxin/glutaredoxin-mediated L-cysteine synthesis from SSC is a novel method for improvement of L-cysteine production.  相似文献   
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is involved in a variety of physiological functions including regulation of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis activity during stressful periods. Urocortins (Ucns) are known to be members of the CRF family peptides. CRF has a high affinity for CRF receptor type 1 (CRF(1) receptor). Both Ucn2 and Ucn3 have very high affinity for CRF receptor type 2 (CRF(2) receptor) with little or no binding affinity for the CRF(1) receptor. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is known to be involved in the regulation of the stress response. Gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) neurons interact directly with GnRH neurons, and the action of GnIH is mediated by a novel G-protein coupled receptor, Gpr147. This study aimed to explore the possible function of CRF family peptides and the regulation of GnRH mRNA in hypothalamic GnRH cells. Both mRNA and protein expression of the CRF(1) receptor and CRF(2) receptor were found in hypothalamic GnRH N39 cells. CRF suppressed GnRH mRNA levels via the CRF(1) receptor, while Ucn2 increased the levels via the CRF(2) receptor. Both CRF and Ucn2 increased Gpr147 mRNA levels. The results indicate that CRF and Ucn2 can modulate GnRH mRNA levels via each specific CRF receptor subtype. Finally, CRF suppressed GnRH protein levels, while Ucn2 increased the levels. Differential regulation of GnRH by CRF family peptides may contribute to the stress response and homeostasis in GnRH cells.  相似文献   
Chromogranin A (CHGA) plays a fundamental role in the biogenesis of catecholamine secretory granules. Changes in storage and release of CHGA in clinical and experimental hypertension prompted us to study whether genetic variation at the CHGA locus might contribute to alterations in autonomic function, and hence hypertension and its target organ consequences such as hypertensive renal disease (nephrosclerosis). Systematic polymorphism discovery across the human CHGA locus revealed both common and unusual variants in both the open reading frame and such regulatory regions as the proximal promoter and 30-UTR. In chromaffin cell-transfected CHGA 30-UTR and promoter/luciferase reporter plasmids, the functional consequences of the regulatory/non-coding allelic variants were documented. Variants in both the proximal promoter and the 30-UTR displayed statistical associations with hypertension. Genetic variation in the proximal CHGA promoter predicted glomerular filtration rate in healthy twins. However, for hypertensive renal damage, both end-stage renal disease and rate of progression of earlier disease were best predicted by variants in the 30-UTR. Finally, mechanistic studies were undertaken initiated by the clue that CHGA promoter variation predicted circulating endothelin-1. In cultured endothelial cells, CHGA triggered co-release of not only the vasoconstrictor and pro-fibrotic endothelin-1, but also the pro-coagulant von Willebrand Factor and the pro-angiogenic angiopoietin-2. These findings, coupled with stimulation of endothelin-1 release from glomerular capillary endothelial cells by CHGA, suggest a plausible mechanism whereby genetic variation at the CHGA locus eventuates in alterations in human renal function. These results document the consequences of genetic variation at the CHGA locus for cardiorenal disease and suggest mechanisms whereby such variation achieves functional effects.  相似文献   
The middle ear apparatus is composed of three endochondrial ossicles (the stapes, incus and malleus) and two membranous bones, the tympanic ring and the gonium, which act as structural components to anchor the ossicles to the skull. Except for the stapes, these skeletal elements are unique to mammals and are derived from the first and second branchial arches. We show that, in combination with goosecoid (Gsc), the Bapx1 gene defines the structural components of the murine middle ear. During embryogenesis, Bapx1 is expressed in a discrete domain within the mandibular component of the first branchial arch and later in the primordia of middle ear-associated bones, the gonium and tympanic ring. Consistent with the expression pattern of Bapx1, mouse embryos deficient for Bapx1 lack a gonium and display hypoplasia of the anterior end of the tympanic ring. At E10.5, expression of Bapx1 partially overlaps that of Gsc and although Gsc is required for development of the entire tympanic ring, the role of Bapx1 is restricted to the specification of the gonium and the anterior tympanic ring. Thus, simple overlapping expression of these two genes appears to account for the patterning of the elements that compose the structural components of the middle ear and suggests that they act in concert. In addition, Bapx1 is expressed both within and surrounding the incus and the malleus. Examination of the malleus shows that the width, but not the length, of this ossicle is decreased in the mutant mice. In non-mammalian jawed vertebrates, the bones homologous to the mammalian middle ear ossicles compose the proximal jaw bones that form the jaw articulation (primary jaw joint). In fish, Bapx1 is responsible for the formation of the joint between the quadrate and articular (homologues of the malleus and incus, respectively) enabling an evolutionary comparison of the role of a regulatory gene in the transition of the proximal jawbones to middle ear ossicles. Contrary to expectations, murine Bapx1 does not affect the articulation of the malleus and incus. We show that this change in role of Bapx1 following the transition to the mammalian ossicle configuration is not due to a change in expression pattern but results from an inability to regulate Gdf5 and Gdf6, two genes predicted to be essential in joint formation.  相似文献   
Size at sexual maturity, reproductive cycle, and fecundity of the guitarfish, Rhinobatos hynnicephalus, were examined in Ariake Bay, Japan. Females reached sexual maturity at a larger size than males [total length (TL) at 50% sexual maturity: males, 431 mm; females, 476 mm]. Monthly gonadosomatic indices of males decreased abruptly from July to August. Histological examinations confirmed the presence of mature spermatozoa in the testes in July, with semen in seminal vesicles in July and August. Preovulatory ova were observed in females with near-term embryos in August. Parturition occurred in August, immediately followed by mating, ovulation, and fertilization. Gestation period is approximately 1 year. Fertilized uterine eggs without embryonic development were present throughout the annual reproductive cycle. Embryonic development began in June and ended in August, indicating that R. hynnicephalus undergoes embryonic diapause (9 months). Fecundity increased with TL and ranged from 1 to 9 (mean, 4.4) embryos per litter.  相似文献   
Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (LCPD) is a common childhood hip disorder characterized by sequential stages of involvement of the capital femoral epiphyses, including subchondral fracture, fragmentation, re-ossification and healing with residual deformity. Most cases are sporadic, but familial cases have been described, with some families having multiple affected members. Genetic factors have been implicated in the etiology of LCPD, but the causal gene has not been identified. We have located a missense mutation (p.G1170S) in the type II collagen gene (COL2A1) in a Japanese family with an autosomal dominant hip disorder manifesting as LCPD and showing considerable intra-familial phenotypic variation. This is the first report of a mutation in hereditary LCPD. COL2A1 mutations may be more common in LCPD patients than currently thought, particularly in familial and/or bilateral cases.  相似文献   
Earlier studies have established the importance of five disulfide bridges (DBs) in Aspergillus niger phytase. In this study, the relative importance of each of the individual disulfide bridge is determined by its removal by site-directed mutagenesis of specific cysteines in the cloned A. niger phyA gene. Individually, these mutant phytases were expressed in a Pichia expression system and their product purified and characterized. The removal of disulfide bridge 2 yielded a mutant phytase with a complete loss of catalytic activity. The other disulfide mutants displayed a broad array of altered catalytic properties including a lower optimum temperature from 58°C to 53°C for bridge number 1, 37°C for bridge number 3 and 4, and 42°C for bridge number 5. The pH versus activity profile was also modified in the DB mutants. The pH profile of the wild-type phytase was modified by the DB mutations. In bridge number 1, 3, and 4, the second peak at pH 2.5 was abolished, and in bridge number 5, the peak at pH 5.0 was abolished completely leaving only the pH 2.5. While the K m was not affected drastically, the turnover number was lowered significantly in bridge number 3, 4, and 5.  相似文献   
应用Pichia pastoris酵母表达了犬冠状病毒大熊猫野毒株(CCV DXMV)S蛋白主要抗原区基因片断。用特异性引物扩增出CCV DXMV株S1基因片断,并将其克隆到pGEM-T载体中得到pTS1。用KpnI和Notl双酶切pTS1回收目的基因S1定向克隆到pPICZCαA中,构建出重组质粒pPICZCαAS1。将pPICZCαASl用SacI内切酶线性化后,电转化感受态GS115酵母细胞,用PCR法筛选阳性重组子。用1%的甲醇诱导重组酵母菌,取培养物上清进行重组蛋白的检测。结果重组酵母菌培养物上清用SDS-PAGE电泳可检测到相对分子量为106kDa大小的重组蛋白,Westem-blot证实该重组蛋白可以与CCV多克隆抗体发生特异性血清学反应。凝胶薄层扫描分析表明,3株重组酵母菌在1%甲醇诱导144h后,重组蛋白S1表达量约占培养物上清总蛋白量的6.6-8.6%左右。用重组蛋白S1免疫BALB/C小鼠3次后,小鼠血清CCV中和抗体可达1:8-1:16,表明重组S1蛋白具有一定的免疫原性。  相似文献   
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