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To develop a system forAgrobacterium-mediated transformation of maize (Zea mays L.), we have investigated histochemically the transient expression of -glucuronidase (GUS) activity in maize seedling tissue segments using binary vectors that allow minimal (pKIWI105 and pCNL1) or undetectable (p35S-GUS-INT and pCNL56) levels of GUS activity inA. tumefaciens. Tissue segments from three- to five-day-old sterile seedlings of maize genotype A188 were inoculated withA. tumefaciens. Four days after inoculation, transient expression of GUS activity was found in mesocotyl segments originating from the intercalary meristem region. This GUS activity was specific to the vascular cylinder and was not found in the internal cortical or epidermal layers, nor was it found in mature mesocotyl tissue (segments 5 mm below the coleoptilar node). Transient GUS activity was also detected in leaf and coleoptile tissues of shoot segments, but not in the shoot apexper se or in leaves younger than the first leaf. Maize tissues inoculated withA. tumefaciens strains that harbourgusA-containing binary vectors but no Ti-plasmid did not show GUS activity, supporting evidence from previous work thatvir gene activity was essential for the observed GUS activity.A. tumefaciens strains containing different types of Ti-plasmids were also tested. A strain harbouring an agropine-type Ti-plasmid was the most effective for expressing GUS activity in mesocotyl segments, whereas a strain harboring a nopaline-type Ti-plasmid was most effective for expression of GUS activity in the apical meristem-containing segment. These results indicate that different interactions occurred between the differentA. tumefaciens strains and the susceptible plant tissues. Maize genotype specificity for GUS activity in mesocotyl tissues was observed; variations in the cocultivation medium had a profound effect on the frequency of expression of GUS activity.  相似文献   
J Gray  J Wang    S B Gelvin 《Journal of bacteriology》1992,174(4):1086-1098
vir regulon expression in Agrobacterium tumefaciens involves both chromosome- and Ti-plasmid-encoded gene products. We have isolated and characterized a new chromosomal gene that when mutated results in a 2- to 10-fold reduction in the induced expression of vir genes by acetosyringone. This reduced expression occurs in AB minimal medium (pH 5.5) containing either sucrose or glucose and containing phosphate at high or low concentrations. The locus was cloned and used to complement A. tumefaciens strains harboring Tn5 insertions in the gene. Sequence analysis of this locus revealed an open reading frame with strong homology to the miaA locus of Escherichia coli and the mod5 locus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These genes encode tRNA: isopentenyltransferase enzymes responsible for the specific modification of the A-37 residue in UNN codon tRNA species. The function of the homologous gene in A. tumefaciens was proven by genetic complementation of E. coli miaA mutant strains. tRNA undermodification in A. tumefaciens miaA mutant strains may reduce vir gene expression by causing a reduced translation efficiency. A slight reduction in the virulence of these mutant Agrobacterium strains on red potato plants, but not on tobacco, tomato, kalanchoe, or sunflower plants, was observed.  相似文献   
Plant protoplasts are useful for assessing the efficiency of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR‐associated protein 9 (Cas9) mutagenesis. We improved the process of protoplast isolation and transfection of several plant species. We also developed a method to isolate and regenerate single mutagenized Nicotianna tabacum protoplasts into mature plants. Following transfection of protoplasts with constructs encoding Cas9 and sgRNAs, target gene DNA could be amplified for further analysis to determine mutagenesis efficiency. We investigated Ntabacum protoplasts and derived regenerated plants for targeted mutagenesis of the phytoene desaturase (NtPDS) gene. Genotyping of albino regenerants indicated that all four NtPDS alleles were mutated in amphidiploid tobacco, and no Cas9 DNA could be detected in most regenerated plants.  相似文献   
Two extranuclear DNA species have been isolated from the marine alga Olisthodiscus luteus. Rapid lysis of cells followed by the immediate addition of CsCl to the lysate was critical to the preservation of these satellite DNA species. Restriction endonuclease analysis demonstrates a molecular weight of 99 × 106 for chloroplast DNA and 23 × 106 for a second satellite species. The origin of the second satellite is not known. However, this smaller satellite DNA which originates from a nonnuclear, DNAse insensitive cellular component, displays no sequence homology with ctDNA by hybridization experiments. Constancy of restriction endonuclease fragment patterns of chloroplast and second satellite species during all phases of the growth cycle, whether cultures were maintained synchronously or asynchronously, was demonstrated.  相似文献   
Methylation of the T-DNA in Agrobacterium tumefaciens and in four octopine-type (A6S/2, E9, 15955/1, 15955/01) and one nopaline-type (HT37#15) crown gall tumors was investigated using the isoschizomeric restriction endonucleases Msp I and Hpa II. T-DNA in the octopine-type Ti-plasmid pTiB6(806) was not methylated at the sequence 5'CCGG3' in Agrobacterium. With two possible exceptions, neither was the T-DNA of the nopaline-type Ti-plasmid pTiT37 methylated in the bacterium. In all tumor lines investigated, at least one copy of the T-DNA was not methylated. DNA methylation was not detected in the lines A6S/2, 15955/1, HT37#15, and the TL region of E9. DNA methylation of some copies of TR in the E9 tumor line, and possibly in the 15955/01 line, was detected. The methylation of some copies of TR in the E9 line may indicate that not all copies of TR are transcribed in this tumor.  相似文献   
During the process of crown gall tumorigenesis, Agrobacterium tumefaciens transfers part of the tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid, the T-DNA, to a plant cell where it eventually becomes stably integrated into the plant genome. Directly repeated DNA sequences, called T-DNA borders, define the left and the right ends of the T-DNA. The T-DNA can be physically separated from the remainder of the Ti-plasmid, creating a 'binary vector' system; this system is frequently used to generate transgenic plants. Scientists initially thought that only those sequences located between T-DNA left and right borders transferred to the plant. More recently, however, several reports have appeared describing the integration of the non-T-DNA binary vector 'backbone' sequences into the genome of transgenic plants. In order to investigate this phenomenon, we constructed T-DNA binary vectors containing a nos-nptll gene within the T-DNA and a mas2'-gusA (β-glucuronidase) gene outside the T-DNA borders. We regenerated kanamycin-resistant transgenic tobacco plants and analyzed these plants for the expression of the vector-localized gusA gene and for the presence of binary vector backbone sequences. Approximately one-fifth of the plants expressed detectable GUS activity. PCR analysis indicated that approximately 75% of the plants contained the gusA gene. Southern blot analysis indicated that the vector backbone sequences could integrate into the tobacco genome linked either to the left or to the right T-DNA border. The vector backbone sequences could also integrate into the plant genome independently of (unlinked to) the T-DNA. Although we could readily detect T-strands containing the T-DNA within the bacterium, we could not detect T-strands containing only the vector backbone sequences or these vector sequences linked to the T-DNA.  相似文献   
Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) represents one of the most advanced and powerful tools for studying and visualizing protein-protein interactions in living cells. In this method, putative interacting protein partners are fused to complementary non-fluorescent fragments of an autofluorescent protein, such as the yellow spectral variant of the green fluorescent protein. Interaction of the test proteins may result in reconstruction of fluorescence if the two portions of yellow spectral variant of the green fluorescent protein are brought together in such a way that they can fold properly. BiFC provides an assay for detection of protein-protein interactions, and for the subcellular localization of the interacting protein partners. To facilitate the application of BiFC to plant research, we designed a series of vectors for easy construction of N-terminal and C-terminal fusions of the target protein to the yellow spectral variant of the green fluorescent protein fragments. These vectors carry constitutive expression cassettes with an expanded multi-cloning site. In addition, these vectors facilitate the assembly of BiFC expression cassettes into Agrobacterium multi-gene expression binary plasmids for co-expression of interacting partners and additional autofluorescent proteins that may serve as internal transformation controls and markers of subcellular compartments. We demonstrate the utility of these vectors for the analysis of specific protein-protein interactions in various cellular compartments, including the nucleus, plasmodesmata, and chloroplasts of different plant species and cell types.  相似文献   
Site-specific insertion and deletion mutations affecting all six of the eukaryotic-like genes in the TR-DNA region of the octopine-type Ti plasmids pTil5955 or pTiA6 have been generated. None of the mutations affected virulence or tumor morphology on sunflower. Mutations in the coding regions of two of the genes resulted in tumors without any detectable mannopine, mannopinic acid or agropine, and mutations in either the coding region or in the 3′ untranslated region of a third gene eliminated biosynthesis of agropine, but not mannopine or mannopinic acid. Detection of two previously unobserved silver nitrate-positive substance in tumors incited by one of the mutant strains, together with data on the presence of opines in tumors incited by coinoculation with mixtures of different mutant strains, allowed us to propose the functional order of all three genes involved in the biosynthesis of mannopine, mannopinic acid and agropine. TR-DNA was absent in tumors incited by anAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain harboring a Ti plasmid in which the right border of the TR-DNA region was deleted.  相似文献   
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