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Gill Furze Alun Roebuck Peter Bull Robert JP Lewin David R Thompson 《BMC cardiovascular disorders》2002,2(1):4
What people believe about their illness may affect how they cope with it. It has been suggested that such beliefs stem from those commonly held within society . This study compared the beliefs held by people with angina, regarding causation and coping in angina, with the beliefs of their friends who do not suffer from angina. 相似文献103.
Publication of the complete diploid genome sequence of the yeast Candida albicans will accelerate research into the pathogenesis of Candida infections. Comparative genomic analysis highlights genes that may contribute to C. albicans survival and its fitness as a human commensal and pathogen. 相似文献
Y Novik LM Ryan DG Haller R Asbury JP Dutcher A Schutt 《Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII》1999,16(4):261-266
The study was a Phase II randomized study to evaluate the efficacy of new agents for the treatment of advanced gastric carcinoma. Patients were randomized to receive single agent chemotherapy with mitoxantrone, etoposide, aclacinomycin-A or spirogermanium. The patients were stratified by prior use of chemotherapy, prior doxorubicin use and ECOG performance status. Patients with a history of cardiac disease or prior doxorubicin exceeding a dose of 400 mg/m2 were restrictively randomized to sopirogermanium or etoposide only. One hundred and fourteen patients were registered for the study. Among 98 evaluable patients there were only two partial responses (both in the etoposide arm), and one complete response in the mitoxantrone arm. The median survival on the study was 3.3 months. One hundred and six patients were analyzable for toxicity. There were four treatment-related deaths and four life-threatening toxicities. Because of low response rates and relatively high toxicities the studied compounds were not deemed worth further investigation for advanced gastric cancer. 相似文献
Evolutionary transfer of ORF-containing group I introns between different subcellular compartments (chloroplast and mitochondrion) 总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8
Turmel M; Cote V; Otis C; Mercier JP; Gray MW; Lonergan KM; Lemieux C 《Molecular biology and evolution》1995,12(4):533-545
We describe here a case of homologous introns containing homologous open
reading frames (ORFs) that are inserted at the same site in the large
subunit (LSU) rRNA gene of different organelles in distantly related
organisms. We show that the chloroplast LSU rRNA gene of the green alga
Chlamydomonas pallidostigmatica contains a group I intron (CpLSU.2)
encoding a site-specific endonuclease (I-CpaI). This intron is inserted at
the identical site (corresponding to position 1931-1932 of the Escherichia
coli 23S rRNA sequence) as a group I intron (AcLSU.m1) in the mitochondrial
LSU rRNA gene of the amoeboid protozoon Acanthamoeba castellanii. The
CpLSU.2 intron displays a remarkable degree of nucleotide similarity in
both primary sequence and secondary structure to the AcLSU.m1 intron;
moreover, the Acanthamoeba intron contains an ORF in the same location
within its secondary structure as the CpLSU.2 ORF and shares with it a
strikingly high level of amino acid similarity (65%; 42% identity). A
comprehensive survey of intron distribution at site 1931 of the chloroplast
LSU rRNA gene reveals a rather restricted occurrence within the
polyphyletic genus Chlamydomonas, with no evidence of this intron among a
number of non- Chlamydomonad green algae surveyed, nor in land plants. A
parallel survey of homologues of a previously described and similar
intron/ORF pair (C. reinhardtii chloroplast CrLSU/A. castellanii
mitochondrial AcLSU.m3) also shows a restricted occurrence of this intron
(site 2593) among chloroplasts, although the intron distribution is
somewhat broader than that observed at site 1931, with site-2593 introns
appearing in several green algal branches outside of the Chlamydomonas
lineage. The available data, while not definitive, are most consistent with
a relatively recent horizontal transfer of both site-1931 and site- 2593
introns (and their contained ORFs) between the chloroplast of a
Chlamydomonas-type organism and the mitochondrion of an Acanthamoeba- like
organism, probably in the direction chloroplast to mitochondrion. The data
also suggest that both introns could have been acquired in a single event.
Transferrin, a glycoprotein involved in iron transport in body fluids, wasisolated from amniotic fluid of a hydramniospatient by sequentialanion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The N-glycans of humanamniotic fluid transferrin (hAFT) were enzymatically liberated by PNGase-Fdigestion, isolated by gel filtration and fractionated by (high-pH)anion-exchange chromatography. After alkaline borohydride treatment ofnative hAFT, the released O-glycans were isolated by gel filtration andfractionated by anion-exchange chroma-tography. Structure elucidation of 14N- and 2 O-glycans was performed by 500 or 600 MHz1H-NMR spectroscopy.Besides conventional N-glycans established earlier for human serumtransferrin (hST), new (alpha1-3)-fucosylated N- glycans were found,representing sialyl Le(x) elements. Furthermore, as compared to hST, ahigher degree of (alpha1-6)-fucosylation and an increase in branching fromdi- to triantennary compounds has been detected. The presence of O-glycansis demonstrated for the first time in transferrin. 相似文献
C Tardif H Maamar M Balfin JP Belaich 《Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology》2001,27(5):271-274
Electropermeabilization of Clostridium cellulolyticum was optimized using ATP leakage assays. Electrotransformation was then performed under optimized conditions (6 to 7.5 kV cm−1 field strength applied during 5 ms to a mixture containing methylated plasmids and late exponential phase cell suspensions (10 molecules:1 cell) in a sucrose-containing buffer). Transformants were only obtained when 7 or 7.5 kV cm−1 pulses were applied. Transformation efficiencies evaluated from the growth curves of transformed cells were between 105 and 107 transformants per microgram of plasmid DNA for five different replicon-based plasmids. Restriction nuclease digestion patterns of pJIR418 purified from transformed Clostridia and Escherichia coli were indistinguishable, indicating that heterologous DNA was structurally stable in the Clostridium strain. Copy numbers of 130, 70 and 10 were estimated from purification yield for pCTC1, pKNT19 and pJIR418, respectively. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 27, 271–274. Received 12 September 2000/ Accepted in revised form 25 November 2000 相似文献
The robustness (sensitivity to violation of assumptions) of the maximum-likelihood and neighbor-joining methods was examined using simulation.Maximum likelihood and neighbor joining were implemented with Jukes-Cantor, Kimura, and gamma models of DNA substitution. Simulations wereperformed in which the assumptions of the methods were violated to varyingdegrees on three model four-taxon trees. The performance of the methods wasevaluated with respect to ability to correctly estimate the unrootedfour-taxon tree. Maximum likelihood outperformed neighbor joining in 29 ofthe 36 cases in which the assumptions of both methods were satisfied. In133 of 180 of the simulations in which the assumptions of themaximum-likelihood and neighbor-joining methods were violated, maximumlikelihood outperformed neighbor joining. These results are consistent witha general superiority of maximum likelihood over neighbor joining undercomparable conditions. They extend and clarify an earlier study that foundan advantage for neighbor joining over maximum likelihood forgamma-distributed mutation rates. 相似文献