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Different values have resulted in conflicts between anglers and conservation lobbies in the management of trout in South Africa. Key to the conflict is the demarcation of boundaries to areas in which brown trout Salmo trutta and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss currently occur, or are likely to establish following stocking for angling. To provide a longer-term perspective on these areas, we developed models to link salmonid biological thermal thresholds to elevation. These, when applied spatially using a digital elevation model with a probability of occurrence model, provided the basis for estimating potentially available thermal habitat for these two cold water species. Here, we acknowledge that other variables (stocking history; river connectivity) also play a role in understanding trout distributions. Using a simple scenario of an increase in mean daily water temperatures of 2 °C, we demonstrated that both brown and rainbow trout are likely to exhibit considerable range reductions in the future. Because it is possible that these range restrictions will result in an increasing desire to introduce trout into areas above their current distribution limits for the maintenance of angling opportunities, conservation managers should prioritise these areas, with management interventions seeking to understand what will help to limit introductions.  相似文献   
水淹状况是湿地植被动态的重要影响因素。该研究基于谷歌地球引擎(GEE)平台, 利用2000-03-01至2020-02-29所有覆盖研究区域的MODIS遥感影像数据, 分析20年间水淹频率(IF)、增强型植被指数(EVI)的时空变化以及湿地植被对IF变化的响应, 得出以下结论: (1) 20年来鄱阳湖水文节律发生了明显改变, 高IF (IF > 75%)水域面积呈现下降趋势, 从2000年1 435.3 km2下降至2019年的510.25 km2, 降幅为64.45%; (2)区域平均EVI呈显著上升趋势, 植被扩张主要集中在中部IF下降区域; (3)分析不同总水淹频率区域中平均EVI年际变化, 发现EVI与水淹状况的变化趋势相似, 2009年之后鄱阳湖水域面积萎缩趋势缓解, EVI增长速度出现下降; (4)鄱阳湖湿地植被主要沿水域面积萎缩方向扩张, 基于像元统计20年间IFEVI的变化趋势, 发现它们在空间分布上高度吻合, 这种空间异质性进一步证实水淹状况起到调节植被动态变化的作用。  相似文献   
Soil inorganic carbon storage pattern in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soils with pedogenic carbonate cover about 30% (3.44 × 106 km2) of China, mainly across its arid and semiarid regions in the Northwest. Based on the second national soil survey (1979–1992), total soil inorganic carbon (SIC) storage in China was estimated to be 53.3±6.3 PgC (1 Pg=1015 g) to the depth investigated to 2 m. Soil inorganic carbon storages were 4.6, 10.6, 11.1, and 20.8 Pg for the depth ranges of 0–0.1, 0.1–0.3, 0.3–0.5, and 0.5–1 m, respectively. Stocks for 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 1 m of depth accounted for 8.7%, 28.7%, 49.6%, and 88.9% of total SIC, respectively. In contrast with soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, which is highest under 500–800 mm yr−1 of mean precipitation, SIC storage peaks where mean precipitation is <400 mm yr−1. The amount and vertical distribution of SIC was related to climate and land cover type. Content of SIC in each incremental horizon was positively related with mean annual temperature and negatively related with mean annual precipitation, with the magnitude of SIC content across land cover types showing the following order: desert, grassland >shrubland, cropland >marsh, forest, meadow. Densities of SIC increased generally with depth in all ecosystem types with the exception of deserts and marshes where it peaked in intermediate layers (0.1–0.3 m for first and 0.3–0.5 m for latter). Being an abundant component of soil carbon stocks in China, SIC dynamics and the process involved in its accumulation or loss from soils require a better understanding.  相似文献   
肠道病毒71型作为引起儿童群体常见传染性手足口病(HFMD)的主要病原,具有导致少量感染个体出现脑炎等神经系统病变以及相关心肺功能衰竭的病理学特性.因此其预防性疫苗的研发具有重要的公共卫生意义.在前期工作的基础上,一种EV71灭活病毒疫苗(人二倍体细胞)在本研究中基于恒河猴婴猴模型进行了相应的免疫保护性分析.以160EU剂量对2~3月龄婴猴进行0,4周免疫后,动物在第4周接受了剂量为10。~CCID50的病毒经呼吸道的攻击.对病毒攻击后动物在14天内的临床症状、血液生物学、器官病原学分布以及病理学检测的动态观察表明,经疫苗免疫的动物未出现对照动物所具有的特征性临床表现,其血液生物学及病理学检测均无异常.同时,器官病原学分布亦呈阴性.结合动物中和抗体的明确增长及对照动物的综合表现分析,本文的工作证实了该EV71灭活病毒疫苗(人二倍体细胞)在恒河猴婴猴体内的免疫保护性.  相似文献   


Pseudorabies virus (PRV) is an alphaherpesviruses whose native host is pig. PRV infection mainly causes signs of central nervous system disorder in young pigs, and respiratory system diseases in the adult.  相似文献   
5-HT(五羟色胺)能神经元是起源最早的神经元之一,在传统的神经元形成前,成长中的轴突就可释放5-HT,并且通过5-HT的各种亚型受体来实现不同的功能。近年来,随着5-HT、5-HTRs(五羟色胺受体)的基因克隆及5-HT受体选择性激动剂和拮抗剂的研究发展,5-HT系统在学习记忆中的作用越发明确,许多研究结果表明:5-HT系统在记忆的巩固、短时程记忆(STM)及长时程记忆(LTM)中起重要作用,5-HT1A受体更是在非脊椎动物及哺乳动物的脑中都高度表达,并通过相似的信号转导途径参与学习与记忆的形成和巩固。本文将介绍5-HT1A受体、5-HT1A受体激动剂、5-HT1A受体拮抗剂及其与学习记忆的联系,重点综述5-HT1A受体参与学习记忆的信号转导途径研究进展,讨论5-HT1A受体参与学习记忆的可能性分子神经生物学机制。  相似文献   
从云南中甸产细叶香茶菜 (Isodontenuifolia (W .W .Smith)Kudo)的地上部分分离得到 6个化合物 ,它们的结构通过波谱方法得到鉴定。其中化合物 1和 2为新的对映_贝壳杉烷二萜化合物 ,即细叶香茶菜甲素 (3β ,6α ,15 β_trihydroxy_1α ,7β_diacetoxy_11β ,16 β_epoxy_ent_kaurane) (1)和细叶香茶菜乙素 (1α,6α ,11β_trihydroxy_3β,7β_diacetoxy_ent_kaur_16_en_15_one) (2 )。  相似文献   
本文通过Aβ25-35诱导体外原代培养的SD乳大鼠海马神经元,建立Aβ毒性损伤细胞模型,结合AnnexinV-FITC/PI荧光双染法流式细胞术、MTT比色法、实时荧光定量PCR及Western blot方法检测川芎嗪(tetrameth-ylpyrazine,TMP)对原代培养的海马神经元细胞活性、早期凋亡率和Bax、Bcl-2基因表达的影响。结果显示川芎嗪高、中剂量可明显增强细胞活性,增加神经元细胞的存活率(P<0.01),可显著抑制海马神经元细胞早期凋亡(P<0.01),抑制凋亡蛋白Bax的表达(P<0.01),增强抗凋亡蛋白bcl-2的表达(P<0.01)。川芎嗪可通过调节Bax/Bcl-2平衡抵抗Aβ25-35诱导的海马神经元凋亡,降低Aβ的神经元毒性,对海马神经元损伤有明显的保护作用。  相似文献   
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