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The cmd1-6 allele contains three mutations that block Ca2+ binding to calmodulin from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We find that strains containing cmd1-6 lose viability during cell cycle arrest induced by the mating pheromone alpha-factor. The 50% lethal dose (LD50) of alpha-factor for the calmodulin mutant is almost fivefold below the LD50 for a wild-type strain. The calmodulin mutants are not more sensitive to alpha-factor, as measured by activation of a pheromone-responsive reporter gene. Two observations indicate that activation of the Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase calcineurin contributes to survival of pheromone-induced arrest. First, deletion of the gene encoding the calcineurin regulatory B subunit, CNB1, from a wild-type strain decreases the LD50 of alpha-factor but has no further effect on a cmd1-6 strain. Second, a dominant constitutive calcineurin mutant partially restores the ability of the cmd1-6 strain to survive exposure to alpha-factor. Activation of the Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMK) also contributes to survival, thus revealing a new function for this enzyme. Deletion of the CMK1 and CMK2 genes, which encode CaMK, decreases the LD50 of pheromone compared with that for a wild-type strain but again has no effect in a cmd1-6 strain. Furthermore, the LD50 of alpha-factor for a mutant in which the calcineurin and CaMK genes have been deleted is the same as that for the calmodulin mutant. Finally, the CaMK and calcineurin pathways appear to be independent since the ability of constitutive calcineurin to rescue a cmd1-6 strain is not blocked by deletion of the CaMK genes.  相似文献   
Transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) possesses highly potent, diverse and often opposing cell-specific activities, and has been implicated in the regulation of a variety of physiologic and developmental processes. To determine the effects of in vivo overexpression of TGF-beta 1 on mammary gland function, transgenic mice were generated harboring a fusion gene consisting of the porcine TGF-beta 1 cDNA placed under the control of regulatory elements of the pregnancy-responsive mouse whey-acidic protein (WAP) gene. Females from two of four transgenic lines were unable to lactate due to inhibition of the formation of lobuloalveolar structures and suppression of production of endogenous milk protein. In contrast, ductal development of the mammary glands was not overtly impaired. There was a complete concordance in transgenic mice between manifestation of the lactation-deficient phenotype and expression of RNA from the WAP/TGF-beta 1 transgene, which was present at low levels in the virgin gland, but was greatly induced at mid-pregnancy. TGF-beta 1 was localized to numerous alveoli and to the periductal extracellular matrix in the mammary gland of transgenic females late in pregnancy by immunohistochemical analysis. Glands reconstituted from cultured transgenic mammary epithelial cells duplicated the inhibition of lobuloalveolar development observed in situ in the mammary glands of pregnant transgenic mice. Results from this transgenic model strongly support the hypothesis that TGF-beta 1 plays an important in vivo role in regulating the development and function of the mammary gland.  相似文献   
Two independent methods identified the spindle pole body component Nuf1p/Spc110p as the essential mitotic target of calmodulin. Extragenic suppressors of cmd1-1 were isolated and found to define three loci, XCM1, XCM2, and XCM3 (extragenic suppressor of cmd1-1). The gene encoding a dominant suppressor allele of XCM1 was cloned. On the basis of DNA sequence analysis, genetic cosegregation, and mutational analysis, XCM1 was identified as NUF1/SPC110. Independently, a C-terminal portion of Nuf1p/Spc110p, amino acid residues 828 to 944, was isolated as a calmodulin-binding protein by the two-hybrid system. As assayed by the two-hybrid system, Nuf1p/Spc110p interacts with wild-type calmodulin and triple-mutant calmodulins defective in binding Ca2+ but not with two mutant calmodulins that confer a temperature-sensitive phenotype. Deletion analysis by the two-hybrid system mapped the calmodulin-binding site of Nuf1p/Spc110p to amino acid residues 900 to 927. Direct binding between calmodulin and Nuf1p/Spc110p was demonstrated by a modified gel overlay assay. Furthermore, indirect immunofluorescence with fixation procedures known to aid visualization of spindle pole body components localized calmodulin to the spindle pole body. Sequence analysis of five suppressor alleles of NUF1/SPC110 indicated that suppression of cmd1-1 occurs by C-terminal truncation of Nuf1p/Spc110p at amino acid residues 856, 863, or 881, thereby removing the calmodulin-binding site.  相似文献   
Molecular drift of the bride of sevenless (boss) gene in Drosophila   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
DNA sequences were determined for three to five alleles of the bride-of- sevenless (boss) gene in each of four species of Drosophila. The product of boss is a transmembrane receptor for a ligand coded by the sevenless gene that triggers differentiation of the R7 photoreceptor cell in the compound eye. Population parameters affecting the rate and pattern of molecular evolution of boss were estimated from the multinomial configurations of nucleotide polymorphisms of synonymous codons. The time of divergence between D. melanogaster and D. simulans was estimated as approximately 1 Myr, that between D. teissieri and D. yakuba as approximately 0.75 Myr, and that between the two pairs of sibling species as approximately 2 Myr. (The boss genes themselves have estimated divergence times approximately 50% greater than the species divergence times.) The effective size of the species was estimated as approximately 5 x 10(6), and the average mutation rate was estimated as 1-2 x 10(-9)/nucleotide/generation. The ratio of amino acid polymorphisms within species to fixed differences between species suggests that approximately 25% of all possible single-step amino acid replacements in the boss gene product may be selectively neutral or nearly neutral. The data also imply that random genetic drift has been responsible for virtually all of the observed differences in the portion of the boss gene analyzed among the four species.   相似文献   
Physiological mechanisms causing reduction of metabolic rate during torpor in heterothermic endotherms are controversial. The original view that metabolic rate is reduced below the basal metabolic rate because the lowered body temperature reduces tissue metabolism has been challenged by a recent hypothesis which claims that metabolic rate during torpor is actively downregulated and is a function of the differential between body temperature and ambient temperature, rather than body temperature per se. In the present study, both the steady-state metabolic rate and body temperature of torpid stripe-faced dunnarts, Sminthopsis macroura (Dasyuridae: Marsupialia), showed two clearly different phases in response to change of air temperature. At air temperatures between 14 and 30°C, metabolic rate and body temperature decreased with air temperature, and metabolic rate showed an exponential relationship with body temperature (r 2=0.74). The Q 10 for metabolic rate was between 2 and 3 over the body temperature range of 16 to 32°C. The difference between body temperature and air temperature over this temperature range did not change significantly, and the metabolic rate was not related to the difference between body temperature and air temperature (P=0.35). However, the apparent conductance decreased with air temperature. At air temperatures below 14°C, metabolic rate increased linearly with the decrease of air temperature (r 2=0.58) and body temperature was maintained above 16°C, largely independent of air temperature. Over this air temperature range, metabolic rate was positively correlated with the difference between body temperature and air temperature (r 2=0.61). Nevertheless, the Q 10 for metabolic rate between normothermic and torpid thermoregulating animals at the same air temperature was also in the range of 2–3. These results suggest that over the air temperature range in which body temperature of S. macroura was not metabolically defended, metabolic rate during daily torpor was largely a function of body temperature. At air temperatures below 14°C, at which the torpid animals showed an increase of metabolic rate to regulate body temperature, the negative relationship between metabolic rate and air temperature was a function of the differential between body temperature and air temperature as during normothermia. However, even in thermoregulating animals, the reduction of metabolic rate from normothermia to torpor at a given air temperature can also be explained by temperature effects.Abbreviations BM body mass - BMR basal metabolic rate - C apparent conductance - MR metabolic rate - RMR resting metabolic rate - RQ respiratory quotient - T a air temperature - T b body temperature - T lc lower critical temperature - T tc critical air temperature during torpor - TMR metabolic rate during torpor - TNZ thermoneutral zone - T difference between body temperature and air temperature - VO2 rate of oxygen consumption  相似文献   
To investigate the specificity of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki strain HD1 insecticidal crystal proteins (ICP), we used membrane preparations obtained from the midgut of Heliothis virescens larvae to perform separate ligand-blot experiments with the three activated CryIA toxins. The CryIA(a) and the CryIA(b) toxins bind the same 170-kDa protein, but most likely at two different binding sites. The CryIA(c) toxin binds two proteins of molecular masses 140 kDa and 120 kDa. We also demonstrate that the binding proteins for each of the B. thuringiensis toxins are not part of a covalent complex. Although the 170-kDa protein is a glycoprotein, endoglycosidase treatment does not prevent the binding of the CryIA(a) or CryIA(b) toxin. This indicates that the sugars are not important for the binding of these toxins. A model for a protein complex binding the B. thuringiensis HD1 ICPs is presented. Our results support the idea that binding proteins on membranes of the gut epithelial cells of H. virescens larvea are important for the specificity of the bacterial toxins.  相似文献   
In an attempt to isolate the transposable genetic element Ds from Zea mays L., we cloned DNA fragments hybridizing to a cDNA clone derived from the sucrose synthase gene in a λ vector (λ::Zm Sh). The fragments cloned from wild-type and from the Ds-induced mutant sh-m5933::Zm sh-m5933) share a segment 6 kb long while a contiguous segment of 15 kb of λ::Zm sh-m5933 (mutant-derived DNA) does not hybridize to the DNA segment cloned from the wild-type. Restriction maps are given, and the junction point between the two DNA segments in the mutant clone was determined. Hybridization of DNA fragments, present in the wild-type DNA of λ::Zm Sh, but not in the mutant clone, λ::Zm sh-m5933, to genomic DNA of sh-m5933 showed that no part of this DNA is deleted. It cannot be said whether the DNA found in the mutant, but not in the wild-type clone, has been brought there by Ds insertion or by another Ds-dependent DNA rearrangement. The mutant-derived DNA was hybridized to genomic DNA of various maize lines digested by several restriction endonucleases. Approximately 40 bands were detected. The mutant-derived DNA contains two pairs of inverted repeats several hundred nucleotide pairs long, one of which is located at the junction to wild-type-derived DNA.  相似文献   
The concentration and composition of brain gangliosides of 17 mammalian species belonging to the subclasses of Prototheria (monotremes), Metatheria (marsupials), and Eutheria (placentals) were investigated. The mean concentration of brain gangliosides ranges from 525 to 610 micrograms NeuAc/g wet wt in monotremes, 445-900 micrograms in marsupials and from 630 to 1130 micrograms in the placentals. In the phylogenetic series of mammals, a decrease in the complexity of brain ganglioside composition becomes obvious: a drastic reduction in the number of individual ganglioside fractions particularly those of the c-pathway of biosynthesis, took place from the level of monotremes to that of the marsupials and placentals. In monotremes, marsupials and "lower" placentals (insectivores) the percentage of alkali-labile gangliosides is relatively low (between traces and 5%), whereas in the higher evolved mammals it amounts to about 20% of all gangliosides. The ratio of the contents of the two major mammalian ganglioside fractions GD1a and GT1b is generally in the range of 1.0 and even higher; in the heterothermic platypus from the monotremes and in hibernators among the placental mammals, however, it is much lower (about 0.8). These data support the hypothesis that the brain ganglioside composition not only depends on the phylogenetic level of nervous organization (cephalization) but is additionally correlated with the state of thermal adaptation.  相似文献   
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