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Rhodopsin, the pigment protein responsible for dim-light vision, is a G protein-coupled receptor that converts light absorption into the activation of a G protein, transducin, to initiate the visual response. We have crystallised detergent-solubilised bovine rhodopsin in the native form and after chemical modifications as needles 10-40 microm in cross-section. The crystals belong to the trigonal space group P3(1), with two molecules of rhodopsin per asymmetric unit, related by a non-crystallographic 2-fold axis parallel with the crystallographic screw axis along c (needle axis). The unit cell dimensions are a=103.8 A, c=76.6 A for native rhodopsin, but vary over a wide range after heavy atom derivatisation, with a between 101.5 A and 113.9 A, and c between 76.6 A and 79.2 A. Rhodopsin molecules are packed with the bundle of transmembrane helices tilted from the c-axis by about 100 degrees . The two molecules in the asymmetric unit form contacts along the entire length of their transmembrane helices 5 in an antiparallel orientation, and they are stacked along the needle axis according to the 3-fold screw symmetry. Hence hydrophobic contacts are prominent at protein interfaces both along and normal to the needle axis. The best crystals of native rhodopsin in this crystal form diffracted X-rays from a microfocused synchrotron source to 2.55 A maximum resolution. We describe steps taken to extend the diffraction limit from about 10 A to 2.6 A.  相似文献   
The photosynthetic reaction center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 contains one carotenoid that protects the protein complex against photodestruction. The structure around the central (15,15') double bond of the bound spheroidene carotenoid was investigated with low-temperature magic angle spinning 13C NMR, which allows an in situ characterization of the configuration of the central double bond in the carotenoid. Carotenoidless reaction centers of R. sphaeroides R26 were reconstituted with spheroidene specifically labeled at the C-14' or C-15' position, and the signals from the labels were separated from the natural abundance background using 13C MAS NMR difference spectroscopy. The resonances shift 5.2 and 3.8 ppm upfield upon incorporation in the protein complex, similar to the 5.6 and 4.4 ppm upfield shift occurring in the model compound beta-carotene upon trans to 15,15'-cis isomerization. Hence the MAS NMR favors a cis configuration, as opposed to the trans configuration deduced from X-ray data.  相似文献   
Analysis of complementary DNA for porcine alpha 1-microglobulin and bikunin indicates that both proteins result from proteolytic processing of a common precursor similar to that found in man. Complete primary structures of these proteins are deduced from the nucleic acid sequence and partially confirmed by peptide sequencing.  相似文献   
In bacteria, stalled ribosomes are recycled by a hybrid transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA). Like tRNA, tmRNA is aminoacylated with alanine and is delivered to the ribosome by EF-Tu, where it reacts with the growing polypeptide chain. tmRNA entry into stalled ribosomes poses a challenge to our understanding of ribosome function because it occurs in the absence of a codon-anticodon interaction. Instead, tmRNA entry is licensed by the binding of its protein partner, SmpB, to the ribosomal decoding center. We analyzed a series of SmpB mutants and found that its C-terminal tail is essential for tmRNA accommodation but not for EF-Tu activation. We obtained evidence that the tail likely functions as a helix on the ribosome to promote accommodation and identified key residues in the tail essential for this step. In addition, our mutational analysis points to a role for the conserved K(131)GKK tail residues in trans-translation after peptidyl transfer to tmRNA, presumably EF-G-mediated translocation or translation of the tmRNA template. Surprisingly, analysis of A1492, A1493, and G530 mutants reveals that while these ribosomal nucleotides are essential for normal tRNA selection, they play little to no role in peptidyl transfer to tmRNA. These studies clarify how SmpB interacts with the ribosomal decoding center to license tmRNA entry into stalled ribosomes.  相似文献   
Non-inferiority trials test whether a new product is not unacceptably worse than a product already in use. This paper introduces concepts related to non-inferiority, and discusses the regulatory views of both the European Medicines Agency and the United States Food and Drug Administration.  相似文献   
The interaction of rhodopsin and transducin has been the focus of study for more than 30 years, but only recently have efforts to purify an activated complex in detergent solution materialized. These efforts have used native rhodopsin isolated from bovine retina and employed either sucrose density gradient centrifugation or size exclusion chromatography to purify the complex. While there is general agreement on most properties of the activated complex, subunit stoichiometry is not yet settled, with rhodopsin/transducin molar ratios of both 2/1 and 1/1 reported. In this report, we introduce methods for preparation of the complex that include use of recombinant rhodopsin, so as to take advantage of mutations that confer constitutive activity and enhanced thermal stability on the protein, and immunoaffinity chromatography for purification of the complex. We show that chromatography on ConA-Sepharose can substitute for the immunoaffinity column and that bicelles can be used instead of detergent solution. We demonstrate the following: that rhodopsin has a covalently bound all-trans-retinal chromophore and therefore corresponds to the active metarhodopin II state; that transducin has an empty nucleotide-binding pocket; that the isolated complex is active and dissociates upon addition of guanine nucleotide; and finally that the stoichiometry corresponds reproducibly to a 1/1 molar ratio of rhodopsin to transducin.  相似文献   
Crystal structure of a thermally stable rhodopsin mutant   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We determined the structure of the rhodopsin mutant N2C/D282C expressed in mammalian cells; the first structure of a recombinantly produced G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). The mutant was designed to form a disulfide bond between the N terminus and loop E3, which allows handling of opsin in detergent solution and increases thermal stability of rhodopsin by 10 deg.C. It allowed us to crystallize a fully deglycosylated rhodopsin (N2C/N15D/D282C). N15 mutations are normally misfolding and cause retinitis pigmentosa in humans. Microcrystallographic techniques and a 5 microm X-ray beam were used to collect data along a single needle measuring 5 microm x 5 microm x 90 microm. The disulfide introduces only minor changes but fixes the N-terminal cap over the beta-sheet lid covering the ligand-binding site, a likely explanation for the increased stability. This work allows structural investigation of rhodopsin mutants and shows the problems encountered during structure determination of GPCRs and other mammalian membrane proteins.  相似文献   
Current state‐of‐the‐art organic solar cells (OSCs) still suffer from high losses of open‐circuit voltage (VOC). Conventional polymer:fullerene solar cells usually exhibit bandgap to VOC losses greater than 0.8 V. Here a detailed investigation of VOC is presented for solution‐processed OSCs based on (6,5) single‐walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT): [6,6]‐phenyl‐C71‐butyric acid methyl ester active layers. Considering the very small optical bandgap of only 1.22 eV of (6,5) SWCNTs, a high VOC of 0.59 V leading to a low Egap/q ? VOC = 0.63 V loss is observed. The low voltage losses are partly due to the lack of a measurable charge transfer state and partly due to the narrow absorption edge of SWCNTs. Consequently, VOC losses attributed to a broadening of the band edge are very small, resulting in VOC,SQ ? VOC,rad = 0.12 V. Interestingly, this loss is mainly caused by minor amounts of SWCNTs with smaller bandgaps as well as (6,5) SWCNT trions, all of which are experimentally well resolved employing Fourier transform photocurrent spectroscopy. In addition, the low losses due to band edge broadening, a very low voltage loss are also found due to nonradiative recombination, ΔVOC,nonrad = 0.26 V, which is exceptional for fullerene‐based OSCs.  相似文献   
Prolonged response times are observed with targets having been presented as distractors immediately before, called negative priming effect. Among others, inhibitory and retrieval processes have been suggested underlying this behavioral effect. As those processes would involve different neural activation patterns, a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study including 28 subjects was conducted. Two tasks were used to investigate stimulus repetition effects. One task focused on target location, the other on target identity. Both tasks are known to elicit the expected response time effects. However, there is less agreement about the relationship of those tasks with the explanatory accounts under consideration. Based on within-subject comparisons we found clear differences between the experimental repetition conditions and the neutral control condition on neural level for both tasks. Hemodynamic fronto-striatal activation patterns occurred for the location-based task favoring the selective inhibition account. Hippocampal activation found for the identity-based task suggests an assignment to the retrieval account; however, this task lacked a behavioral effect.  相似文献   
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