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Granzyme M is a member of a family of granule serine proteases that participate in target cell death initiated by cytotoxic lymphocytes. The enzyme is almost exclusively expressed in NK cell types. Granzyme M cleaves at the carboxy side of amino acids with long, hydrophobic side chains like Met, Leu, and Nle. To further study the substrate specificity of the enzyme, a series of peptide thiobenzyl esters was synthesized. The hydrolysis of the substrates with murine and human recombinant forms of granzyme M was observed. The results show that the enzyme has a strong preference for Pro at the P2 position and Ala, Ser, or Asp at the P3 position. These results suggest that the protein residues of the S2 and S3 subsites form important binding interactions that aid in the selection of specific natural substrates for granzyme M. A series of inhibitors was also tested with granzyme M. None of the inhibitors were effective inactivators of granzyme M, including the general serine protease inhibitor, 3,4-dichloroisocoumarin, which is usually a potent inactivator of serine proteases. This suggests that inhibition of granzyme M may be difficult. Also reported for the first time is the method utilized to isolate granzyme M used in this and previous publications. The observations in this paper will be valuable in development of new potent inhibitors for granzyme M as well as assist in determining the biological function of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Ethylene influences the growth and development of plants through the action of receptors that have homology to bacterial two-component receptors. In bacteria these receptors function via autophosphorylation of a His residue in the kinase domain followed by phosphotransfer to a conserved Asp residue in a response regulator protein. In Arabidopsis, two of the five receptor isoforms are capable of His kinase activity. However, the role of His kinase activity and phosphotransfer is unclear in ethylene signaling. A previous study showed that ethylene stimulates nutations of the hypocotyl in etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings that are dependent on the ETR1 receptor isoform. The ETR1 receptor is the only isoform in Arabidopsis that contains both a functional His kinase domain and a receiver domain for phosphotransfer. Therefore, we examined the role that ETR1 His kinase activity and phosphotransfer plays in ethylene-stimulated nutations.Key Words: ethylene, nutations, signal transduction, receptors, histidine kinase, phosphotransfer, two component signallingThe gaseous plant hormone ethylene has a role in a variety of physiological events in higher plants such as seed germination, abscission, senescence, fruit ripening, and growth regulation.1 In etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings, ethylene causes reduced growth of the hypocotyl and root, increased radial expansion of the hypocotyl, and increased tightening of the apical hook.2,3Previous studies have identified components in the ethylene signaling pathway and led to an inverse-agonist model for signal transduction.4,5 According to this model, responses to ethylene are mediated by a family of five receptors (ETR1, ERS1, ETR2, EIN4, ERS2) in Arabidopsis that have homology to bacterial two-component receptors.69 In bacterial systems, two-component receptors transduce signal via the autophosphorylation of a His residue in the kinase domain, followed by the transfer of phosphate to a conserved Asp residue in the receiver domain of a response regulator protein.10 The ethylene receptors of plants can be divided into two subfamilies based on sequence homology in the ethylene-binding domains.11 ETR1 and ERS1 belong to subfamily I, contain all amino acid residues needed for His kinase activity,6,12 and show His kinase activity in vitro.13,14 ETR2, EIN4, and ERS2 belong to subfamily II, contain degenerate His kinase domains7,9 and have Ser/Thr kinase activity in vitro.14 ERS1 shows both His and Ser/Thr kinase activities in vitro depending on the assay conditions used.14 While the kinase domain of ETR1 appears to be required for signaling,15 kinase activity is not.1517 It is unclear whether or not histidine kinase activity is involved in ethylene signaling, although, this activity might be involved in growth recovery after ethylene removal.17Recently, high-resolution, time-lapse imaging revealed that prolonged treatment with ethylene stimulates nutational bending of etiolated Arabidopsis hypocotyls.18 Nutations are oscillatory bending movements caused by localized differential growth19 that were originally termed “circumnutations”.20 Nutations have been posited to be important for seedlings to penetrate through the soil20 and thus could be critical for seedling survival. In support of this hypothesis, nutations of rice roots have been reported to increase soil penetration.21Mutational analysis revealed that many of the known ethylene signaling components including CTR1, EIN2, EIN3 and EIL1 are involved in signaling leading to ethylene-stimulated nutations.18 Surprisingly, loss-of-function mutations in ETR1 eliminated ethylene-stimulated nutations while combinatorial loss-of-function mutations in the other four receptor isoforms led to constitutive nutations in air.18 These results support a model where all the receptors are involved in ethylene-stimulated nutations but the ETR1 receptor is required for and has a contrasting role from the other receptor isoforms in this nutation phenotype. Since the ETR1 receptor is the only receptor isoform that contains both a functional His-kinase domain and a receiver domain,6,13,14 the roles of His kinase activity and phosphorelay in the nutation phenotype were examined in the current study.Previous work showed that the nutation phenotype in etr1-7 loss-of-function mutants could be rescued with a wild-type, genomic ETR1 transgene.18 Etr1-7 mutants transformed with a kinase-inactivated genomic ETR1 transgene (gETR1 (G2)) where the two conserved glycines in the G2 box of the histidine kinase domain (G545, G547) were changed to alanines were examined to determine if ETR1 His kinase activity is required for ethylene-stimulated nutations. This construct lacks histidine autophosphorylation in vitro.22 Figure 1 shows that ethylene stimulates nutations in etr1-7 gETR1(G2) seedlings. The period of these nutations was 4.7 ± 1.5 h which is similar to values obtained previously for wild-type seedlings (4.7 ± 1h) and somewhat longer than etr1-7 seedlings transformed with wild-type, genomic ETR1 (3.2 ± 0.6 h). However, the amplitude of these nutations (3.7 ± 1.0°) was approximately half that of nutations previously observed in wild-type seedlings (9.1 ± 6.0°) as well as etr1-7 seedlings transformed with wild-type, genomic ETR1 (8.2 ± 3.6°). This suggests that ETR1 histidine kinase activity is not required for ethylene-stimulated nutations but might have a role in modulating nutation amplitudes.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Ethylene stimulates nutations of etr1-7 seedlings transformed with a kinase-inactivated ETR1 transgene. The hypocotyl angles for four etr1-7 mutants transformed with a kinase-inactivated genomic ETR1 transgene (gETR1(G2)) are shown. Transformants were obtained from Eric Schaller and have been described previously.22 In this and the following figure, etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings were imaged from the side at 15 min intervals while growing along a vertically orientated agar plate and the hypocotyl angle measured as described previously.18 Black and gray lines are used to help distinguish the movements of individual seedlings. All seedlings were grown in the presence of 5 µM AVG to block biosynthesis of ethylene by the seedlings. Seedlings were grown in air for 2 h prior to treatment with 10 µL L−1 ethylene (Open in a separate window).To determine whether phosphotransfer through the receiver domain of ETR1 is required for the nutation phenotype, seedlings deficient in ethylene receptor isoforms containing a receiver domain (ETR1, ETR2, EIN4) were transformed with a mutant ETR1 transgene lacking the conserved Asp659 required for phosphotransfer (getr1-[D]). Previous work showed that etr1-6 etr2-3 ein4-4 triple loss-of-function mutant seedlings failed to nutate and this nutation phenotype could be rescued when these mutants were transformed with wild-type, genomic ETR1 transgene.18 Similarly, transformation of the etr1-6 etr2-3 ein4-4 triple mutants with getr1-[D] rescued the nutation phenotype in most seedlings observed (Fig. 2). However, some seedlings (four of the eleven observed) failed to nutate. The reason for this variable rescue is unclear but could reflect differences in expression levels of the mutant transgene in individual plants. Alternatively, this variable rescue could reflect functional differences between the mutant and wild-type transgene suggesting a modulating role for phosphotransfer through the receiver domain of ETR1. Two independent lines were observed with similar results. Of those that did nutate, the period of nutations was 5.0 ± 1.2 h and the amplitude 7.6 ± 3.8° which is similar to values obtained previously for wild-type plants as well as plants transformed with a wild-type, genomic ETR1 transgene.18Open in a separate windowFigure 2Ethylene stimulates nutations of etr1-6 etr2-3 ein4-4 seedlings transformed with an ETR1 transgene mutated at Asp659. The hypocotyl angles from seven etr1-6 etr2-3 ein4-4 triple mutants transformed with an ETR1 transgene mutated at Asp659 (getr1[D]) are shown in two panels. One seedling in (A) (black) had no measurable nutations while one in (B) (black) had very small nutations.Conclusions from this and the previous study are that the ETR1 receptor has a unique role in ethylene-stimulated nutations. However, this role does not require either histidine kinase activity or phosphotransfer through the receiver domain of ETR1.  相似文献   
Early approaches to surgical implantation of electronic tags in fish were often through trial and error, however, in recent years there has been an interest in using scientific research to identify techniques and procedures that improve the outcome of surgical procedures and determine the effects of tagging on individuals. Here we summarize the trends in 108 peer-reviewed electronic tagging effect studies focused on intracoleomic implantation to determine opportunities for future research. To date, almost all of the studies have been conducted in freshwater, typically in laboratory environments, and have focused on biotelemetry devices. The majority of studies have focused on salmonids, cyprinids, ictalurids and centrarchids, with a regional bias towards North America, Europe and Australia. Most studies have focused on determining whether there is a negative effect of tagging relative to control fish, with proportionally fewer that have contrasted different aspects of the surgical procedure (e.g., methods of sterilization, incision location, wound closure material) that could advance the discipline. Many of these studies included routine endpoints such as mortality, growth, healing and tag retention, with fewer addressing sublethal measures such as swimming ability, predator avoidance, physiological costs, or fitness. Continued research is needed to further elevate the practice of electronic tag implantation in fish in order to ensure that the data generated are relevant to untagged conspecifics (i.e., no long-term behavioural or physiological consequences) and the surgical procedure does not impair the health and welfare status of the tagged fish. To that end, we advocate for (1) rigorous controlled manipulations based on statistical designs that have adequate power, account for inter-individual variation, and include controls and shams, (2) studies that transcend the laboratory and the field with more studies in marine waters, (3) incorporation of knowledge and techniques emerging from the medical and veterinary disciplines, (4) addressing all components of the surgical event, (5) comparative studies that evaluate the same surgical techniques on multiple species and in different environments, (6) consideration of how biotic factors (e.g., sex, age, size) influence tagging outcomes, and (7) studies that cover a range of endpoints over ecologically relevant time periods.  相似文献   
Increased radiative forcing is an inevitable part of global climate change, yet little is known of its potential effects on the energy fluxes in natural ecosystems. To simulate the conditions of global warming, we exposed peat monoliths (depth, 0.6 m; surface area, 2.1 m2) from a bog and fen in northern Minnesota, USA, to three infrared (IR) loading (ambient, +45, and +90 W m–2) and three water table (–16, –20, and –29 cm in bog and –1, –10 and –18 cm in fen) treatments, each replicated in three mesocosm plots. Net radiation (Rn) and soil energy fluxes at the top, bottom, and sides of the mesocosms were measured in 1999, 5 years after the treatments had begun. Soil heat flux (G) increased proportionately with IR loading, comprising about 3%–8% of Rn. In the fen, the effect of IR loading on G was modulated by water table depth, whereas in the bog it was not. Energy dissipation from the mesocosms occurred mainly via vertical exchange with air, as well as with deeper soil layers through the bottom of the mesocosms, whereas lateral fluxes were 10–20-fold smaller and independent of IR loading and water table depth. The exchange with deeper soil layers was sensitive to water table depth, in contrast to G, which responded primarily to IR loading. The qualitative responses in the bog and fen were similar, but the fen displayed wider seasonal variation and greater extremes in soil energy fluxes. The differences of G in the bog and fen are attributed to differences in the reflectance in the long waveband as a function of vegetation type, whereas the differences in soil heat storage may also depend on different soil properties and different water table depth at comparable treatments. These data suggest that the ecosystem-dependent controls over soil energy fluxes may provide an important constraint on biotic response to climate change.  相似文献   
How will climate change affect the sustainability of Arctic villages over the next 40 years? This question motivated a collaboration of 23 researchers and four Arctic communities (Old Crow, Yukon Territory, Canada; Aklavik, Northwest Territories, Canada; Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, Canada; and Arctic Village, Alaska, USA) in or near the range of the Porcupine Caribou Herd. We drew on existing research and local knowledge to examine potential effects of climate change, petroleum development, tourism, and government spending cutbacks on the sustainability of four Arctic villages. We used data across eight disciplines to develop an Arctic Community Synthesis Model and a Web-based, interactive Possible Futures Model. Results suggested that climate warming will increase vegetation biomass within the herd’s summer range. However, despite forage increasing, the herd was projected as likely to decline with a warming climate because of increased insect harassment in the summer and potentially greater winter snow depths. There was a strong negative correlation between hypothetical, development-induced displacement of cows and calves from utilized calving grounds and calf survival during June. The results suggested that climate warming coupled with petroleum development would cause a decline in caribou harvest by local communities. Because the Synthesis Model inherits uncertainties associated with each component model, sensitivity analysis is required. Scientists and stakeholders agreed that (1) although simulation models are incomplete abstractions of the real world, they helped bring scientific and community knowledge together, and (2) relationships established across disciplines and between scientists and communities were a valuable outcome of the study. Additional project materials, including the Web-based Possible Futures Model, are available at http://www.taiga.net/sustain.  相似文献   
Information on the effects of elevated ammonia on invertebrates in general, and polar Mollusks in particular, is scant. Questions of ammonia sensitivity are interesting for several reasons, particularly since predicted global change scenarios include increasing anthropogenic nitrogen and toxic ammonia. Furthermore, polar zooplankton species are often lipid-rich, and authors have speculated that there is a linkage between elevated levels of lipids/trimethylamine oxide and enhanced ammonia tolerance. In the present study, we sought to examine ammonia tolerance and effects of elevated exogenous ammonia on several key aspects of the physiology and biochemistry of the pteropod mollusk, Clione limacina antarctica. We determined that the 96-h LC50 value for this species is 7.465?mM total ammonia (Upper 95% CL?=?8.498?mM and Lower 95% CL?=?6.557?mM) or 0.51?mg/L as unionized ammonia (NH3) (at a pH of 7.756). While comparative data for mollusks are limited, this value is at the lower end of reported values for other species. When the effects of lower ammonia concentrations (0.07?mM total ammonia) on oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rates were examined, no effects were noted. However, total ammonia levels as low as 0.1?mM (or 0.007?mg/l NH3) elevated the activity of the ammonia detoxification enzyme glutamine synthetase by approximately 1.5-fold. The values for LC50 and observable effects on biochemistry for this one species are very close to permissible marine ammonia concentrations, indicating a need to more broadly determine the sensitivity of zooplankton to potential elevated ammonia levels in polar regions.  相似文献   
Application of recently developed gene expression techniques using microarrays in toxicological studies (toxicogenomics) facilitate the interpretation of a toxic compound's mode of action and may also allow the prediction of selected toxic effects based on gene expression changes. In order to test this hypothesis, we investigated whether carcinogens at doses known to induce liver tumors in the 2-year rat bioassay deregulate characteristic sets of genes in a short term in vivo study and whether these deregulated genes represent defined biological pathways. Male Wistar rats were dosed with the four nongenotoxic hepatocarcinogens methapyrilene (MPy, 60 mg/kg/day), diethylstilbestrol (DES, 10 mg/kg/day), Wy-14643 (Wy, 60 mg/kg/day), and piperonylbutoxide (PBO, 1200 mg/kg/day). After 1, 3, 7, and 14 days, the livers were taken for histopathological evaluation and for analysis of the gene expression profiles on Affymetrix RG_U34A arrays. The expression profile of the four nongenotoxic carcinogens were compared to the profiles of the four genotoxic carcinogens 2-nitrofluorene (2-NF), dimethylnitrosamine (DMN), 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), and aflatoxin B1 (AB1) from a similar study reported previously. By using statistical and clustering tools characteristically deregulated genes were extracted and functionally classified. Distinct cellular pathways were affected by the nongenotoxic carcinogens compared to the genotoxic carcinogens which at least partly correlated with the two-stage model of carcinogenesis. Characteristic to genotoxic carcinogens were a DNA damage response and the activation of proliferative and survival signaling. Nongenotoxic carcinogens showed responses to oxidative DNA or protein damage, as well as cell cycle progression and signs of regeneration. Many of the gene alterations found with the nongenotoxic carcinogens imply compound-specific mechanisms. Although neither a single gene nor a single pathway will be sufficient to discriminate the two classes of carcinogens, it became evident that combinations of pathway-associated gene expression profiles may be used to predict a genotoxic or nongenotoxic carcinogenic potential of a compound in short-term studies.  相似文献   
Establishing the diets of marine generalist consumers is difficult, with most studies limited to the use of morphological methods for prey identification. Such analyses rely on the preservation of diagnostic hard parts, which can limit taxonomic resolution and introduce biases. DNA-based analyses provide a method to assess the diets of marine species, potentially overcoming many of the limitations introduced by other techniques. This study compared the effectiveness of morphological and DNA-based analysis for determining the diet of a free-ranging generalist predator, the arrow squid (Nototodarus gouldi). A combined approach was more effective than using either of the methods in isolation. Nineteen unique prey taxa were identified, of which six were found by both methods, 10 were only detected using DNA and three were only identified using morphological methods. Morphological techniques only found 50% of the total number of identifiable prey taxa, whereas DNA-based techniques found 84%. This study highlights the benefits of using a combination of techniques to detect and identify prey of generalist marine consumers.  相似文献   
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