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Feeding success depends on host availability, host defensive reactions and host preferences. Host choice is a critical determinant of the intensity at which pathogens are transmitted. The aim of the current study was to describe host preferences of Palaearctic Culicoides species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Latreille using traps baited with the five different host species of poultry, horse, cattle, sheep and goat. Collections were carried out nightly in July and August 2009 in western France with three replicates of a 5 × 5 randomized Latin square (five sites, five hosts). Moreover, an ultraviolet (UV) light/suction trap was operated during host‐baited collections to correlate Culicoides biting rates and UV light/suction trap catches. A total of 660 Culicoides belonging to 12 species, but comprised mainly of Culicoides scoticus Downes and Kettle, Culicoides dewulfi Goetghebuer and Culicoides obsoletus Meigen, were collected on animal baits. Abundance was highest for the horse, which accounted for 95% of all Culicoides caught, representing 10 species. The horse, the largest bait, was the most attractive host, even when abundance data were corrected by weight, body surface or Kleiber's scaling factor. Culicoides obsoletus was the only dominant species attracted by birds. Both C. scoticus and C. dewulfi were collected mainly from the upper body of the horse. Finally, the quantification of host preferences allows for discussion of implications for the transmission of Culicoides‐borne pathogens such as bluetongue virus.  相似文献   
Long‐lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) are the cornerstones of malaria vector control. However, the effectiveness of these control tools depends on vector ecology and behaviour, which also largely determine the efficacy of certain Anopheles mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) as vectors. Malaria vectors in sub‐Saharan Africa are primarily species of the Anopheles gambiae complex, which present intraspecific differences in behaviour that affect how they respond to vector control tools. The focus of this study is the change in species composition in the An. gambiae complex after the implementation of LLINs in Dielmo, Senegal. The main findings referred to dramatic decreases in the proportions of Anopheles coluzzii and An. gambiae after the introduction of LLINs, and an increase in the proportion of Anopheles arabiensis. Two years after LLINs were first introduced, An. arabiensis remained the most prevalent species and An. gambiae had begun to rebound. This indicated a need to develop additional vector control tools that can target the full range of malaria vectors.  相似文献   
The fluorescence decay time of spinach chloroplasts at 77 degrees K was determined at 735 nm (corresponding to the photosystem I emission) using a train of 10-ps laser pulses spaced 10 ns apart. The fluorescence lifetime is constant at congruent to 1.5 ns for up to the fourth pulse, but then decreases with increasing pulse number within the pulse train. This quenching is attributed to triplet excited states, and it is concluded that triplet excitons exhibit a time lag of about 50 ns in diffusing from light harvesting antenna pigments to photosystem I pigments. The diffusion coefficient of triplet excitons is a least 300--400 times slower than the diffusion coefficient of singlet excitons in chloroplast membranes.  相似文献   
The fluorescence quantum yield in spinach chloroplasts at room temperature has been studied utilizing a 0.5–4.0 μs duration dye laser flash of varying intensities as an excitation source. The yield (Ф) and carotenoid triplet concentration were monitored both during and following the laser flash. The triplet concentration was monitored by transient absorption spectroscopy at 515 nm, while the yield Ф following the laser was probed with a low intensity xenon flash. The fluorescence is quenched by factors of up to 10–12, depending on the intensity of the flash and the time interval following the onset of the flash. This quenching is attributed to a quencher Q whose concentration is denoted by Q. The relative instantaneous concentration of Q was calculated from Ф utilizing the Stern-Volmer equation, and its buildup and decay kinetics were compared to those of carotenoid triplets. At high flash intensities (1016 photon · cm−2) the decay kinetics of Q are slower than those of the carotenoid triplets, while at lower flash intensities they are similar. Q is sensitive to oxygen and it is proposed that Q, at the higher intensities, is a trapped chlorophyll triplet. This hypothesis accounts well for the continuing rise of the carotenoid triplet concentration for 1–2 μs after the cessation of the laser pulse by a slow detrapping mechanism, and the subsequent capture of the triplet energy by carotenoid molecules.

At the maximum laser intensities, the carotenoid triplet concentration is about one per 100 chlorophyll molecules. The maximum chlorophyll ion concentration generated by the laser pulses was estimated to be below 0.8 ions/100 chlorophyll molecules. None of the observations described here were altered when a picosecond pulse laser train was substituted for the microsecond pulse.

A simple kinetic model describing the generation of singlets and triplets (by intersystem crossing), and their subsequent interaction leading to fluorescence quenching, accounts well for the observations. The two coupled differential equations describing the time dependent evolution of singlet and triplet excited states are solved numerically. Using a singlet-triplet bimolecular rate constant of γst = 10−8 cm3 · s−1, the following observations can be accounted for: (1) the rapid initial drop in Ф and its subsequent levelling off with increasing time during the laser pulse, (2) the buildup of the triplets during the pulse, and (3) the integrated yield of triplets per pulse as a function of the energy of the flash.  相似文献   

1. The wavelength dependence of the fluorescence polarization (FP) ratio and dichroism has been studied with magneto-oriented (10–13 kG) whole cells of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Scenedesmus obliquus, Euglena gracilis and spinach chloroplasts suspended in their aqueous growth media (or Tris-buffered sucrose solution in the case of the chloroplasts) under physiological conditions. The FP ratio is defined as the fluorescence intensity polarized parallel divided by the intensity polarized perpendicular to the membrane planes.

2. The FP ratio is typically in the range of 1.2–1.9 in Chlorella, 1.20–1.25 in Scenedesmus and 1.4–1.5 in spinach chloroplasts at fluorescence wavelengths above 690 nm. Below 690 nm the FP ratio decreases steadily with decreasing wavelength and may be as low as approx. 1.05 at 660 nm. These results are interpreted in terms of the orientation of the Qy transition moment vectors of the different spectroscopic forms of chlorophyll. For the chlorophyll a 680 form these vectors are inclined at angles of 30° or less (in Chlorella) with respect to the membrane planes, while the shorter wavelength chlorophyll a 670 forms appear to be not nearly as well oriented.

3. The Euglena fluorescence peak is red shifted to 714 nm (in the other algae and chloroplasts it is situated at 685 nm) and the FP ratio is approx. 1.20 in the 720–730 nm region and decreases with decreasing wavelength below 720 nm and is only 1.05 at 690 nm. This wavelength dependence is in good qualitative agreement with the fluorescence microscope studies of single chloroplasts of Euglena by Olson, R. A., Butler, W. H. and Jennings, W. H. ((1961) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 54, 615–617).

4. By means of a model calculation it is shown that the high FP ratios observed with Chlorella are entirely consistent with the low values of the degree of polarization (0.01–0.06) determined by previous workers with unoriented cell suspensions.

5. The influence of reabsorption and the resulting distortion in the wavelength dependence of the FP ratio are described. The possibility that the fluorescence is polarized by scattering artifacts, rather than being a result of the intrinsic orientation of chlorophyll, is considered.

6. Linear dichroism studies with Chlorella and spinach chloroplasts confirm the orientation of the Qy transition moment vectors deduced from the FP ratio. Furthermore, it appears that the porphyrin rings are tilted out of the membrane plane and that the carotenoid molecules tend to lie with their long axes in the lamellar plane.

7. In Euglena, dichroism studies indicate that chlorophyll a 680 is unoriented, while chlorophyll a 695 appears to be oriented similar to chlorophyll a 680 in Chlorella or spinach chloroplasts, a result which is also in accord with the measured FP ratio of Euglena.

8. The possibility that the magnetic field gives rise to the reorientation of individual chlorophyll molecules is shown to be highly unlikely.  相似文献   

Damages in the DNA template inhibit the progression of replication, which may cause single-stranded gaps. Such situations can be tolerated by translesion DNA synthesis (TLS), or by homology-dependent repair (HDR), which is based on transfer or copying of the missing information from the replicated sister chromatid. Whereas it is well established that TLS plays an important role in DNA damage tolerance in mammalian cells, it is unknown whether HDR operates in this process. Using a newly developed plasmid-based assay that distinguishes between the three mechanisms of DNA damage tolerance, we found that mammalian cells can efficiently utilize HDR to repair DNA gaps opposite an abasic site or benzo[a]pyrene adduct. The majority of these events occurred by a physical strand transfer (homologous recombination repair; HRR), rather than a template switch mechanism. Furthermore, cells deficient in either the human RAD51 recombination protein or NBS1, but not Rad18, exhibited decreased gap repair through HDR, indicating a role for these proteins in DNA damage tolerance. To our knowledge, this is the first direct evidence of gap-lesion repair via HDR in mammalian cells, providing further molecular insight into the potential activity of HDR in overcoming replication obstacles and maintaining genome stability.  相似文献   
The effects of non-nearest base sequences, beyond the nucleotides flanking a DNA lesion on either side, on nucleotide excision repair (NER) in extracts from human cells were investigated. We constructed two duplexes containing the same minor groove-aligned 10S (+)-trans-anti-B[a]P-N2-dG (G?) DNA adduct, derived from the environmental carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P): 5′-C-C-A-T-C-G?-C-T-A-C-C-3′ (CG?C-I), and 5′-C-A-C3-A4-C5-G?-C-A-C-A-C-3′ (CG?C-II). We used polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to compare the extent of DNA bending, and molecular dynamics simulations to analyze the structural characteristics of these two DNA duplexes. The NER efficiencies are 1.6(± 0.2)-fold greater in the case of the CG?C-II than the CG?C-I sequence context in 135-mer duplexes. Gel electrophoresis and self-ligation circularization experiments revealed that the CG?C-II duplex is more bent than the CG?C-I duplex, while molecular dynamics simulations showed that the unique -C3-A4-C5- segment in the CG?C-II duplex plays a key role. The presence of a minor groove-positioned guanine amino group, the Watson-Crick partner to C3, acts as a wedge; facilitated by a highly deformable local -C3-A4- base step, this amino group allows the B[a]P ring system to produce a more enlarged minor groove in CG?C-II than in CG?C-I, as well as a local untwisting and enlarged and flexible Roll only in the CG?C-II sequence. These structural properties fit well with our earlier findings that in the case of the family of minor groove 10S (+)-trans-anti-B[a]P-N2-dG lesions, flexible bends and enlarged minor groove widths constitute NER recognition signals, and extend our understanding of sequence context effects on NER to the neighbors that are distant to the lesion.  相似文献   
  • 1 The literature on bark‐stripping by red deer Cervus elaphus in Europe is reviewed to reveal quantitative variation in this behaviour and relate it to deer density and local characteristics such as dominant tree species, occurrence of artificial feeding, altitude, region and size of the study site. We also review the importance of bark in red deer diets over the seasons and discuss the causes of bark‐stripping, focusing on the significance of bark as food.
  • 2 Over the 36 sites examined, the rate of bark‐stripping was highly variable (from 0 to 84% of susceptible trees debarked), with less damage in Scotland than in other European sites for which bark‐stripping rates were higher at high red deer density. Altitude, the size of the study site, the number of dominant tree species and the occurrence of artificial feeding do not significantly relate to the rate of bark‐stripping.
  • 3 Bark sometimes made up a large proportion of red deer diet (> 10%), especially in areas with severe winters (high levels of snow), whereas in study sites with mild winters, bark was practically not eaten at all.
  • 4 These results suggest that severe bark‐stripping could be related to a reduction in food resource availability. This food availability hypothesis needs to be better documented, dealing particularly with the possible interaction between food availability and red deer density.
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