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酶电泳资料和系统与进化植物学研究综述   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
酶电泳资料和系统与进化植物学研究综述葛颂(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学开放研究实验室北京100093)关键词同工酶,电泳,植物系统学,进化ELECTROPHORETICDATAANDSTUDIESOFPLANTSYSTEMATICSANDEV...  相似文献   
Calluses were induced from immature embryos of an indica type rice and finely dispersed cell suspension cultures were initiated from the callus using modified AA medium (S1 medium). The suspension cultures were maintained alternatively (1–2 passages in each medium) in S1 medium and S2 medium, the latter containing KNO3, NH4NO3, proline and glutamine as nitrogen source. Protoplasts of high quality were isolated form suspension cells cultured in S2 medium supplemented with ABA. Embedding the protoplasts in agarose blocks containing NH4NO3-free modified KM8P(PM1) medium and immersing the blocks in NH4NO3-containing modified KM8P(PM3) medium were most effective for obtaining protoplast division and callus formation. The protoplast-derived calluses were precultured in potato extract-aand/or ABA-containing N6(D1, D2 or D3) media and many embryo-like structures were formed. These structures developed into plantlets after being transferred to N6 differentiation (D4) medium. The regenerated plantlets grew into mature plants and beard seeds normally.Abbreviations AA medium amino acids based medium - ABA abscisic acid - BA benzyladenine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - DF division frequency - IAA indoleacetic acid - KIN kinetin - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - PE planting efficiency  相似文献   
While the majority of sympathetic neurons are noradrenergic, a minority population are cholinergic. At least one population of cholinergic sympathetic neurons arises during development by a target-dependent conversion from an initial noradrenergic phenotype. Evidence for retrograde specification has been obtained from transplantation studies in which sympathetic neurons that normally express a noradrenergic phenotype throughout life were induced to innervate sweat glands, a target normally innervated by cholinergic sympathetic neurons. This was accomplished by transplanting footpad skin containing sweat gland primordia from early postnatal donor rats to the hairy skin region of host rats. The sympathetic neurons innervating the novel target decreased their expression of noradrenergif traints and developed choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity. In addition, many sweat gland-associated fibers acquired acetylcholinesterase (AChE) staining and VIP immunoreactivity. These studies indicated that sympathetic neurons in vivo alter their neurotransmitter phenotype in response to novel envronmental signals and that sweat glands play a critical role in the cholinergic and peptidergic differentiation of the sympathetic neurons that innervate them. The sweat gland-derived cholinergic differentiation factor is distinct from leukemia inhibitory factor and ciliary neurotrophic factor, two well-characterized cytokines that alter the neurotransmitter properties of cultured sympathetic neurons in a similar fashion. Recent studies indicate that anterograde signalling is also important for the establishment of functional synapses in this system. We have found that the production of cholinergic differentiation activity by sweat glands required sympathetic innervation, and the acquisition and maintenance of secretory competence by sweat glands depends upon functional cholinergic innervation. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
本文给出了方程dx/dt=f(x(t-1))出现4/(2n 1),4/(2n-1),4/(2n-3),…,4/7,4/5,4/3,4一周期解并蕴含浑沌的一个条件。  相似文献   
本文用细胞免疫化学方法,在冰冻切片上,检测了胎儿不同组织和器官内带γδ和αβ受体的T细胞(TCR)的分布,结果发现TCR细胞的分布与,般T细胞不同,有相对固定的分布区,如胸腺内TCR细胞主要分布在皮筋质交界处和髓质部;脾脏内的γδT主要位于边缘区,而αβT主要位于动脉周围淋巴鞘,在红髓和血窦两种细胞共存;淋巴结内只有少数TCR细胞位于滤泡间或副皮质,滤泡内则未见。消化管内的TCR细胞主要分布在小肠的固有膜,而胃、大肠和阑尾的固有膜内很少见;肝内TCR细胞主要集中在血管和血窦周围;皮肤切片内的少数TCR细胞见于真皮内,表皮基底层细胞内未见。这些细胞在胎儿期的免疫皮应及其生理功能还不清楚。  相似文献   
将γ─亚麻酸生产菌Cunninghamellaspp.8761进行原生质体化,并用物理方法进行诱变,使其在形态上产生了变异,γ─亚麻酸含量有所增加。本文报道了该菌株原生质体的制备,再生条件,以及诱变后形态变化,发酵性能。  相似文献   
中国桔园蜘蛛名录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道我国柑桔园内蜘蛛资源调查结果,目前已发现的蜘蛛计有25科90属197种,是柑桔害虫的一类重要捕食性天敌。  相似文献   
尹长民  彭贤锦 《蛛形学报》1994,3(2):104-112
报道了我国园蛛科7新种,即:云南园蛛Araneus yunnanensis、景洪金蛛Argiopejing hongensis、长垂驼蛛Cyphalonolus elongalus、石门壮头蛛Chorizopes shimenensis、勐海曲腹蛛Cyrlarachne menghaiensis 、文山肥蛛Larinia wenshanensis 和十字亮腹蛛Singa cruciformis。  相似文献   


Understanding how species' traits and environmental contexts relate to extinction risk is a critical priority for ecology and conservation biology. This study aims to identify and explore factors related to extinction risk between herbaceous and woody angiosperms to facilitate more effective conservation and management strategies and understand the interactions between environmental threats and species' traits.






We obtained a large dataset including five traits, six extrinsic variables, and 796,118 occurrence records for 14,888 Chinese angiosperms. We assessed the phylogenetic signal and used phylogenetic generalized least squares regressions to explore relationships between extinction risk, plant traits, and extrinsic variables in woody and herbaceous angiosperms. We also used phylogenetic path analysis to evaluate causal relationships among traits, climate variables, and extinction risk of different growth forms.


The phylogenetic signal of extinction risk differed among woody and herbaceous species. Angiosperm extinction risk was mainly affected by growth form, altitude, mean annual temperature, normalized difference vegetation index, and precipitation change from 1901 to 2020. Woody species' extinction risk was strongly affected by height and precipitation, whereas extinction risk for herbaceous species was mainly affected by mean annual temperature rather than plant traits.

Main conclusions

Woody species were more likely to have higher extinction risks than herbaceous species under climate change and extinction threat levels varied with both plant traits and extrinsic variables. The relationships we uncovered may help identify and protect threatened plant species and the ecosystems that rely on them.  相似文献   
第十一届国际植物园协会(IABG)大会于1993年9月7日在中国无锡开幕,经苏州、杭州,于9月12日在上海闭幕。9月6日部分与会代表参加了在南京举行的“中国南京国际植物园俱乐部”奠基仪式及江苏省重点实验室南京中山植物园“植物迁地保存实验室”扩建部分开放使用等一系列庆祝活动。参加大会的有来自23个国家和地区的199名代表。大会收到论文74篇,其中板报42篇,大会报告13篇。本次会议的主要议题为“植物园与国家发展”。经过大会报告和交流,明确了世界植物园在继续发挥其保护物种和保护环境的功能之外,必须进一步密切植物园与国家发展的关系。全面发展植物园的十项功能,不仅可以增加植物园对社会的贡献,也有利于提高植物园自身的活力和生存能力。大会选出了以主席岩(木规)邦男,副主席李蔼娃、贺善安、安德列也夫,秘书长艾斯特万为领导核心的新一届理事会。世界植物园两大组织国际植物园协会(IABG)和国际植物园保护组织(BGCI)在无锡签署的合作备忘录标志着国际植物园运动进入了一个新的历史时期。理事会的第一次会议于9月11日在由杭州开往上海的火车上举行。讨论了整顿组织、会员登记、出版IABG通讯及与BGCI合作开展活动等问题。会议确认1994年将在印尼召开IABG-AD第二次会议。第十二届IABG大会将于1  相似文献   
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