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以单头亚菊茎段为外植体对其进行组织培养,MS为基本培养基,设置不同激素浓度配比。对实验结果进行观察分析,筛选出合适的配方。启动培养基为Ms+0.5mg·L-16-BA+0.01mg·L-1NAA。继代培养基MS+O.75mg·L-1。6-BA+0.01mg·L。NAA,可获得较高的增殖率。不定根最适诱导培养基为1/2MS+O.15mg·L—IBA,生根率达87%以上,组培苗移栽成活率达98%。  相似文献   
Previous studies proved that bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) could improve a variety of immune‐mediated disease by its immunomodulatory properties. In this study, we investigated the effect on airway remodeling and airway inflammation by administrating BMSCs in chronic asthmatic mice. Forty‐eight female BALB/c mice were randomly distributed into PBS group, BMSCs treatment group, BMSCs control group, and asthmatic group. The levels of cytokine and immunoglobulin in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were detected by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay. The number of CD4+CD25+regulatory T cells and morphometric analysis was determined by flow cytometry, hematoxylin‐eosin, immunofluorescence staining, periodic‐acid Schiff, and masson staining, respectively. We found that airway remodeling and airway inflammation were evident in asthmatic mice. Moreover, low level of IL‐12 and high levels of IL‐13, IL‐4, OVA‐specific IgG1, IgE, and IgG2a and the fewer number of CD4+CD25+regulatory T cells were present in asthmatic group. However, transplantation of BMSCs significantly decreased airway inflammation and airway remodeling and level of IL‐4, OVA‐specific IgE, and OVA‐specific IgG1, but elevated level of IL‐12 and the number of CD4 + CD25 + regulatory T cells in asthma (P < 0.05). However, BMSCs did not contribute to lung regeneration and had no significant effect on levels of IL‐10, IFN‐Y, and IL‐13. In our study, BMSCs engraftment prohibited airway inflammation and airway remodeling in chronic asthmatic group. The beneficial effect of BMSCs might involved the modulation imbalance cytokine toward a new balance Th1–Th2 profiles and up‐regulation of protective CD4 + CD25 + regulatory T cells in asthma, but not contribution to lung regeneration. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 1595–1605, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The relationships of extant and extinct lineages of Adephaga were analysed formally for the first time. Emphasis is placed on the aquatic and semiaquatic groups and their evolution in the Mesozoic. ?Triadogyrus and ?Mesodineutus belong to Gyrinidae, the sister group of the remaining families. ?Triaplidae are the sister group of the following groups (Haliplidae, Geadephaga, Dytiscoidea incl. ?Liadytidae, ?Parahygrobiidae and ?Coptoclavidae [major part]). The lack of a ventral procoxal joint and a very short prosternal process are plesiomorphies of ?Triaplidae. ?Coptoclavidae and ?Timarchopsinae are paraphyletic. ?Timarchopsis is placed in a geadephagan clade. In contrast to other coptoclavids, its metathorax is close to the condition found in Haliplidae, with a complete transverse ridge and coxae with large plates and free mesal walls. ?Coptoclavidae s.str., i.e. excl. ?Timarchopsis, is a dytiscoid subgroup. The mesal metacoxal walls are fused, the coxal plates are reduced, and the transverse ridge is absent. ?Stygeonectes belongs to this dytiscoid coptoclavid unit and is therefore misplaced in ?Timarchopsinae. ?Liadytidae belongs to a dytiscoid subgroup, which also comprises the extant families Aspidytidae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae and Dytiscidae. ?Parahygrobia is the sister group of Hygrobiidae. The larvae are characterized by a broad gula, the absence of the lacinia, retractile maxillary bases and very long urogomphi set with long setae. ?Liadytiscinae is the sister group of extant Dytiscidae. There is no support for a clade ?Eodromeinae and for Trachypachidae incl. ?Eodromeinae. ?Fortiseode is nested within Carabidae. The exclusion of fossil taxa has no effect on the branching pattern. The evolution of Adephaga in the Mesozoic is discussed. Possible reasons for the extinction of ?Coptoclavidae are the rise of teleost fish and the competition of Gyrinidae and Dytiscidae, which possess efficient defensive glands and larval mandibular sucking channels.  相似文献   
The results of the works on the international project for the Baltic sturgeon restoration in the basin of the Neman River are considered. The mutual goal of the project is the restoration of the Baltic sturgeon population in its whole former area in the Baltic Sea. Successful works on the restoration of the Baltic sturgeon population are conducted in the Oder and the Vistula basins. The stockings of the Neman River with the sturgeon fry were started from 2012 year. It is contemplated that the sturgeon stockings of the main rivers of the Baltic Sea will enable to restore local sturgeon populations in these river basins. Till the beginning of the XXI century it was supposed that the Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser sturio had inhabited the Baltic Sea, but numerous genetic analysis of the samples of the sturgeon bones from the archeological finds in the museums showed that the Baltic Sea had been inhabited with Acipenser oxyrhynchus and its population still inhabits several rivers in Canada. This discovery permitted to start the creation of the Baltic sturgeon broodstock. Sturgeon fry from the eggs imported from Canada were used for stocking at the first stage of the project. Later it is contemplated to use the fry from the broodstocks in Germany and Poland. Sturgeon fry hatched from Canadian eggs in Poland and reared in Lithuania was used for the Neman River stocking. The fry were tagged and released in the Neris and the Sventoji Rivers in the Neman River basin. The sturgeon migrated into the Curonian lagoon where the monitoring of the catches was fulfilled. The results of sturgeon catches monitoring are discussed.  相似文献   
Loss of DBC2 (deleted in breast cancer 2) gene expression is frequent in breast cancer tissues. This can be explained by homozygous deletions or other mutations in a minority of cases but alternative mechanisms need to be investigated. Here, DBC2 expression was significantly suppressed compared with normal breast tissues in breast cancer tissues when analyzed by RT-PCR. Furthermore, DNA methylation on DBC2 was more prevalent in breast tumors than in normal tissues. DBC2 mRNA levels correlated with the degree of DBC2 methylation in breast cancer tissues and in a breast cancer cell line (T47D). Clinico-pathological correlation analysis showed that DBC2 promoter methylation was associated with tumor-node-metastasis stages II and III/IV, lymph node metastasis, p53 mutation, and HER2-positive status. Thus loss of DBC2 expression is caused by abnormal methylation of DBC2 and might have a role in breast cancer development.  相似文献   
Dipodoidea are a diverse rodent group whose earliest known record is from the Middle Eocene. The evolution and diversification of this superfamily have been documented by fossils and comparative morphology, but have not yet been studied from the perspective of molecular phylogeny. This study is the first attempt to reconstruct an extensive phylogeny of Dipodidae and estimate divergence times based on a nuclear gene coding for interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein. We found that there is a wide measure of agreement with the fossil record. Each of the three ecological groups of the extant Dipodoidea (sicistines, zapodines, and jerboas) has its distinctive distribution; the distribution patterns have been shaped by the dispersal events. The key events of paleogeographic distribution coincided with major paleoenvironmental events in the Cenozoic. The first important diversification phase occurred during the period from the Oligocene to Early Miocene, when global climate underwent major changes beginning with the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. The second adaptive radiation occurred within jerboas and was associated with the expansion of open habitat starting with the late Middle Miocene. The diversification of jerboas can be correlated with habitat changes in response to global and regional climatic events.  相似文献   
The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays important roles in regulating plant growth, development, and responses to environmental stresses. Proteins in the PYR/PYL/RCAR family (hereafter referred to as PYLs) are known as ABA receptors. Since most studies thus far have focused on Arabidopsis PYLs, little is known about PYL homologs in crop plants. We report here the characterization of 21 PYL homologs (GmPYLs) in soybean. Twenty-three putative GmPYLs can be found from soybean genome sequence and categorized into three subgroups. GmPYLs interact with AtABI1 and two GmPP2Cs in diverse manners. A lot of the subgroup I GmPYLs interact with PP2Cs in an ABA-dependent manner, whereas most of the subgroup II and III GmPYLs bind to PP2Cs in an ABA-independent manner. The subgroup III GmPYL23, which cannot interact with any of the tested PP2Cs, differs from other GmPYLs. The CL2/gate domain is crucial for GmPYLs-PP2Cs interaction, and a mutation in the conserved proline (P109S) abolishes the interaction between GmPYL1 and AtABI1. Furthermore, the ABA dependence of GmPYLs-PP2Cs interactions are partially correlated with two amino acid residues preceding the CL2/gate domain of GmPYLs. We also show that GmPYL1 interacts with AtABI1 in an ABA-dependent manner in plant cells. Three GmPYLs differentially inhibit AtABI1 and GmPP2C1 in an ABA-dependent or -enhanced manner in vitro. In addition, ectopically expressing GmPYL1 partially restores ABA sensitivity of the Arabidopsis triple mutant pyr1/pyl1/pyl4. Taken together, our results suggest that soybean GmPYLs are ABA receptors that function by interacting and inhibiting PP2Cs.  相似文献   
Drought is one of the critical factors limiting reproductive yields of rice and other crops globally. However, little is known about the molecular mechanism underlying reproductive development under drought stress in rice. To explore the potential gene function for improving rice reproductive development under drought, a drought induced gene, Oryza sativa Drought-Induced LTP (OsDIL) encoding a lipid transfer protein, was identified from our microarray data and selected for further study. OsDIL was primarily expressed in the anther and mainly responsive to abiotic stresses, including drought, cold, NaCl, and stress-related plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA). Compared with wild type, the OsDIL-overexpressing transgenic rice plants were more tolerant to drought stress during vegetative development and showed less severe tapetal defects and fewer defective anther sacs when treated with drought at the reproductive stage. The expression levels of the drought-responsive genes RD22, SODA1, bZIP46 and POD, as well as the ABA synthetic gene ZEP1 were up-regulated in the OsDIL-overexpression lines but the ABA degradation gene ABAOX3 was down-regulated. Moreover, overexpression of OsDIL lessened the down-regulation by drought of anther developmental genes (OsC4, CYP704B2 and OsCP1), providing a mechanism supporting pollen fertility under drought. Overexpression of OsDIL significantly enhanced drought resistance in transgenic rice during reproductive development, while showing no phenotypic changes or yield penalty under normal conditions. Therefore, OsDIL is an excellent candidate gene for genetic improvement of crop yield in adaption to unfavorable environments.  相似文献   
Thiamethoxam (THIA), a second generation neonicotinoid insecticide in the thianicotinyl subclass, is used worldwide. Environmental studies revealed that microbial degradation is the major mode of removal of this pesticide from soil. However, microbial transformation of THIA is poorly understood. In the present study, we isolated a bacterium able to degrade THIA from rhizosphere soil. The bacterium was identified as Ensifer adhaerens by its morphology and 16S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis. High-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry analysis suggested that the major metabolic pathway of THIA in E. adhaerens TMX-23 involves the transformation of its N-nitroimino group (=N–NO2) to N-nitrosoimino (=N–NO) and urea (=O) metabolites. E. adhaerens TMX-23 is a nitrogen-fixing bacterium harboring two types of nifH genes in its genome, one of which is 98 % identical to the nifH gene in the cyanobacterium Calothrix sp. MCC-3A. E. adhaerens TMX-23 released various plant-growth-promoting substances including indole-3-acetic acid, exopolysaccharides, ammonia, HCN, and siderophores. Inoculation of E. adhaerens TMX-23 onto soybean seeds (Glycine max L.) with NaCl at 50, 100, or 154 mmol/L increased the seed germination rate by 14, 21, and 30 %, respectively. THIA at 10 mg/L had beneficial effects on E. adhaerens TMX-23, enhancing growth of the bacterium and its production of salicylic acid, an important plant phytohormone associated with plant defense responses against abiotic stress. The nitrogen-fixing and plant-growth-promoting rhizobacterium E. adhaerens TMX-23, which is able to degrade THIA, has the potential for bioaugmentation as well as to promote growth of field crops in THIA-contaminated soil.  相似文献   
Tetranychus truncatus Ehara is a phytophagous spider mite that is now one of the most important pests of agricultural and economic crops in East and Southeast Asia. However, population genetics and other studies of T. truncatus have been impeded by the lack of microsatellite markers, which are expensive and time-consuming to identify. Previous studies indicated a high potential of cross-amplification of microsatellites in Tetranychus species, meaning that the microsatellite flanking sequences are sufficiently homologous among Tetranychus species that the primers for one species may work in another species. Here, we tested 205 primer pairs designed from the whole genome sequence of Tetranychus urticae Koch, a sister species of T. truncatus, for microsatellite markers in three populations of T. truncatus in China (N = 94). About half (102) of these primer pairs yielded the desired PCR products, 36 of which revealed polymorphism in T. truncatus. Each of the 36 markers harbored between 2 and 23 alleles, with a mean polymorphic information content of 0.589 (0.119–0.922 range). The mean observed and expected heterozygosity across loci and the three populations were 0.468 and 0.628, respectively. Of the 36 primer pairs, 22 also worked in Tetranychus piercei, but only a few of them worked in T. ludeni and T. phaselus. Cross-amplification is thus a cost-effective way to develop microsatellite markers, which can be of great value in population genetics studies.  相似文献   
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