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M J Wagner  Y Ge  M Siciliano  D E Wells 《Genomics》1991,10(1):114-125
We have characterized a panel of somatic cell hybrids that carry fragments of human chromosome 8 and used this panel for the regional localization of anonymous clones derived from a chromosome 8 library. The hybrid panel includes 11 cell lines, which were characterized by Southern blot hybridization with chromosome 8-specific probes of known map location and by fluorescent in situ hybridization with a probe derived from a chromosome 8 library. The chromosome fragments in the hybrid cell lines divide the chromosome into 10 intervals. Using this mapping panel, we have mapped 56 newly derived anonymous clones to regions of chromosome 8. We have also obtained physical map locations for 7 loci from the genetic map of chromosome 8, thus aligning the genetic and physical maps of the chromosome.  相似文献   
本文用~(125)Ⅰ标记LC-1进行了一些体内外实验。实验结果表明:LC-1单抗的结合常数为4.8×10~8M~(-1),LC-1针对的SPC-A_1细胞表面抗原的位点数为7.2×10~4/细胞;LC-1与LAC-122两单抗针对的抗原决定簇没有交叉;用蛋白酶和过碘酸钠处理SPC-A_1细胞,前者对LC-1的结合抑制39%,后者抑制66%;LC- 1不但有较强的体外结合靶细胞的能力,从LC-1在荷瘤裸鼠中的组织器官分布来看,LC-1与肿瘤有较高的体内亲和性,并且是特异性的结合。  相似文献   
Specific nitrogenase activity inAzospirillum brasilense ATCC 29145 in surface cultures under air is enhanced from about 50 nmol C2H4·mg protein-1·h-1 to 400 nmol C2H4 by the addition of 1 mM phenol. 0.5 and 2 mM phenol added increase the rate 5-fold and 4-fold. This enhancement effect is observed only between 2 and 3 days after inoculation, with only a small reduction of the growth of the cells by the phenol added. In surface cultures under 1% O2, nitrogenase activity is slightly reduced by the addition of 1–0.01 mM phenol. Utilization of succinate is enhanced during the period of maximum enhancement of nitrogenase activity by 60% by addition of 1 mM phenol. The cells did not produce14CO2 from [U-14C] phenol, neither in surface cultures nor in liquid cultures and less than 0.1% of the phenol was incorporated into the cells. A smaller but significant enhancement of nitrogenase activity by about 100% in surface cultures under air was found withKlebsiella pneumoniae K 11 after addition of 1 mM phenol. However, inRhizobium japonicum 61-A-101 all phenol concentrations above 0.01 mM reduced nitrogenase activity. With 1 mM phenol added activity was reduced to less than 10% with no effect on the growth in the same cultivation system. With thisRhizobium japonicum strain significant quantities of phenol (25 mol in 24 h by 2·1012 cells) were metabolized to14CO2, with phenol as sole carbon source. WithAzospirillum brasilense in liquid culture under 1% and 2% O2 in the gas phase, no enhancement of nitrogenase activity by phenol was noticed.  相似文献   
Between July 1975 and April 1980, 71 patients were admitted to the Second Attached Hospital of Hubei Provincial Medical College in Wuchang with the diagnosis of epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF). The clinical course among these patients was similar to that described for patients with Korean hemorrhagic fever, and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome of the U.S.S.R. The overall mortality was 11.2 percent. Sera obtained from some of these patients as well as from patients admitted to the First Attached Hospital of Hubei Provincial Medical College were tested against an antigen associated with Korean hemorrhagic fever and showed exceedingly high antibody titers. We conclude that EHF in Central China represents the same or a closely related disease process as Korean hemorrhagic fever.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Pulvillen vonCalliphora erythrocephala wurden licht und fluoreszenzmikroskopisch, raster- und transmissions-elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Das Adhäsionssekret wurde dünnschichtchromatographisch mit dem Körperoberflächen-Lipid verglichen.Die Pulvillen tragen auf der Ventralseite mehrere Tausend langer dünner Hafthaare mit sohlenartigen Endverbreiterungen. Die Kutikula des Pulvillus besteht hauptsächlich aus elastischen Kutikulatypen (Endo- und Mesokutikula) in verschiedenen, spezifischen Ausbildungsformen.Die Pulvillen enthalten ein sekretorisches Epithel ohne Ausführgänge, das Protein- und Lipideinschlüsse zeigt.Das Pulvillensekret ist eine schwerflüchtige, ölige Flüssigkeit, die nicht identisch ist mit dem Körperoberflächen-Lipid. Das Sekret wird in der homogenen Kutikala des Pulvillus gespeichert und über das Porenkanalsystem der Ventralseite nach außen geleitet.Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Struktur der Pulvillen und ihrer Rolle beim Adhäsionsvorgang wird diskutiert.
The pulvilli ofCalliphora erythrocephala (Diptera, Brachycera) as adhesive organs
Summary The pulvilli ofCalliphora erythrocephala were examined by light microscopy, fluorescent light microscopy, SEM and TEM. The adhesive secretion was compared with the general surface lipid layer by means of thinlayerchromatography.On the ventral surface the pulvilli bare several thousand long, slender tenent hairs with solelike spatulate tips. The pulvillar cuticle is composed on the whole of elastic cuticle types (endocuticle, mesocuticle) with specific modifications of structure. The pulvilli contain a secretory epithelium without transport ducts which has lipid and proteinaceous inclusions.The pulvillar secretion is a slowly volatile oily liquid which is not identical to the general surface lipid. The secretion is stored in the homogeneous cuticle within the pulvillus and transported to the ventral surface via the pore canal system.The correlation between the structure of pulvilli and their function in the adhesion process is discussed here.

Abkürzungen bl Basales Labyrinth - cv coated vesicle - db dense body - dlk Dichter Lamellenkörper - dw Dorsalwand - e Epithel - ef Endokutikulafasern in der Übergangszone (meso 2b) - endo 1 lamelläre Endokutikula - endo 2 homogene Endokutikula - endo 3 gelatinöse Endokutikula - ep Empodium - epi Epikutikula - exo Exokutikula - fr Fersenregion - fs Faltensaum - hh Hafthaare - hs Haarschaft - k Kutikula - kr Kralle - ku Kutikulinschicht - l Lumen - li Lipid - lr Dorsale Längsrippen - m Mitochondrium - mb Mesokutikulabalken in der Übergangszone (meso 2b) - meso 1 helle homogene Mesokutikula - meso 2a dunkle homogene Mesokutikula, kompakt - meso 2b Übergangszone, in der dunkle homogene Mesokutikulabalken mit faseriger Endokutikula verzahnt sind - mt Mikrotubulus - mvbd Dunkler multivesikulärer Körper - n Kern - pc Porenkanal - ps Proximalsklerit - pt Prätarsus - rer Rauhes endoplasmatisches Retikulum - s Schulter - sd Sehnendrüse - se Sehne - so Sohle - sr Saumregion - t Tubulus - t5 Tarsalglied 5 - ta Tasche - td Tarsaldrüse - te Tarsalepithel - tg Taschengrund - tk Terminalkanäle - utr Unguitractor - v Heller Vesikel - va Proteinvakuole - w Wachsschicht - z Zementschicht  相似文献   
【目的】通过分离一株猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)流行毒株,并构建其感染性克隆,为研究PCV2基因功能提供操作平台。【方法】通过PCR方法,从疑似患断奶仔猪多系统衰竭综合症(PMWS)的仔猪淋巴结中鉴定为猪圆环病毒(Porcine circovirus,PCV)2型阳性。把阳性病料接种PK-15细胞传代培养,在培养物中扩增出PCV2的全基因序列。对扩增出的全序列进行序列测定,并与GenBank中公布的5株广东PCV2分离株(GD-pz、GD-gj、GD-jm、GD-ss和GD-sz)进行同源性分析。通过EcoRⅠ和SalⅠ将PCV2全基因组序列克隆进pUC18载体中,获得含PCV2 GD-zq株全基因组单拷贝的重组质粒pPCV2-GD-zq,再通过SalⅠ和HindⅢ把另一个全长拷贝克隆进pPCV2-GD-zq质粒中,使PCV2 GD-zq株基因组DNA以头尾相接的双重复方式克隆进pUC18载体中,获得重组质粒pPCV2-2GD-zq。将pPCV2-2GD-zq DNA纯化和定量后转染PK-15细胞,拯救PCV2 GD-zq病毒。【结果】从PMWS感染的猪淋巴结中分离到了一株PCV2,命名为GD-zq株;序列分析结果显示,GD-zq株全基因组为1 767 bp,与GenBank中公布的5株广东PCV2分离株ORF1核苷酸一致性为97.1%-99.7%,编码氨基酸一致性为98.7%-100%;ORF2核苷酸一致性为93.2%-99.6%,编码氨基酸一致性为92.3%-99.1%;全基因一致性为96.0%-99.6%。pPCV2-2GD-zq质粒转染PK-15细胞后,其通过间接免疫荧光实验(IFA)能从转染细胞及其传代细胞中,检测到拯救出的病毒。【结论】分离了一株PCV2广东株GD-zq,成功构建了PCV2 GD-zq株的感染性克隆。  相似文献   
Progesterone (P4) can participate in the development of female mammalian antral follicles through nuclear receptor (PGR). In this experiment, the differences of P4 synthesis and PGR expression in different developmental stages of sheep antral follicles (large > 5mm, medium 2-5mm, small < 2mm) were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR and Western blotting. Secondly, sheep follicular granulosa cells were cultured in vitro. The effects of different concentrations of FSH and LH on P4 synthesis and PGR expression were studied. The results showed that acute steroid regulatory protein (StAR), cholesterol side chain lyase (P450scc) and 3β Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) and PGR were expressed in antral follicles, and with the development of antral follicles in sheep, StAR, P450scc and the expression of 3β-HSD and PGR increased significantly. In vitro experiments showed that FSH and LH alone or together treatment could regulate P4 secretion and PGR expression in sheep follicular granulosa cells to varying degrees, hint P4 and PGR by FSH and LH, and LH was the main factor. Our results supplement the effects of FSH and LH on the regulation of P4 synthesis during follicular development, which provides new data for further study of steroid synthesis and function in follicular development.  相似文献   
【目的】从新疆石河子地区奶牛粪样中分离裂解性大肠杆菌噬菌体(Escherichia coli phage),对其进行纯化及生物学特性分析。【方法】利用双层平板法从奶牛粪样中分离、纯化噬菌体,将纯化后的噬菌体浓缩液用醋酸双氧铀负染后通过透射电子显微镜观察其形态特征。对该噬菌体进行全基因组测序和遗传进化分析,同时测定噬菌体的宿主谱、最佳感染复数、一步生长曲线、热稳定性及酸碱稳定性。【结果】分离并纯化出一株裂解性噬菌体vB_EcoM_XJ2,噬菌斑圆形不透明,直径0.7 mm–1.2 mm;电镜显示其头部呈正多面体对称,有可伸缩性尾部;核酸类型为双链DNA,基因组大小为75.617 kb,G+C%含量为42.09%;其核酸序列与大肠杆菌噬菌体NJ01和vB_EcoP_SU10相似性高达94%。生物学特性研究显示该噬菌体能裂解多株临床分离的大肠杆菌;能耐受60°C左右高温,在pH 5.0–11.0范围内效价稳定;最佳感染复数为0.1,潜伏期为15 min,暴发期为95 min,裂解量约为10.6 PFU/cell。【结论】vB_EcoM_XJ2是一株在不同温度、不同酸碱性环境中有较强适应能力的裂解性肌尾科大肠杆菌噬菌体。  相似文献   
首次发现并记述大长鼻白蚁Schedorhinotermes magnus Tsai et Chen,1963有翅成虫。大长鼻白蚁有翅成虫头壳近圆形,前胸背板长0.78-0.87 mm,体长7.99-8.54 mm。研究标本采集于广西壮族自治区南宁市,保存于南宁市白蚁防治所。  相似文献   
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