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Multipotent properties of myofibroblast cells derived from human placenta   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Human uterine fibroblasts (HuF) isolated from the maternal part (decidua parietalis) of a term placenta provide a useful model of in vitro cell differentiation into decidual cells (decidualization, a critical process for successful pregnancy). After isolation, the cells adhere to plastic and have either a small round or spindle-shaped morphology that later changes into a flattened pattern in culture. HuF robustly proliferate in culture until passage 20 and form colonies when plated at low densities. The cells express the mesenchymal cell markers fibronectin, integrin-β1, ICAM-1 (CD54), and collagen I. Flow cytometry of HuF has detected the presence of CD34, a marker of the hematopoietic stem cell lineage, and an absence of CD10, CD11b/Mac, CD14, CD45, and HLA type II. Furthermore, they also express the pluripotency markers SSEA-1, SSEA-4, Oct-4, Stro-1, and TRA-1–81 as detected by confocal microscopy. Treatment for 14–21 days with differentiation-inducing media leads to the differentiation of HuF into osteoblasts, adipocytes, and chondrocytes. The presence of α-smooth muscle actin, calponin, and myosin light-chain kinase in cultured HuF implies their similarity to myofibroblasts. Treatment of the HuF with dimethyl sufoxide causes reversion to the spindle-shaped morphology and a loss of myofibroblast characteristics, suggesting a switch into a less differentiated phenotype. The unique abilities of HuF to exhibit multipotency, even with myofibroblast characteristics, and their ready availability and low maintenance requirements make them an interesting cell model for further exploration as a possible tool for regenerative medicine. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized user. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant HD-44713 (to Z.S.).  相似文献   
Geographical and taxonomic biases in invasion ecology   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Invasive alien species come from most taxonomic groups, and invasion biology is searching for robust cross-taxon generalizations and principles. An analysis of 2,670 papers dealing with 892 invasive species showed that all major groups of invaders are well studied, but that most information on the mechanisms of invasion has emerged from work on a limited number of the most harmful invaders. A strong geographical bias, with Africa and Asia understudied, inhibits a balanced understanding of invasion, because we might be lacking knowledge of specific invasion mechanisms from poorly studied, regionally specific habitats. International cooperation is required to achieve a more geographically balanced picture of biological invasions. Invasive species with the greatest impact are best studied, but more studies of species that are naturalized but not (yet) invasive are needed to improve understanding of the mechanisms acting during the naturalization phase of invasions and leading to successful invasion.  相似文献   
We retrospectively evaluated a set of 205 children with autism and compared it to the partial sub-set of 71 (34.6%) children with a history of regression. From 71 children with regression, signs of epileptic processes were present in 43 (60.6%), 28 (65.12%) suffered clinical epileptic seizures, and 15 (34.9%) just had an epileptiform abnormality on the EEG. In our analysis, autistic regression is substantially more associated with epileptic process symptoms than in children with autism and no history of regression. More than 90% of children with a history of regression also show IQ < 70 and reduced functionality. Functionality and IQ further worsens with the occurrence of epileptic seizures (98% of children with regression and epilepsy have IQ < 70). We proved that low IQ and reduced functionality significantly correlate rather with epileptic seizures than just sub-clinical epileptiform abnormality on EEG. Clinical epileptic seizures associated with regression significantly influence the age of regression and its clinical type. The age of regression is higher compared to children with regression without epileptic seizures (in median: 35 months of age in patients with seizures while only 24 months in other patients). Patients with seizures revealed regression after 24th months of age in 68% of cases, while patients without seizures only in 27%. However, coincidence with epilepsy also increased the occurrence of regression before the 18th month of age (23% of patients), while only 4% of patients without epilepsy revealed regression before the 18th month. Epileptic seizures are significantly associated especially with behaviour regression rather than speech regression or regression in both behaviour and speech. Also epileptic seizures diagnosed before correct diagnosis of autism were significantly associated with delayed regression (both behavioural and speech regression).  相似文献   
Abstract. The only trees in most of the Negev desert are 3 native Acacia species. We tested the hypothesis that they act as keystone species as a result of the improved soil conditions under their canopies. Furthermore, because many Acacia populations suffer high levels of mortality due to water stress, we tested whether trees in high mortality populations had diminished effects on plant species and soil quality under their canopies. We show that plant species diversity beneath the tree canopies is higher than in the surrounding areas. There was also a clearly identifiable suite of species with higher occurrence under the trees. Plant species composition differed significantly between high and low mortality sites. However, there was higher species diversity in high mortality sites and under trees with higher water stress. Soil nutrient content was higher under the trees than in the open areas, especially under larger trees and trees with higher water status. The results indicate that there is a combination of positive and negative effects of Acacia trees on the under‐canopy environment, which may include positive effects of higher soil nutrients and a negative influence of higher soil salinity.  相似文献   
To clarify the role of Angiotensin II in the regulation of sensory signaling, we characterized the AT1 expression in neuronal subpopulation of lower lumbar dorsal root ganglia under normal conditions and its alteration in neuropathic pain model. The characterization of AT1 expression was done under control and after the chronic constriction injury induced by four loose ligatures of the sciatic nerve representing the model of posttraumatic painful peripheral neuropathy. Major Angiotensin II receptor type was expressed in approximately 43 % of small-sized and 62 % of large-sized neurons in control. The AT1 overexpression after sciatic nerve ligation lasting 7 days was detected predominantly in small-sized AT1 immunoreactive neurons (about 38 % increase). Chronic constriction injury caused a statistically marked increase in number of the small-sized peptidergic (CGRP immunoreactive) neuronal subpopulation expressing AT1 (about 64 %). The subpopulations of AT1-immunoreactive and nonpeptide-containing primary sensory neurons revealed by IB4 binding, tyrosine hydroxylase- and parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons were not markedly changed. Our results indicate that: (1) the AT1 overexpression after the chronic constriction injury is an important factor in Angiotensin II-potentiated pain perception; (2) Angiotensin II is involved in pathological mechanisms of neuropathic pain and this effect can be mediated perhaps in combination with other neuropeptides synthesized in the primary sensory neurons.  相似文献   
Colonic function is controlled by an endogenous clock that allows the colon to optimize its function on the daytime basis. For the first time, this study provided evidence that the clock is synchronized by rhythmic hormonal signals. In rat colon, adrenalectomy decreased and repeated applications of dexamethasone selectively rescued circadian rhythm in the expression of the clock gene Per1. Dexamethasone entrained the colonic clock in explants from mPer2Luc mice in vitro. In contrast, pinealectomy had no effect on the rat colonic clock, and repeated melatonin injections were not able to rescue the clock in animals maintained in constant light. Additionally, melatonin did not entrain the clock in colonic explants from mPer2Luc mice in vitro. However, melatonin affected rhythmic regulation of Nr1d1 gene expression in vivo. The findings provide novel insight into possible beneficial effects of glucocorticoids in the treatment of digestive tract-related diseases, greatly exceeding their anti-inflammatory action.  相似文献   
The in vitro effect of stone-wool has been studied in primary cultures of pulmonary alveolar macrophages (AM) and type II pneumocytes (T2) by morphological, biochemical and immunological methods. UICC crocidolite was applied as a positive control. Although stone-wool brought about frustrated phagocytosis, it did not induce serious membrane damage, whereas crocidolite gave rise to very severe membrane alterations. Stone-wool significantly reduced the activity of Cu,Zn/superoxide dismutase (SOD) in alveolar macrophages and significantly decreased the activity of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) in pneumocytes type II. Crocidolite, on the other hand, decreased the activity of all enzymes (glutathione peroxidase - GSH-Px, glutathione reductase - GSH-Rd) of glutathione metabolism in alveolar macrophages. It decreased the activity of all enzymes in pneumocytes type II except for Cu,Zn/SOD. After exposure to stone-wool, the production of inflammatory proteins, macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and macrophage inhibitory protein-1alpha (MIP-1alpha) increased in both cultured cells but did not reach the level induced by crocidolite. Although this study provided a useful insight in the toxicity of the stone-wool, we can not draw the conclusions how the intact pulmonary tissue may respond on the exposure to these fibres, exclusively based on the in vitro tests.  相似文献   
Recently, there is an increase in number of studies concerned with the effect of various types of limitations on species local population size and distribution pattern at the landscape scale. The terminology used to describe these limitations is, however, very inconsistent. Since the different terms often appear in conclusions of the papers, the inconsistency in their use obscures the message of these papers. In this study, we review the current uses of these terms, identify the basic concepts involved in the discussion of a limitation and link the concepts with the currently used terms. Finally, we discuss the experimental approaches used to assess the different types of limitations. We differentiated four basic concepts resulting from the combination of limitation by environment versus ability to grow and spread, and two spatial scales (local and regional scale). The two concepts at each spatial scale are expected to form a gradient of all possible combinations of the two respective types of limitations. In the considerations of various experimental approaches used to assess these limitations, we conclude that sowing experiments, i.e. seed addition into existing populations or seed introduction into unoccupied habitats, are the only reliable types of evidence for the different types of limitations.  相似文献   
Phospholipase D (PLD) forms the major family of phospholipases that was first discovered and cloned in plants. In this report we have shown, for the first time, that C2 phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2)-dependent PLD(s) from 5 day hypocotyls of Brassica oleracea associated with plasma membrane is covalently modified-phosphorylated. Pre-incubation of the plasma membrane fraction with acid phosphatase resulted in concentration-dependent inhibition of PIP2-dependent PLD activity. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry of tryptic in-gel digests, the BoPLDgamma(1,2) isoform was identified. Comparing the spectra of the proteins obtained from the plasma membrane fractions treated and non-treated with acid phosphatase, three peptides differing in the mass of the phosphate group (80 Da) were revealed: TMQMMYQTIYK, EVADGTVSVYNSPR and KASKSRGLGK which possess five potential Ser/Thr phosphorylation sites. Our findings suggest that a phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanism may be involved in the regulation of plant PIP2-dependent PLDgamma activity.  相似文献   
Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) is an antioxidant enzyme that attenuates brain and lung injury from oxidative stress. A polybasic region in the carboxyl terminus distinguishes EC-SOD from other superoxide dismutases and determines EC-SOD's tissue half-life and affinity for heparin. There are two types of EC-SOD that differ based on the presence or absence of this heparin-binding region. It has recently been shown that proteolytic removal of the heparin-binding region is an intracellular event (Enghild, J. J., Thogersen, I. B., Oury, T. D., Valnickova, Z., Hojrup, P., and Crapo, J. D. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 14818-14822). By using mammalian cell lines, we have now determined that removal of the heparin-binding region occurs after passage through the Golgi network but before being secreted into the extracellular space. Specific protease inhibitors and overexpression of intracellular proteases implicate furin as a processing protease. In vitro experiments using furin and purified EC-SOD suggest that furin proteolytically cleaves EC-SOD in the middle of the polybasic region and then requires an additional carboxypeptidase to remove the remaining lysines and arginines. A mutation in Arg(213) renders EC-SOD resistant to furin processing. These results indicate that furin-dependent processing of EC-SOD is important for determining the tissue distribution and half-life of EC-SOD.  相似文献   
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