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The human DNA methyltransferase 3A (DNMT3A) is essential for establishing DNA methylation patterns. Knowing the key factors involved in the regulation of mammalian DNA methylation is critical to furthering understanding of embryonic development and designing therapeutic approaches targeting epigenetic mechanisms. We observe substrate inhibition for the full length DNMT3A but not for its isolated catalytic domain, demonstrating that DNMT3A has a second binding site for DNA. Deletion of recognized domains of DNMT3A reveals that the conserved PWWP domain is necessary for substrate inhibition and forms at least part of the allosteric DNA binding site. The PWWP domain is demonstrated here to bind DNA in a cooperative manner with μM affinity. No clear sequence preference was observed, similar to previous observations with the isolated PWWP domain of Dnmt3b but with one order of magnitude weaker affinity. Potential roles for a low affinity, low specificity second DNA binding site are discussed.  相似文献   
Conventional methods to induce tolerance in humans have met with limited success. Hence, efforts to redirect tolerogen uptake using reovirus adhesin, protein sigma 1 (pσ1), may circumvent these shortcomings based upon the recent finding that when reovirus pσ1 is engineered to deliver chicken ovalbumin (OVA) mucosally, tolerance is obtained, even with a single dose. To test whether single-dose tolerance can be induced to treat EAE, proteolipid protein (PLP130–151) was genetically fused to OVA to pσ1 (PLP:OVA-pσ1) and shown to significantly ameliorate EAE, suppressing proinflammatory cytokines by IL-10+ forkhead box P3 (FoxP3)+ CD25+CD4+ Treg and IL-4+CD25CD4+ Th2 cells. IL-10R or IL-4 neutralization reversed protection to EAE conferred by PLP:OVA-pσ1, and adoptive transfer of Ag-specific Treg or Th2 cells restored protection against EAE in recipients. Upon assessment of each relative participant, functional inactivation of CD25 impaired PLP:OVA-pσ1''s protective capacity, triggering TGF-β-mediated inflammation; however, concomitant inactivation of TGF-β and CD25 reestablished PLP:OVA-pσ1-mediated protection by IL-28-producing FoxP3+CD25CD4+ T cells. Thus, pσ1-based therapy can resolve EAE independently of or dependently upon CD25 and assigns IL-28 as an alternative therapy for autoimmunity.  相似文献   
The HIV envelope has evolved a dense array of immunologically "self" carbohydrates that efficiently protect the virus from antibody recognition. Nonetheless, one broadly neutralising antibody, IgG1 2G12, has been shown to recognise a cluster of oligomannose glycans on the HIV-1 surface antigen gp120. Thus the self carbohydrates of HIV are now regarded as potential targets for viral neutralisation and vaccine design. Here, we show that chemical inhibition of mammalian glycoprotein synthesis, with the plant alkaloid kifunensine, creates multiple HIV (2G12) epitopes on the surface of previously non-antigenic self proteins and cells, including HIV gp120. This formally demonstrates the structural basis for self/non-self discrimination between viral and host glycans, by a neutralising antibody. Moreover, this study provides an alternative protein engineering approach to the design of a carbohydrate vaccine for HIV-1 by chemical synthesis.  相似文献   
The biosphere of planet Earth is delineated by physico-chemical conditions that are too harsh for, or inconsistent with, life processes and maintenance of the structure and function of biomolecules. To define the window of life on Earth (and perhaps gain insights into the limits that life could tolerate elsewhere), and hence understand some of the most unusual biological activities that operate at such extremes, it is necessary to understand the causes and cellular basis of systems failure beyond these windows. Because water plays such a central role in biomolecules and bioprocesses, its availability, properties and behaviour are among the key life-limiting parameters. Saline waters dominate the Earth, with the oceans holding 96.5% of the planet's water. Saline groundwater, inland seas or saltwater lakes hold another 1%, a quantity that exceeds the world's available freshwater. About one quarter of Earth's land mass is underlain by salt, often more than 100 m thick. Evaporite deposits contain hypersaline waters within and between their salt crystals, and even contain large subterranean salt lakes, and therefore represent significant microbial habitats. Salts have a major impact on the nature and extent of the biosphere, because solutes radically influence water's availability (water activity) and exert other activities that also affect biological systems (e.g. ionic, kosmotropic, chaotropic and those that affect cell turgor), and as a consequence can be major stressors of cellular systems. Despite the stressor effects of salts, hypersaline environments can be heavily populated with salt-tolerant or -dependent microbes, the halophiles. The most common salt in hypersaline environments is NaCl, but many evaporite deposits and brines are also rich in other salts, including MgCl(2) (several hundred million tonnes of bischofite, MgCl(2).6H(2)O, occur in one formation alone). Magnesium (Mg) is the third most abundant element dissolved in seawater and is ubiquitous in the Earth's crust, and throughout the Solar System, where it exists in association with a variety of anions. Magnesium chloride is exceptionally soluble in water, so can achieve high concentrations (> 5 M) in brines. However, while NaCl-dominated hypersaline environments are habitats for a rich variety of salt-adapted microbes, there are contradictory indications of life in MgCl(2)-rich environments. In this work, we have sought to obtain new insights into how MgCl(2) affects cellular systems, to assess whether MgCl(2) can determine the window of life, and, if so, to derive a value for this window. We have dissected two relevant cellular stress-related activities of MgCl(2) solutions, namely water activity reduction and chaotropicity, and analysed signatures of life at different concentrations of MgCl(2) in a natural environment, namely the 0.05-5.05 M MgCl(2) gradient of the seawater : hypersaline brine interface of Discovery Basin - a large, stable brine lake almost saturated with MgCl(2), located on the Mediterranean Sea floor. We document here the exceptional chaotropicity of MgCl(2), and show that this property, rather than water activity reduction, inhibits life by denaturing biological macromolecules. In vitro, a test enzyme was totally inhibited by MgCl(2) at concentrations below 1 M; and culture medium with MgCl(2) concentrations above 1.26 M inhibited the growth of microbes in samples taken from all parts of the Discovery interface. Although DNA and rRNA from key microbial groups (sulfate reducers and methanogens) were detected along the entire MgCl(2) gradient of the seawater : Discovery brine interface, mRNA, a highly labile indicator of active microbes, was recovered only from the upper part of the chemocline at MgCl(2) concentrations of less than 2.3 M. We also show that the extreme chaotropicity of MgCl(2) at high concentrations not only denatures macromolecules, but also preserves the more stable ones: such indicator molecules, hitherto regarded as evidence of life, may thus be misleading signatures in chaotropic environments. Thus, the chaotropicity of MgCl(2) would appear to be a window-of-life-determining parameter, and the results obtained here suggest that the upper MgCl(2) concentration for life, in the absence of compensating (e.g. kosmotropic) solutes, is about 2.3 M.  相似文献   
The success of genome-wide association studies has paralleled the development of efficient genotyping technologies. We describe the development of a next-generation microarray based on the new highly-efficient Affymetrix Axiom genotyping technology that we are using to genotype individuals of European ancestry from the Kaiser Permanente Research Program on Genes, Environment and Health (RPGEH). The array contains 674,517 SNPs, and provides excellent genome-wide as well as gene-based and candidate-SNP coverage. Coverage was calculated using an approach based on imputation and cross validation. Preliminary results for the first 80,301 saliva-derived DNA samples from the RPGEH demonstrate very high quality genotypes, with sample success rates above 94% and over 98% of successful samples having SNP call rates exceeding 98%. At steady state, we have produced 462 million genotypes per week for each Axiom system. The new array provides a valuable addition to the repertoire of tools for large scale genome-wide association studies.  相似文献   
Plutonium is a toxic synthetic element with no natural biological function, but it is strongly retained by humans when ingested. Using small-angle X-ray scattering, receptor binding assays and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy, we find that rat adrenal gland (PC12) cells can acquire plutonium in vitro through the major iron acquisition pathway--receptor-mediated endocytosis of the iron transport protein serum transferrin; however, only one form of the plutonium-transferrin complex is active. Low-resolution solution models of plutonium-loaded transferrins derived from small-angle scattering show that only transferrin with plutonium bound in the protein's C-terminal lobe (C-lobe) and iron bound in the N-terminal lobe (N-lobe) (Pu(C)Fe(N)Tf) adopts the proper conformation for recognition by the transferrin receptor protein. Although the metal-binding site in each lobe contains the same donors in the same configuration and both lobes are similar, the differences between transferrin's two lobes act to restrict, but not eliminate, cellular Pu uptake.  相似文献   
Alström Syndrome (ALMS) is a rare genetic disorder (483 living cases), characterized by many clinical manifestations, including blindness, obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiomyopathy. ALMS is caused by mutations in the ALMS1 gene, encoding for a large protein with implicated roles in ciliary function, cellular quiescence and intracellular transport. Patients with ALMS have extensive fibrosis in nearly all tissues resulting in a progressive organ failure which is often the ultimate cause of death. To focus on the role of ALMS1 mutations in the generation and maintenance of this pathological fibrosis, we performed gene expression analysis, ultrastructural characterization and functional assays in 4 dermal fibroblast cultures from ALMS patients. Using a genome-wide gene expression analysis we found alterations in genes belonging to specific categories (cell cycle, extracellular matrix (ECM) and fibrosis, cellular architecture/motility and apoptosis). ALMS fibroblasts display cytoskeleton abnormalities and migration impairment, up-regulate the expression and production of collagens and despite the increase in the cell cycle length are more resistant to apoptosis. Therefore ALMS1-deficient fibroblasts showed a constitutively activated myofibroblast phenotype even if they do not derive from a fibrotic lesion. Our results support a genetic basis for the fibrosis observed in ALMS and show that both an excessive ECM production and a failure to eliminate myofibroblasts are key mechanisms. Furthermore, our findings suggest new roles for ALMS1 in both intra- and extra-cellular events which are essential not only for the normal cellular function but also for cell-cell and ECM-cell interactions.  相似文献   
Hypoxia, caused by disrupted vasculature and peripheral vasculopathies, is a key factor that limits dermal wound healing. Factors that can increase oxygen delivery to the regional tissue, such as supplemental oxygen, warmth, and sympathetic blockade, can accelerate healing. Clinical experience with adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in the treatment of chronic wounds have shown that wound hyperoxia may increase granulation tissue formation and accelerate wound contraction and secondary closure. However, HBOT is not applicable to all wound patients and may pose the risk of oxygen toxicity. Thus, the efficacy of topical oxygen treatment in an experimental setting using the pre-clinical model involving excisional dermal wound in pigs was assessed. Exposure of open dermal wounds to topical oxygen treatment increased tissue pO2 of superficial wound tissue. Repeated treatment accelerated wound closure. Histological studies revealed that the wounds benefited from the treatment. The oxygen treated wounds showed signs of improved angiogenesis and tissue oxygenation. Topically applied pure oxygen has the potential of benefiting some wound types. Further studies testing the potential of topical oxygen in pre-clinical and clinical settings are warranted.  相似文献   
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