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Long-chain normal hydrocarbons (e.g. alkanes, alkenes and dienes) are rare biological molecules and their biosynthetic origins are obscure. Detailed analyses of the surface lipids that accumulate on maize silks have revealed that these hydrocarbons constitute a large portion (>90%) of the cuticular waxes that coat this organ, which contrasts with the situation on maize seedling leaves, where the cuticular waxes are primary alcohols and aldehydes. The normal hydrocarbons that occur on silks are part of a homologous series of alkanes, alkenes and dienes of odd-number carbon atoms, ranging between 19 and 33 in number. The alkenes and dienes consist of a homologous series, each of which has double bonds situated at defined positions of the alkyl chains: alkenes have double bonds situated at the sixth, ninth or 12th positions, and dienes have double bonds situated at the sixth and ninth, or ninth and twelfth positions. Finding a homologous series of unsaturated aldehydes and fatty acids suggests that these alkenes and dienes are biosynthesized by a series of parallel pathways of fatty-acid elongation and desaturation reactions, which are followed by sequential reduction and decarbonylation. In addition, the silk cuticular waxes contain metabolically related unsaturated long-chain methylketones, which probably arise via a decarboxylation mechanism. Finally, metabolite profiling analyses of the cuticular waxes of two maize inbred lines (B73 and Mo17), and their genetic hybrids, have provided insights into the genetic control network of these biosynthetic pathways, and that the genetic regulation of these pathways display best-parent heterotic effects.  相似文献   
Commercially produced maturity group (MG) IV soybeans, Glycine max L., were sampled during bloom for tarnished plant bugs, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), during May and June 1999 (3 fields) and 2001 (18 fields). The adults and nymphs were found primarily in single population peaks in both years, indicating a single new generation was produced during each year. The peak mean numbers of nymphs were 0.61 and 0.84 per drop cloth sample in 1999 and 2001, respectively. Adults peaked at 3.96 (1999) and 3.76 (2001) per sweep net sample (25 sweeps). Tests using laboratory-reared and field-collected tarnished plant bugs resulted in very poor survival of nymphs on 16 different soybean varieties (MG III, one; IV, four; V, nine; VI, two). A large cage (0.06 ha) field test found that the number of nymphs produced on eight soybean varieties after mated adults were released into the cages was lower than could be expected on a suitable host. These results indicated that soybean was a marginal host for tarnished plant bugs. However, the numbers of adults and nymphs found in the commercially produced fields sampled in the study may have been high enough to cause feeding damage to the flowering soybeans. The nature of the damage and its possible economic importance were not determined. Reproduction of tarnished plant bugs in the commercially produced early soybean fields showed that the early soybeans provided tarnished plant bugs with a very abundant host at a time when only wild hosts were previously available.  相似文献   
High levels of plasma apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100), the principal apolipoprotein of LDL, are associated with cardiovascular disease. We hypothesized that suppression of apoB-100 mRNA by an antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) would reduce LDL cholesterol (LDL-C). Because most of the plasma apoB is made in the liver, and antisense drugs distribute to that organ, we tested the effects of a mouse-specific apoB-100 ASO in several mouse models of hyperlipidemia, including C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat diet, Apoe-deficient mice, and Ldlr-deficient mice. The lead apoB-100 antisense compound, ISIS 147764, reduced apoB-100 mRNA levels in the liver and serum apoB-100 levels in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Consistent with those findings, total cholesterol and LDL-C decreased by 25-55% and 40-88%, respectively. Unlike small-molecule inhibitors of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, ISIS 147764 did not produce hepatic or intestinal steatosis and did not affect dietary fat absorption or elevate plasma transaminase levels. These findings, as well as those derived from interim phase I data with a human apoB-100 antisense drug, suggest that antisense inhibition of this target may be a safe and effective approach for the treatment of humans with hyperlipidemia.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of the primary epithelium, and the efferent half of the subepithelium, of the primary gill lamellae of slimy mackerel ( Scomber australasicus ) is described. The following cells are identified and described: light nucleated epithelial cells (surface and basal), dark nucleated cells, mucous cells, acidophilic cells, type 1 cells, type 2 cells, type 3 cells and chloride cells in the epithelial region, and subepithelial cells A and B, fibroblasts, chondrocytes, cells of the wall of efferent blood vessel and some blood cells in the subepithelium.  相似文献   
As part of the DNA Sequencing Research Group of the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities, we have tested the reproducibility of the Roche/454 GS-FLX Titanium System at five core facilities. Experience with the Roche/454 system ranged from <10 to >340 sequencing runs performed. All participating sites were supplied with an aliquot of a common DNA preparation and were requested to conduct sequencing at a common loading condition. The evaluation of sequencing yield and accuracy metrics was assessed at a single site. The study was conducted using a laboratory strain of the Dutch elm disease fungus Ophiostoma novo-ulmi strain H327, an ascomycete, vegetatively haploid fungus with an estimated genome size of 30–50 Mb. We show that the Titanium System is reproducible, with some variation detected in loading conditions, sequencing yield, and homopolymer length accuracy. We demonstrate that reads shorter than the theoretical minimum length are of lower overall quality and not simply truncated reads. The O. novo-ulmi H327 genome assembly is 31.8 Mb and is comprised of eight chromosome-length linear scaffolds, a circular mitochondrial conti of 66.4 kb, and a putative 4.2-kb linear plasmid. We estimate that the nuclear genome encodes 8613 protein coding genes, and the mitochondrion encodes 15 genes and 26 tRNAs.  相似文献   
Understanding the relationship between form and function is central to our comprehension of how phenotypic diversity evolves. Traits involved in multiple activities, such as social interactions and ecological resource use, are under the influence of different evolutionary forces potentially acting in opposite directions. Such systems provide the opportunity of understanding how potential constraints on morphological variation may influence whole-organism performance. In this study we examined morphology and bite performance in two closely related species of Podarcis wall lizards with divergent microhabitat preferences, to investigate how natural and sexual selection interact to shape the evolution of head traits. Our results show that although head morphology is markedly different between species and sexes, only sexes differ in bite force, indicating that the ecological differentiation between species is reflected in their morphology but does not constrain performance. Rather, the modification of the relative size of head components between species and a shift in the form-function relationship provide a potential explanation of how equal performance is attained by different morphological configurations. Geometric morphometrics provide a clear, biomechanically meaningful image of how this is achieved and show a bisexual pattern of head shape-bite force association in both species. This, together with a strong allometry of head size on body size and head shape on head size, provides indirect morphological evidence for the importance of sexual selection in shaping morphological and functional patterns. Finally, our findings suggest that the differences observed between species and sexes in head traits and bite performance are not reflected in their dietary ecology, implying that if trophic niche segregation between groups occurs, the reasons behind it are not primarily related to head morphology and functional variation.  相似文献   
The homing ability of an intertidal fish, the shanny Lipophrys pholis , was investigated using two experiments that were based on the shanny's natural propensity to home to a refuge. A displacement experiment demonstrated that the fish were able to accurately locate the previous position of a refuge once the shelter itself had been removed so that it could not be used as a cue to directly signal the goal location. This shows that the shanny can encode information about its familiar surroundings into a spatial map and use this information to home. A second experiment in which the cues internal and external to the experimental tank were put in conflict with one another suggested that the shanny can encode cues that are both intra- and external-tank cues in its representation of space, but that there is individual variation in the type of cues that are used, or memorized.  相似文献   
The measurement of individual food consumption rates of fish held in groups using radiography has enabled the development of a new approach to fish nutrition trials. In order to compare diets, groups of individually numbered fish are fed different experimental diets over extended periods of time (similar to standard nutrition trials) and food consumption rates are measured regularly over the course of the experiment. Analysis of covariance is then used to compare regression coefficients, obtained from mean consumption-growth relationships, from each diet. The advantages of the approach are several: (1) differences in appetite between fish fed different diets are monitored; (2) fewer fish are needed to establish consumption-growth curves over a large range of consumption rates; (3) measured food consumption rates, not ration levels, are used to calculate 'true' growth efficiencies; and (4) other factors, such as absorption efficiency, trypsin activity, the concentration of free amino acids in tissues and protein turnover can be measured for individual fish and related to differences in food consumption between fish in the same group. The approach has been used successfully with a variety of species to compare the growth response of groups fed two or more diets.  相似文献   
Plasma protein binding of 195mPt-labelled cisplatin, carboplatin and iproplatin has been studied in vivo in rat and in vitro in mouse, using both electrophoresis and trichloroacetic acid precipitation. After intravenous injection plasma clearance rates were biphasic for all 3 compounds, (t1/2 alpha, 13-17 min) but cisplatin was retained thereafter longer than the others. By 5 min, gel electrophoresis showed protein labelling with all 3 drugs but none involved low mol.wt. proteins (< 16 kDa). At 2 h a notable proportion of the protein bound platinum was associated with the latter components. There was a general resemblance between the distribution patterns of cisplatin and carboplatin whereas iproplatin showed a persistent retention of the label with time to higher mol. wt. proteins. From in vitro incubation with mouse plasma, rates of interaction respectively were cisplatin t1/2 alpha, 35 min, beta 8 h, carboplatin t1/2, 44 h and iproplatin t1/2, 104 h. By electrophoresis the protein bound fraction pattern (1 h) was again similar for cisplatin and carboplatin with virtually no binding to low mol. wt. proteins. After 24 h these were now involved to a high degree (40%). Iproplatin showed relatively marked binding to proteins of higher mol. wt. but no transfer with time to the low mol. wt. protein zone. A possible explanation is the need for in vivo metabolism for this compound as manifest in the rat. It is suggested that the significance of interaction with low mol. wt. proteins merits further investigation in relation to the antitumour and toxicological actions of these drugs.  相似文献   
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