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We generalize to n patches the Ross-Macdonald model which describes the dynamics of malaria. We incorporate in our model the fact that some patches can be vector free. We assume that the hosts can migrate between patches, but not the vectors. The susceptible and infectious individuals have the same dispersal rate. We compute the basic reproduction ratio R(0). We prove that if R(0)1, then the disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable. When R(0)>1, we prove that there exists a unique endemic equilibrium, which is globally asymptotically stable on the biological domain minus the disease-free equilibrium.  相似文献   
Receptor-like kinases are important regulators of many different processes in plants. Despite their large number only a few have been functionally characterized. One of the largest subgroups of receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis is the cysteine-rich receptor like kinases (CRKs). High sequence similarity among the CRKs has been suggested as major cause for functional redundancy. The genomic localization of CRK genes in back-to-back repeats has made their characterization through mutant analysis unpractical. Expression profiling has linked the CRKs with reactive oxygen species, important signaling molecules in plants. Here we have investigated the role of two CRKs, CRK6 and CRK7, and analyzed their role in extracellular ROS signaling. CRK6 and CRK7 are active protein kinases with differential preference for divalent cations. Our results suggest that CRK7 is involved in mediating the responses to extracellular but not chloroplastic ROS production.  相似文献   
Recently, it was observed that the freely chosen pedal rate of elite cyclists was significantly lower at 06:00 than at 18:00 h, and that ankle kinematics during cycling exhibits diurnal variation. The modification of the pedaling technique and pedal rate observed throughout the day could be brought about to limit the effect of diurnal variation on physiological variables. Imposing a pedal rate should limit the subject's possibility of adaptation and clarify the influence of time of day on physiological variables. The purpose of this study was to determine whether diurnal variation in cardiorespiratory variables depends on pedal rate. Ten male cyclists performed a submaximal 15 min exercise on a cycle ergometer (50% Wmax). Five test sessions were performed at 06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, and 22:00 h. The exercise bout was divided into three equivalent 5 min periods during which different pedal rates were imposed (70 rev · min-1, 90 rev · min-1 and 120 rev · min-1). No significant diurnal variation was observed in heart rate and oxygen consumption, whatever the pedal rate. A significant diurnal variation was observed in minute ventilation (p=0.01). In addition, the amplitude of the diurnal variation in minute ventilation depended on pedal rate: the higher the pedal rate, the greater the amplitude of its diurnal variation (p=0.03). The increase of minute ventilation throughout the day is mainly due to variation in breath frequency (p=0.01)—the diurnal variation of tidal volume (all pedal rate conditions taken together) being non-significant—but the effect of pedal rate×time of day interaction on minute ventilation specific to the higher pedal rate conditions (p=0.03) can only be explained by the increase of tidal volume throughout the day. Even though an influence of pedal rate on diurnal rhythms in overall physiological variables was not also evidenced, high pedal rate should have been imposed when diurnal variations of physiological variables in cycling were studied.  相似文献   
We describe here the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of antiviral compounds acting against human rhinovirus (HRV). A series of aminothiazoles demonstrated pan-activity against the HRV genotypes screened and productive structure–activity relationships. A comprehensive investigational library was designed and performed allowing the identification of potent compounds with lower molecular weight and improved ADME profile. 31d-1, 31d-2, 31f showed good exposures in CD-1 mice. The mechanism of action was discovered to be a host target: the lipid kinase phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase III beta (PI4KIIIß). The identification of the pan-HRV active compound 31f combined with a structurally distinct literature compound T-00127-HEV1 allowed the assessment of target related tolerability of inhibiting this kinase for a short period of time in order to prevent HRV replication.  相似文献   
Although evolutionary transitions from sexual to asexual reproduction are frequent in eukaryotes, the genetic bases of such shifts toward asexuality remain largely unknown. We addressed this issue in an aphid species where both sexual and obligate asexual lineages coexist in natural populations. These sexual and asexual lineages may occasionally interbreed because some asexual lineages maintain a residual production of males potentially able to mate with the females produced by sexual lineages. Hence, this species is an ideal model to study the genetic basis of the loss of sexual reproduction with quantitative genetic and population genomic approaches. Our analysis of the co-segregation of ∼300 molecular markers and reproductive phenotype in experimental crosses pinpointed an X-linked region controlling obligate asexuality, this state of character being recessive. A population genetic analysis (>400-marker genome scan) on wild sexual and asexual genotypes from geographically distant populations under divergent selection for reproductive strategies detected a strong signature of divergent selection in the genomic region identified by the experimental crosses. These population genetic data confirm the implication of the candidate region in the control of reproductive mode in wild populations originating from 700 km apart. Patterns of genetic differentiation along chromosomes suggest bidirectional gene flow between populations with distinct reproductive modes, supporting contagious asexuality as a prevailing route to permanent parthenogenesis in pea aphids. This genetic system provides new insights into the mechanisms of coexistence of sexual and asexual aphid lineages.  相似文献   
We present a powerful experimental-computational technology for inferring network models that predict the response of cells to perturbations, and that may be useful in the design of combinatorial therapy against cancer. The experiments are systematic series of perturbations of cancer cell lines by targeted drugs, singly or in combination. The response to perturbation is quantified in terms of relative changes in the measured levels of proteins, phospho-proteins and cellular phenotypes such as viability. Computational network models are derived de novo, i.e., without prior knowledge of signaling pathways, and are based on simple non-linear differential equations. The prohibitively large solution space of all possible network models is explored efficiently using a probabilistic algorithm, Belief Propagation (BP), which is three orders of magnitude faster than standard Monte Carlo methods. Explicit executable models are derived for a set of perturbation experiments in SKMEL-133 melanoma cell lines, which are resistant to the therapeutically important inhibitor of RAF kinase. The resulting network models reproduce and extend known pathway biology. They empower potential discoveries of new molecular interactions and predict efficacious novel drug perturbations, such as the inhibition of PLK1, which is verified experimentally. This technology is suitable for application to larger systems in diverse areas of molecular biology.  相似文献   
The effects of two drugs acting at the peripheral type benzodiazepine binding sites, PK 11195 and RO5-4864, were examined in shock-induced suppression of drinking in rats. These two compounds have opposite effects : RO5-4864 (3.1-1205 mg/kg i.p.) enhanced whereas PK 11195 (25-50 mg/kg i.p.) decreased the punished responding, and PK 11195 (6.25 mg/kg, a dose which did not alter the punished responding) blocked the proconflict action of RO5-4864 (6.25 and 12.5 mg/kg). The effects of RO5-4864 and PK 11195 were not antagonized by RO15-1788, a selective antagonist of the central benzodiazepine site. In addition, PK 11195 (6.25 mg/kg) did not reverse the proconflict effect of two beta-carbolines : beta-CEE and FG 7142. AS picrotoxin did not change the punished responding, these data imply that the effects of RO5-4864 and PK 11195 on the one hand and those of chlordiazepoxide and beta-carbolines on the other hand are differentially mediated and suggest that the peripheral type benzodiazepine binding sites are involved in this conflict model.  相似文献   
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