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Hsieh SH  Chen CA  Chuang DW  Yang MC  Yang HT  Gau HM 《Chirality》2008,20(8):924-929
Asymmetric AlPh(3) (THF) additions to a wide variety of aldehydes catalyzed by a titanium catalyst of 20 mol % 1,3-bis[N-sulfonyl-(1R,2S)-1,3-diphenyl-2-aminopropanol]benzene (1) are reported. The catalytic system works excellently for aromatic aldehydes bearing either an electron-donating or an electron-withdrawing substituent on the aromatic ring to afford secondary diaryl alcohols in excellent isolated yields of >or=95% and excellent enantioselectivities of >or=94% ee. The phenyl addition to cinnamaldehyde or 2-furylaldehyde gave corresponding secondary alcohols in 85% and 95% ee, respectively. For aliphatic aldehydes, increasing enantioselectivities of the addition products in terms of increasing steric sizes of aldehydes are observed, and this trend goes from the linear 1-pentanal (87% ee), the secondary cyclohexylaldehyde (95% ee) or the 2-methylpropanal (97% ee), to the tertiary 2,2-dimethylpropanal (99% ee).  相似文献   
Population dynamics of specialist carnivores are closely linked to prey availability, but the extent of variability in diet breadth of individual carnivores relative to natural variability in the abundance of their primary prey is not well understood. Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) specialize on snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) and exhibit cyclic fluctuations in abundance that lag 1–2 years behind those of snowshoe hares. Declining hare densities spur demographic changes in lynx, but it is unclear whether a corresponding increase in diet breadth occurs: (1) broadly across a lynx population; (2) only among individuals who are able to effectively switch to alternative prey; or (3) only among individuals who cannot capture sufficient primary prey. We measured stable isotope ratios of lynx muscle tissue spanning a cyclic increase and decline in hare density (1998–2001) in Fort Providence, NT, Canada. We found that lynx cohorts responded differently to hare population change, with yearling animals having broader diets at low hare densities, while adults and dependent juveniles maintained a constant diet through the initial decline in hare density. This result was consistent irrespective of lynx sex and indicates that yearling lynx likely are forced to adopt a broader diet when primary prey densities decline. Our results imply that select cohorts of specialist carnivores can exhibit high dietary plasticity in response to changes in primary prey abundance, prompting the need to determine whether increased diet breadth in young lynx is a successful strategy for surviving through periods of snowshoe hare scarcity. In this way, cohort‐specific niche expansion could strongly affect the dynamics of organisms exhibiting population cycles.  相似文献   
Granule-bound starch synthase: structure, function, and phylogenetic utility   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
Interest in the use of low-copy nuclear genes for phylogenetic analyses of plants has grown rapidly, because highly repetitive genes such as those commonly used are limited in number. Furthermore, because low- copy genes are subject to different evolutionary processes than are plastid genes or highly repetitive nuclear markers, they provide a valuable source of independent phylogenetic evidence. The gene for granule-bound starch synthase (GBSSI or waxy) exists in a single copy in nearly all plants examined so far. Our study of GBSSI had three parts: (1) Amino acid sequences were compared across a broad taxonomic range, including grasses, four dicotyledons, and the microbial homologs of GBSSI. Inferred structural information was used to aid in the alignment of these very divergent sequences. The informed alignments highlight amino acids that are conserved across all sequences, and demonstrate that structural motifs can be highly conserved in spite of marked divergence in amino acid sequence. (2) Maximum-likelihood (ML) analyses were used to examine exon sequence evolution throughout grasses. Differences in probabilities among substitution types and marked among-site rate variation contributed to the observed pattern of variation. Of the parameters examined in our set of likelihood models, the inclusion of among-site rate variation following a gamma distribution caused the greatest improvement in likelihood score. (3) We performed cladistic parsimony analyses of GBSSI sequences throughout grasses, within tribes, and within genera to examine the phylogenetic utility of the gene. Introns provide useful information among very closely related species, but quickly become difficult to align among more divergent taxa. Exons are variable enough to provide extensive resolution within the family, but with low bootstrap support. The combined results of amino acid sequence comparisons, maximum-likelihood analyses, and phylogenetic studies underscore factors that might affect phylogenetic reconstruction. In this case, accommodation of the variable rate of evolution among sites might be the first step in maximizing the phylogenetic utility of GBSSI.   相似文献   
We investigated the host suitability of the Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) for a polyphagous koinobiont endoparasitoid Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a common natural enemy of various pest lepidopteran larvae. The estimated probability of adult wasp emergence was 80% or higher when eggs were laid in nearly fully grown larvae of E. kuehniella (fresh weight, >?20.0 mg). The body size of emerged adult wasps increased with the initial weight of the host larvae at oviposition. The fresh weight of adult wasps reared on E. kuehniella was approximately 60% of that when reared on a natural host Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and the lifetime fecundity of wasps reared on E. kuehniella was approximately half of that when reared on S. litura. Ephestia kuehniella was shown to be a positive host candidate for the mass rearing of M. pulchricornis, but further investigation is needed to increase the body size of wasps for more practical use of this species as a biocontrol agent.  相似文献   
基因治疗是未来临床医学最具潜力的治疗方式,目前阻碍临床基因治疗发展的主要因素是缺乏安全和高效的基因载体,因此研究理想的非病毒转基因载体具有重要的意义.构建了由质粒DNA(D)-抗DNA抗体(A)-阳离子脂质体(C)组成的三元复合纳米基因载体(DAC),研究表明,三组分在磷酸缓冲液中可通过分子组装形成复合纳米胶束,DAC在细胞培养中表现出显著高效的基因表达,DAC在血管平滑肌细胞中的基因转染效率比不含抗DNA抗体的二元组合(DC)高4倍,比不含阳离子脂质体的二元组合(DA)约高11倍.激光共聚焦荧光显微观察证明,DAC细胞摄取量和DNA进入细胞核的量均明显高于对照组,而DC二元组合(不含抗DNA抗体)的DNA很少进入细胞核,细胞在DAC存在下生长正常.未发现细胞毒性.研究结果提示,DAC的作用机理主要是三元复合胶束中DNA的装载量比二元载体大得多,抗DNA抗体与阳离子脂质体的协同作用明显有利于DNA被细胞摄取和胞吞,从而提高了基因的转染和表达.  相似文献   


Although both smoking and respiratory complaints are very common, tools to improve diagnostic accuracy are scarce in primary care. This study aimed to reveal what inflammatory patterns prevail in clinically established diagnosis groups, and what factors are associated with eosinophilia.


Induced sputum and blood plasma of 59 primary care patients with COPD (n = 17), asthma (n = 11), chronic bronchitis (CB, n = 14) and smokers with no respiratory complaints ('healthy smokers', n = 17) were collected, as well as lung function, smoking history and clinical work-up. Patterns of inflammatory markers per clinical diagnosis and factors associated with eosinophilia were analyzed by multiple regression analyses, the differences expressed in odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals.


Multivariately, COPD was significantly associated with raised plasma-LBP (OR 1.2 [1.04–1.37]) and sTNF-R55 in sputum (OR 1.01 [1.001–1.01]), while HS expressed significantly lowered plasma-LBP (OR 0.8 [0.72–0.95]). Asthma was characterized by higher sputum eosinophilic counts (OR 1.3 [1.05–1.54]), while CB showed a significantly higher proportion of sputum lymphocytic counts (OR 1.5 [1.12–1.9]). Sputum eosinophilia was significantly associated with reversibility after adjusting for smoking, lung function, age, gender and allergy.


Patterns of inflammatory markers in a panel of blood plasma and sputum cells and mediators were discernable in clinical diagnosis groups of respiratory disease. COPD and so-called healthy smokers showed consistent opposite associations with plasma LBP, while chronic bronchitics showed relatively predominant lymphocytic inflammation compared to other diagnosis groups. Only sputum eosinophilia remained significantly associated with reversibility across the spectrum of respiratory disease in smokers with airway complaints.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that glial cells synthesize proteins which are transferred to adjacent neurons was evaluated in the giant fiber of the squid (Loligo pealei). When giant fibers are separated from their neuron cell bodies and incubated in the presence of radioactive amino acids, labeled proteins appear in the glial cells and axoplasm. Labeled axonal proteins were detected by three methods: extrusion of the axoplasm from the giant fiber, autoradiography, and perfusion of the giant fiber. This protein synthesis is completely inhibited by puromycin but is not affected by chloramphenicol. The following evidence indicates that the labeled axonal proteins are not synthesized within the axon itself. (a) The axon does not contain a significant amount of ribosomes or ribosomal RNA. (b) Isolated axoplasm did not incorporate [(3)H]leucine into proteins. (c) Injection of Rnase into the giant axon did not reduce the appearance of newly synthesized proteins in the axoplasm of the giant fiber. These findings, coupled with other evidence, have led us to conclude that the adaxonal glial cells synthesize a class of proteins which are transferred to the giant axon. Analysis of the kinetics of this phenomenon indicates that some proteins are transferred to the axon within minutes of their synthesis in the glial cells. One or more of the steps in the transfer process appear to involve Ca++, since replacement of extracellular Ca++ by either Mg++ or Co++ significantly reduces the appearance of labeled proteins in the axon. A substantial fraction of newly synthesized glial proteins, possibly as much as 40 percent, are transferred to the giant axon. These proteins are heterogeneous and range in size from 12,000 to greater than 200,000 daltons. Comparisons of the amount of amino acid incorporation in glia cells and neuron cell bodies raise the possibility that the adaxonal glial cells may provide an important source of axonal proteins which is supplemental to that provided by axonal transport from the cell body. These findings are discussed with reference to a possible trophic effect of glia on neurons and metabolic cooperation between adaxonal glia and the axon.  相似文献   
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