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Aquifex aeolicus 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 8-phosphate synthase (KDO8PS) catalyzes the condensation of arabinose 5-phosphate (A5P) and phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) by favoring the activation of a water molecule coordinated to the active-site metal ion. Cys11, His185, Glu222 and Asp233 are the other metal ligands. Wild-type KDO8PS is purified with Zn(2+) or Fe(2+) in the active site, but maximal activity in vitro is achieved when the endogenous metal is replaced with Cd(2+). The H185G enzyme retains 8% of the wild-type activity. ICP mass spectrometry analysis indicates that loss of His185 decreases the enzyme affinity for Fe(2+), but not for Zn(2+). However, maximal activity is again achieved by substitution of the endogenous metal with Cd(2+). We have determined the X-ray structures of the Cd(2+) H185G enzyme in its substrate-free form, and in complex with PEP, and PEP plus A5P. These structures show a normal amount of Cd(2+) bound, suggesting that coordination by His185 is not essential to retain Cd(2+) in the active site. Nonetheless, there are significant changes in the coordination sphere of Cd(2+) with respect to the wild-type enzyme, as the carboxylate moiety of PEP binds directly to the metal ion and replaces water and His185 as ligands. These observations indicate that the primary function of His185 in A.aeolicus KDO8PS is to orient PEP in the active site of the enzyme in such a way that a water molecule on the sinister (si) side of PEP can be activated by direct coordination to the metal ion.  相似文献   
In most eukaryotes telomeres are extended by telomerase. Drosophila melanogaster, however, lacks telomerase, and telomere-specific non-LTR retrotransposons, HeT-A and TART, transpose specifically to chromosome ends. A Drosophila strain, Gaiano, that has long telomeres has been identified. We extracted the major Gaiano chromosomes into an Oregon-R genetic background and examined the resulting stocks after 60 generations. In situ hybridization using HeT-A and TART sequences showed that, in stocks carrying either the X or the second chromosome from Gaiano, only the Gaiano-derived chromosomes display long telomeres. However, in stocks carrying the Gaiano third chromosome, all telomeres are substantially elongated, indicating that the Gaiano chromosome 3 carries a factor that increases HeT-A and TART addition to the telomeres. We show that this factor, termed Telomere elongation (Tel), is dominant and localizes as a single unit to 69 on the genetic map. The long telomeres tend to associate with each other in both polytene and mitotic cells. These associations depend on telomere length rather than the presence of Tel. Associations between metaphase chromosomes are resolved during anaphase, suggesting that they are mediated by either proteinaceous links or DNA hydrogen bonding, rather than covalent DNA-DNA bonds.  相似文献   
Acquisition of sperm fertilizing ability is due, in part, to the reorganization of plasma membrane proteins that occurs during epididymal sperm transit. Using polyclonal antibodies against angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE), we showed that this enzyme is immunolocalized mainly on the middle piece of rat and mouse testicular sperm and with less intensity along the initial part of the principal piece of the flagellum. In both species, only some sperm from the caput epididymis were still reactive, whereas no labeling was observed on cauda epididymal sperm. The 105- to 110-kDa germinal ACE was absent from the rat testicular fluid but appeared in the fluid of the anterior epididymis. Thereafter, its molecular weight shifted to 94 kDa in the corpus epididymal fluid and remained at this weight in the caudal region. The 105- to 110-kDa immunoreactive protein was present in testicular rat sperm extract but was completely absent from epididymal sperm extracts. Western blot analysis of testicular and epididymal tissue extracts from the rat and mouse also confirmed that the germinal enzyme was absent from the epididymal sperm cell. Our results demonstrated that the rodent germinal ACE is released from the testicular sperm membrane when sperm enter the epididymis, a process similar to that observed in domestic mammals. This result is discussed in view of the suggested role for this enzyme in sperm fertility.  相似文献   
Target site studies were undertaken to examine the difference in susceptibility of Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, workers and soldiers to chlorpyrifos. Workers exhibited significantly greater acetylcholinesterase activity per insect than soldiers (118.63 +/- 48.51 versus 47.98 +/- 22.59 mOD/min/insect equivalent). Likewise, enzyme activity (mean +/- SD) per milligram of protein was greater in workers than soldiers (440.30 +/- 267.43 versus 311.53 +/- 149.83 mOD/min/mg protein). The enzyme of soldiers was more sensitive to the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors eserine and chlorpyrifos-oxon than that of workers. The I50s of chlorpyrifos-oxon were 2.66 and 4.59 nM for soldiers and workers, respectively, whereas the I50s of eserine were 16.56 and 25.41 nM for soldiers and workers, respectively. The amount of protein was significantly higher in workers than in soldiers with mean values of 0.270 +/- 0.102 and 0.154 +/- 0.054 mg/insect equivalent, respectively. We suggest that the differential response of workers and soldiers to chlorpyrifos may be due to the difference in AChE sensitivity to inhibition and the amount of protein between them.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to compare the performance of an absolute TCD4+ counting method based on total WBC gating versus the standard lymphocyte (Ly) gating method, in order to develop a flow cytometric (FCM) minimalist strategy for TCD4+ enumeration. METHOD: 132 routine peripheral blood samples, mainly from HIV infected patients, were labelled with CD3-FITC/CD4-PE/CD45-PECy5 and analyzed by two gating methods: a) standard method based on Ly immunological gating (CD45++SSClow), followed by the determination of CD3+CD4+ percentage and absolute number (# calculation using Ly # from hematological analyser (HA); b) total WBC immunological gate on biparametric scatter CD45/CD4, followed by CD4++SSClow percentage determination and absolute number calculation using WBC absolute number from hematological counter without using the WBC differential. Moreover on 63 samples Ly # based on Ly % from FCM and WBC counting from HA was compared with Ly # from HA. RESULTS: The TCD4+/microL ranged from 3 to 3277 and the statistical analysis results showed: a) linear regression: r2 = 0.9847; b) Bland & Altman analysis: difference mean = -56.22; agreement range = +95.68 / -208.12; c) the mean of result difference/mean value*100 between two methods was -9.06%; d) comparison between regression line and the boundaries for acceptable residual values based on regressed confidence limits found by A. Kunkl et al showed regression line within boundaries near the upper limits. The Ly/microL count ranged from 635 to 8752. The statistical analysis results showed: a) linear regression: r2 = 0.9764; b) Bland & Altman analysis: difference mean = -362.93; agreement range = +134.51 / -860.37; c) the mean of result difference/mean value*100 between two methods was -16.12%. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest a fair agreement between the two gating methods, but the one based on total WBC gate gives TCD4+/microL counts systematically higher than the standard method. This finding can be attributed to a systematic lower estimation of Ly% by HA.  相似文献   
AIMS: In the present study, a method based on SDS-PAGE fingerprinting of surface layer proteins was developed to identify Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and subsp. lactis dairy isolates. METHODS AND RESULTS: The two subspecies, identified by species-specific PCR, were characterized by different SDS-PAGE cell-wall protein profiles; subspecies bulgaricus showed one band of about 31 kDa which, in some cases, was observed at a doublet, and subspecies lactis showed one band of about 21 kDa or 18 kDa. CONCLUSION: The sensitivity of this procedure for discriminating between the two subspecies was very high. The different types of SDS-PAGE profile for cell-wall proteins of the strains studied in this work did not seem to be correlated to the different dairies of origin. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The method appears to be an efficient taxonomic tool. It has the advantage of easy gel interpretation over fingerprinting of whole-cell protein extracts, and may be used as an alternative to established PCR-based techniques which, though rapid and safe, require expensive instruments and reagents.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DCs) play a critical role as APCs in the induction of the primary immune response. Their capacity for Ag processing and presentation is tightly regulated, controlled by a terminal developmental sequence accompanied by striking changes in morphology, organization, and function. The maturation process, which converts DCs from cells adapted for Ag accumulation to cells adapted for T cell stimulation, remains poorly understood due in part to difficulties in the culture and manipulation of DCs of defined lineages. To address these issues, we have devised conditions for the culture of a single DC type, Langerhans cells (LCs), using CD34+ cells from G-CSF-mobilized patients. Homogenous populations of LCs, replete with abundant immunocytochemically demonstrable Birbeck granules, could be stably maintained as immature DCs for long periods in culture. Unlike other human DC preparations, the LCs remained fully differentiated after cytokine removal. Following exposure to TNF-alpha, LPS, or CD40 ligand, the LCs could be synchronously induced to mature. Depending on the agent used, distinct types of LCs emerged differing in their capacity for T cell stimulation, IL-12 production, intracellular localization of MHC products, and overall morphology. Most interestingly, the expression of different sets of Toll family receptors is induced or down-regulated according to the maturation stimulus provided. These results strongly suggest that different proinflammatory stimuli might drive distinct developmental events.  相似文献   
The use of fluorescent detection methods in association with digital microscopy technologies is an innovative approach for tissue localisation of messenger RNA. The success of such methods relies on the tissue preservation, local availability of the probe and on the existence of high resolution tridimensional analysis systems. Cryostatic sections, mild denaturation, short oligonucleotide probes (20mer) and confocal laser scanning microscopy allow the fulfillment of all these conditions avoiding photobleaching and tissue autofluorescence. In this paper, we describe in detail a method for in situ hybridisation set up with digoxigenin-coupled oligonucleotide complementary to beta-actin mRNA as a probe and an anti-hapten fluorescent antibody as second step for detecting specific hybridisation. Fluorescence was analysed by means of a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) that provides images with low out-of-focus blurring also with relatively low numerical aperture (NA) objectives. We propose also an easy method to perform semi-quantitative thresholding analysis which allows to discriminate between background and specific signal.  相似文献   
The ArsAB ATPase is an efflux pump located in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli. This transport ATPase confers resistance to arsenite and antimonite by their extrusion from the cells. The pump is composed of two subunits, the catalytic ArsA subunit and the membrane subunit ArsB. The complex is similar in many ways to ATP-binding cassette ('ABC') transporters, which typically have two groups of six transmembrane-spanning helical segments and two nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs). The 45 kDa ArsB protein has 12 transmembrane-spanning segments. ArsB contains the substrate translocation pathway and is capable of functioning as an anion uniporter. The 63 kDa ArsA protein is a substrate-activated ATPase. It has two homologous halves, A1 and A2, which are clearly the result of an ancestral gene duplication and fusion. Each half has a consensus NBD. The mechanism of allosteric activation of the ArsA ATPase has been elucidated by a combination of molecular genetics and biochemical, structural and kinetic analyses. Conformational changes produced by binding of substrates, activator and/or products could be revealed by stopped-flow fluorescence measurements with single-tryptophan derivatives of ArsA. The results demonstrate that the rate-limiting step in the overall reaction is a slow isomerization between two conformations of the enzyme. Allosteric activation increases the rate of this isomerization such that product release becomes rate-limiting, thus accelerating catalysis. ABC transporters, which exhibit similar substrate activation of ATPase activity, can undergo similar conformational changes to overcome a rate-limiting step. Thus the ArsAB pump is a useful model for elucidating mechanistic aspects of the ABC superfamily of transport ATPases.  相似文献   
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