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The study of chromosomes in insects is a good tool in mitotic process analysis, zoographic localization and evolution investigation. Among them, the Sciaridae offers a karyotype with a small number of chromosomes, where the heterochromatin and nucleolar organizer region, NOR, are easily analyzed in metaphase chromosomes obtained from cerebral ganglia squashes. In this work, the heterochromatic regions on Bradysia hygida mitotic chromosomes, revealed by C-banding, were identified as centromeric blocks on A and C chromosomes and as dark interstitial region in B and X chromosomes. By Ag-DAPI staining, active nucleolus organizer region, NOR, was revealed associated to the constitutive heterochromatin in the end of the C autosome chromosome. The C-band regions and the unusual ribosomal site localization are discussed.  相似文献   
In contrast to normal hormone, requiring sugar beet callus, habituated auxin- and cytokinin-independent callus of the same plant produces very little ethylene, contains less 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) and malonyl-ACC (mACC), has a low capacity to convert ACC into ethylene and has lower levels of hydroperoxides. The low ethylene production is apparently controlled by the rate of ACC synthesis and conversion to mACC, as well as by the activity of the ethylene forming enzyme. The interactions between ethylene and polyamine metabolism are discussed, as well as the possible causal relation between the low level of ethylene and the low degree of differentiation of the habituated cells.  相似文献   
The genetic variation at a compound nonrecombining haplotype system, consisting of the previously reported SB19.3 Alu insertion polymorphism and a newly identified adjacent short tandem repeat (STR), was studied in population samples from Portugal and S?o Tomé (Gulf of Guinea, West Africa). Age estimates based on the linked microsatellite variation suggest that the Alu insertion occurred about 190,000 years ago. In accordance with the global patterns of distribution of human genetic variation, the highest haplotype diversity was found in the African sample. This excess in African diversity was due to both a substantial reduction in heterozygosity at the Alu polymorphism and a lower STR variability associated with the predominant Alu insertion allele in the Portuguese sample. The high level of interpopulation differentiation observed at the Alu locus (F(ST) = 0.43) was interpreted under alternative selective and demographic scenarios. The need for compatibility between patterns of variation at the STR and Alu loci could be used to restrict the range of selection coefficients in selection-driven genetic hitchhiking frameworks and to favor demographic scenarios dominated by larger pre-expansion African population sizes. Taken together, the data show that the SB19.3 Alu-STR system is an informative marker that can be included in more extended batteries of compound haplotypes used in human evolutionary studies.  相似文献   
APC dosage effects in tumorigenesis and stem cell differentiation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
It is well established that concentration gradients of signaling molecules (the so-called "morphogens") organize and pattern tissues in developing animals. In particular, studies in Drosophila and different vertebrates have shown that gradients of the Wnt, Hedgehog (Hh) and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) families of morphogens play critical roles in limb patterning. Morphogens are often expressed in organizing centres and can act over a long range to coordinate the patterning of an entire field of cells. These observations imply that exposure to different concentrations of these diffusible factors may trigger differential cellular responses. In order to study these dosage-dependent Wnt/beta-catenin signaling effects, we have generated several hypomorphic mutant alleles at the mouse Apc locus and studied their cellular and phenotypic outcomes in stem cell renewal and differentiation, and in tumorigenesis. The results clearly show that Apc mutations differentially affect the capacity of stem cells to differentiate in a dosage-dependent fashion. Likewise, different Apc mutations (and the corresponding Wnt signaling dosages) confer different degrees of susceptibility to tumorigenesis in the corresponding mouse models. These results have implications for the understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of tumor initiation by defects in the Wnt pathway. We propose a model in which adult somatic stem cell compartments are characterized by tissue-specific beta-catenin threshold levels for cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Different APC mutations will result in different levels of beta-catenin signaling, thus conferring different degrees of tumor susceptibility in different tissues. Hence, beta-catenin dosage-dependent effects may not only explain how a single pathway is involved in the development and homeostasis of different tissues, but also its pleiotrophic role in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   
Arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) are a family of complex proteoglycans found in all higher plants. Although the precise function(s) of any single AGP is unknown, they are implicated in diverse developmental roles such as differentiation, cell-cell recognition, embryogenesis and programmed cell death. DNA sequencing projects have made possible the identification of the genes encoding a large number of putative AGP protein backbones. In contrast, our understanding of how AGPs undergo extensive post-translational modification is poor and it is important to understand these processes since they are likely to be critical for AGP function. Genes believed to be responsible for post-translational modification of an AGP protein backbone, include prolyl hydroxylases, glycosyl transferases, proteases and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchor synthesising enzymes. Here we examine models for proteoglycan function in animals and yeast to highlight possible strategies for determining the function(s) of individual AGPs in plants.  相似文献   
Gilson P  Gaspar YM  Oxley D  Youl JJ  Bacic A 《Protoplasma》2001,215(1-4):128-139
Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are proteoglycans secreted by plant cells that have been implicated in plant growth and development. Most AGPs cloned to date possess highly labile glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) lipid anchors. These anchors transiently attach AGPs to the plasma membrane before they are released into the cell wall following GPI anchor hydrolysis. We have isolated and partially sequenced the protein core of an AGP purified from styles of Nicotiana alata. The protein sequence data were utilised to clone the AGP's gene, NaAGP4. This AGP shares about 78% sequence identity with the tomato AGP LeAGP-1. RNA gel blot analyses of different plant organs indicate that NaAGP4 is expressed in the same tissues and at similar levels as LeAGP-1. Furthermore, NaAGP4 like LeAGP-1 is rapidly suppressed by tissue wounding and by pathogen infection. We believe NaAGP4 and LeAGP-1 are the first described examples of orthologous AGPs from different plant species. In contrast, another AGP from N. alata, NaAGP1, is comparatively unaffected by wounding and pathogen infection, although this AGP is expressed in similar tissues and at similar levels as NaAGP4.  相似文献   
A new form of the widely expressed, volume-regulated chloride channel, ClC-2, has been cloned from a pig ileal cDNA library. This ClC-2 homologue, called ClC-2i, has interesting variability within its cDNA sequence, including the deletion of bases that correspond to positions 1326 through 1401 in rat ClC-2 cDNA sequence. This 75 bp deletion corresponds to the complete loss of exon 13 plus the first four bases of exon 14, and involves an atypical intron-exon splice site. Tissue-specific mRNA expression patterns in the pig show variable degrees of exon 13 skipping in ClC-2i. Exon 13 skipping was also observed in rat ClC-2i, albeit at a higher frequency than in the pig in tissues that were examined. A relatively purine-rich 76 bp insertion in the pig genomic sequence of ClC-2i, close to the 3' end of intron 12, may be responsible for the relatively high frequency of exon 13 skipping during the processing of this mRNA.  相似文献   
This article explores patterns of insect herbivore distribution in the canopy of the Laurisilva forests on seven islands in the Azores archipelago. To our knowledge, this is one of the first extensive study of this type in tree or shrub canopies of oceanic island ecosystems. One of the most frequently debated characteristics of such ecosystems is the likely prevalence of vague, ill‐defined niches due to taxonomic disharmony, which may have implications for insect‐plant interactions. For instance, an increase in ecological opportunities for generalist species is expected due to the lack of predator groups and reduced selection for chemical defence in host plants. The following two questions were addressed: 1) Are specialists species rare, and insect herbivore species randomly distributed among host plant species in the Azores? 2) Are the variances in insect herbivore species composition, frequency and richness explained by host plants or by regional island effects? We expect a proportional distribution of herbivore species between host plants, influenced by host frequency and distinct island effects; otherwise, deviation from expectation might suggest habitat preference for specific host tree crowns. Canopy beating tray samples were performed on seven islands, comprising 50 transects with 1 to 3 plant species each (10 replicates per species), giving 1320 samples from ten host species trees or shrubs in total. From a total of 129 insect herbivore species, a greater number of herbivore species was found on Juniperus brevifolia (s=65) and Erica azorica (s=53). However, the number of herbivore species per individual tree crown was higher for E. azorica than for any other host, on all islands, despite the fact that it was only the fourth more abundant plant. In addition, higher insect species richness and greater insect abundance were found on the trees of Santa Maria Island, the oldest in the archipelago. Insect species composition was strongly influenced by the presence of E. azorica, which was the only host plant with a characteristic fauna across the archipelago, whereas the fauna of other plant crowns was grouped by islands. The great insect occurrence on E. azorica reflects strong habitat fidelity, but only four species were clearly specialists. Our findings indicate a broadly generalist fauna. The simplicity of Azorean Laurisilva contributed to the understanding of insect‐plant mechanisms in canopy forest habitats.  相似文献   
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