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Individual differences in sensitivity to bitter-tasting substances   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Perception of several bitter-tasting compounds was tested in52 subjects. Stable individual differences in the perceivedintensity of the bitterness of suprathreshold concentrationsof quinine sulfate (QSO4) and urea were found. Whereas 18 subjectsjudged selected concentrations of these compounds to be equallybitter, 17 found QSO4 to be more bitter than urea, and 17 foundurea to be more bitter than QSO4. These reliable individualdifferences were significantly related to threshold sensitivityto QSO4; that is, individuals who perceived QSO4 to be moreintense than urea at suprathreshold concentrations also hadlower QSO4 thresholds than did those who perceived urea to bemore intense than QSO4. There appeared to be no relationshipbetween the relative perceived intensities of these compoundsand rating of the bitterness of PROP (6-n-propylthiouracil).However, QSO4-sensitive individuals tended to find the bitternessof suprathreshold caffeine and sucrose octaacetate to be greaterthan that of suprathreshold magnesium sulfate, whereas the reversewas true for urea-sensitive individuals. This pattern parallelsthe pattern of cross-adaptation among these compounds reportedby other investigators. These results are consistent with theexistence of multiple bitter transduction sequences and suggestthat individual differences in response to various bitter compoundsmay reflect differences in teh relative availability of specifictransduction sequences.  相似文献   
The production of benthic foraminiferal communities is filtered through taphonomic (mainly destructive) processes within the sediments to generate the fossil assemblage. Both the production and the taphonomy depend on bottom water oxygen content and flux of organic carbon to the seabed. An examination of the relationships of processes generating the fossil assemblage to oxygen and organic carbon supply is made using pore water geochemical measurements to estimate carbon flux for locations in the Gulf of Mexico and the central California margin. The locations are plotted in a three dimensional field with bottom water oxygen content, organic carbon flux, and sediment depth as the axes. Then the response of foraminiferal standing stock, taphonomic processes and the developing fossil assemblage to the field is investigated. Variation in the vertical stratification of foraminiferal standing stock and test production, species' stratification, taphonomic process intensity and stratification, and sediment bioturbation lead to marked differences in the way the fossil assemblage is generated across the oxygen content-organic carbon flux field. The result is that the oxygen-carbon flux field has a significant impact on the fossil assemblage through the interaction of biological and biogeochemical processes in the sediments. A model of this interaction is investigated to show how its elements change across the oxygen-carbon flux field and how these affect the generation of the fossil assemblage.  相似文献   
Samples of microplankton and larger nanoplankton (5 to 200 m) are preserved with a combination of Lugol's solution and DaFano's fixative. Organisms are then settled on a gelatin-coated slide, dried and embedded in 40 percent glycerin. Counting and sizing is performed under a microscope using a drawing tube, which facilitates measuring the organisms with a microcomputer-interfaced caliper. An interactive computer program, written in BASIC, allows for estimating the volumes of cells in up to 40 shape/species categories. The program then saves data on a disk, retrieves them, and calculates the results either for individual species (abundance, biomass, and mean cell volume) or as a pooled size spectrum of all organisms measured.  相似文献   
Genes encoding T-cell-receptor α/δ chains, neutrophil cathepsin G, and lymphocyte CGL/granzymes are closely linked on chromosomal band 14q11.2. The current work identifies the human mast cell chymase gene (CMA1) as the fourth protease in this cluster and maps the gene to within 150 kb of the cathepsin G gene. The gene order is centromere-T cell receptor α/δ-CGL-1/granzyme B-CGL-2/granzyme H-cathepsin G-chymase. Chymase and cathepsin G genes are shown to be cotranscribed in the human mast cell line HMC-1 and in U-937 cells. Other cells transcribe cathepsin G or CGL/granzyme genes, but not chymase genes, suggesting a capacity for independent regulation. Comparison of the 5′ flank of the chymase gene with those of cathepsin G and CGL/granzymes reveals little overall homology. Only short regions of the 5′ flanks of the human and murine chymase genes sequenced to date are similar, suggesting that they are more distantly related than human and rodent CGL-1/granzyme B, the flanks of which are highly homologous. The expression patterns and clustering of genes provide possible clues to the presence of locus control regions that orchestrate lineage-restricted expression of leukocyte and mast cell proteases.  相似文献   
Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is a powerful tool for remote detection of target organisms. However, obtaining quantitative and longitudinal information from eDNA data is challenging, requiring a deep understanding of eDNA ecology. Notably, if the various size components of eDNA decay at different rates, and we can separate them within a sample, their changing proportions could be used to obtain longitudinal dynamics information on targets. To test this possibility, we conducted an aquatic mesocosm experiment in which we separated fish-derived eDNA components using sequential filtration to evaluate the decay rate and changing proportion of various eDNA particle sizes over time. We then fit four alternative mathematical decay models to the data, building towards a predictive framework to interpret eDNA data from various particle sizes. We found that medium-sized particles (1–10 μm) decayed more slowly than other size classes (i.e., <1 and > 10 μm), and thus made up an increasing proportion of eDNA particles over time. We also observed distinct eDNA particle size distribution (PSD) between our Common carp and Rainbow trout samples, suggesting that target-specific assays are required to determine starting eDNA PSDs. Additionally, we found evidence that different sizes of eDNA particles do not decay independently, with particle size conversion replenishing smaller particles over time. Nonetheless, a parsimonious mathematical model where particle sizes decay independently best explained the data. Given these results, we suggest a framework to discern target distance and abundance with eDNA data by applying sequential filtration, which theoretically has both metabarcoding and single-target applications.  相似文献   
The chlorococcalean algae Dictyochloris fragrans and Bracteacoccus sp. produce naked zoospores with two unequal flagella and parallel basal bodies. Ultrastructural features of the flagellar apparatus of these zoospores are basically identical and include a banded distal fiber, two proximal fibers, and four cruciately arranged microtubular rootlets with only one microtubule in each dexter rootlet. In D. fragrans, each proximal fiber is composed of two subfibers, one striated and one nonstriated, and each sinister rootlet is composed of five microtubules (4/1), decreasing to four away from the basal bodies. In Bracteacoccus sp., each proximal fiber is a single unit, the sinister rootlets are four (3/1) or rarely five (4/1) microtubules, and each basal body is associated with an unusual curved structure. The basic features of the flagellar apparatus of the zoospores of these two algae resemble those of Heterochlamydomonas rather than most other chlorococcalean algae that have equal length flagella, basal bodies in the V-shape arrangement, and clockwise absolute orientation. It is proposed that these algae with unequal flagella and parallel basal bodies have a shared common ancestry within the green algae.  相似文献   
Free-living nematodes are known to ingest food-borne pathogens and may serve as vectors to contaminate preharvest fruits and vegetables. Caenorhabditis elegans was selected as a model to study the effectiveness of sanitizers in killing Salmonella enterica serotype Poona ingested by free-living nematodes. Aqueous suspensions of adult worms that had fed on S. enterica serotype Poona were treated with produce sanitizers. Treatment with 20 μg of free chlorine/ml significantly (α = 0.05) reduced the population of S. enterica serotype Poona compared to results for treating worms with water (control). However, there was no significant difference in the number of S. enterica serotype Poona cells surviving treatments with 20 to 500 μg of chlorine/ml, suggesting that reductions caused by treatment with 20 μg of chlorine/ml resulted from inactivation of S. enterica serotype Poona on the surface of C. elegans but not cells protected by the worm cuticle after ingestion. Treatment with Sanova (850 or 1,200 μg/ml), an acidified sodium chlorite sanitizer, caused reductions of 5.74 and 6.34 log10 CFU/worm, respectively, compared to reductions from treating worms with water. Treatment with 20 or 40 μg of Tsunami 200/ml, a peroxyacetic acid-based sanitizer, resulted in reductions of 4.83 and 5.34 log10 CFU/worm, respectively, compared to numbers detected on or in worms treated with water. Among the organic acids evaluated at a concentration of 2%, acetic acid was the least effective in killing S. enterica serotype Poona and lactic acid was the most effective. Treatment with up to 500 μg of chlorine/ml, 1% hydrogen peroxide, 2,550 μg of Sanova/ml, 40 μg of Tsunami 200/ml, or 2% acetic, citric, or lactic acid had no effect on the viability or reproductive behavior of C. elegans. Treatments were also applied to cantaloupe rind and lettuce inoculated with S. enterica serotype Poona or C. elegans that had ingested S. enterica serotype Poona. Protection of ingested S. enterica serotype Poona against sanitizers applied to cantaloupe was not evident; however, ingestion afforded protection of the pathogen on lettuce. These results indicate that S. enterica serotype Poona ingested by C. elegans may be protected against treatment with chlorine and other sanitizers, although the basis for this protection remains unclear.  相似文献   
Each cryptomonad strain contains only a single spectroscopic type of biliprotein. These biliproteins are isolated as 50000 kDa '2 complexes which carry one bilin on the and three on the subunit. Six different bilins are present on the cryptomonad biliproteins, two of which (phycocyanobilin and phycoerythrobilin) also occur in cyanobacterial and rhodophytan biliproteins, while four are known only in the cryptomonads. The subunit is encoded on the chloroplast genome, whereas the subunits are encoded by a small nuclear multigene family. The subunits of all cryptomonad biliproteins, regardless of spectroscopic type, have highly conserved amino acid sequences, which show > 80% identity with those of rhodophytan phycoerythrin subunits. In contrast, cyanobacteria and red algal chloroplasts each contain several spectroscopically distinct biliproteins organized into macromolecular complexes (phycobilisomes). The data on biliproteins, as well as several other lines of evidence, indicate that the cryptomonad biliprotein antenna system is primitive and antedates that of the cyanobacteria. It is proposed that the gene encoding the cryptomonad biliprotein subunit is the ancestral gene of the gene family encoding cyanobacterial and rhodophytan biliprotein and subunits.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - CER chloroplast endoplasmic reticulum - SSU rRNA small subunit ribosomal RNA  相似文献   
The organization and nucleotide sequence of a gene from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii encoding a member of the DNA photolyase/blue light photoreceptor protein family is reported. A region of over 7 kb encompassing the gene was sequenced. Northern analysis detected a single 4.2 kb mRNA. The gene consists of eight exons and seven introns, and encodes a predicted protein of 867 amino acids. The first 500 amino acids exhibit significant homology with previously sequenced DNA photolyases, showing the closest relationship to mustard (Sinapis alba) photolyase (43% identity). An even higher identity, 49%, is obtained when the Chlamydomonas gene product is compared to the putative blue-light photoreceptor (HY4) from Arabidopsis thaliana. Both the Chlamydomonas and the Arabidopsis proteins differ from the well characterized DNA photolyases in that they contain a carboxyl terminal extension of 367 and 181 amino acids, respectively. However, there is very little homology between the carboxyl terminal domains of the two proteins. A previously isolated Chlamydomonas mutant, phrl, which is deficient in DNA photolyase activity, especially in the nucleus, was shown by RFLP analysis not to be linked to the gene we have isolated. We propose this gene encodes a candidate Chlamydomonas blue light photoreceptor.  相似文献   
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