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The effect of oxytetracycline and demethylchlortetracycline on aldosterone- and insulin-mediated Na+ transport (short-circuit current) were examined in toad urinary bladders mounted in modified Ussing chambers. Oxytetracycline had little or no effect on either basal or aldosterone-mediated Na+ transport. In contrast, demethylchlortetracycline markedly inhibited both basal and aldosterone-mediated Na+ transport. Furthermore, demethylchlortetracycline inhibited the aldosterone response significantly out of proportion to its effects on basal Na+ transport. Neither of the drugs had an effect on insulin-mediated Na+ transport. Consequently, the natriuresis observed in certain patients treated with demethylchlortetracyline may be related to drug-induced renal resistance to the effects of aldosterone.  相似文献   
Parameters involved in reconstitution of the outer membrane permeability described by Brunner, Caputo, and Treick [3] were examined. The most efficient reconstitution was obtained when divalent cations accompanied the addition of exogenous outer membrane material. Studies indicated that the effectiveness of Ca2+ or Mg2+ to promote reassociation of outer membrane material, and subsequent protection against actinomycin D, was dependent upon the strain ofEscherichia coli. More specifically, the data suggest that the effectiveness of the different divalent cations in promoting reassociation was determined by the relative amounts of F1 and F2 fractions released by ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA). Reconstitution was shown by cell survival to be as high as 25% and dependent upon the total amount of material released from the outer membrane by EDTA. Between 50 and 80% of the bound material could be removed from the cells by subsequent EDTA treatment.  相似文献   
Summary The spectral sensitivity of the peripheral retinular cells R1–6 in nine species of intact flies was determined using non-invasive, optical measurements of the increase in reflectance that accompanies the pupillary response. Our technique is to chronically illuminate a localized region of the eye with a long wavelength beam, adjusted to bring pupillary scattering above threshold, then, after stabilization, to stimulate with monochromatic flashes. A criterion increase in scattering is achieved at each wavelength by adjusting flash intensity. Univariance of the pupillary response is demonstrated by Fig. 3.Action spectra measured with this optical method are essentially the same as the published spectral sensitivity functions measured with intracellular electrophysiological methods (Fig. 4 forCalliphora, Fig. 5 forDrosophila, Fig. 7 forEristalis, and Fig. 8 forMusca). This holds for both the long wavelength peak and the high sensitivity in the UV as was consistently found in all investigated fly species.Spectral sensitivity functions for R1–6 of hover flies (family Syrphidae) are quite different in different regions of the same eye. There can also be substantial differences between the two sexes of the same species. The ventral pole of the eye of femaleAllograpta (Fig. 10) contains receptors with a major peak at 450 nm, similar to those ofEristalis. However, the dorsal pole of the same eye contains receptors with a major peak at 495 nm, similar to those ofCalliphom. Both dorsal and ventral regions of the maleToxomerus eye, and the ventral region of the female eye, contain only the 450 nm type of R1-6 (see Fig. 12). However, the dorsal region of the female eye also contains another spectral type of receptor that is maximally sensitive at long wavelength. Eyes of both sexes ofAllograpta (Figs. 10 and 11) contain a mixture of spectral types of receptors R1-6.We thank Dr. Chris Maier of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, for determination of the Syrphidae. This work was supported by grants EY01140 and EY00785 from the National Eye Institute, U.S.P.H.S., (to GDB), by the Connecticut Lions Eye Research Foundation (to GDB), and by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.), (to DGS).  相似文献   
Synopsis The development of rapid, yet sensitive toxicity testing methods is needed for the establishment of water quality standards to protect aquatic life. A technique using changes in the behavior of bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) was utilized to evaluate the impact of five sublethal levels of a cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) mixture. The technique proved very sensitive and various changes in behavior occurred at the lowest metal levels used; 21 ug Cd per liter and 99 ug Zn per liter. Coughs, yawns, partial jerks and jerk swimming were especially sensitive indicators of elevated metal levels. The frequency, but not the form, of eight of the nine behaviors quantified changed significantly with increasing metal levels.  相似文献   
Electron microscopy of unstained BrdU-substituted chromosomes treated with 1.0 M NaH2PO4 at high pH and high temperature has demonstrated that there is a structural basis for the light microscopic observation of differentially Giemsa-stained unifilarly and bifilarly BrdU-substituted chromatids and the appearance of chromosome dots. At progressively higher treatment temperatures, sequential structural changes occurred in the chromosomes. After treatment with NaH2PO4 at 70–80° C, unifilarly BrdU-substituted chromatids were much more electron opaque than bifilarly substituted chromatids, and the overall data suggest that this difference in electron opacity is a result of the preferential extraction of chromosomal DNA from the bifilarly BrdU-substituted chromatids. NaH2PO4 treatment of the BrdU-substituted chromosomes at 80–90° ° C resulted in the formation of highly electron opaque spots (dots) on one or both chromatids. Dots first appeared on the electron lucent bifilarly BrdU-substituted chromatid, indicating that the chromatin with the greatest substitution of BrdU in its DNA is most susceptible to dot formation. At a slightly higher temperature, dots also appeared on the unifilarly BrdU-substituted chromatid concomitant with a disappearance of the electron opacity characterizing this chromatid at the lower treatment temperature. The dots may be formed by an extreme reorganization of residual chromatin or by some kind of interaction or reaction between the chromatin and the salts in the incubation medium. G-band regions may serve as focal points for dot formation.  相似文献   
A procedure is described whereby late replicating, BUdR-substituted chromosome regions stain intensely with Giemsa, thus producing the reciprocal staining patterns compared to those obtained by all other BUdR-Giemsa procedures where BUdR-substituted regions appear pale staining. This method may be more convenient than pre-existing techniques for demonstrating late replicating chromosome regions, and may provide a higher degree of resolution of the late replicating regions. The finding that BUdR-substituted regions can be made to stain either intensely or palely with Giemsa, depending on the pH of the pretreatment NaH2PO4 solution, may have important implications concerning the mechanism of BUdR-induced chromosome differentiation.  相似文献   
Summary The differentiation of resting cysts of the algaPolytomella agilis was examined by electron microscopy. During encystment the free-swimming, quadriflagellate unicells lose their flagella, sink to the bottom of the culture, and form a thick cell wall. Populations of cells at various stages of encystment were collected on microscope slides placed at the bottom of the culture flasks. The mature cyst wall consists of four layers which are laid down sequentially next to the plasma membrane. Freeze-etching has shown that the first layer of wall deposited consists of fibrils which are formed partly embedded within the plasma membrane. A proliferation of rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies is seen in early stages of encystment followed by a reduction in size or number of these organelles and of plastids in the maturing cyst. Microtubular structures, including the basal bodies, dedifferentiate and are not observed in the later stages of encystment. The redifferentiation of the swimming cell during excystment is described in the companion paper.This work was supported by grant A6353 from the National Research Council of Canada to D. L.Brown and by the Inland Waters Directorate of Environment Canada.  相似文献   
Corpus luteum function in the cycling and the pregnant rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) was evaluated through short term in vitro studies of progesterone production by suspensions of collagenase-dispersed luteal cells in the presence and absence of exogenous gonadotropin (human chortonic gonadotropin, HCG). Cells from mid-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle secreted progesterone, as measured by accumulation of this hormone in the incubation medium, and responded to the addition of 100 ng HCG/ml with a marked increase in progesterone secretion above basal level (63.7 ± 13.1 versus 24.7 ± 5.5 ng progesterone/ml/5 × 104cells/ 3 hr, X ± S.E., n = 6; p < 0.05). However, luteal cells from early pregnancy (23–26 days after fertilization) secreted significantly less progesterone than cells of the non-fertile menstrual cycle (3.6 ± 2.4 versus 24.7 ± 5.5 ng/ml/5 × 104 cells/3 hr, n = 3; p < 0.05) and did not respond to HCG with enhanced secretion. By mid-pregnancy (108–118 days gestation) luteal cells exhibited partially renewed function, and near the time of parturition (163–166 days gestation) basal and HCG-stimulated progesterone secretion (30.2 ± 5.6 and 63.0 ± 13.0 ng/ml/5 × 104 cells/3 hr, respectively; n = 3) was equivalent to that of cells from the luteal phase of the non-fertile menstrual cycle. The data suggest that following a period around the fourth week of gestation, when steroidogenic activity is markedly diminished, the corpus luteum of pregnancy progressively reacquires its functional capacity and at term exhibits gonadotropin-sensitive steroidogenesis similar to that of the corpus luteum of the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   
Summary Variations in size and charge of calf lens proteins, particularly gamma crystallins, were studied by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Exposure of gamma crystallins to near-UV light in the presence of L-tryptophan produces species of higher electrophoretic mobility and higher retardation. Treatment with urea and sulfonation also produced changes in the retardation co-efficient. The increase of retardation co-efficient of gamma crystallin is interpreted to be a result of conformational changes. Gamma crystallins are particularly sensitive to photo-modification, and this process may be associated with age-related changes in the lens.Supported by research grants from the U.S.P.H.S. EY #00459, a FIGHT-FOR-SIGHT Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (FIGHT-FOR-SIGHT, INC., N.Y.C.) and The Rochester Eye and Human Parts Bank, Inc.  相似文献   
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