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 Assembly of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules in human cells is dependent on the accessory protein tapasin, which mediates their interaction with the transporters associated with antigen processing (TAP) and thereby ensures efficient peptide binding. Analysis of a mouse tapasin complementary DNA defined a conserved polypeptide sharing sequences diagnostic of a transmembrane protein related to the immunoglobulin superfamily, and an endoplasmic reticulum retention motif. The mouse tapasin gene was mapped about 70 kilobases from H2-K at the centromeric end of the mouse MHC. Expression of mouse tapasin in a tapasin-deficient human mutant cell line restored the normal assembly and expression of class I alleles. Thus, tapasin is a structurally and functionally conserved component of the MHC class I antigen processing pathway. Its genetic linkage to the class I and TAP subunit genes in the MHC may be of significance in the coordinate expression and functional coadaptation of the diverse gene products. Received: 1 February 1998 / Revised: 23 March 1998  相似文献   
An immunological analysis of an Escherichia coli strain unable to synthesize the main pyruvate formate-lyase enzyme Pfl revealed the existence of a weak, cross-reacting 85 kDa polypeptide that exhibited the characteristic oxygen-dependent fragmentation typical of a glycyl radical enzyme. Polypeptide fragmentation of this cross-reacting species was shown to be dependent on Pfl activase. Cloning and sequence analysis of the gene encoding this protein revealed that it coded for a new enzyme, termed TdcE, which has 82% identity with Pfl. On the basis of RNA analyses, the tdcE gene was shown to be part of a large operon that included the tdcABC genes, encoding an anaerobic threonine dehydratase, tdcD , coding for a propionate kinase, tdcF , the function of which is unknown, and the tdcG gene, which encodes a L -serine dehydratase. Expression of the tdcABCDEFG operon was strongly catabolite repressed. Enzyme studies showed that TdcE has both pyruvate formate-lyase and 2-ketobutyrate formate-lyase activity, whereas the TdcD protein is a new propionate/acetate kinase. By monitoring culture supernatants from various mutants using 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), we followed the anaerobic conversion of L -threonine to propionate. These studies confirmed that 2-ketobutyrate, the product of threonine deamination, is converted in vivo by TdcE to propionyl-CoA. These studies also revealed that Pfl and an as yet unidentified thiamine pyrophosphate-dependent enzyme(s) can perform this reaction. Double null mutants deficient in phosphotransacetylase (Pta) and acetate kinase (AckA) or AckA and TdcD were unable to metabolize threonine to propionate, indicating that propionyl-CoA and propionyl-phosphate are intermediates in the pathway and that ATP is generated during the conversion of propionyl-P to propionate by AckA or TdcD.  相似文献   
In mixed populations of western and Clark's grebes, advertisingcalls by males and females play a critical role in mate choiceand reproductive isolation. We conducted field playback experimentsthat tested whether courting western grebe males became lesschoosy in their responses to female Clark's grebe calls as themating season progressed and mating opportunities diminished.Late-courting western grebe males were much more likely to answerand approach advertising calls of Dark's grebe females thanwere males courting earlier in the season. This change in responsivenessoccurred as the operational sex ratio index of the populationapproached 3:1 male calls per female call. These and field censusdata support the hypothesis that late-season hybridization betweenthese two closely related species may be a result not of speciesmisidentification, but of active and adaptive mate choice byindividuals with limited alternatives.  相似文献   
Alkaliphilic Bacillus species that are isolated from nonmarine, moderate salt, and moderate temperature environments offer the opportunity to explore strategies that have developed for solving the energetic challenges of aerobic growth at pH values between 10 and 11. Such bacteria share many structural, metabolic, genomic, and regulatory features with nonextremophilic species such as Bacillus subtilis. Comparative studies can therefore illuminate the specific features of gene organization and special features of gene products that are homologs of those found in non-extremophiles, and potentially identify novel gene products of importance in alkaliphily. We have focused our studies on the facultative alkaliphile Bacillus firmus OF4, which is routinely grown on malate-containing medium at either pH 7.5 or 10.5. Current work is directed toward clarification of the characteristics and energetics of membrane-associated proteins that must catalyze inward proton movements. One group of such proteins are the Na+/H+ antiporters that enable cells to adapt to a sudden upward shift in pH and to maintain a cytoplasmic pH that is 2–2.3 units below the external pH in the most alkaline range of pH for growth. Another is the proton-translocating ATP synthase that catalyzes robust production of ATP under conditions in which the external proton concentration and the bulk chemiosmotic driving force are low. Three gene loci that are candidates for Na+/H+ antiporter encoding genes with roles in Na+- dependent pH homeostasis have been identified. All of them have homologs in B. subtilis, in which pH homeostasis can be carried out with either K+ or Na+. The physiological importance of one of the B. firmus OF4 loci, nhaC, has been studied by targeted gene disruption, and the same approach is being extended to the others. The atp genes that encode the alkaliphile's F1FO-ATP synthase are found to have interesting motifs in areas of putative importance for proton translocation. As an initial step in studies that will probe the importance and possible roles of these motifs, the entire atp operon from B. firmus OF4 has been cloned and functionally expressed in an Escherichia coli mutant that has a full deletion of its atp genes. The transformant does not exhibit growth on succinate, but shows reproducible, modest increases in the aerobic growth yields on glucose as well as membrane ATPase activity that exhibits characteristics of the alkaliphile enzyme. Received: January 22, 1998 / Accepted: February 16, 1998  相似文献   
Objective : To investigate whether relative baseline leptin levels predict long-term changes in adiposity and/or its distribution. Research Methods and Procedures : In a longitudinal study of 2888 nondiabetic Mauritians aged 25 years to 74 years who participated in population-based surveys in 1987 and 1992, changes in body mass index (BMI), waist/hip ratio (WHR), and waist circumference were compared between “hyperleptinemic,” “normoleptinemic,” and “hypoleptinemic” groups. “Relative leptin levels” were calculated as standardized residuals from the regression of log10 leptin on baseline BMI to provide a leptin measure independent of BMI. Analyses were performed within each sex. A linear regression model was used to assess the effect of standardized residuals on changes in BMI, WHR, and waist circumference, independent of baseline BMI, age, fasting insulin, and ethnicity. Results : After adjusting for age and baseline BMI by analysis of covariance, there was no difference in changes in BMI, WHR, or waist circumference between men with low, normal, or high relative leptin levels. Among women, there was a significant difference in ΔWHR across leptin groups, such that the largest increase occurred in the “normal” leptin group. For both men and women, the linear regression models explained ?10% of variation in dependent variables, and the only significant independent variables were age, BMI, and being of Chinese origin, compared with Indian origin. Discussion : These findings do not support a role for leptin concentration in predicting weight gain or changes in fat distribution in adults over a 5-year period.  相似文献   
Albumin synthesis after intense intermittent exercise in human subjects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yang, Roger C., Gary W. Mack, Robert R. Wolfe, and Ethan R. Nadel. Albumin synthesis after intense intermittent exercise inhuman subjects. J. Appl. Physiol.84(2): 584-592, 1998.We measured hepatic albumin synthesis infive volunteers (4 men and 1 woman) at 3 and 6 h after recovery fromintense exercise. A primed-constant infusion of a stable isotopictracer of phenylalanine was used to determine hepatic fractionalsynthetic rate (FSR) and absolute synthetic rate (ASR) of albumin fromthe enrichment of phenylalanine in albumin. The infusion of the stableisotope tracer began 2 h after upright exercise or upright rest.Albumin FSR and ASR were 6.39 ± 0.48%/day and 120 ± 9 mg · kg bodywt1 · day1,respectively, 3-6 h after recovery from exercise; the FSR and ASRon the time control study day were 5.94 ± 0.47%/day and 104 ± 9 mg · kg bodywt1 · day1,respectively. The 6 and 16% increases(P < 0.05) in FSR and ASR afterexercise were associated with an elevated plasma albumin content at 5 and 6 h of recovery (P < 0.05), anincreased total protein content throughout recovery(P < 0.05), and a negative freewater clearance (P < 0.05) at 2, 3, and 6.5 h of recovery compared with baseline values; these variableswere unchanged from their baselines on the time control study day.Increased albumin content and reduced free water clearance contributeto a retention of fluid within the circulation after intense exercise. The measured increase in albumin synthesis could not account for theentire increase in albumin content at 6 h of recovery from exercise.However, we estimate that if the increased activity was maintained forthe next 18 h, it could account for the expected increase in albumincontent at 24 h of recovery.

We have previously suggested that ozone(O3)-induced pain-relatedsymptoms and inhibition of maximal inspiration are due to stimulationof airway C fibers (M. J. Hazucha, D. V. Bates, and P. A. Bromberg.J. Appl.Physiol. 67: 1535-1541, 1989). If this were so,pain suppression or inhibition by opioid-receptor agonists shouldpartially or fully reverseO3-induced symptomatic and lung functional responses. The objectives of this study were to determine whether O3-induced pain limitsmaximal inspiration and whether endogenous opioids contribute tomodulation of the effects of inhaledO3 on lung function. Theparticipants in this double-blind crossover study were healthyvolunteers (18-59 yr) known to be "weak" (WR;n = 20) and "strong"O3 responders (SR;n = 42). They underwent either two 2-hexposures to air or two 2-h exposures to 0.42 parts/millionO3 with moderate intermittentexercise. Immediately afterpost-O3 spirometry, the WR wererandomly given either naloxone (0.15 mg/kg iv) or saline, whereas SRrandomly received either sufentanil (0.2 µg/kg iv) or saline.O3 exposure significantly(P < 0.001) impaired lung function.In SR, sufentanil rapidly, although not completely, reversed both thechest pain and spirometric effects (forced expiratory volume in 1 s;P < 0.0001) compared with saline.Immediate postexposure administration of saline or naloxone had nosignificant effect on WR. Plasma -endorphin levels were not relatedto an individual's O3responsiveness. Cutaneous pain variables showed a nonsignificantweak association with O3responsiveness. These observations demonstrate that nociceptive mechanisms play a key role in modulatingO3-induced inhibition ofinspiration but not in causing lack of spirometric response toO3 exposure in WR.

The purpose of this study was to determinewhether hypohydration reduces skeletal muscle endurance and whetherincreased H+ andPi might contribute to performancedegradation. Ten physically active volunteers (age 21-40 yr)performed supine single-leg, knee-extension exercise to exhaustion in a1.5-T whole body magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) system wheneuhydrated and when hypohydrated (4% body wt).31P spectra were collected at arate of one per second at rest, exercise, and recovery, and weregrouped and averaged to represent 10-s intervals. The desired hydrationlevel was achieved by having the subjects perform 2-3 h ofexercise in a warm room (40°C dry bulb, 20% relative humidity)with or without fluid replacement 3-8 h before the experiment.Time to fatigue was reduced (P < 0.05) by 15% when the subjects were hypohydrated [213 ± 12 vs. 251 ± 15 (SE) s]. Muscle strength was generally notaffected by hypohydration. Muscle pH andPi/-ATP ratio were similarduring exercise and at exhaustion, regardless of hydration state. The time constants for phosphocreatine recovery were also similar betweentrials. In summary, moderate hypohydration reduces muscle endurance,and neither H+ norPi concentration appears to berelated to these reductions.

Neurotransmitter transporters are essential components in the recycling of neurotransmitters released during neuronal activity. These transporters are the targets for important drugs affecting mood and behavior. They fall into at least four gene families, two encoding proteins in the plasma membrane and two in the synaptic vesicle membrane, although the known vesicular transporters have not all been cloned. Each of these transporters works by coupling the downhill movement of small ions such as Na+, Cl, K+, and H+ to the uphill transport of neurotransmitter. Plasma membrane transporters move the transmitter into the cytoplasm by cotransport with Na+. Many transporters also couple Cl cotransport to transmitter influx and these all belong to the NaCl-coupled family, although within the family the coupling stoichiometry can vary. Transporters for glutamate couple influx of this excitatory amino acid to Na+ and H+ influx and K+ efflux. Transporters in synaptic vesicles couple H+ efflux to neurotransmitter transport from the cytoplasm to the vesicle lumen.  相似文献   
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