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Aluminum (Al) toxicity is an important factor limiting crop production on acid soils. However, little is known about the mechanisms by which legumes respond to and resist Al stress. To explore the mechanisms of Al toxicity and resistance in legumes, we compared the impact of Al stress in Al-resistant and Al-sensitive lines of the model legume, Medicago truncatula Gaertn.  相似文献   
Plants have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to deal with toxic levels of metals in the soil. In this paper, an overview of recent progress with regards to understanding fundamental molecular and physiological mechanisms underlying plant resistance to both aluminum (Al) and heavy metals is presented. The discussion of plant Al resistance will focus on recent advances in our understanding of a mechanism based on Al exclusion from the root apex, which is facilitated by Al-activated exudation of organic acid anions. The consideration of heavy metal resistance will focus on research into a metal hyperaccumulating plant species, the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator, Thlaspi caerulescens, as an example for plant heavy metal research. Based on the specific cases considered in this paper, it appears that quite different strategies are used for Al and heavy metal resistance. For Al, our current understanding of a resistance mechanism based on excluding soil-borne Al from the root apex is presented. For heavy metals, a totally different strategy based on extreme tolerance and metal hyperaccumulation is described for a hyperaccumulator plant species that has evolved on naturally metalliferous soils. The reason these two strategies are the focus of this paper is that, currently, they are the best understood mechanisms of metal resistance in terrestrial plants. However, it is likely that other mechanisms of Al and/or heavy metal resistance are also operating in certain plant species, and there may be common features shared for dealing with Al and heavy resistance. Future research may uncover a number of novel metal resistance mechanisms in plants. Certainly the complex genetics of Al resistance in some crop plant species, such as rice and maize, suggests that a number of presently unidentified mechanisms are part of an overall strategy of metal resistance in crop plants.  相似文献   
Within the angiosperm subclass Alismatidae (= superorder Alismatiflorae), contemporary taxonomists have often assigned the families Hydrocharitaceae and Najadaceae to different orders. The Najadaceae are presumably allied to a variety of aquatic families in the order Najadales, whereas the Hydrocharitaceae have been segregated as the order Hydrocharitales or placed within the order Alismatales. Analyses of DNA sequence data from the chloroplast gene rbcL, however, indicate that Najadaceae have a much closer phylogenetic relationship to Hydrocharitaceae than to families of the "Najadales" (Cymodoceaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Ruppiaceae, Scheuchzeriaceae, Zannichelliaceae, Zosteraceae). This association supports previous studies based upon examination of floral structure and seed coat anatomy. The rbcL sequence data also indicate that the Zosteraceae and Potamogetonaceae are closely related families. The rbcL sequence of Zostera is actually more similar to that of Potamogeton richardsonii than is the sequence of the latter to a congener, Potamogeton amplifolius. The marine, dioecious, hydrophilous genus Zostera has acquired a number of distinctive adaptations, but probably diverged relatively rapidly from freshwater Potamogetonaceae. Molecular data place Ruppiaceae as a sister group to the marine Cymodoceaceae and do not support the commonly accepted merger of Ruppiaceae and Potamogetonaceae.  相似文献   
The alga polytomella contains several organelles composed of microtubules, including four flagella and hundreds of cytoskeletal microtubules. Brown and co-workers have shown (1976. J. Cell Biol. 69:6-125; 1978, Exp. Cell Res. 117: 313-324) that the flagella could be removed and the cytoskeletans dissociated, and that both structures could partially regenerate in the absence of protein synthesis. Because of this, and because both the flagella and the cytoskeletons can be isolated intact, this organism is particularly suitable for studying tubulin heterogeneity and the incorporation of specific tubulins into different microtubule-containing organelles in the same cell. In order to define the different species of tubulin in polytonella cytoplasm, a (35)S- labeled cytoplasmic fraction was subjected to two cycles of assembly and disassembly in the presence of unlabeled brain tubulin. Comparison of the labeled polytomella cytoplasmic tubulin obtained by this procedure with the tubulin of isolated polytomella flagella by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that, whereas the β-tubulin from both cytoplasmic and flagellar tubulin samples comigrated, the two α-tubulins had distinctly different isoelectic points. As a second method of isolating tubulin from the cytoplasm, cells were gently lysed with detergent and intact cytoskeletons obtained. When these cytoskeletons were exposed to cold temperature, the proteins that were released were found to be highly enriched in tubulin; this tubulin, by itself, could be assembled into microtubules in vitro. The predominant α-tubulin of this in vitro- assembled cytoskeletal tubulin corresponded to the major cytoplasmic α-tubulin obtained by coassembly of labeled polytomella cytoplasmic extract with brain tubulin and was quite distinct from the α-tubulin of purified flagella. These results clearly show that two different microtubule-containing organelles from the same cell are composed of distinct tubulins.  相似文献   
We found that nonlethal lysosomal enzyme release from human peripheral blood leukocytes during phagocytosis of opsonized zymosan in vitro was modified by the oxygen tension under which the cells were incubated; with decreasing Po(2), zymosan-induced release of lysosomal enzymes was potentiated. The effect on enzyme release could not be attributed secondarily to an effect on phagocytosis, because, as others have reported, Po(2) had little effect on that response. Metabolic responses that accompany phagocytosis were also modified by oxygen tension. Stimulation of oxidation by way of the pentose cycle was further enhanced by increasing Po(2). Conversely, anaerobic glycolysis was promoted by decreasing oxygen tension. ATP levels fell as a function of time and concentration of phagocytic stimulus, mirroring lysosomal enzyme release as modified by Po(2). Cyclic AMP levels fell during phagocytosis and lysosomal enzyme release, a change that could act to facilitate lysosomal enzyme release. However, the fall in nucleotide level was greatest with highest Po(2) (i.e., when lysosomal enzyme release was least). The inverse relationship between oxidative metabolism and enzyme release suggested that a product of oxidative metabolism might adversely influence enzyme release. Sulfhydryl antioxidants (Cysteine, glutathione) and scavengers of oxygen-derived reactants (superoxide dismutase, catalase, benzoate, hypoxanthine, xanthine, histidine, azide) all potentiated zymosan- stimulated enzyme release. These findings are consistent with the interpretation that one or more factors (e.g., superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, singlet oxygen), generated in association with the burst of oxidative metabolism which accompanies phagocytosis, acts to inhibit lysosomal enzyme release.  相似文献   
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