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Bud formation capacity of callus formed from thin epidermal cell loyers excised from floral branches of Nicotiana tabacum cv. Wise. 38. Subepidermal cells of thin tissue pieces with a few cell layers were capable of forming eitber buds, roots, (lowers or non-organ ogenetic callus. To determine wheiher this calltjs is able to dirferentiate into organs, we transferred it to media inducing eitber flowers, or buds, or roots. In this paper, we study ibe capacity of lbe callus to form buds. In 50% of the cases, the explants (being maintained for I day to 2 years in callus media) can still express the capacity to form buds. This percentage increased with increased agar concentration of the culture media. At the histological level, non-organogenetic callus is characterized by the absence of tracheid differentiation, whereas in the organogenetic callus, iracheids were induced after their transfer into a ‘Bud medium’ and indicate an organogenetic differentiation pattern.  相似文献   
Eighteen cows with ovarian cysts were administered 100 mug of GnRH and bled prior to treatment, at half hour intervals for 4 hours posttreatment and on days 1, 5 and 9 posttreatment. Blood plasma was analyzed for estradiol-17beta, progesterone and LH by radioimmunoassay. Response to treatment was recorded as positive if ovulation was detected within 30 days posttreatment. Fourteen cows (78%) initiated ovarian cycles by 30 days posttreatment. Mean pretreatment concentrations of estradiol-17beta, progesterone and LH and the GnRH induced LH release were not different for positive or no response cows. However, all seven cows that had pretreatment progesterone concentrations greater than 1.0 ng/ml had a positive response to treatment. Eight of the remaining eleven cows had a progesterone response (mean progesterone concentrations on days 5 and 9 posttreatment) greater than 1.0 ng/ml; seven had a positive response to treatment. In summary, most cows with ovarian cysts administered GnRH will initiate ovarian cycles within 30 days if: 1) pretreatment progesterone concentrations are greater than 1.0 ng/ml or 2) if progesterone response is greater than 1.0 ng/ml.  相似文献   
Fifteen 2-year-old Holstein cows and 21 mature Holstein cows were assigned to one of three groups. Cows in Group I calved spontaneously. Cows in Groups II and III received single intramuscular injections of 20 mg dexamethasone and 25 mg estradiol benzoate to induce parturition prematurely. In addition, cows in Group III received a single intramuscular injection of 12.5 mg estradiol benzoate 48 hr prior to dexamethasone and estradiol benzoate. The objective of the experiment was to determine the effectiveness of estradiol benzoate in combination with dexamethasone on traits at parturition and on productive and reproductive characteristics following parturition. Induction of parturition shortened gestation length and increased the incidence of retained placentas (both P < .01). All induced cows calved between 21 and 59 hr postinjection with less (P < .05) udder edema when compared to control cows. Mean plasma estrogen concentrations, using an assay system which does not measure estradiol benzoate, were not different among groups following injections of estradiol benzoate. Mean estradiol-17β concentrations in induced cows, however, using an assay system which does recognize estradiol benzoate (70.8% crossreactivity), were higher (P < .01) following estradiol benzoate injection, tended to be higher through parturition, and remained elevated (P < .01) at 12 and 24 hr following parturition when compared to cows calving spontaneously. Mean monthly milk production and the 2x, 305-ME records for milk, fat and FCM were not different among groups.  相似文献   
Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique has recently been applied to gain many advantages in molecular genetics. The present study focused on the development of 15 new microsatellite markers with multiplex PCR systems in ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, an important freshwater fish in Japan. All loci were followed Mendelian inheritance in 27 F1 progeny except for the one locus. The number of alleles per locus ranged from nine to 44 and the observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.680 to 0.980 in 50 unrelated individuals. The results indicate that these new microsatellite markers are useful for studies of linkage mapping and population genetics for the species.  相似文献   
为明确大气CO_2浓度升高对宁夏枸杞光合特性及生物量分配的影响,以宁夏枸杞苗木为试材,采用开顶气室(OTC)模拟自然环境大气CO_2浓度变化,设置3个CO_2浓度水平[CK(380±20μmol/mol)、TR1(570±20μmol/mol)、TR2(760±20μmol/mol)],分别于不同CO_2浓度处理90d、120d后,测定其净光合速率(P_n)、光响应曲线、CO_2响应曲线等相关指标及植株不同器官生物量。结果表明:(1)TR1及TR2下Pn于第一年处理至90d时均较CK显著升高(P0.05),且TR1处理在120d时较CK显著降低;第二年处理90d时,TR1处理较CK下降了4.77%,处理120d时TR1、TR2均高于CK,但差异不显著。(2)随着CO_2浓度升高,两年中TR1、TR2处理的胞间CO_2浓度(C_i)较CK均显著升高,处理后120d时,气孔导度(G_s)较CK均显著下降;水分利用率(WUE)在第一年处理中均无显著变化,但在第二年处理120d时,TR1、TR2均较CK显著上升。(3)处理至90d和120d时,TR1、TR2组的宁夏枸杞苗木光饱和点、CO_2饱和点均高于CK,但TR2组初始羧化效率低于CK。(4)随着CO_2浓度升高,宁夏枸杞苗木地上部分生物量分配显著增加,地下部分生物量分配显著降低。研究发现,一定时间内适宜CO_2浓度升高可促进宁夏枸杞苗木光合作用,使得其地上部分生物量分配显著提高,地下部分生物量分配显著降低;但随着处理浓度升高及处理时间延长,其光合作用有下调趋势,表现为净光合速率、气孔导度、初始羧化效率等下降。  相似文献   
The effect of warm-up on performance for repeated triangle tests is studied according to assessors' expertise level for both triangle test strategy and the pair of products to compare. Three experiments performed with orange flavored soft drinks show that the effect of warm-up depends on the assessors' expertise: (1) naive assessors do not increase their performance with warm-up; (2) assessors with a moderate practice of both triangle tests and the pair of products improve their performance with warm-up; (3) assessors with a moderate practice of triangle tests, but not familiar with the pair of products, improve their performance with warm-up too; and (4) assessors highly experienced for both triangle tests and products do not improve their performance with warm-up. These results support the idea that the positive effect of warm-up is due to an attentional process: Warm-up seems to help assessors focusing their attention on the dimension on which the two products are actually different and ignoring the other dimensions. Thus, results show that assessors are able to learn the difference between the two products and to learn to focus their attention on this difference at any time. They also suggest that prior knowledge of the triangle test scheme is required to benefit from warm-up.  相似文献   
京津冀风沙源区沙化土地治理关键技术研究与示范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
京津冀风沙源区是我国北方生态屏障的重要组成部分。面向我国北方风沙区沙化土地综合治理、典型脆弱生态修复与保护等重大科技需求,京津冀风沙源区沙化土地治理关键技术研究与示范项目将综合运用长期定位观测、控制实验、多源遥感数据融合、技术示范等方法,重点研究京津冀风沙源区土地沙化形成机制与生态修复机理,研发一批沙化土地治理与产业化关键技术,并在各治理区开展试验示范,集成京津冀风沙源区沙化土地治理与产业化技术体系,构建沙化土地综合整治空间决策支持系统,为京津风沙源治理工程建设、保障京津冀地区生态安全及满足2022年北京冬奥会生态需求提供科技支撑。  相似文献   
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