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Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a serious complication of pregnancy with potentially life threatening consequences for both mother and baby. Presently there is no test with the required performance to predict which healthy first-time mothers will go on to develop PE. The high specificity, sensitivity, and multiplexed nature of selected reaction monitoring holds great potential as a tool for the verification and validation of putative candidate biomarkersfor disease states. Realization of this potential involves establishing a high throughput, cost effective, reproducible sample preparation workflow. We have developed a semi-automated HPLC-based sample preparation workflow before a label-free selected reaction monitoring approach. This workflow has been applied to the search for novel predictive biomarkers for PE.To discover novel candidate biomarkers for PE, we used isobaric tagging to identify several potential biomarker proteins in plasma obtained at 15 weeks gestation from nulliparous women who later developed PE compared with pregnant women who remained healthy. Such a study generates a number of “candidate” biomarkers that require further testing in larger patient cohorts. As proof-of-principle, two of these proteins were taken forward for verification in a 100 women (58 PE, 42 controls) using label-free SRM. We obtained reproducible protein quantitation across the 100 samples and demonstrated significant changes in protein levels, even with as little as 20% change in protein concentration. The SRM data correlated with a commercial ELISA, suggesting that this is a robust workflow suitable for rapid, affordable, label-free verification of which candidate biomarkers should be taken forward for thorough investigation. A subset of pregnancy-specific glycoproteins (PSGs) had value as novel predictive markers for PE.The identification of clinically relevant plasma biomarkers with diagnostic and/or predictive value continues to challenge the proteomics field. Whereas once the biomarker pipeline was described as a two part discovery and validation process, there is increasing consensus that an intermediate step is required in which the proteins identified in the discovery phase are technically verified in 50 to 200 samples. This verification step identifies false positives from the discovery phase and allows prioritization of proteins to be taken into large-scale clinical validation studies (1). Although commercial ELISA kits may be used in this phase, these are unavailable for many proteins, are expensive, and may lack specificity. In addition, sample requirements may be too high to perform ELISA on all candidates, especially if many proteins are identified as potential markers by low powered, high penetration discovery workflows.Selected reaction monitoring (SRM)1 mass spectrometry has great potential as an alternative verification method (26) as it can be multiplexed, customized, and is highly specific. This potential has not been exploited to date, largely because of technical issues developing a low-cost, reproducible workflow encompassing plasma and serum preparation and LC/MS analysis with the capability to measure protein levels reproducible in hundreds of samples. With traditional stable isotope dilution SRM (SID-SRM), the high cost of accurately quantified, purified stable isotope encoded peptides or proteins may be prohibitive for the verification of multiple peptides from many proteins. Label-free relatively quantitative methods are increasingly popular in discovery proteomics but to a much lesser extent in targeted SRM studies (7, 8).For any SRM method, sample preparation workflows must balance the extent of enrichment and fractionation to enable quantification of lower abundance proteins, against increased technical variability (which is influenced by the number of sample handling steps) and reduced multiplexed potential as a consequence of fractionating peptides from the protein of interest into several distinct fractions. It is also essential that the true technical variation in the workflow is quantitatively evaluated from freezer to MS analysis, rather than just the variation within the LC-SRM part of the experiment. As a paradigm for a label-free SRM assay, we developed our workflow and applied it to the verification of candidate biomarkers that indicate the risk of pre-eclampsia (PE).PE affects 2–8% of pregnancies, and is characterized by hypertension and proteinuria, which may progress to severe maternal complications or death (9). Because delivery of the infant is the only effective intervention, a third of babies are born premature and fetal or newborn mortality is increased three- to 10-fold (10). Its complex etiology involves abnormal placentation, an altered immune response and a sensitized maternal vascular endothelium (11). Prediction of the condition in early pregnancy would allow prevention strategies, such as low dose aspirin, to be targeted to high risk women. In first-time pregnant women, a group particularly at risk, biomarkers continue to fall short of a test that would be useful or cost effective in clinical practice (1214). Better-performing novel biomarkers are required.The aim of this study was to identify candidate predictive biomarkers for PE and then develop a verification assay using mass spectrometry to determine whether these should be taken forward into more extensive and expensive validation studies. Initial discovery experiments were employed using a pooled sample iTRAQ approach using two different MS platforms to increase plasma proteome coverage. Among the set of proteins discovered, we then developed a label-free SRM assay for relative quantification of CXCL7 (Platelet basic protein; PBP) and members of the Pregnancy specific glycoprotein (PSG) family in a 100-sample set from the international SCreeningfOr Pregnancy Endpoints (SCOPE) study (www.scopestudy.net). Our workflow allowed the specificity and linearity of response for each peptide to be determined, along with true technical variability. Although absolute concentration and LOD/LOQ cannot be calculated using this approach, we aimed to test the hypothesis that a label-free SRM approach could provide a rapid, robust, and efficient screen of candidate plasma biomarkers.  相似文献   
A long-term series of experiments to map QTL influencing wood property traits in loblolly pine has been completed. These experiments were designed to identify and subsequently verify QTL in multiple genetic backgrounds, environments, and growing seasons. Verification of QTL is necessary to substantiate a biological basis for observed marker-trait associations, to provide precise estimates of the magnitude of QTL effects, and to predict QTL expression at a given age or in a particular environment. Verification was based on the repeated detection of QTL among populations, as well as among multiple growing seasons for each population. Temporal stability of QTL was moderate, with approximately half being detected in multiple seasons. Fewer QTL were common to different populations, but the results are nonetheless encouraging for restricted applications of marker-assisted selection. QTL from larger populations accounted for less phenotypic variation than QTL detected in smaller populations, emphasizing the need for experiments employing much larger families. Additionally, 18 candidate genes related to lignin biosynthesis and cell wall structure were mapped genetically. Several candidate genes colocated with wood property QTL; however, these relationships must be verified in future experiments.  相似文献   
Glycerol, a major by-product of ethanol fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is of significant importance to the wine, beer, and ethanol production industries. To gain a clearer understanding of and to quantify the extent to which parameters of the pathway affect glycerol flux in S. cerevisiae, a kinetic model of the glycerol synthesis pathway has been constructed. Kinetic parameters were collected from published values. Maximal enzyme activities and intracellular effector concentrations were determined experimentally. The model was validated by comparing experimental results on the rate of glycerol production to the rate calculated by the model. Values calculated by the model agreed well with those measured in independent experiments. The model also mimics the changes in the rate of glycerol synthesis at different phases of growth. Metabolic control analysis values calculated by the model indicate that the NAD(+)-dependent glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase-catalyzed reaction has a flux control coefficient (C(J)v1) of approximately 0.85 and exercises the majority of the control of flux through the pathway. Response coefficients of parameter metabolites indicate that flux through the pathway is most responsive to dihydroxyacetone phosphate concentration (R(J)DHAP= 0.48 to 0.69), followed by ATP concentration (R(J)ATP = -0.21 to -0.50). Interestingly, the pathway responds weakly to NADH concentration (R(J)NADH = 0.03 to 0.08). The model indicates that the best strategy to increase flux through the pathway is not to increase enzyme activity, substrate concentration, or coenzyme concentration alone but to increase all of these parameters in conjunction with each other.  相似文献   
North American Caucasian male subjects (n = 59) and female subjects (n = 72) were surveyed, to investigate earlobe height preferences that could serve as guidelines for aesthetic earlobe surgical procedures and reconstructions. Subjects were asked to rank their preferences for variously shaped earlobes in life-size-scaled sketched male and female profiles. Earlobe heights were varied on the basis of previously established anatomical landmarks, including the intertragal notch, the most caudal anterior attachment of the earlobe to the cheek skin (the otobasion inferius), and the most caudal extension of the earlobe-free margin (the subaurale). While the intertragal notch-to-otobasion inferius distance (range, 5 to 20 mm) and otobasion inferius-to-subaurale distance (range, 0 to 20 mm) varied, all other facial and ear anthropometric measurements were held constant. Each of the rank orders for the female and male facial profiles completed by the female and male subjects demonstrated statistical significance, as determined by one-way analysis of variance analysis of ranks (p < 0.001 for all four groups). No difference was noted between the two sexes' rank orders for either sex (p > 0.05). Therefore, analysis of the combined male and female preferences for each sex was completed with one-way analysis of variance analysis of ranks (p < 0.001 and p < 0.001) and a post hoc Dunn's test, to delineate significant preference differences between subgroups with respect to the intertragal notch-to-otobasion inferius and otobasion inferius-to-subaurale distances. Both female and male earlobe intertragal notch-to-otobasion inferius distances were preferred at either 5, 10, or 15 mm, more so than at 20 mm (p < 0.05 for all female and male comparisons). Furthermore, both female and male earlobe otobasion inferius-to-subaurale distances were preferred, in descending order, at 5 mm > 10 mm > 0 mm > 15 mm > 20 mm (p < 0.05 for all female and male comparisons). On the basis of the findings of this survey, the first classification of earlobe ptosis (based on otobasion inferius-to-subaurale distances), as well as a criterion for earlobe pseudoptosis (intertragal notch-to-otobasion inferius distance of greater than 15 mm), is presented. These findings suggest a role for independent assessment of the lobule length with respect to its anteriorly attached cephalad component (intertragal notch-to-otobasion inferius distance) and its free-margin caudal component (otobasion inferius-to-subaurale distance).  相似文献   
The adaptive immune response depends on the creation of suitable peptides from foreign antigens for display on MHC molecules to T lymphocytes. Similarly, MHC-restricted display of peptides derived from self proteins results in the elimination of many potentially autoreactive T cells. Different proteolytic systems are used to generate the peptides that are displayed as T cell epitopes on class I compared with class II MHC molecules. In the case of class II MHC molecules, the proteases that reside within the endosome/lysosome system of antigen-presenting cells are responsible; surprisingly, however, there are relatively few data on which enzymes are involved. Recently we have asked whether proteolysis is required simply in a generic sense, or whether the action of particular enzymes is needed to generate specific class II MHC-associated T cell epitopes. Using the recently identified mammalian asparagine endopeptidase as an example, we review recent evidence that individual enzymes can make clear and non-redundant contributions to MHC-restricted peptide display.  相似文献   
Natural transmission of the epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) was conducted on na?ve snakeheads Ophicephalus striatus (also known as Channa striata) kept (A) in aquifer water, (B) in lakewater, (C) cohabiting with EUS snakeheads in lakewater, and (D) cohabiting with apparently healthy snakeheads in lakewater during the 1994 to 1995 EUS season. The results showed that EUS-like lesions developed in 6 to 14 d among na?ve snakeheads cohabiting with EUS snakeheads and with apparently healthy snakeheads in lakewater (Treatments C and D). Among na?ve fish exposed to lakewater (Treatment B), similar lesions developed in 16 to 21 d, while na?ve fish in aquifer water (Treatment A) did not develop EUS-like lesions. EUS signs began as Grade I (slight) lesions that gradually progressed to Grades III-IV (severe) 3 to 5 d from lesion onset, similar to the naturally affected EUS fish. The virus was recovered from some but not all naturally EUS-affected snakeheads, snakeheads with healing lesions and apparently healthy snakeheads, but not from na?ve snakeheads. The results provide evidence of a waterborne horizontal transmission of the EUS-associated virus. This is the first report of a successful horizontal transmission of the EUS-associated virus from apparently healthy snakeheads to na?ve fish under natural conditions and of virus recovery in tissue culture from naturally exposed experimental fish.  相似文献   
Single‐molecule localisation based super‐resolution fluorescence imaging produces maps of the coordinates of fluorescent molecules in a region of interest. Cluster analysis algorithms provide information concerning the clustering characteristics of these molecules, often through the generation of cluster heat maps based on local molecular density. The goal of this study was to generate a new cluster analysis method based on a topographic approach. In particular, a topographic map of the level of clustering across a region is generated based on Getis' variant of Ripley's K‐function. By using the relative heights (topographic prominence, TP) of the peaks in the map, cluster characteristics can be identified more accurately than by using previously demonstrated height thresholds. Analogous to geological TP, the concepts of wet and dry TP and topographic isolation are introduced to generate binary maps. The algorithm is validated using simulated and experimental data and found to significantly outperform previous cluster identification methods.

Illustration of the topographic prominence based cluster analysis algorithm.  相似文献   

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