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The relationship between magnesium (Mg) and zinc (Zn) in soft tissues and bone of rats was studied after administration of unbalanced mineral diets. Minerals and metals in soft tissues and bone were determined using inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP). There were significant positive correlations between serum Zn and Mg levels, between serum Zn and Zn content of soft tissues and bone, and between serum Mg levels and Zn content of bone and soft tissues in rats fed unbalanced mineral diets. A significant positive correlation was also found between Zn and Mg content in the lumbar spine and femoral bone of rats. It appears that altered bone mineralization induced by unbalanced mineral diets leads to mobilization of Mg and Zn from rat bones in similar ways.  相似文献   
Nearly one million deaths are attributed to malaria every year. Recent reports of multi-drug treatment failure of falciparum malaria underscore the need to understand the molecular basis of drug resistance. Multiple mutations in the Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter (pfcrt) are involved in chloroquine resistance, but the evolution of complex haplotypes is not yet well understood. Using over 4,500 archival human serum specimens collected from 19 Pacific populations between 1959 and 1979, the period including and just prior to the appearance of chloroquine treatment failure in the Pacific, we PCR-amplified and sequenced a portion of the pfcrt exon 2 from 771 P. falciparum-infected individuals to explore the spatial and temporal variation in falciparum malaria prevalence and the evolution of chloroquine resistance. In the Pacific, the prevalence of P. falciparum varied considerably across ecological zones. On the island of New Guinea, the decreases in prevalence of P. falciparum in coastal, high-transmission areas over time were contrasted by the increase in prevalence during the same period in the highlands, where transmission was intermittent. We found 78 unique pfcrt haplotypes consisting of 34 amino acid substitutions and 28 synonymous mutations. More importantly, two pfcrt mutations (N75D and K76T) implicated in chloroquine resistance were present in parasites from New Hebrides (now Vanuatu) eight years before the first report of treatment failure. Our results also revealed unexpectedly high levels of genetic diversity in pfcrt exon 2 prior to the historical chloroquine resistance selective sweep, particularly in areas where disease burden was relatively low. In the Pacific, parasite genetic isolation, as well as host acquired immune status and genetic resistance to malaria, were important contributors to the evolution of chloroquine resistance in P. falciparum.  相似文献   
This study describes the hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) and hematocrit (HCT) of over 1,000 Tibetan and Han children, adolescents, and young adults who were born and raised at 3,200 m, 3,800 m, or 4,300 m in Qinghai Province, western China. At 3,200 m, no altitude effect is evident in the hematological characteristics of either group. At 3,800 m and 4,300 m, both groups show [Hb] and HCT values that are above low-altitude norms. At both altitudes, Tibetan and Han children show no differences in the pattern of hematological response up to age 13. Among adolescents and young adults, however, the [Hb] and HCT of Han males and females are elevated compared to Tibetans. This indicates that the adolescent period may involve a divergence in the responses to hypoxia made by some individuals in these two groups. Also, many other adolescents and young adults in both groups show similar hematological characteristics, indicating that many Tibetans and Han share similar hematological responses to hypoxia.  相似文献   
With the dramatic pace of modernization of the world's population, human adaptation as a theoretical construct and paradigm will likely become a focal scientific issue involving scientists from many disciplinary areas during the 21st Century. Macro and micro environments are in rapid flux and human populations are exposed to rapid change. The concept of adaptation, at least in the field of biological anthropology and human biology, will likely remain tied to evolutionary processes and concepts of selection and fitness. In this paper, we discuss the theoretical constructs of adaptation and adaptability and select three current examples from our ongoing research that involve studies of adaptation and evolutionary processes in modernizing populations in different locations worldwide.  相似文献   
Beta-globin gene families in eutherians (placental mammals) consist of a set of four or more developmentally regulated genes which are closely linked and, in general, arranged in the order 5'-embryonic/fetal genes- adult genes-3'. This cluster of genes is proposed to have arisen by tandem duplication of ancestral beta-globin genes, with the first duplication occurring 200 to 155 MYBP just prior to a period in mammalian evolution when eutherians and marsupials diverged from a common ancestor. In this paper we trace the evolutionary history of the beta-globin gene family back to the origins of these mammals by molecular characterization of the beta-globin gene family of the Australian marsupial Sminthopsis crassicaudata. Using Southern and restriction analysis of total genomic DNA and bacteriophage clones of beta-like globin genes, we provide evidence that just two functional beta-like globin genes exist in this marsupial, including one embryonic- expressed gene (S.c-epsilon) and one adult-expressed gene (S.c-beta), linked in the order 5'-epsilon-beta-3'. The entire DNA sequence of the adult beta-globin gene is reported and shown to be orthologous to the adult beta-globin genes of the North American marsupial Didelphis virginiana and eutherian mammals. These results, together with results from a phylogenetic analysis of mammalian beta-like globin genes, confirm the hypothesis that a two-gene cluster, containing an embryonic- and an adult-expressed beta-like globin gene, existed in the most recent common ancester of marsupials and eutherians. Northern analysis of total RNA isolated from embryos and neonatals indicates that a switch from embryonic to adult gene expression occurs at the time of birth, coinciding with the transfer of the marsupial from a uterus to a pouch environment.   相似文献   
Present communication reports laboratory and pot experiments conducted to study the influence of water and osmotic stress on nitrogen uptake and metabolism in two wheat (Triticum aestivum L) cultivars with and without potassium supplementation. Polyethylene glycol 6000-induced osmotic stress/restricted irrigation caused a considerable decline in the activity of nitrate reductase, glutamate synthase, alanine and aspartate aminotransferases, and glutamate dehydrogenase. Potassium considerably improved nitrogen metabolism under normal water supply conditions and also resulted in amelioration of the negative impact of water and osmotic stresses indicating that potassium supplementation can be used as a potential tool for enhancing the nitrogen use efficiency in wheat for exploiting its genetic potential.  相似文献   
Using inbreeding theory as applied to neutral alleles inherited maternally, we generate expected probability distributions of times to identity by descent for random pairs of mitochondrial genotypes within a population or within an entire species characterized by high gene flow. For comparisons with these expectations, empirical distributions of times to most recent common ancestry were calculated (by conventional mtDNA clock calibrations) from mtDNA haplotype distances observed within each of three vertebrate species--American eels, hardhead catfish, and redwinged blackbirds. These species were chosen for analysis because census population size in each is currently large and because both genetic and life-history data are consistent with the postulate that historical gene flow within these species has been high. The observed molecular distances among mtDNA lineages were two to three orders of magnitude lower than predicted from census sizes of breeding females, suggesting that rate of mtDNA evolution is decelerated in these species and/or that long-term effective population size is vastly smaller than present-day population size. Several considerations point to the latter possibility as most likely. The genetic structure of any species is greatly influenced by historical demography; even for species that are currently abundant, mtDNA gene lineages appear to have been channeled through fairly small numbers of ancestors.   相似文献   
With the cancellation of fenamiphos in the near future, alternative nematode management tactics for plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) on golf courses need to be identified. The use of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) has been suggested as one possible alternative. This paper presents the results of 10 experiments evaluating the efficacy of EPN at managing PPN on turfgrasses and improving turf performance. These experiments were conducted at various locations throughout Florida over the course of a decade. In different experiments, different EPN species were tested against different species of PPN. Separate experiments evaluated multiple rates and applications of EPN, compared different EPN species, and compared single EPN species against multiple species of PPN. In a few trials, EPN were associated with reductions in certain plant-parasite species, but in other trials were associated with increases. In most trials, EPN had no effect on plant parasites. Because EPN were so inconsistent in their results, we conclude that EPN are not acceptable alternatives to fenamiphos by most turf managers in Florida at this time.  相似文献   
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