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Contrary to several earlier reports, we find that cross-recombination between wild-type and the mutant loxP511 sites is <0.5% of that between two wild-type sites if Cre protein is expressed by phage P1 during an infection. The finding enabled us to develop a procedure to truncate DNA progressively from both ends of large genomic inserts flanked by these two loxP sites in pBACe3.6 and related vectors with transposons carrying either a wild-type or a loxP511 sequence. Newly constructed loxP511 transposons contained either a kanamycin resistance gene or no marker. Insert DNA ends in deletions were sequenced with primers unique to each transposon-end remaining after the respective recombination. End-sequencing 223 deletions confirmed that the low level of cross-recombination, observed between those sites during the P1 transductions, does not complicate the procedure: truncations from the unintended end of genomic inserts did not occur. Multiple BACs pooled together could also be processed in a single tube to make end-deletions. This deletion technology, utilizing the very minimal cross-recombination between the mutant and wild-type loxP sites of most BAC clones in the public domain and a heterologous one inserted as a transposon, should facilitate functionally mapping long-range gene regulatory sequences and help to isolate genes with defined functional boundaries in numerous projects including those of therapeutic interest.  相似文献   
Comparative studies provide correlational evidence of morphological adaptations for high locomotor performance, such as the classical indicators of cursoriality in mammals, long limbs and high metatarsal/femur ratios. More recently, enlarged femoral condyles have been suggested as an adaptation for high endurance running in the genus Homo. Asymmetry of locomotor appendages should adversely affect locomotor abilities, but this has not been studied in a rigorous evolutionary context. We used experimental evolution to test for morphological adaptations associated with high voluntary wheel running in selectively bred lines of mice. Surprisingly, the classical indicators of cursoriality had not evolved in concert with high activity levels. Instead, high runners had larger femoral condyles and reduced directional asymmetry of hindlimb bones. We hypothesize that greater limb symmetry and larger femoral heads are general adaptations associated with sustained, high-speed locomotion.  相似文献   
Conformational possibilities of flexible loops in rhodopsin, a prototypical G-protein-coupled receptor, were studied by modeling both in the dark-adapted (R) and activated (R*) states. Loop structures were built onto templates representing the R and R* states of the TM region of rhodopsin developed previously (G. V. Nikiforovich and G. R. Marshall. 2003. Biochemistry. 42:9110). Geometrical sampling and energy calculations were performed for each individual loop, as well as for the interacting intracellular loops IC1, IC2, and IC3 and the extracellular loops EC1, EC2, and EC3 mounted on the R and R* templates. Calculations revealed that the intra- and extracellular loops of rhodopsin possess low-energy structures corresponding to large conformational movements both in the R and R* states. Results of these calculations are in good agreement with the x-ray data available for the dark-adapted rhodopsin as well as with the available experimental biophysical data on the disulfide-linked mutants of rhodopsin. The calculated results are used to exemplify how the combined application of the results of independent calculations with emerging experimental data can be used to select plausible three-dimensional structures of the loops in rhodopsin.  相似文献   
Evolutionary biologists have long been interested in the processes influencing population differentiation, but separating the effects of neutral and adaptive evolution has been an obstacle for studies of population subdivision. A recently developed method allows tests of whether disruptive (ie, spatially variable) or stabilizing (ie, spatially uniform) selection is influencing phenotypic differentiation among subpopulations. This method, referred to as the F(ST) vs Q(ST) comparison, separates the total additive genetic variance into within- and among-population components and evaluates this level of differentiation against a neutral hypothesis. Thus, levels of neutral molecular (F(ST)) and quantitative genetic (Q(ST)) divergence are compared to evaluate the effects of selection and genetic drift on phenotypic differentiation. Although the utility of such comparisons appears great, its accuracy has not yet been evaluated in populations with known evolutionary histories. In this study, F(ST) vs Q(ST) comparisons were evaluated using laboratory populations of house mice with known evolutionary histories. In this model system, the F(ST) vs Q(ST) comparisons between the selection groups should reveal quantitative trait differentiation consistent with disruptive selection, while the F(ST) vs Q(ST) comparisons among lines within the selection groups should suggest quantitative trait differentiation in agreement with drift. We find that F(ST) vs Q(ST) comparisons generally produce the correct evolutionary inference at each level in the population hierarchy. Additionally, we demonstrate that when strong selection is applied between populations Q(ST) increases relative to Q(ST) among populations diverging by drift. Finally, we show that the statistical properties of Q(ST), a variance component ratio, need further investigation.  相似文献   
As reported previously, artificial selection of house mice caused a 2.7-fold increase in voluntary wheel running of four replicate selected lines compared with four random-bred control lines. Two of the selected lines developed a high incidence of a small-muscle phenotype ("mini muscles") in the plantar flexor group of the hindlimb, which apparently results from a simple Mendelian recessive allele. At generations 36-38, we measured wheel running and key contractile characteristics of soleus and medial gastrocnemius muscles from normal and mini muscles in mice from these selected lines. Mice with mini muscles ran faster and a greater distance per day than normal individuals but not longer. As expected, in mini-muscle mice the medial and lateral gastrocnemius muscles were approximately 54 and 45% the mass of normal muscles, respectively, but the plantaris muscles were not different in mass and soleus muscles were actually 30% larger. In spite of the increased mass, contractile characteristics of the soleus were unchanged in any notable way between mini and normal mice. However, medial gastrocnemius muscles in mini mice were changed markedly toward a slower phenotype, having slower twitches; demonstrated a more curved force-velocity relationship; produced about half the mass-specific isotonic power, 20-50% of the mass-specific cyclic work and power (only 10-25% the absolute power if the loss in mass is considered); and fatigued at about half the rate of normal muscles. These changes would promote increased, aerobically supported running activity but may compromise activities that require high power, such as sprinting.  相似文献   
Viktor Hamburger was a developmental biologist interested in the ontogenesis of the vertebrate nervous system. A student of Hans Spemann at Freiburg in the 1920s, Hamburger picked up a holistic view of the embryo that precluded him from treating it in a reductionist way; at the same time, he was committed to a materialist and analytical approach that eschewed any form of vitalism or metaphysics. This paper explores how Hamburger walked this thin line between mechanistic reductionism and metaphysical vitalism in light of his work on the factors influencing growth of neurons into limb buds, and the discovery of nerve growth factor, work carried out with Rita Levi-Montalcini and Stanley Cohen.  相似文献   
The B16-F10 mouse model of melanoma is a widely used model to study many aspects of cancer biology and therapeutics in a solid tumor. Melanomas aggressively progress within a dynamic microenvironment containing in addition to tumor cells, stroma cells and components such as fibroblasts, immune cells, vascular cells, extracellular matrix (ECM) and extracellular molecules. The goal of this study was to elucidate the processes of tumor progression by identifying differentially expressed proteins in the tumor mass during specific stages of tumor growth. A comparative proteome analysis was performed on B16-F10 derived tumors in C57BL/6 mice at days 3, 5, 7, and 10. Statistical approaches were used to determine quantitative differential protein expression at each tumor time stage. Hierarchical clustering of 44 protein spots (p < 0.01) revealed a progressive change in the tumor mass when all 4 time stages were classified together, but there was a clear switch in expression of these proteins between the day 5 and the day 7 tumors. A trend analysis showed 53 protein spots (p < 0.001) following 6 predominant kinetic paths of expression as the tumor progressed. The protein spots were then identified using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Proteins involved in glycolysis, inflammation, wounding, superoxide metabolism, and chemotaxis increased during tumorigenesis. From day 3 to day 7 VEGF and active cathepsin D were induced 7-fold and 4-fold, respectively. Proteins involved in electron transport, protein folding, blood coagulation, and transport decreased during tumorigenesis. This work illustrates changes in the biology of the B16-F10 tumor mass during tumor progression.  相似文献   
The activated (R*) states in constitutively active mutants (CAMs) of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are presumably characterized by lower energies than the resting (R) states. If specific configurations of TM helices differing by rotations along the long transmembrane axes possess energies lower than that in the R state for pronounced CAMs, but not for non-CAMs, these particular configurations of TM helices are candidate 3D models for the R* state. The hypothesis was studied in the case of rhodopsin, the only GPCR for which experimentally determined 3D models of the R and R* states are currently available. Indeed, relative energies of the R* state were significantly lower than that of the R state for the rhodopsin mutants G90D/M257Y and E113Q/M257Y (strong CAMs), but not for G90D, E113Q, and M257Y (not CAMs). Next, the developed build-up procedure successfully identified few similar configurations of the TM helical bundle of G90D/M257Y and E113Q/M257Y as possible candidates for the 3D model of the R* state of rhodopsin, all of them being in good agreement with the model suggested by experiment. Since constitutively active mutants are known for many of GPCRs belonging to the large rhodopsin-like family, this approach provides a way for predicting possible 3D structures corresponding to the activated states of the TM regions of many GPCRs for which CAMs have been identified.  相似文献   
Canalization may play a critical role in molding patterns of integration when variability is regulated by the balance between processes that generate and remove variation. Under these conditions, the interaction among those processes may produce a dynamic structure of integration even when the level of variability is constant. To determine whether the constancy of variance in skull shape throughout most of postnatal growth results from a balance between processes generating and removing variation, we compare covariance structures from age to age in two rodent species, cotton rats (Sigmodon fulviventer) and house mice (Mus musculus domesticus). We assess the overall similarity of covariance matrices by the matrix correlation, and compare the structures of covariance matrices using common subspace analysis, a method related to common principal components (PCs) analysis but suited to cases in which variation is so nearly spherical that PCs are ambiguous. We find significant differences from age to age in covariance structure and the more effectively canalized ones tend to be least stable in covariance structure. We find no evidence that canalization gradually and preferentially removes deviations arising early in development as we might expect if canalization results from compensatory differential growth. Our results suggest that (co)variation patterns are continually restructured by processes that equilibrate variance, and thus that canalization plays a critical role in molding patterns of integration.  相似文献   
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