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2-Haloacids can be found in the natural environment as degradative products of natural and synthetic halogenated compounds. They can also be generated by disinfection of water and have been shown to be mutagenic and to inhibit glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity. We have recently identified a novel haloacid permease Deh4p from a bromoacetate-degrading bacterium Burkholderia sp. MBA4. Comparative analyses suggested that Deh4p is a member of the Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS), which includes thousands of membrane transporter proteins. Members of the MFS usually possess twelve putative transmembrane segments (TMS). Deh4p was predicted to have twelve TMS. In this study we characterized the topology of Deh4p with a PhoA-LacZ dual reporters system.  相似文献   
Classic and novel protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes contain two zinc finger motifs, designated “C1a” and “C1b” domains, which constitute the recognition modules for the second messenger diacylglycerol (DAG) or the phorbol esters. However, the individual contributions of these tandem C1 domains to PKC function and, reciprocally, the influence of protein context on their function remain uncertain. In the present study, we prepared PKCδ constructs in which the individual C1a and C1b domains were deleted, swapped, or substituted for one another to explore these issues. As isolated fragments, both the δC1a and δC1b domains potently bound phorbol esters, but the binding of [3H]phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate ([3H]PDBu) by the δC1a domain depended much more on the presence of phosphatidylserine than did that of the δC1b domain. In intact PKCδ, the δC1b domain played the dominant role in [3H]PDBu binding, membrane translocation, and down-regulation. A contribution from the δC1a domain was nonetheless evident, as shown by retention of [3H]PDBu binding at reduced affinity, by increased [3H]PDBu affinity upon expression of a second δC1a domain substituting for the δC1b domain, and by loss of persistent plasma membrane translocation for PKCδ expressing only the δC1b domain, but its contribution was less than predicted from the activity of the isolated domain. Switching the position of the δC1b domain to the normal position of the δC1a domain (or vice versa) had no apparent effect on the response to phorbol esters, suggesting that the specific position of the C1 domain within PKCδ was not the primary determinant of its activity.One of the essential steps for protein kinase C (PKC)2 activation is its translocation from the cytosol to the membranes. For conventional (α, βI, βII, and γ) and novel (δ, ε, η, and θ) PKCs, this translocation is driven by interaction with the lipophilic second messenger sn-1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG), generated from phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate upon the activation of receptor-coupled phospholipase C or indirectly from phosphatidylcholine via phospholipase D (1). A pair of zinc finger structures in the regulatory domain of the PKCs, the “C1” domains, are responsible for the recognition of the DAG signal. The DAG-C1 domain-membrane interaction is coupled to a conformational change in PKC, both causing the release of the pseudosubstrate domain from the catalytic site to activate the enzyme and triggering the translocation to the membrane (2). By regulating access to substrates, PKC translocation complements the intrinsic enzymatic specificity of PKC to determine its substrate profile.The C1 domain is a highly conserved cysteine-rich motif (∼50 amino acids), which was first identified in PKC as the interaction site for DAG or phorbol esters (3). It possesses a globular structure with a hydrophilic binding cleft at one end surrounded by hydrophobic residues. Binding of DAG or phorbol esters to the C1 domain caps the hydrophilic cleft and forms a continuous hydrophobic surface favoring the interaction or penetration of the C1 domain into the membrane (4). In addition to the novel and classic PKCs, six other families of proteins have also been identified, some of whose members possess DAG/phorbol ester-responsive C1 domains. These are the protein kinase D (5), the chimaerin (6), the munc-13 (7), the RasGRP (guanyl nucleotide exchange factors for Ras and Rap1) (8), the DAG kinase (9), and the recently characterized MRCK (myotonic dystrophy kinase-related Cdc42-binding kinase) families (10). Of these C1 domain-containing proteins, the PKCs have been studied most extensively and are important therapeutic targets (11). Among the drug candidates in clinical trials that target PKC, a number such as bryostatin 1 and PEP005 are directed at the C1 domains of PKC rather than at its catalytic site.Both the classic and novel PKCs contain in their N-terminal regulatory region tandem C1 domains, C1a and C1b, which bind DAG/phorbol ester (12). Multiple studies have sought to define the respective roles of these two C1 domains in PKC regulation, but the issue remains unclear. Initial in vitro binding measurements with conventional PKCs suggested that 1 mol of phorbol ester bound per mole of PKC (13-15). On the other hand, Stubbs et al., using a fluorescent phorbol ester analog, reported that PKCα bound two ligands per PKC (16). Further, site-directed mutagenesis of the C1a and C1b domains of intact PKCα indicated that the C1a and C1b domains played equivalent roles for membrane translocation in response to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and (-)octylindolactam V (17). Likewise, deletion studies indicated that the C1a and C1b domains of PKCγ bound PDBu equally with high potency (3, 18). Using a functional assay with PKCα expression in yeast, Shieh et al. (19) deleted individual C1 domains and reported that C1a and C1b were both functional and equivalent upon stimulation by PMA, with either deletion causing a similar reduction in potency of response, whereas for mezerein the response depended essentially on the C1a domain, with much weaker response if only the C1b domain was present. Using isolated C1 domains, Irie et al. (20) suggested that the C1a domain of PKCα but not those of PKCβ or PKCγ bound [3H]PDBu preferentially; different ligands showed a generally similar pattern but with different extents of selectivity. Using synthesized dimeric bisphorbols, Newton''s group reported (21) that, although both C1 domains of PKCβII are oriented for potential membrane interaction, only one C1 domain bound ligand in a physiological context.In the case of novel PKCs, many studies have been performed on PKCδ to study the equivalency of the twin C1 domains. The P11G point mutation of the C1a domain, which caused a 300-fold loss of binding potency in the isolated domain (22), had little effect on the phorbol ester-dependent translocation of PKCδ in NIH3T3 cells, whereas the same mutation of the C1b caused a 20-fold shift in phorbol ester potency for inducing translocation, suggesting a major role of the C1b domain for phorbol ester binding (23). A secondary role for the C1a domain was suggested, however, because mutation in the C1a domain as well as the C1b domain caused a further 7-fold shift in potency. Using the same mutations in the C1a and C1b domains, Bögi et al. (24) found that the binding selectivity for the C1a and C1b domains of PKCδ appeared to be ligand-dependent. Whereas PMA and the indole alkaloids indolactam and octylindolactam were selectively dependent on the C1b domain, selectivity was not observed for mezerein, the 12-deoxyphorbol 13-monoesters prostratin and 12-deoxyphorbol 13-phenylacetate, and the macrocyclic lactone bryostatin 1 (24). In in vitro studies using isolated C1a and C1b domains of PKCδ, Cho''s group (25) described that the two C1 domains had opposite affinities for DAG and phorbol ester; i.e. the C1a domain showed high affinity for DAG and the C1b domain showed high affinity for phorbol ester. No such difference in selectivity was observed by Irie et al. (20).PKC has emerged as a promising therapeutic target both for cancer and for other conditions, such as diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration (26-30). Kinase inhibitors represent one promising approach for targeting PKC, and enzastaurin, an inhibitor with moderate selectivity for PKCβ relative to other PKC isoforms (but still with activity on some other non-PKC kinases) is currently in multiple clinical trials. An alternative strategy for drug development has been to target the regulatory C1 domains of PKC. Strong proof of principle for this approach is provided by multiple natural products, e.g. bryostatin 1 and PEP005, which are likewise in clinical trials and which are directed at the C1 domains. A potential advantage of this approach is the lesser number of homologous targets, <30 DAG-sensitive C1 domains compared with over 500 kinases, as well as further opportunities for specificity provided by the diversity of lipid environments, which form a half-site for ligand binding to the C1 domain. Because different PKC isoforms may induce antagonistic activities, inhibition of one isoform may be functionally equivalent to activation of an antagonistic isoform (31).Along with the benzolactams (20, 32), the DAG lactones have provided a powerful synthetic platform for manipulating ligand: C1 domain interactions (31). For example, the DAG lactone derivative 130C037 displayed marked selectivity among the recombinant C1a and C1b domains of PKCα and PKCδ as well as substantial selectivity for RasGRP relative to PKCα (33). Likewise, we have shown that a modified DAG lactone (dioxolanones) can afford an additional point of contact in ligand binding to the C1b domain of PKCδ (34). Such studies provide clear examples that ligand-C1 domain interactions can be manipulated to yield novel patterns of recognition. Further selectivity might be gained with bivalent compounds, exploiting the spacing and individual characteristics of the C1a and C1b domains (35). A better understanding of the differential roles of the two C1 domains in PKC regulation is critical for the rational development of such compounds. In this study, by molecularly manipulating the C1a or C1b domains in intact PKCδ, we find that both the C1a and C1b domains play important roles in PKCδ regulation. The C1b domain is predominant for ligand binding and for membrane translocation of the whole PKCδ molecule. The C1a domain of intact PKCδ plays only a secondary role in ligand binding but stabilizes the PKCδ molecule at the plasma membrane for downstream signaling. In addition, we show that the effect of the individual C1 domains of PKCδ does not critically depend on their position within the regulatory domain.  相似文献   
Thrombospondin-1 (TSP1) can inhibit angiogenic responses directly by interacting with VEGF and indirectly by engaging several endothelial cell TSP1 receptors. We now describe a more potent mechanism by which TSP1 inhibits VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR2) activation through engaging its receptor CD47. CD47 ligation is known to inhibit downstream signaling targets of VEGFR2, including endothelial nitric-oxide synthase and soluble guanylate cyclase, but direct effects on VEGFR2 have not been examined. Based on FRET and co-immunoprecipitation, CD47 constitutively associated with VEGFR2. Ligation of CD47 by TSP1 abolished resonance energy transfer with VEGFR2 and inhibited phosphorylation of VEGFR2 and its downstream target Akt without inhibiting VEGF binding to VEGFR2. The inhibitory activity of TSP1 in large vessel and microvascular endothelial cells was replicated by a recombinant domain of the protein containing its CD47-binding site and by a CD47-binding peptide derived from this domain but not by the CD36-binding domain of TSP1. Inhibition of VEGFR2 phosphorylation was lost when CD47 expression was suppressed in human endothelial cells and in murine CD47-null cells. These results reveal that anti-angiogenic signaling through CD47 is highly redundant and extends beyond inhibition of nitric oxide signaling to global inhibition of VEGFR2 signaling.  相似文献   
The toxic crystal protein (Mr 64,000) from a subspecies of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis has been solubilized and recrystallized yielding diffraction quality crystals. Crystals are obtained by a change in pH and ionic strength using Na2CO3. They can also be obtained by a change in ionic strength only using NaBr as the precipitant. The space group of both forms is C222(1) with a = 133, b = 116, c = 104 A and one molecule/asymmetric unit. Still photographs show reflections to 3.0-A resolution.  相似文献   
Out of 186 patients aged over 59 referred to a neurosurgical department after spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage, 143 underwent cerebral angiography; only 28 (15%) of the patients had surgery, of whom 16 were independent one year later. The doubtful benefit of surgery and the small proportion of patients who underwent surgery have economic and ethical implications; in particular, neurosurgical beds and neuroradiological facilities should not be occupied by such patients if this delays the admission of younger patients and those requiring investigation of intracranial space-occupying and spinal lesions.  相似文献   
The present immunocytochemical study examines in the rat ovary the pattern of expression of connexin 43 (Cx43), a subunit of gap junctions. Using a well-characterized specific antiserum against rat Cx43, immunoreactivity was not detected in the fetal ovary, i.e., prior to follicular formation. However, in the ovary of 20-day-old, 35-day-old, and adult rats, strong Cx43-immunore-activity was associated with the cell borders of the follicular epithelium/granulosa cells of all developmental stages (primordial follicles, preantral and antral secondary follicles). In general, immunoreactivity of the granulosa cells of large antral follicles appeared more intense than the one of smaller follicles. Staining was also seen in oocytes (cytoplasmic staining). Theca cells of large antral follicles, but not of small follicles were immunoreactive. Immunoreactive interstitial cells were not seen in ovaries of 20- and 35-day-old animals, but staining in these cells was present in adult rats. In large follicles with signs of atresia, granulosa cells lacked Cx43-immunoreactivity, whereas Cx43-immunoreactivity in their theca interna strikingly increased. Corpora lutea in the cyclic adult rats were heterogeneously stained, with either no detectable immunoreactivity, staining of cell borders of most luteal cells, or with conspicuous staining of only a few cells. In the pregnant animals on gestation days (GD) 12, 14, and 17, all luteal cells stained strongly for Cx43 at the cell surface. Shortly before delivery (GD 21), however, the staining pattern vanished and only few, presumably luteal cells remained immunoreactive. In Western blots (using homogenates of whole ovaries), the Cx43 antiserum recognized a major band of approximate Mr 43 × 103, together with minor bands, which may reflect the presence of several differently phosphorylated Cx43 forms. This is indicated by treatment with alkaline phosphatase, which reduced the banding pattern to one single band. In summary, the gap junction molecule Cx43 is abundantly expressed in all endocrine compartments of the rat ovary. The staining pattern obtained in the present study indicates that Cx43 and presumably gap-junctional communication are associated with follicular development, atresia, and the development of the interstitial gland, as well as with the development and regression of the corpus luteum. The heterogeneous staining within the ovary furthermore hints to a contribution of the local intraovarian factors in the regulation of Cx43 expression. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We characterized the innervation of isolated circular and longitudinal-oriented muscle strips from the nulliparous rabbit uterus and cervix by field stimulation (FS). FS with increasing frequency (2.5-50 pps) and voltage (2.5-70 V) caused graded increases in isometric contraction with no relaxation or inhibition of spontaneous activity. Tetrodotoxin (TTX, 3.1 X 10(-6) M) significantly reduced the FS response by 75% in all strips at higher stimulus frequencies. Contractile responses to FS were also significantly inhibited by atropine (3.5 X 10(-6) M) in circular uterus and in longitudinal cervix. Guanethidine (5 X 10(-6) M) reduced the response in all strips, as did phentolamine (3.6 X 10(-6) M) in longitudinal uterus and circular cervix. Propranolol (3.9 X 10(-6) M) did not significantly change the response in longitudinal uterus or circular cervix. In longitudinal uterus, combined guanethidine and atropine produced significant inhibition, but not statistically different from either drug alone. Similar results were seen in circular uterus. Electron microscopy and glyoxylic acid histofluorescence indicate that both blood vessels and smooth muscle in rabbit uterus are supplied with adrenergic nerves. The results suggest the presence of TTX-sensitive adrenergic and cholinergic excitatory innervation of rabbit uterus and cervix.  相似文献   
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