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DNA repair by O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (O6-MT) is accomplished by removal by the enzyme of the methyl group from premutagenic O6-methylguanine-DNA, thereby restoring native guanine in DNA. The methyl group is transferred to an acceptor site cysteine thiol group in the enzyme, which causes the irreversible inactivation of O6-MT. We detected a variety of different forms of the methylated, inactivated enzyme in crude extracts of human spleen of molecular weights higher and lower than the usually observed 21-24kDa for the human O6-MT. Several apparent fragments of the methylated form of the protein were purified to homogeneity following reaction of partially-purified extract enzyme with O6-[3H-CH3]methylguanine-DNA substrate. One of these fragments yielded amino acid sequence information spanning fifteen residues, which was identified as probably belonging to human methyltransferase by virtue of both its significant sequence homology to three procaryote forms of O6-MT encoded by the ada, ogt (both from E. coli) and dat (B. subtilis) genes, and sequence position of the radiolabelled methyl group which matched the position of the conserved procaryote methyl acceptor site cysteine residue. Statistical prediction of secondary structure indicated good homologies between the human fragment and corresponding regions of the constitutive form of O6-MT in procaryotes (ogt and dat gene products), but not with the inducible ada protein, indicating the possibility that we had obtained partial amino acid sequence for a non-inducible form of the human enzyme. The identity of the fragment sequence as belonging to human methyltransferase was more recently confirmed by comparison with cDNA-derived amino acid sequence from the cloned human O6-MT gene from HeLa cells (1). The two sequences compared well, with only three out of fifteen amino acids being different (and two of them by only one nucleotide in each codon).  相似文献   
The complete nucleotide sequence (5845 nucleotides) of the genomic RNA of the potexvirus white clover mosaic virus (WC1MV) has been determined from a set of overlapping cDNA clones. Forty of the most 5'-terminal nucleotides of WC1MV showed homology to the 5' sequences of other potexviruses. The genome contained five open reading frames which coded for proteins of Mr 147, 417, Mr 26,356, Mr 12,989, Mr 7,219 and Mr 20,684 (the coat protein). The Mr 147,417 protein had domains of amino acid sequence homology with putative polymerases of other RNA viruses. The Mr 26,356 and Mr 12,989 proteins had homology with proteins of the hordeivirus barley stripe mosaic virus RNA beta and the furovirus beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) RNA-2. A portion of the Mr 26,356 protein was also conserved in the cylindrical inclusion proteins of two potyviruses. The Mr 7,219 protein had homology with the 25K putative fungal transmission factor of BNYVV RNA-3.  相似文献   
We have performed a mutational analysis of the xis gene of bacteriophage lambda. The Xis protein is 72 amino acids in length and required for excisive recombination. Twenty-six mutants of Xis were isolated that were impaired or deficient in lambda excision. Mutant proteins that contained amino acid substitutions in the N-terminal 49 amino acids of Xis were defective in excisive recombination and were unable to bind DNA. In contrast, one mutant protein containing a leucine to proline substitution at position 60 and two truncated proteins containing either the N-terminal 53 or 64 amino acids continued to bind lambda DNA, interact cooperatively with FIS and promote excision. However, these three mutants were unable to bind DNA cooperatively with Int. Cooperativity between wild-type Xis and Int required the presence of FIS, but not the Int core-type binding sites. This study shows that Xis has at least two functional domains and also demonstrates the importance of the cooperativity in DNA binding of FIS, Xis and Int in lambda excision.  相似文献   
The putative mitochondrial genome of Plasmodium falciparum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Intraerythrocytic stages of mammalian malarial parasites employ glycolysis for energy production but some aspects of mitochondrial function appear crucial to their survival since inhibitors of mitochondrial protein synthesis and electron transport have antimalarial effects. Investigations of the putative mitochondrial genome of Plasmodium falciparum have detected organellar rRNAs and tRNAs encoded by a 35 kb circular DNA. Some features of the organization and sequence of the rRNA genes are reminiscent of chloroplast DNAs. The 35 kb DNA also encodes open reading frames for proteins normally found in chloroplast but not mitochondrial genomes. An apparently unrelated 6 kb tandemly repeated element which encodes two mitochondrial protein coding genes and fragments of rRNA genes is also found in malarial parasites. The malarial mitochondrial genome thus appears quite unusual. Further investigations are expected to provide insights into the possible functional relationships between these molecules and perhaps their evolutionary history.  相似文献   
Recent efforts to define the mitochondrial genome of malaria parasites have uncovered an unexpected complexity: there are two almost totally dissimilar organellar DNA molecules. lain Wilson, Malcolm Gardner, Jean Feagin and Donald Williamson discuss the surprising possibility that Plasmodium may have, in addition to the nuclear genome, two unrelated organellar genomes, one evidently mitochondrial and the other of unknown function.  相似文献   
Neurons in somatosensory cortex of primates process sensory information from the hand by integrating information from large populations of receptors to extract specific features. Tactile neurons in areas 1 and 2 are shown to select features such as contact area, edge orientation, motion across the skin, or direction of movement. Features coded by kinesthetic neurons in areas 3a and 2 relate to joint movement, the joint angle around which the movement occurs, or coordinated postures of the hand and arm. An even higher order cortical cell integrates tactile and kinesthetic information; these "haptic neurons" respond optimally to contact of objects actively grasped in the hand. These global features are coded at the expense of loss of information concerning fine-grained spatial detail.  相似文献   
A model of a stage-V monkey Sertoli cell was reconstructed from electron micrographs taken of semiserial sections. The configuration (type-B) was one in which spermatids were positioned near the lumen, their heads occupying shallow cylindrical recesses at the apical portion of the Sertoli cell. The cell volume was calculated to be 4,100 micron3, the surface area 2,400.68 micron2, and the surface-to-volume ratio 0.58:1. The reconstructed cell extended from the basal lamina to the tubular lumen and was generally of the tall columnar type although its surface contour was highly irregular. The dimensions of the cell [centripetal (68.46 micron), circumferential (18.40 micron), and longitudinal (21.63 micron)] were determined and cell surfaces designated. Relative and absolute surface areas of the reconstructed cell which faced other Sertoli cells, germ cells, basal lamina, and tubular lumen were calculated. Junctions and surface specializations were enumerated, catalogued, and depicted on diagrams of the cell surface. Where appropriate, type-A rat and type-B monkey Sertoli cells were compared and discussed. Morphometry was utilized to analyze the relative surface areas of germ cells adjoining the reconstructed cell to determine the percentage of their surface facing cellular and acellular elements, and these data were compared to data obtained for the rat.  相似文献   
Characterisation of the arrestment responses of Trichogramma evanescens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Contact kairomones and oviposition in a host egg stimulated arrestment behaviour in Trichogramma evanescens, characterised by a reduction in walking speed and increased turning. Previous oviposition experience did not influence a parasitoid's response to contact kairomones, but successive encounters with kairomone patches resulted in parasitoids habituating to the contact chemical. Oviposition on a kairomone patch did not reverse this habituation effect. It was concluded that contact kairomones and host eggs will both contribute independently to the duration of a patch visit. The selection of patches by T. evanescens will depend on its response to kairomones. Results from this study indicate that the application of contact kairomones to field crops will not necessarily increase the probability of parasitoids finding hosts.  相似文献   
Salts of transition elements that alter the rate of sperm cell movement act at or near calcium-binding sites. After living bull sperm cells had been preincubated in VO43?, Ni2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, and also La3+, they were then fixed. Crisply defined organelles and the absence of particulate deposits in the morphological controls contrasted sharply with the treated specimens; the latter contained regions of increased electron density, the nature and distribution of which depended on the test substance, reflecting the differential affinities of the specific ions. La3+ formed fine dense areas, mainly at the exocytic surface of the plasma membrane. VO43? marks the cell surface but also left particulate densities within the cell. Ni2+ caused a nearly uniformly dense deposit at the surface and on the satellite fibers and axonemal microtubules. Zn2+ formed less uniform but coarser deposits, while in Mn2+ the distribution was similar to that in Zn2+ but much denser in the axonemal matrix and on the satellite fibers. Verapamil restricted the size and number of the opacities, while procaine permitted a similar distribution of slightly larger size reaction product. The differences in size and distribution of the enhanced densities were consistent and replicable for the individual assay substances. Vanadate, which specifically inhibits Na, K-ATPase, bound to ouabain-sensitive enzyme loci, however, completely disrupting the axonemal complex. This suggests that an important role of dynein in flagellar motion may relate to intracellular transport of Ca2+.  相似文献   
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