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In this paper, we describe a study of the role of turbulencein the loss by sedimentation of phytoplankton cells from themixed layer. The approach presented allows the quantificationof the sedimentation rate of phytoplankton in the whole rangeof turbulence levels of this layer. Two types of phytoplanktercan be distinguished according to the effect that turbulencecan exert on their sedimentation rate. The rate of those cellswhose settling velocity is lower than –1 m day–1will not be modified by turbulence. The sedimentation rate ofcells with higher settling velocities can, however, be modifiedby the level of turbulence. A set of dimensionless numbers isgiven to delimit several processes that are important in thedynamics of phytoplankton sedimentation in a turbulent regime.The use of these dimensionless numbers suggests that an increasein the turbulence level in the mixed layer does not always implya decrease in the sedimentation rate of phytoplankton cells.  相似文献   
Segmentally flexible macromolecules are composed of a few rigid subunits linked by joints which are more or less flexible. The dynamics in solution of this type of macromolecule present special aspects that are reviewed here. Three alternative approaches are described. One is the rigid-body treatment, which is shown to be valid for overall dynamic properties such as translational diffusion and intrinsic viscosity. Another approach is the Harvey-Wegener treatment, which is particularly suited for rotational diffusion. The simplest version of this treatment, which ignores hydrodynamic interaction (HI) effects, is found to be quite accurate when compared to a more rigorous version including HI. A third approach is the Brownian dynamics simulation that, albeit at some computational cost, might describe rigorously cases of arbitrary complexity. This technique has been used to test the approximations in the rigid-body and Harvey-Wegener treatments, thus allowing a better understanding of their validity. Brownian trajectories of simplified models such as the trumbbell and the broken rod have been simulated. The comparison of the decay rates of some correlation functions with the predictions of the two treatments leads to a general conclusion: the Harvey-Wegener treatment determines the initial rate, while the long-time behavior is dominated by the rigid-body relaxation time. As an example of application to a specific biological macromolecule, we present a simulation of an immunoglobulin molecule, showing how Brownian Dynamics can be used to predict rotational and internal dynamics. Another typical example is myosin. Literature data of hydrodynamic properties of whole myosin and the myosin rod are compared with predictions from the Harvey-Wegener and rigid-body treatments. The present situation of the problem on myosin flexibility is analyzed, and some indications are given for future experimental and simulation work.  相似文献   
The diet of a group of six brown howlers was studied weekly during 12 months in a reserve of 250 ha of secondary, mesophytic, semi-deciduous forest. The phenology of 186 trees of 72 species and 29 families was monitored simultaneously. Scan sampling was used to record the diet from dawn until dusk on a total of 60 days of observation, yielding 718 hr of animal-observer contact and 2,943 feeding scans. The diet was composed of leaves (73%), flowers (12%), and fruits (5%), from 68 identified plant species.Celtis iguanae, Cassia ferruginea, andInga spp. were the main food sources, accounting for approximately 50% of the diet. Young leaves (59%) were preferred to mature leaves (31%), trees contributing 56% and lianas 41% of the leaf diet. The ingestion of young leaves was correlated to the availability of these items, however, the correlations were not significant for flowers and fruits. The diet was poorer in fruits and richer in young leaves of lianas in comparison to other howler monkey species studies, probably as a consequence of the liana abundance in this forest fragment.  相似文献   
Experiments were designed to test the hypotheses that ovarian follicular response to superstimulatory treatment initiated during Wave 1 is equivalent to that of Wave 2, and recovery rate and quality of ova embryos derived from follicles of Wave 1 are equivalent to those derived from follicles of Wave 2. In a preliminary experiment (Experiment 1), heifers were given Folltropin-V (20 mg NIH-FSH-P1, im, bid for 5 d) beginning the day after emergence of the first (n=10) or second (n=10) follicular wave of the estrous cycle, equivalent to approximately Day 1 and Day 10, respectively (Day 0=ovulation). Luteolysis was induced with cloprostenol (500 mug im, bid) on the fourth day of treatment. Fewer (P<0.05) ovulations per heifer were induced in the Wave 1 group than in the Wave 2 group (4.6+/-1.0 vs 9.1+/-1.3). However, the interval from wave emergence to initiation of treatment was found, in retrospect, to have been longer (P<0.05) in the Wave 1 group, i.e., treatment was initiated relatively later with respect to wave emergence. Experiment 2 was designed to correct this disparity and to initiate the same treatment protocol on the day of wave emergence rather than the day after (n=21 per Wave group). There was no difference between Wave 1 and Wave 2 groups in the interval from wave emergence to initiation of treatment (0.4+/-0.1 d), the number of ovulations detected by ultrasonography (6.6+/-1.0 vs 8.2+/-1.7), the number of CL detected at slaughter (6.5+/-0.9 vs 8.1+/-1.8), the total number of ova embryos recovered (5.2+/-0.7 vs 5.1+/-0.8), or the number of fertilized embryos collected (2.8+/-0.6 vs 3.0+/-0.6). In addition, there was no difference between groups in the proportion of heifers that ovulated in either experiment; collectively, luteolysis and ovulation was induced in 58 of 60 heifers. The results supported the general hypothesis that follicles and oocytes of the first and second follicular waves are equivalent in the response to superstimulatory treatment. Regardless of which follicular wave, initiation of treatment near the time of wave emergence appears critical for maximal superovulatory response. Because of the consistency in the time of emergence of Wave 1 (day of ovulation) and equivalence in superovulatory response, use of Wave 1 rather than subsequent follicular waves may be more convenient and time-sparing in superovulation programs; the day of estrus (day before ovulation) may be used as a consistent point of reference for the start of treatment.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Nef down-regulates surface expression of murine and human CD4 but not human CD8. We recently reported that the cytoplasmic domain of CD4 is required for its down-regulation by Nef. Using a chimeric molecule composed of the extracellular and transmembrane domains of human CD8 fused to the cytoplasmic domain of human CD4, we show here that the cytoplasmic domain of CD4 is sufficient for down-regulation by Nef. Since the cytoplasmic domain of CD4 is also the site of its association with p56lck, we used a series of CD4 mutants to determine whether the regions of the cytoplasmic domain of CD4 required for down-regulation by Nef are the same as those required for p56lck binding. Our results indicate that the portion of the cytoplasmic domain required for the down-regulation of CD4 by Nef overlaps with the binding site of p56lck, but the cysteine residues which are essential for the association of CD4 with p56lck are not required. This observation raised the possibility that Nef competes with p56lck for binding to CD4. However, under conditions which are considerably milder than those permissive for coimmunoprecipitation of CD4 and p56lck, we found no evidence for an association between Nef and CD4. While a decrease in total CD4 was observed in lysates of cells expressing Nef, the levels of p56lck were not significantly affected. Pulse-chase experiments further revealed a decrease in the half-life of CD4 in Nef-expressing cells. These results show that the decrease in surface CD4 expression induced by Nef is mediated at least in part by a decrease in the half-life of CD4 protein. These results also indicate that a large portion of p56lck is free of CD4 in T cells expressing Nef, which could have a significant effect on T-cell function.  相似文献   
Analysis of major histocompatibility complex-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) capable of killing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected targets is essential for elucidating the basis for HIV-1 disease progression and the potential efficacy of candidate vaccines. The use of primary CD4+ T cells with variable infectivity as targets for such studies has significant limitations, and immortal autologous cells with high levels of CD4 expression that can be consistently infected with HIV-1 would be of much greater utility. Therefore, we transduced Epstein-Barr-virus-transformed B-lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) with a retroviral vector, LT4SN, containing the human CD4 gene. Stable LCL in which more than 95% of cells expressed membrane CD4 were obtained. Aliquots were infected with HIV-1, and, after 4 to 7 days, nearly all of the cells contained cytoplasmic gag and produced high levels of p24 antigen. The ability of major histocompatibility complex-restricted CD8+ CTL to lyse such HIV-1-infected CD4-transduced LCL (LCL-CD4HIV-1) was evaluated. These autologous targets were lysed by CTL generated from an HIV-1-uninfected vaccinee over a broad range of effector-to-target ratios. Similarly, the LCL-CD4HIV-1 were efficiently lysed by fresh circulating CTL from HIV-1-infected individuals, as well as by CTL activated by in vitro stimulation. Both HIV-1 env- and gag-specific CTL effectors lysed LCL-CD4HIV-1, consistent with the cellular expression of both HIV-1 genes. The LCL-CD4HIV also functioned as stimulator cells, and thus are capable of amplifying CTL against multiple HIV-1 gene products in HIV-1-infected individuals. The ability to produce HIV-1-susceptible autologous immortalized cell lines that can be employed as target cells should enable a more detailed evaluation of vaccine-induced CTL against both homologous and disparate HIV-1 strains. Furthermore, the use of LCL-CD4HIV-1 should facilitate the analysis of the range of HIV-1 gene products recognized by CTL in seropositive persons.  相似文献   
Abstract: Specific endothelin (ET) binding sites were characterized in membranes prepared from human cerebral cortices using binding assay and cross-linking analysis. The presence of immunoreactive (IR) ET-1 was studied by radioimmunoassay. Saturation binding experiments revealed that the K D and B max for 125I-ET-1 and 125l-ET-3 to membranes from gray matter were 25 ± 6 pM and 115 ± 15 fmol/mg of protein and 24 ± 5 p M and 108 ± 13 fmol/mg of protein, respectively. Similar results were obtained for white matter. In the presence of 10 n M sarafotoxin-6c, which is selective for ETB receptors, 125I-ET-1 and 125l-ET-3 binding was totally abolished. However, in the presence of 1 μ M BQ123, which is selective for ETAreceptors, both bindings were not affected. These results suggest that the human cerebral cortex contains only ETBreceptors. Cross-linking of 125I-ET-1 and 125l-ET-3 to membranes with disuccinimidyl suberate resulted in the labeling of two bands of 48 and 31 kDa. Concentrations of IR-ET-1 in the gray and white matter were 7.0 ± 3.2 and 2.5 ± 1.7 fmol/g wet weight, respectively. The demonstration of high-affinity ETB receptors and the presence of IRET-1 suggest that the peptide may act as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator in the human cerebral cortex.  相似文献   
Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative and hereditary disease characterized by progressive movement disorders and mental and behavioral abnormalities. The HD gene is an expanding and unstable trinucleotide repeat (CAG repeat sequences). We studied 77 individuals from 38 families with HD in an attempt to obtain information for genetic counselling and differential diagnosis. Our results indicate that individuals with more than 40 repeats will be affected by the disease, whereas those with fewer than 30 will be healthy. There can be some overlap between 30 and 40 repeats, and one should be careful when interpreting these results.  相似文献   
In sesquioxide-rich soils of tropical and subtropical areas and volcanic-ash soils with high levels of active Al(Fe), large amounts of phosphate fertilizers are needed to overcome their high P-fixation capacity (quenching strategy). A greenhouse pot experiment has been used to evaluate the effectiveness of city refuse compost (CRC) as a P-source for these variable-charge soils, compared to inorganic P. Mature CRC and K2HPO4 were applied at rates equivalent to 125, 250, 375, 500 and 625 kg P ha–1 to a ferrallitic soils from Tenerife Island (Andeptic Paleudult) with a high content in active Al+Fe (4.82%) and a high P-fixation capacity (87%). Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was grown in pots and plants were harvested at regular intervals after seedling emergence. CRC increases plant P concentration and soil labile-P proportional to the applied rate. The best results were obtained from a compost application of 30 t ha–1 equivalent-rate, after a residence time of at least three months. An important residual effect in the supply capacity of P in relation to the phosphate fertilizer was also observed. The relative agronomic effectiveness (RAE) in comparison to K2HPO4 was 66% after 6 months, considering P uptake + soil labile-P. The soil P-fixation capacity was significantly reduced from a compost application of 40 t ha–1 equivalent-rate. Competition in adsorption between organic ligands and phosphate, in combination with net mineralization of organic P in compost, might account for the high RAE value obtained. The main conclusion is that the city refuse compost could be a suitable P-amendment for resquioxic soils due to its high RAE, and the residual effect on P-supply. ei]H. Lambers  相似文献   
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