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Alkyl epoxides are important intermediates in the chemical industry. They are also formed in vivo during the detoxification of alkenes. Alkyl epoxides have shown genotoxicity in many toxicology assays which has been associated with their covalent binding to DNA. Here aspects of the formation and properties of DNA adducts, induced by some industrially important alkenes and mono-substituted epoxides are discussed. These include propylene oxide, epichlorohydrin, allyl glycidyl ether and the epoxy metabolites of styrene and butadiene. The major DNA adducts formed by epoxides are 7-substituted guanines, 1- and 3-substituted adenines and 3-substituted cytosines. In addition, styrene oxide and butadiene monoepoxide are able to modify exocyclic sites in the DNA bases, the sites being in the case of styrene oxide N(2)- and O(6)-positions of guanine, N(6)-adenine as well as N(4)-and O(2)-cytosine. In vivo the main adduct is the 7-substituted guanines. The 1-substituted adenines have also shown marked levels, and these adducts should also be targets in biomonitoring of human exposures. Due to its low mutagenicity, 7-substituted guanines are considered as a surrogate marker for other mutagenic lesions, e.g. those of 1-adenine or 3-uracil adducts.  相似文献   
The isolation and analysis of glycoproteins by coupling lectin affinity chromatography with MS has emerged as a powerful strategy to study the glycoproteome of mammalian cells. However, this approach has not been used extensively for the analysis of plant glycoproteins. As with all eukaryotes, N-glycosylation is a common post-translational modification for plant proteins traveling through the secretory pathway. Many such proteins are destined for the cell wall, or apoplast, where they play important roles in processes such as modifying cell wall structure, sugar metabolism, signaling, and defense against pathogens. Here, we describe a strategy to enrich for and identify secreted plant proteins based on affinity chromatography using the lectin Concanavalin A and two-dimensional liquid chromatography, together with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization MS analysis. The value of this approach is illustrated through the characterization of glycoproteins that are expressed in ripe tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit, a developmental stage that is fundamentally linked with significant changes in cell wall structure and composition. This glycoprotein trap strategy allowed the isolation of a sub-proteome with an extremely high proportion of proteins that are predicted to be resident in the cell wall or secretory pathway, and the identification of new putative cell wall proteins.  相似文献   
A new sewage treatment system was studied, which consisted of an anaerobic baffled filter reactor and the following aerobic post-treatment. One of the two studied systems (AN-I) was inoculated with psychrophilic digested sludge, the second one (AN-II) was operated without inoculation. The HRT in anaerobic and aerobic parts of the reactors were about 15 and 4 h, respectively. The temperature in both reactors varied during the year from 4.5 to 23 degrees C. All monitored parameters were removed with relatively high efficiencies (COD = 78.6-83.0%, BOD5 = 92.5-94.0% and SS = 80.9-92.7%). An intensive nitrification process was observed during the whole year in both reactors (under average temperature of 5.9 degrees C in January 2000, also). The average removal of the NH4-N varied during the year from 46.4% to 87.3%. In both systems a partial denitrification process was observed, too.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of a recombinant human G-CSF (rhG-CSF) and a mutein G-CSF(KW-2228) on leucopenia and tumor growth in mice treated with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). In normal mice, the number of leucocytes (white blood cell, WBC) reached the peak 12 hours after a single injection of either type of G-CSF and decreased to the normal level after 24 hours. Daily administration induced a continuous increase in the WBC count, however, administrations at intervals did not. Meth-A fibrosarcoma was subcutaneously inoculated into the backs of syngeneic BALB/c mice. The mice were treated with 5-FU alone or with G-CSFs. Chemotherapy with 5-FU alone resulted in leucopenia and an insignificant inhibition of tumor growth. The conjunctive administration of G-CSFs with 5-FU resulted in a significantly augmented inhibition of tumor growth, and leukopenia was not seen. This augmenting effect was more prominent with KW-2228.These results suggest that in 5-FU chemotherapy G-CSFs may be beneficial in restoring the number of leucocytes from leucopenic state and in augmenting the tumor inhibitory effect. Furthermore, KW-2228 may be more beneficial than the natural type rhG-CSF.  相似文献   
The HLA class I antigen B44 is found in each of two different extended major histocompatibility haplotypes (allele combinations of HLA-B, HLA-DR, and complement genes BF, C2, C4A, and C4B in linkage disequilibrium). Using isoelectric focusing, two variants of HLA-B44 were identified. The basic variant was found in all cell lines with the extended haplotype HLA-B44, DR7, FC31, and the acidic variant in all cell lines with the extended haplotype HLA-B44, DR4, SC30. The occurrence of each antigen variant with a unique extended haplotype explains previous observations concerning the nonrandom association of B44 variants with DR antigens.  相似文献   
Newly hatched nymphs of the insect Oncopeltus fasciatus were exposed to various concentrations of CdCl2 administered in drinking water until the end of adult life. Significant nymphal mortalities were observed at concentrations above 30 mg Cd/l (corresponding to the LC50). The duration of the nymphal stages increased in proportion to the Cd concentration; at the lowest Cd concentration of 10 mg Cd/l, the median duration was significantly prolonged by one day, while at the highest concentration of 100 mg Cd/l it was increased by 10 days over the control group. The weight of newly emerged adults lineally decreased with Cd concentration, being reduced to half the weight of controls at 100 mg Cd/l. In addition, a proportionality between delay in development and weight reduction was found in Cd-treated adults. Survival of adult females was decreased at concentrations higher than 10 mg Cd/l, while males were only affected at 30 mg Cd/l or higher doses. Reproduction was the most affected parameter. Oviposition rate, fecundity and fertility of females exposed to 10 mg Cd/l were significantly lower than controls (73%, 58% and 55% relative to controls, respectively). Hatchability of the eggs laid by treated females was also reduced. These results show that development and reproduction of O. fasciatus are seriously impaired at sublethal Cd concentrations.  相似文献   
Work with respiration-deficient strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has provided evidence that assembly of the mitochondrial ATP synthase is dependent on proteins that serve substrate-specific, chaperone-type functions: Atp10p, Atp11p, Atp12p, Atp22p, and Fmc1p. Atp11p and Atp12p mediate the formation of the F1 moiety via interaction with subunits F1-beta and F1-alpha, respectively. The role of Fmc1p is less clear. Atp10p and Atp22p are essential for the formation of the F(O) part, during which Atp10p assists in the incorporation of the F(O)-a subunit. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of ATP synthase assembly factors from all available genomes. The mechanism of the F1 assembly is preserved in all eukaryotic lineages that are capable of ATP synthesis via oxidative phosphorylation and requires Atp11p and Atp12p. Conversely, composition of the F(O) part as well as its assembly is more versatile. We found two distinct subtypes of the F(O)-a subunit, one of which seems to be dependent on the action of Atp10p while the other does not. Restricted occurrence of Fmc1p and Atp22p suggests the existence of lineage-specific assembly factors. Our phylogenetic data served as a source for comparative sequence analysis, which identified evolutionarily conserved residues, putative functional domains and their basic structural features for Atp10p, Atp11p, and Atp12p orthologs. These results provide the basis for detailed molecular analysis of the ATP synthase-specific chaperones.  相似文献   
The diagnosis of low grade prosthetic joint infection is difficult and time consuming. Nested-PCR for universal bacterial DNA segments detection of "orthopaedic" bacteria was tested in a laboratory setting. This method is based on amplification of the 16S bacterial ribosomal RNA coding sequences. 11 species of the most frequent bacterial pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae, Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens) involved in prosthetic joint infections were studied. All could be detected rapidly and sensitively by this method.  相似文献   
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