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本文利用生物信息学方法比较SARS病毒和其他冠状病毒基因组.通过数据库搜索,找出与SARS病毒基因组相似的核酸或蛋白质序列,并对相似序列进行比对,分析它们的共性和差异.结果表明,SARS病毒在基因组的组织上及结构蛋白质方面与现有冠状病毒有比较大的相似性,SARS病毒基因组与冠状病毒基因组相关.但是,SARS病毒基因组还存在一些特异性序列,ORF1a和S蛋白(特别是S1)的变化以及SARS-CoV特异性的非结构蛋白可能是SARS发病机理与传染特性区别于其他冠状病毒的分子基础.在全基因组水平上进行核酸单词出现频率分析,结果表明,SARS病毒远离已知的其他冠状病毒,单独成为一类.  相似文献   
人胰岛素原C肽的合成及专一性抗体制备   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用固相多肽合成中的Boc途径合成了人胰岛素原C肽 ,经TSK柱层析一步纯化 ,产物达HPLC及毛细管电泳均一 ,蛋白质序列分析和质谱分析符合理论值 ,总回收率高达 41 %。为了提高寡肽抗体的专一性 ,我们将丙烯酰化的C肽经催化聚合形成了以聚丙酰为骨架 ,C肽为侧链的聚合体 ,分子量约为 2 5kD。免疫新西兰大白兔 1月 ,获得专一性抗体。用酶联免疫吸附法测得抗血清滴度达 2 .5× 1 0 4 ,与BSA无交叉反应。聚丙酰C肽抗原是制备C肽抗体的一种新的尝试 ,而且也可能成为新的多肽工程疫苗之一 ,为其他传染性疾病多肽疫苗的研究提供新的途径  相似文献   
稀土元素在生物领域内的研究,可以分为两个方面:稀土的生物效应和稀土在其它研究中的应用.稀土元素的生物效应,主要集中在动物和医学领域.由于稀土元素的离子半径及化学性质和钙离子很相似,因此在研究稀土的生物效应时,对稀土离子与钙离子的关系颇为重视.稀土作为一种特殊的研究工具,在许多生物学研究领域中,克服了一些因其它方法的局限而不能得到的结果或简化了其中的过程.  相似文献   
从cDNA文库中筛选分析阳性克隆的简便方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
cDNA文库中阳性克隆的传统筛选分析法既费时又费力.利用微波炉加热的方法,简化了原位杂交中噬菌斑裂解、DNA变性与固定的程序;进一步运用PCR扩增技术,特异扩增克隆载体中插入的cDNA片段,加快了阳性克隆分析的进程.  相似文献   
白粉病菌(Blumeria graminis)是一类高度专化性的寄生真菌,可侵染650多种单子叶植物和 9000多种双子叶植物,能够引起多种麦类作物的白粉病,给农业生产带来巨大的损失。由于白粉病菌生理小种多、变异快,所以利用专化性抗病基因难以解决植物的持久抗病性问题。人们在研究大麦白粉病时.发现大麦Mlo基因的隐性突变可导致大麦对绝大多数白粉病菌生理小种的高效持久的广谱抗病性。Schulze-Lefert等多家实验室合作于1997年成功克隆了野生的 Mlo基因。进一步研究表明.该基因编码一种植物特有的具有7个跨膜区和羧基端长尾的膜蛋白(Mlo),它可能对植物细胞的坏死起负调控作用。但Mlo基因如何表达及其在白粉病菌发育中的作用机制尚不清楚。  相似文献   
Smac/DIABLO was recently identified as a protein released from mitochondria in response to apoptotic stimuli which promotes apoptosis by antagonizing inhibitors of apoptosis proteins. Furthermore, Smac/DIABLO plays an important regulatory role in the sensitization of cancer cells to both immune-and drug-induced apoptosis. However, little is known about the role of Smac/DIABLO in hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2))-induced apoptosis of C2C12 myogenic cells. In this study, Hoechst 33258 staining was used to examine cell morphological changes and to quantitate apoptotic nuclei. DNA fragmentation was observed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Intracellular translocation of Smac/DIABLO from mitochondria to the cytoplasm was observed by Western blotting. Activities of caspase-3 and caspase-9 were assayed by colorimetry and Western blotting. Full-length Smac/DIABLO cDNA and antisense phosphorothioate oligonucleotides against Smac/DIABLO were transiently transfected into C2C12 myogenic cells and Smac/DIABLO protein levels were analyzed by Western blotting. The results showed that: (1) H(2)O(2) (0.5 mmol/L) resulted in a marked release of Smac/DIABLO from mitochondria to cytoplasm 1 h after treatment, activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9 4 h after treatment, and specific morphological changes of apoptosis 24 h after treatment; (2) overexpression of Smac/DIABLO in C2C12 cells significantly enhanced H(2)O(2)-induced apoptosis and the activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9 (P<0.05). (3) Antisense phosphorothioate oligonucleotides against Smac/DIABLO markedly inhibited de novo synthesis of Smac/DIABLO and this effect was accompanied by decreased apoptosis and activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9 induced by H(2)O(2) (P<0.05). These data demonstrate that H(2)O(2) could result in apoptosis of C2C12 myogenic cells, and that release of Smac/DIABLO from mitochondria to cytoplasm and the subsequent activation of caspase-9 and caspase-3 played important roles in H(2)O(2)-induced apoptosis in C2C12 myogenic cells.  相似文献   


FBXW7 acts as a tumour suppressor by targeting at various oncoproteins for ubiquitin‐mediated degradation. However, the clinical significance and the involving regulatory mechanisms of FBXW7 manipulation of NSCLC regeneration and therapy response are not clear.

Materials and Methods

Immunohistochemical staining and qRT‐PCR were applied to detect FBXW7 and Snai1 expression in 100 samples of NSCLC and matched tumour‐adjacent tissues. FBXW7 manipulation of cancer biological functions were studied by using MTT assay, immunoblotting, flow cytometry, transwells, wound healing assay, and sphere‐formation assays. Immunofluorescence and co‐immunoprecipitation were used to analyse the possible interaction between Snai1 and FBXW7.


We detected the decreased FBXW7 expression in majority of the NSCLC tissues, and lower FBXW7 level was correlated with advanced TNM stage. Furthermore, those patients with decreased FBXW7 expression tend to have both poorer 5‐year survival outcomes, and shorter disease‐free survival, comparing to those with higher FBXW7 levels. Functionally, we found that FBXW7 enforcement suppressed NSCLC progression by inducing cell growth arrest, increasing chemo‐sensitivity and inhibiting Epithelial‐mesenchymal Transition (EMT) progress. Results further showed that FBXW7 could interact with Snai1 directly to degrade its expression through ubiquitylating alternation in NSCLC, which could be partially abrogated by restoring Snai1 expression.


FBXW7 conduction of tumour suppression was partly through degrading Snai1 directly for ubiquitylating regulation in NSCLC
单穗升麻的柱头和雌配子体发育及胚胎发生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
单穗升麻的雌蕊群由1~5枚离生心皮组成。子房单室,4~9枚倒生胚珠,双珠被,厚珠心;大孢子四分体呈线形或T形排列,合点端一个具功能。胚囊发育为蓼型。成熟胚囊中3个单核反足细胞,胞质浓密,在球形胚时期尚能观察到其退化痕迹。极核融合早,次生核位于合点端。胚胎发生为柳叶菜型;核型胚乳。雄蕊凋谢后1~2天花柱顶端腹缝线周围出现乳突细胞,雄蕊凋谢后3~5天延长成柱头毛。讨论了单穗升麻与南川升麻柱头可授期与花粉生活力的差异对传粉效果和结籽率的显著影响。  相似文献   
乳酸菌具有吸附及积累重金属离子的特性,且乳酸菌对重金属污染的生物修复作用的安全性较高。本研究综述了乳酸菌修复重金属污染的机制,及乳酸菌生物修复重金属污染水体、农产品及生物体的研究现状,为重金属污染的修复提供新思路。乳酸菌作为自然环境中普遍存在的一种安全且可食用微生物,其在生物修复重金属污染方面将发挥其独有的优势。  相似文献   
猪产仔数分子标记及其效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
初步确定了2个新的猪产仔数分子标记,雌激素受体基因ESR的第8外显子处的ESRB位点、催乳素受体基因的第7外显子的FSHRB位点。通过比较和分析多个产仔数的效应,初步确定了4个有利于产仔数提高的分子标记基因型,基因位点ESR、FSHRB的基因型BB的产仔数显著地高于AB、AA型;位点ESRB、PRLR的基因型AA的产仔数显著地高于AB、BB型;4个基因位点多态性与仔猪生长性能、母猪乳头数不存在显著的影响。  相似文献   
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