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Nitrogen addition may alter the decomposition rate for different organic-matter pools in contrasting ways. Using a paired-plot design, we sought to determine the effects of long-term elevated N on the stability of five organic-matter pools: organic horizons (Oe+a), whole mineral soil (WS), mineral soil fractions including the light fraction (LF), heavy fraction (HF), and a physically recombined fraction (RF). These substrates were incubated for 300 days, and respiration, mineralized N, and active microbial biomass were measured. Samples with elevated N gave 15% lower cumulative respiration for all five substrates. Over the 300-day incubation, the Oe+a gave twice the cumulative respiration (gCkg–1 initial C) as the LF, which gave slightly higher respiration than the HF. Respiration was 35% higher for the WS than for the RF. Mineralized N was similar between N treatments and between the LF and HF. Net N mineralized by the LF over the course of the 300-day incubation decreased with higher C:N ratio, due presumably to N immobilization to meet metabolic demands. The pattern was opposite for HF, however, which could be explained by a release of N in excess of metabolic demands due to recalcitrance of the HF organic matter. Mineralized N increased with respiration for the HF but showed no pattern, or perhaps even decreased, for the LF. WS and RF showed decreasing active microbial biomass near the end of the incubation, which corresponded with decreasing respiration and increasing nitrate. Our results show that long-term elevated N stabilized organic matter in whole soil and soil fractions.  相似文献   
Climate change (elevated atmospheric CO2, and altered air temperatures, precipitation amounts and seasonal patterns) may affect ecosystem processes by altering carbon allocation in plants, and carbon flux from plants to soil. Mycorrhizal fungi, as carbon sinks, are among the first soil biota to receive carbon from plants, and thereby influence carbon release from plants to soil. One step in this carbon release is via fine root and mycorrhizal turnover. It is necessary to know the lifetime and temporal occurrence of roots and mycorrhizae to determine the capacity of the soil ecosystem to sequester carbon assimilated aboveground. In this study, ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws) seedlings were grown under three levels of atmospheric CO2 (ambient, 525 and 700 mol CO2 mol-1) and three levels of annual nitrogen additions (0,100 and 200 kg N ha-1) in open-top chambers. At a two-month frequency during 18 months, we observed ectomycorrhizal root tips observed using minirhizotron tubes and camera. The numbers of new mycorrhizal root tips, the numbers of tips that disappeared between two consecutive recording events, and the standing crop of tips at each event were determined. There were more mycorrhizal tips of all three types seen during the summer compared with other times of the year. When only the standing crop of mycorrhizal tips was considered, effects of the CO2 and N addition treatments on carbon allocation to mycorrhizal tips was weakly evident. However, when the three types of tips were considered collectively, tips numbers flux of carbon through mycorrhizae was greatest in the: (1) high CO2 treatment compared with the other CO2 treatments, and (2) intermediate N addition treatment compared with the other N addition treatments. A survival analysis on the entire 18 month cohort of tips was done to calculate the median lifetime of the mycorrhizal root tips. Average median lifetime of the mycorrhizal tips was 139 days and was not affected by nitrogen and CO2 treatments.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate physical demands of football players during preseason practices in the heat. Furthermore, we sought to compare how physical demands differ between positions and playing status. Male National Collegiate Athletic Association Division 1 football players (n = 49) participated in 9 practice sessions (142 ± 16 minutes per session; wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) 28.75 ± 2.11°C) over 8 days. Heart rate (HR) and global positioning system data were recorded throughout the entirety of each practice to determine the distance covered (DC), velocity (V), maximal HR (HRmax), and average HR (HRavg). The subjects were divided into 2 groups: linemen (L) (N = 25; age: 22 ± 1 years, weight: 126 ± 16 kg, height: 190 ± 4 cm,) vs. nonlinemen (NL) (N = 24; age: 21 ± 1 years, weight: 91 ± 11 kg, height: 183 ± 8 cm) and starters (S) (N = 17; age: 21 ± 1 years, weight: 118 ± 21 kg, height: 190 ± 7 cm) vs. nonstarters (NS) (N = 32; age: 20 ± 1 years, weight: 105 ± 22 kg, height: 185 ± 7 cm) for statistical analysis. The DC (3,532 ± 943 vs. 2,573 ± 489 m; p = 0.001) and HRmax (201 ± 9 vs. 194 ± 11 b·min(-1); p = 0.025) were significantly greater in NL compared with that in L. In addition, NL spent more time (p < 0.0001) and covered more distance (p = 0.002) at higher velocities than L did. Differences between S vs. NS were observed (p = 0.008, p = 0.031), with S obtaining higher velocities than NS did. Given the demands of their playing positions, NL were required to cover more distance at higher velocities, resulting in a greater HRmax than that of L. Therefore, it appears that L engage in more isometric work than NL do. In addition, the players exposed to similar practice demands provide similar work output during preseason practice sessions regardless of their playing status.  相似文献   
We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to analyze the variation in xylem anatomy, hydraulic properties, and the relationship between anatomy and properties within Douglas-fir trees. The hierarchical scales in our study included fertilization treatments (fertilized and unfertilized), trees within the treatments, and positions within the trees. We measured tracheid diameter, tracheid length, percent latewood, number of pits per cell, density, and specific conductivity (K s) on seven positions in each of 16 fertilized and 16 unfertilized trees: the trunk at cambial age 52 (breast height), 25, and 5; a branch at cambial age 20 and 7; and a root at cambial age 42 and 22. Vulnerability to embolism was also measured on the oldest trunk, branch, and root positions. For any measurement, there was little variation between treatments, however, there was great variation among positions. Tracheid diameter, tracheid length, number of pits per cell, K s, and vulnerability to embolism decreased vertically from the roots to the branches. Correlations were evident between some positions for tracheid diameter, percent earlywood, pits per cell, and vulnerability to embolism, mostly in the fertilized treatment. We found evidence for large-scale relationships (among all observations from all trees) between density and tracheid diameter, K s and diameter, vulnerability and diameter, K s and pits per cell, and vulnerability and pits per cell. At a smaller scale of within position, however, usually only the branches and roots maintained the relationship.  相似文献   
The observed deposition pattern from a field spray ofBacillus subtilus var.niger spores is compared with that of a computer simulated bioaerosol particle dispersion model. Using the same meteorological conditions as the field spray, the model produced a bioaerosol deposition pattern estimated to be reasonably similar (R 2=0.66) to the observed field pattern. Reasons for the differences between the deposition patterns are discussed. The comparison indicates that viable airborne particle deposition models may, with future testing, be useful tools for predicting near source aerial microbial dispersal and deposition. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.  相似文献   
Despite the rapid growth of mass participation road cycling, little is known about the dietary, metabolic, and behavioral responses of ultraendurance cyclists. This investigation describes physiological responses, perceptual ratings, energy balance, and macronutrient intake of 42 men (mean ± SD; age, 38 ± 6 years; height, 179.7 ± 7.1 cm; body mass, 85.85 ± 14.79 kg) and 6 women (age, 41 ± 4 years; height, 168.0 ± 2.9 cm; body mass, 67.32 ± 7.21 kg) during a summer 164-km road cycling event. Measurements were recorded 1 day before, and on the Event Day (10.5 hours) at the start (0 km), at 2 aid stations (52 and 97 km), and at the finish line (164 km). The ambient temperature was >39.0° C during the final 2 hours of exercise. The mean finish times for men (9.1 ± 1.2 hours) and women (9.0 ± 0.2 hours) were similar, as were mean gastrointestinal temperature (TGI), 4 hydration biomarkers, and 5 perceptual (e.g., thermal, thirst, pain) ratings. Male cyclists consumed enough fluids on the Event Day (5.91 ± 2.38 L; 49% water) to maintain body mass within 0.76 kg, start to finish, despite a sweat loss of 1.13 ± 0.54 L·h(-1) and calculated energy expenditure of 3,115 kcal·10.5·h(-1). However, men voluntarily underconsumed food energy (deficit of 2,594 kcal, 10.9 MJ) and specific macronutrients (carbohydrates, 106 ± 48 g; protein, 8 ± 7 g; and sodium, 852 ± 531 mg) between 0530 and 1400 hours. Also, a few men exhibited extreme final values (i.e., urine specific gravity of 1.035-1.038, n = 5; body mass loss >4 kg, n = 2; T(GI), 39.4 and 40.2°C). We concluded that these findings provide information regarding energy consumption, macronutrient intake, hydration status, and the physiological stresses that are unique to ultraendurance exercise in a hot environment.  相似文献   
Trajectory of aerosol droplets from a sprayed bacterial suspension.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Simulated droplet trajectories of a polydispersed microbial aerosol in a laminar air flow regimen were compared with observed dispersal patterns of aerosolized Bacillus subtilis subsp. niger spores in quasilaminar airflow. Simulated dispersal patterns could be explained in terms of initial droplet sizes and whether the droplets evaporated to residual aeroplanktonic size before settling to the ground. For droplets that evaporated prior to settling out, a vertical downwind size fractionation is predicted in which the microbial residue of the smallest droplets settles the least, and is found in the airstream at about sprayer height, and progressively larger droplet residues settle to progressively lower heights. Observations of spore particle size distributions downwind from a spray source support the simulation. Droplet and particle size distributions near the source had three size fractions: one containing large, presumably nonevaporated droplets of greater than or equal to 7 microns in diameter, and two smaller fractions, with diameters of 2 to 3 microns (probably the residue of droplets containing more than one spore) and 1 to 2 microns (probably the residue from single-spore droplets). As predicted by the simulation, the aerosol settled and progressed downwind, with the number of small droplets and particles increasing in proportion to the height and distance downwind.  相似文献   
Effect of aerosolization on subsequent bacterial survival   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To determine whether aerosolization could impair bacterial survival, Pseudomonas syringae and Erwinia herbicola were aerosolized in a greenhouse, the aerosol was sampled at various distances from the site of release by using all-glass impingers, and bacterial survival was followed in the impingers for 6 h. Bacterial survival subsequent to aerosolization of P. syringae and E. herbicola was not impaired 1 m from the site of release. P. syringae aerosolized at 3 to 15 m from the site of release at a temperature of 12 degrees C and a relative humidity of 80% survived 35- to 65-fold better than P. syringae released at 27 degrees C and a relative humidity of 40%. No difference was observed in the survival of P. syringae and E. herbicola following aerosolization at the same temperature and relative humidity. Bacteria sprayed directly onto bean and oat plants established stable populations at comparable numbers on both plants over an 8-day period following inoculation. Bacteria that inoculated adjacent plants by drifting downwind up to 5 m were detectable at an initial population of 10(2) CFU/g on oats and 10(5) CFU/g on beans 2 h after the spray. However, bacterial populations on both plants were undetectable within 48 h.  相似文献   
Purposeful provisioning of food to wild animals is a widespread and growing activity that has the potential to impact populations and communities. Nevertheless, studies assessing use of recreational feeders by free‐living birds during winter are surprisingly rare and largely limited to regions with continental climates characterized by freezing temperatures and snow cover. In contrast, there is little information available regarding bird use of feeders within warmer climates during winter, despite widespread recreational feeding in these areas. In this study, we quantified visitation patterns to bird feeders in a Mediterranean climate to evaluate the relationship between feeder use and several environmental variables known to influence supplemental feeder use in continental climates. We established a network of bird feeders in Corvallis, Oregon, USA, that were filled with black oil sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seeds and equipped with radio frequency identification (RFID) data loggers that recorded >315,000 visits by 70 individual Black‐capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) across a 5‐month period (October 2016–March 2017). We found extensive variation in feeder use, with individuals averaging 1–406 feeder visits/day and using 1–9 of the 21 feeders that were available; individual variability was largely consistent during the course of our study. At the population level, we found that feeder use decreased from the start of our study, and this decline continued through the period when foraging was most limited by daylight, including the winter solstice. In contrast to theoretical predictions and empirical work in continental climates, we found that weather variables did not drive feeder use and that feeder visits peaked at mid‐day and gradually decreased until sunset. Our study indicates that individual‐level differences combined with seasonality to drive feeder use patterns, and we conclude that use of supplemental feeders during winter in Mediterranean climates appears to differ notably from feeder use in continental climates.  相似文献   
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