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Antibodies raised against the synthetic peptide corresponding to the carboxy-terminal 24 amino acids (305-328) of the heavy chain of the hemagglutinin molecule of influenza virus A/X-31 (H3) bind this peptide at three antigenic sites. These sites were identified by assaying binding of polyclonal BALB/c mouse antipeptide sera to the complete set of all possible di-, tri, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, hepta-, and octapeptides homologous with the 24-residue sequence. Individual epitopes were defined and essential residues identified by testing the binding of monoclonal antibodies to sets of peptide analogues in which every one of the homologous residues was replaced in turn by each of the 19 alternative genetically coded amino acids. The immunodominant epitope was shown to be a linear sequence of five amino acids, 314LKLAT318. Replacement of any one of these residues with any other amino acid resulted in loss of antibody binding, indicating that all five are essential to the interaction and that they are probably contact residues. Another antigenic site contains at least two overlapping epitopes: polyclonal sera recognize predominantly an epitope or epitopes encompassed by the linear sequence 320MRNVPEKQT328, whereas the epitope defined by a particular monoclonal antibody comprises the seven amino acids 322NVPEKQT328, of which N322, E325, and Q327 were implicated as contact residues.  相似文献   
The human (h) POMC gene sequence predicts a 30 amino acid joining peptide (JP) separating the N-terminal fragment [POMC(1-76) or hNT] and ACTH within their common precursor. We used an anti-serum directed against the amidated COOH-terminal end of mouse JP to develop a RIA for the predicted hJP molecule. Immunoreactive JP was detected in tissue extracts from human normal pituitary, ACTH-secreting pituitary- and nonpituitary tumors, and in plasma from patients with ACTH hypersecretory syndromes. Its molar concentration was of the same order of magnitude as, and correlated with, that of the other POMC peptides. Gel exclusion chromatography in 1% formic acid and 6 M guanidine-HCl revealed a predominant immunoreactive material with an apparent mol wt of ca. 6000. After reduction with dithiothreitol this material was recovered in an elution volume identical to that of purified hJP and corresponding to a mol wt of ca. 3000. These data show that POMC processing generates a COOH terminally amidated hJP predominantly secreted as a homodimer, probably through disulfide bonding between the single Cys9 residue of two molecules.  相似文献   
The selenoprotein A component of the glycine reductase complex of Clostridium sticklandii was shown to differ in certain properties from the selenoprotein A produced by a purine-fermenting organism, Clostridium purinolyticum. Both proteins contain one selenocysteine and two cysteine residues.  相似文献   
Summary Neurospora crassa produces several structurally distinct siderophores: coprogen, ferricrocin, ferrichrome C and some minor unknown compounds. Under conditions of iron starvation, desferricoprogen is the major extracellular siderophore whereas desferriferricrocin and desferriferrichrome C are predominantly found intracellularly. Mössbauer spectroscopic analyses revealed that coprogen-bound iron is rapidly released after uptake in mycelia of the wild-typeN.crassa 74A. The major intracellular target of iron distribution is desferriferricrocin. No ferritin-like iron pools could be detected. Ferricrocin functions as the main intracellular iron-storage peptide in mycelia ofN. crassa. After uptake of ferricrocin in both the wild-typeN. crassa 74A and the siderophore-free mutantN. crassa arg-5 ota aga, surprisingly little metabolization (11%) could be observed. Since ferricrocin is the main iron-storage compound in spores ofN. crassa, we suggest that ferricrocin is stored in mycelia for inclusion into conidiospores.  相似文献   
Intracellular degradation of vertebrate ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) is accelerated by polyamines, the products of the pathway controlled by ODC. Antizyme, a reversible, tightly binding protein inhibitor of ODC activity, is believed to be involved in this process. Mouse and Trypanosoma brucei ODCs are structurally similar, but the trypanosome enzyme, unlike that of the mouse, is not regulated by intracellular polyamines when expressed in hamster cells (L. Ghoda, D. Sidney, M. Macrae, and P. Coffino, Mol. Cell. Biol. 12:2178-2185, 1992). We found that mouse ODC interacts with antizyme in vitro but trypanosome ODC does not. To localize the region necessary for binding, we made a series of enzymatically active chimeric mouse-trypanosome ODCs and tested them for antizyme interaction. Replacing residues 117 to 140 within the 461-amino-acid mouse ODC sequence with the equivalent region of trypanosome ODC disrupted both antizyme binding and in vivo regulation. Formation of an antizyme-ODC complex is therefore required for regulated degradation.  相似文献   
We showed previously that the proliferation of hamster airway secretory cells decreases during vitamin A deficiency (VAD) but later increases when submucosal inflammation develops (Virchows Arch [B] 59:231-242, 1990). This observation has important biological implications since two morphological extremes (atrophy and quiescence versus hyperplasia and hyperproliferation) are reported in the literature for VAD tracheal epithelium in vivo. In the present study, histological slides of tracheal rings from 35-day-old control and VAD hamsters (Virchows Arch [B] 45:197-219, 1984) were reviewed again. Rings from VAD hamsters were selected based on the absence or presence of a florid submucosal inflammation. Quantitative analyses were made on the cartilaginous part of rings from the anterior third of the trachea. When inflammation was absent, a mucociliary pseudostratified epithelium was, for the most part, maintained. The mitotic rate (MR, 6 h colchicine blockade) of secretory cells was markedly reduced (29-fold) but that of basal cells was not changed significantly. Moreover, cell density was not changed by VAD but ciliated cells and secretory cells were decreased and basal cells were increased, proportionally. We call this "minimal morphological change." Thinning (atrophy) of the minimally changed epithelium was associated with focal cell sloughing. Small scattered foci of epidermoid metaplasia (multiple layers of highly keratinized cells which were extremely flat, so that the epithelium was thin and attenuated) were also seen. We call this "atrophic epidermoid metaplasia." When inflammation was present, hyperplastic changes (stratification and epidermoid metaplasia) predominated and cells were in mitosis at all epithelial levels (low, middle, superficial) except in the most superficial (terminally differentiated) squames. The tracheal epithelium was thickened and hypercellular. The cells were piled up at the stratified lesions, and epithelial height, cell density and epithelial MR were significantly increased compared with the non-inflamed VAD epithelium. The effects of VAD and inflammation on cell proliferation were analyzed further by studying 7 h bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labelling patterns of cells in VAD tracheal epithelium, with and without submucosal inflammation. In addition, inflammation was induced in "minimally changed epithelium" by mild mechanical injury. The BrdU labelling patterns confirmed that DNA synthesis by secretory cells is reduced markedly by VAD. However, this suppression is overidden by the influx of inflammatory cells (the nature of the stimulus is unknown). The results indicate that the morphological contrasts (atrophy and hyperplasia) seen in the trachea during VAD in vivo are related to extremes in proliferation rates of tracheal secretory cells, regulated by VAD alone (minimal replication) and by inflammation (maximal replication).  相似文献   
头端延髓腹外侧区注射5—羟色胺对应激性高血粘度...   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
翁可  郭学勤 《生理学报》1992,44(3):244-253
Experiments were carried out on 62 wistar rats. The hyperviscosity and elevation of blood pressure were induced by hanging and restraining the rats with their four limbs tied on a frame. It was found that microinjection of 5-HT (25 micrograms/10 microliters) into the 4th ventricle of the brain or bilateral microinjection of 5-HT (4 micrograms/0.5 microliters/site) into rostral ventrolateral medulla (rVLM) reduced stress-induced hyperviscosity (p < 0.01) and elevation of blood pressure (p < 0.01). The effect of 5-HT injected into the 4th ventricle or rVLM was blocked by bilateral microinjection of cinanserine (4 micrograms/0.5 microliter/site) into rVLM. These results suggest that microinjection of 5-HT into 4th ventricle and rVLM could reduce stress-induced hyperviscosity and elevation of blood pressure and these effects were probably mediated via 5-HT receptors in the rVLM.  相似文献   
吴杰  陈培熹 《生理学报》1992,44(4):340-346
Simple spike of cerebellar Purkinje cells (PC-SS) was recorded with microelectrode. In the NCCVF (normalized cross-covariance function) histogram, spontaneous PC-SS does not show obvious peak. When the saphenous nerve is stimulated at lower intensities, which elicits the A-fiber input only, the discharge response (A-CED) consists of an early component with a latency of 16.7 +/- 0.9 ms and a late component with a latency of 270.8 +/- 12.8 ms. After A-fibers are blocked selectively by polarizing current, the stimulation at a suprathreshold strength for C-fiber evokes a characteristic response (C-CED) with a latency of 142.4 +/- 4.3 ms. However, the C-CED can not be evoked by the inputs of A- and C-fiber simultaneously. In NPSDF histogram, the spontaneous activities of PC-SS can be divided into two groups, the high and the low peak group. The high peak group (n = 15) has a peak energy value of 15.7 +/- 4.7 x 10(-3) and peak frequency of 4.07 +/- 1.69 Hz. A-fiber input causes an increase of the peak value, while C-fiber input causes a decrease. The low peak group (n = 16) has a peak energy value 8.4 +/- 1.4 x 10(-3) and peak frequency of 3.67 +/- 2.90 Hz. Both A-fiber and C-fiber inputs cause an increase of the peak value, but the effect of A-fiber input was more prominent. The results show that the pure C-fiber input can reach the cerebellar PC and elicit characteristic simple spike response.  相似文献   
血小板激活的放大和去敏感   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Sequence-tagged sites (STSs) are short stretches of DNA that can be specifically detected by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and can be used to construct long-range physical maps of chromosomal DNA. These STSs can be detected by PCR assays developed by reference to data obtained from the sequencing of restriction fragment length polymorphism-DNA markers for chromosome 21, which were derived from recombinant lamba-phage and plasmid clones made from DNA of a human-hamster hybrid cell line. In this report, we describe the generation of 19 new STSs that are specific for human chromosome 21.  相似文献   
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