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Evidence exists that Cd and certain nutrient elements, such as Fe and Mg, could share similar mechanisms of plant uptake and accumulation. Here we report that Mg and Fe deficiency in mature plants of Salix viminalis, grown in hydroponic solutions containing 5 µg ml?1 of Cd, caused a significant increase in Cd accumulation in roots, stems and leaves. Cd (µg g?1 dry weight) was determined following three treatments: 1) Cd treatment in complete nutrient solution; 2) Cd treatment with Fe deficiency; and 3) Cd treatment with Mg deficiency, yielding, respectively: in young leaves (65.3, 76.1, and 92.2), mature leaves (51.5 to 76.3 and 87.1), upper stems (80.6, 116.8, and 130.6) lower stems (67.2, 119, and 102.3), roots (377.1, 744.8, and 442,5). Our results suggest that Cd utilizes the same uptake and transport pathways as Mg and Fe. Evidence exists that Mg and Fe uptake and translocation could be further facilitated by plants as an adaptive response to deficiency of these elements. Such physiological reaction could additionally stimulate Cd accumulation. Although Cd uptake was mostly confined in roots, high Cd content in aerial plant parts (51.5–130.6 µg g?1) indicates that the analysed Salix viminalis genotype is suitable for phytoextraction.  相似文献   
Plants respond to infection by accumulating many compounds some of which may function in disease resistance. These include: phytoalexins, antifungal proteins, chitinases, glucanases, esterases, proteaes, phospholipases, lipoxygenases, ribonucleases, peroxidases, phenoloxidases, lignin, callose, hydroxyproline and glycine-rich glycoproteins, phenolic cross-linked polysachcarides, melanin-like pigments, salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, ethylene, peptides, oligosaccharides, hydrogen peroxide and active oxygen species. Though specific avirulence genes, elicitors and elicitor receptors have been reported, the production of defense-related compounds is nonspecific and can be elicited by pathogens, pathogen products and many organics and inorganics. The molecular implications of this specificity/nonspecificity and their significance to disease resistance and practical disease control will be discussed.  相似文献   
Recently, S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase deficiency was confirmed for the first time in an adult. Two missense mutations in codons 89 (A>V) and 143 (Y>C) in the AdoHcyase gene were identified [N.R.M. Buist, B. Glenn, O. Vugrek, C. Wagner, S. Stabler, R.H. Allen, I. Pogribny, A. Schulze, S.H. Zeisel, I. Bari?, S.H. Mudd, S-Adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase deficiency in a 26-year-old man, J. Inh. Metab. Dis. 29 (2006) 538-545]. Accordingly, we have proven the Y143C mutation to be highly inactivating [R. Beluzi?, M. Cuk, T. Pavkov, K. Fumi?, I. Bari?, S.H. Mudd, I. Jurak, O. Vugrek, A single mutation at tyrosine 143 of human S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase renders the enzyme thermosensitive and effects the oxidation state of bound co-factor NAD, Biochem. J. 400 (2006) 245-253]. Now we report that the A89V exchange leads to a 70% loss of enzymatic activity, respectively. Circular dichroism analysis of recombinant p.A89V protein shows a significantly reduced unfolding temperature by 5.5 degrees C compared to wild-type. Gel filtration of mutant protein is almost identical to wild-type indicating assembly of subunits into the tetrameric complex. However, electrophoretic mobility of p.A89V is notably faster as shown by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis implicating changes to the overall charge of the mutant complex. 'Bioinformatics' analysis indicates that Val(89) collides with Thr(84) causing sterical incompatibility. Performing site-directed mutagenesis changing Thr(84) to 'smaller' Ser(84) but preserving similar physico-chemical properties restores most of the catalytic capabilities of the mutant p.A89V enzyme. On the other hand, substitution of Thr(84) with Lys(84) or Gln(84), thereby introducing residues with higher volume in proximity to Ala(89) results in inactivation of wild-type protein. In view of our mutational analysis, we consider changes in charge and the sterical incompatibility in mutant p.A89V protein as main reason for enzyme malfunction with AdoHcyase deficiency as consequence.  相似文献   
Cytosine methylation of repetitive sequences is widespread in plant genomes, occurring in both symmetric (CpG and CpNpG) as well as asymmetric sequence contexts. We used the methylation-dependent restriction enzyme McrBC to profile methylated DNA using tiling microarrays of Arabidopsis Chromosome 4 in two distinct ecotypes, Columbia and Landsberg erecta. We also used comparative genome hybridization to profile copy number polymorphisms. Repeated sequences and transposable elements (TEs), especially long terminal repeat retrotransposons, are densely methylated, but one third of genes also have low but detectable methylation in their transcribed regions. While TEs are almost always methylated, genic methylation is highly polymorphic, with half of all methylated genes being methylated in only one of the two ecotypes. A survey of loci in 96 Arabidopsis accessions revealed a similar degree of methylation polymorphism. Within-gene methylation is heritable, but is lost at a high frequency in segregating F2 families. Promoter methylation is rare, and gene expression is not generally affected by differences in DNA methylation. Small interfering RNA are preferentially associated with methylated TEs, but not with methylated genes, indicating that most genic methylation is not guided by small interfering RNA. This may account for the instability of gene methylation, if occasional failure of maintenance methylation cannot be restored by other means.  相似文献   
Attachment is a point of interest in psychosomatic research since it influences a wide array of biopsychosocial phenomena. Data from literature highlights the role of this concept in the context of Inflammatory Bowel disease (IBD), still, there is a lack of data regarding attachment among parents of children with chronic gastrointestinal diseases. The main hypothesis for the current study is that parents of children with IBD will have a more insecure attachment than parents of children with celiac disease (CD) and parents of healthy children. The second hypothesis is that insecure attachment among parents of sick children will be associated with lower parental quality of life (QoL). 46 parents of children with IBD, 42 parents of children with CD and 43 parents of healthy children completed the validated modification of the Brennan's Experiences in Close Relationship Inventory. Results were categorized as secure and insecure attachment. In order to assess parental QoL, the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was used. The Total QoL was calculated as a sum of all domain items. Secure attachment was found in 45.7% parents of children with IBD, in 35.7% parents of children with CD and in 32.6% parents of healthy children. Surprisingly, the lowest rate of secure attachment was found in parents of healthy children. However, significant differences among groups do not exist. For all groups of parents the attachment style is associated with Total QoL, although only among parents of children with IBD, the secure attachment independently and significantly predicts higher parental Total QoL. According to results, we might say that parental attachment style does not have a role that exclusively belongs in the context of paediatric chronic gastrointestinal diseases. However, parents of children with IBD who have insecure attachment represent target group for psychosocial support in order to improve their QoL.  相似文献   
The gypsy moth is a generalist insect pest with an extremely wide host range. Adaptive responses of digestive enzymes are important for the successful utilization of plant hosts that differ in the contents and ratios of constituent nutrients and allelochemicals. In the present study, we examined the responses of α‐amylase, trypsin, and leucine aminopeptidase to two tree hosts (suitable oak, Quercus cerris, and unsuitable locust tree, Robinia pseudoacacia) in the fourth, fifth, and sixth instars of gypsy moth larvae originating from oak and locust tree forest populations (hereafter assigned as Quercus and Robinia populations, respectively). Gypsy moths from the Robinia forest had been adapting to this unsuitable host for more than 40 generations. To test for population‐level host plant specialization, we applied a two‐population × two‐host experimental design. We compared the levels, developmental patterns, and plasticities of the activities of enzymes. The locust tree diet increased enzyme activity in the fourth instar and reduced activity in advanced instars of the Quercus larvae in comparison to the oak diet. These larvae also exhibited opposite developmental trajectories on the two hosts, i.e. activity increased on the oak diet and decreased on the locust tree diet with the progress of instar. Larvae of the Robinia population were characterized by reduced plasticity of enzyme activity and its developmental trajectories. In addition, elevated trypsin activity in response to an unsuitable host was observed in all instar larvae of the Robinia population, which demonstrated that Robinia larvae had an improved digestive performance than did Quercus larvae.  相似文献   
Theoretical probabilistic kinetic model has been applied to describe the measurements of several oxidation markers as a function of time, during slow oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL). It has been demonstrated that such a process could be described as tocopherol-mediated peroxidation (TMP), initiated and sustained by the action of copper ions, present in LDL in trace amounts. In that process concentration of alpha-tocopherol remains essentially unaltered. Tocopherol and copper ions act as catalysts, oscillating between the oxidized and reduced states. The fitting of the theoretical model to the experimental data resulted in determination of the numerical values for the kinetic parameters. It has been found that the parameter values used for the fitting of the data collected for a number of samples from various donors differ rather little. The kinetic chain length of 1.3 (in presence of co-antioxidants) and 2.9 (in the absence of co-antioxidants) is shorter than found by others. The difference probably comes from the much lower concentration of copper ions in our systems (about 0.1 ion per LDL particle).  相似文献   
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