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The minute by minute net water movement (Jw) was measured, in the human distal colon in vitro, simultaneously with the transepithelial potential difference (PD) and short circuit current (SCC) with the following results: (1) An absorptive Jw (+0.36 +/- 0.04 microliters/(min.cm2)) was observed, in 21 cases, when the colon was mounted between two identical standard salines (Na+ 140, Cl- 110, HCO3- 25 mequiv./L) and in the presence of a hydrostatic pressure gradient (delta P) of 13 cm of H2O (mucosal side positive). (2) This absorptive Jw was a linear function of the applied delta P or the imposed osmotic transepithelial gradient (Phydr = 0.22 +/- 0.03 cm/s; Posm = 0.0020 +/- 0.005 cm/s; n = 6). (3) A fraction of this Jw was independent of the presence of any hydrostatic, osmotic or chemical gradient while associated with a serosal side positive and partially amiloride sensitive PD (11.3 +/- 1.8 mV). (4) Both Jw and PD were dependent on the presence of Na+ in the incubating media. (5) Replacement of Cl- by SO(4)2- did not change the absorptive Jw, but increased the observed PD and the transepithelial resistance. (6) HCO3- removal strongly reduced the SCC and PD together with an important increase in Jw. Unexpectedly, other 9 colon fragments spontaneously showed a secretory Jw when mounted between two identical standard salines (-0.55 +/- 0.11 microliters/(min.cm2). In these experiments it was observed that: (7) The tissue moved water against the imposed delta P (13 cm of H2O), while the associated PD (+11.9 +/- 2.1 mV) was similar to the one observed in absorptive fragments. (8) As in the case of absorptive preparations, PD, SCC and the transport associated Jw fell to zero in the absence of Na+. (9) When SO(4)2- replaced Cl-, secretory Jw reversed to absorptive Jw, together with an increase in PD and resistance. In both absorptive and secretory preparations it was finally observed that: (10) norepinephrine (5 x 10(-6) M) decreased SCC and increased the absorptive Jw in a tightly parallel manner (half-times for each response: SCC = 11.4 +/- 2.1 min; Jw = 11.4 +/- 2.0 min, n = 4) and (11) 8-Br cyclic AMP (10(-3) M) increased SCC while simultaneously decreasing the absorptive Jw. It is concluded that the observed Jw in the distal human colon in vitro results from the complex addition of osmotic, hydrostatic and transport associated driving forces. The transport-associated Jw has absorptive and secretory components.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study is a general outline of Latin America's claims, positions, and struggle for more than a quarter of a century in matters dealing with the new Law of the Sea. It emphasizes what in some way might be called the original Latin American contribution to the new Law, but it also deals with the support given to the ideas and proposals of other countries and regions. It attempts to summarize and explain the general and dominant trends in the Latin American region.

There are two features of this work: (1) the historical background as a means of explaining unilateral actions and regional declarations through which a breach in the solid structure of the traditional Law of the sea was opened; and (2) the conclusions based on personal experience and a recollection of mental notes rather than comprehensive consultation of documents.

The principle of the common heritage of mankind, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly (Resolution 2749 (XXV)) in December of 1970, has a dominant role in this study, particularly as it relates to issues dealing with the international area of the seabed. This principle holds the key to the acceptance or rejection of different proposals on the subject. Notwithstanding appreciation of this principle, recognition of some facts of the contemporary international community tempers strict application of this principle and opens the way to suggest some compromises that might close the gap between developed and developing countries in this crucial matter.  相似文献   
Leptin is an adipokine that acts in the central nervous system and regulates energy balance. Animal models and human observational studies have suggested that leptin surge in the perinatal period has a critical role in programming long-term risk of obesity. In utero exposure to maternal hyperglycemia has been associated with increased risk of obesity later in life. Epigenetic mechanisms are suspected to be involved in fetal programming of long term metabolic diseases. We investigated whether DNA methylation levels near LEP locus mediate the relation between maternal glycemia and neonatal leptin levels using the 2-step epigenetic Mendelian randomization approach. We used data and samples from up to 485 mother-child dyads from Gen3G, a large prospective population-based cohort. First, we built a genetic risk score to capture maternal glycemia based on 10 known glycemic genetic variants (GRS10) and showed it was an adequate instrumental variable (β = 0.046 mmol/L of maternal fasting glucose per additional risk allele; SE = 0.007; P = 7.8 × 10−11; N = 467). A higher GRS10 was associated with lower methylation levels at cg12083122 located near LEP (β = −0.072 unit per additional risk allele; SE = 0.04; P = 0.05; N = 166). Direction and effect size of association between the instrumental variable GRS10 and methylation at cg12083122 were consistent with the negative association we observed using measured maternal glycemia. Lower DNA methylation levels at cg12083122 were associated with higher cord blood leptin levels (β = −0.17 log of cord blood leptin per unit; SE = 0.07; P = 0.01; N = 170). Our study supports that maternal glycemia is part of causal pathways influencing offspring leptin epigenetic regulation.  相似文献   
We have used a new approach involving in situ hybridisation and electron microscopy to establish ultrastructural homologies between polytene chromosome regions of Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila subobscura. Twelve probes were chosen to cover all the chromosomal elements: the myospheroid gene, the collagen type IV gene, the collagen-like gene, the w26 homeobox gene, the β3 tubulin gene, the kinesin heavy chain gene, the tryptophan hydrolase gene, the Hsp82, Hsp22–26 and Hsp23–28, Hsp68, Hsp70 genes and the β unit of the F0–F1 ATPase gene. Most of these loci were previously undescribed in D. subobscura and imprecisely located in D. melanogaster. We have demonstrated here, by an ultrastructural analysis of each chromosomal region, that homologous genetic loci tend to show a similar ultrastructure in the two species. With a few exceptions, the structural homology extends to the chromosomal regions surrounding the loci. In some cases, however, no structurally recognisable homology can be seen either in the locus or in its flanking regions. Received: 15 December 1996; in revised form: 15 October 1997 / Accepted: 28 January 1998  相似文献   
We here report a spontaneous case of meningoencephalitis due to Listeria monocytogenes in an adult primiparous rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) during an outbreak of listeriosis in an outdoor enclosure. Clinical signs included tremors, abnormal posture, and altered mental status. Hematology and analyses of cerebrospinal fluid were consistent with bacterial infection. Pure cultures of L. monocytogenes were recovered from the placenta–abortus, cerebrospinal fluid, and brain tissue. The macaque did not respond to treatment and was euthanized. Histopathologic examination of the brain revealed acute meningoencephalitis. This case represents an unusual clinical and pathologic presentation of listeriosis in a nonhuman primate in which the dam and fetus both were affected.Listeria monocytogenes is a ubiquitous, facultative anaerobic, intracellular gram-positive coccobacillus. This bacterium is found in diverse environments including (but not limited to) soil, water, plant matter, food items, and the intestinal tract of mammalian hosts.15,18 The organism is environmentally resistant, being able to survive in dried media for several months and in moist soil for up to a year.15 L. monocytogenes is the causative agent of listeriosis, a bacterial infection that has a worldwide distribution and affects a wide range of mammals and birds, including human beings.In people, L. monocytogenes is a relatively uncommon foodborne pathogen; its abilities to survive food processing and grow in cold conditions allow it to persist in appropriately stored or refrigerated foods.2 In people, listeriosis occurs both sporadically and as large outbreaks,18 generally comprising 3 separate syndromes with clinical manifestations ranging from mild to life-threatening.35 The most common form is seen in immunocompetent, nonpregnant adults as a febrile gastroenteritis.2,18,21 The other 2 forms, which occur in fetuses and immunocompromised patients, are more severe.19,21 In pregnant women, maternal listeriosis is asymptomatic or causes mild, flu-like symptoms, but the bacterium''s ability to cross the placenta and the blood–brain barrier of the fetus results in neonatal septicemia, meningitis, abortion, and stillbirth.16 In elderly and immunocompromised patients, septicemia and meningoencephalitis are life-threatening manifestations of literiosis.26 The worldwide case fatality rate varies widely among countries, sometimes exceeding 50% despite what is considered to be appropriate antibiotic therapy.18 In 2009, the Centers for Disease Control reported 524 cases of listeriosis in the United States, which were associated with a 19% resulting in death.4In ruminants, listeriosis is also known as ‘circling disease’ and ‘silage disease.’8,18,21 Foodborne infection with L. monocytogenes is well described, and many studies have shown that spoiled silage may be a source of listeria outbreaks.8,18 Rhombencephalitis and diffuse meningoencephalitis are the most recognized forms of the infection in ruminants; sporadic abortion is reported also.22 Clinical signs of listeria encephalitis in cattle, sheep, and goats are characterized by unilateral or bilateral brainstem dysfunction and cranial nerve deficits. In sheep and goats, the course of the disease is acute, but the disease in cattle has a more chronic progression, with neurologic manifestations that can last 4 to 14 d.1,22In rabbits, infection with L. monocytogenes is characterized by abortion in pregnant does or sudden death; neurologic signs are rare.1 In poultry, an acute form with septicemia and sudden death occurs in adults, in contrast to a subacute–chronic form, with encephalitis, in the young.6The literature on L. monocytogenes in nonhuman primates is sparse5,11,17,33 and more recently limited to experimental infection of pregnant animals. In pregnant rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), experimental infection during the last trimester of gestation can cause stillbirth with no other clinical signs.23,24 In our colony, however, infection with L. monocytogenes is endemic. Every year, several spontaneous abortions or stillbirths in our outdoor colony are caused by infection of the dam with this organism. Culture of L. monocytogenes from both the abortus–fetus and placenta are well documented. As described in the literature,23,24 the dams in our colony do not demonstrate any clinical signs prior to the abortion or stillbirth.During the winter to spring of 2011, one of our outdoor housing enclosures experienced an outbreak of listeriosis. This outside corral housed 100 rhesus macaques in a social group that included 42 reproductive females. Of these reproductive females, 37 (88%) were confirmed pregnant by abdominal palpation or ultrasonography or both. From January 2011 to May 2011, 19 (51%) stillbirths and neonatal deaths (in infants younger than 3 d) were reported in this enclosure; 13 (68%) of these tissues (placenta, 3; fetal lungs, 8; fetal peritoneum, 2) were culture-positive for L. monocytogenes. In all cases except the one presented here, the dam did not manifest any clinical signs prior to or after the delivery of a stillborn or premature birth with neonatal death.Here we describe an unusual case of listeriosis in a primiparous pregnant female rhesus macaque that manifested severe neurologic impairment and intrautero death of the fetus.  相似文献   
Theory suggests that speciation is possible without physical isolation of populations (hereafter, nonallopatric speciation), but recent nonallopatric models need the support of irrefutable empirical examples. We collected snails (Littorina saxatilis) from three areas on the NW coast of Spain to investigate the population genetic structure of two ecotypes. Earlier studies suggest that these ecotypes may represent incipient species: a large, thick-shelled 'RB' ecotype living among the barnacles in the upper intertidal zone and a small, thin-shelled 'SU' ecotype living among the mussels in the lower intertidal zone only 10-30 m away. The two ecotypes overlap and hybridize in a midshore zone only 1-3 m wide. Three different types of molecular markers [allozymes, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and microsatellites] consistently indicated partial reproductive isolation between the RB and the SU ecotypes at a particular site. However, each ecotype was related more closely to the other ecotype from the same site than to the same ecotype from another site further along the Galician coast (25-77 km away). These findings supported earlier results based solely on allozyme variation and we could now reject the possibility that selection produced these patterns. The patterns of genetic variation supported a nonallopatric model in which the ecotypes are formed independently at each site by parallel evolution and where the reproductive barriers are a byproduct of divergent selection for body size. We argue that neither our laboratory hybridization experiments nor our molecular data are compatible with a model based on allopatric ecotype formation, secondary overlap and introgression.  相似文献   
Hobo is one of the three Drosophila melanogaster transposable elements, together with the P and I elements, that seem to have recently invaded the genome of this species. Surveys of the presence of hobo in strains from different geographical and temporal origins have shown that recently collected strains contain complete and deleted elements with high sequence similarity (H strains), but old strains lack hobo elements (E strains). Besides the canonical hobo sequences, both H and E strains show other poorly known hobo-related sequences. In the present work, we analyze the presence, cytogenetic location, and structure of some of these sequences in E strains of D. melanogaster. By in situ hybridization, we found that euchromatic hobo-related sequences were in fixed positions in all six E strains analyzed: 38C in the 2L arm; 42B and 55A in the 2R arm; 79E and 80B in the 3L arm; and 82C, 84C, and 84D in the 3R arm. Sequence comparison shows that some of the hobo-related sequences from Oregon-R and iso-1 strains are similar to the canonical hobo element, but their analysis reveals that they are substantially diverged and rearranged and cannot code for a functional transposase. Our results suggest that these ubiquitous hobo-homologous sequences are immobile and are distantly related to the modern hobo elements from D. melanogaster.  相似文献   
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