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Fine root morphological traits and distribution, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, soil fertility, and nutrient concentration in fine root tissue were compared in sites under different successional phases: grass plants, secondary forest, and mature forest in Londrina county, Paraná state, southern Brazil. Soil cores were collected randomly at the 0-10- and 10-20-cm depths in three quadrants (50 m2) in each site. Plants from the different successional stages displayed high differences in fine root distribution, fine root traits, and mycorrhizal root colonization. There were increases in the concentration of nutrients both in soil and fine roots and decrease of bulk soil density along the succession. The fine root biomass and diameter increased with the succession progress. The total fine root length, specific root length, root hair length, and root hair incidence decreased with the succession advance. Similarly, the mycorrhizal root colonization and the density of AM fungi spores in the soil decreased along the succession. Mycorrhizal root colonization and spore density were positively correlated with fine root length, specific root length, root hair length, root hair incidence, and bulk density and negatively correlated with fine root diameter and concentration of some nutrients both in soil and root tissues. Nutrient concentration in root tissue and in soil was positively correlated with fine root diameter and negatively correlated with specific root length, root hair length, and root hair incidence. These results suggest different adaptation strategies of plant roots for soil exploration and mineral acquisition among the different successional stages. Early successional stages displayed plants with fine root morphology and AM fungi colonization to improve the root functional efficiencies for uptake of nutrients and faster soil resource exploration. Late successional stages displayed plants with fine root morphology and mycorrhizal symbiosis for both a lower rate of soil proliferation and soil exploration capacity to acquire nutrients.  相似文献   


There are four widely used experimental strains of N. gonorrhoeae, one of which has been sequenced and used as the basis for the construction of a multi-strain, mutli-species pan-neisserial microarray. Although the N. gonorrhoeae population structure is thought to be less diverse than N. meningitidis, there are some recognized gene-complement differences between strains, including the 59 genes of the Gonococcal Genetic Island. In this study we have investigated the three experimental strains that have not been sequenced to determine the extent and nature of their similarities and differences.  相似文献   
Clinical applications of three-dimensional digital photography include assessments of breast volume and contour. It was hypothesized that knowledge of preoperative and postoperative breast volumes might facilitate obtaining symmetry after reconstructions with autologous tissue or implants. Breast reconstruction was performed for 382 women during a 4-year period. Of those women, 334 completed all phases of the reconstruction and underwent symmetry analysis. Reconstructive procedures included the use of pedicle transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flaps, free transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flaps, deep inferior epigastric perforator flaps, superior gluteal artery perforator flaps, or latissimus dorsi flaps or expanders/implants. Three-dimensional digital photographic images were obtained for 33 women, whereas the remaining 301 women were not digitally photographed. The differences in symmetry after the initial reconstruction and after the secondary procedures were compared for all women and for the groups with and without three-dimensional photographic images. For the group with three-dimensional imaging, initial volume symmetry was obtained for 73 percent, initial contour symmetry was obtained for 27 percent, secondary procedures were necessary for 70 percent, final volume symmetry was obtained for 88 percent, and final contour symmetry was obtained for 79 percent. For the group without three-dimensional photographic images, initial volume symmetry was obtained for 57 percent, initial contour symmetry was obtained for 34 percent, secondary procedures were necessary for 50 percent, final volume symmetry was obtained for 80 percent, and final contour symmetry was obtained for 71 percent. The results demonstrated that there was no significant difference in final contour and volume symmetry between women who had or did not have three-dimensional digital photographic images taken. However, the results demonstrated that autologous tissue reconstructions resulted in improved contour and volume symmetry, compared with implant reconstructions.  相似文献   
文章对相同条件下培养的莱茵衣藻野生型CC-137和八氢番茄红素脱氢酶(phytoene desaturase,PDS)基因突变株Nfr-4的生长进行分析;并用反相高效液相色谱分析总有色类胡萝卜素以及叶绿素含量变化,结果表明两者生长的差异明显;Nfr-4突变株的单细胞叶绿素和总有色类胡萝卜素含量高于野生型CC-137的。  相似文献   
Anoxic conditions should hamper the transport of sugar in the phloem, as this is an active process. The canopy is a carbohydrate source and the roots are carbohydrate sinks. By fumigating the shoot with N2 or flooding the rhizosphere, anoxic conditions in the source or sink, respectively, were induced. Volume flow, velocity, conducting area and stationary water of the phloem were assessed by non‐invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) flowmetry. Carbohydrates and δ13C in leaves, roots and phloem saps were determined. Following flooding, volume flow and conducting area of the phloem declined and sugar concentrations in leaves and in phloem saps slightly increased. Oligosaccharides appeared in phloem saps and after 3 d, carbon transport was reduced to 77%. Additionally, the xylem flow declined and showed finally no daily rhythm. Anoxia of the shoot resulted within minutes in a reduction of volume flow, conductive area and sucrose in the phloem sap decreased. Sugar transport dropped to below 40% by the end of the N2 treatment. However, volume flow and phloem sap sugar tended to recover during the N2 treatment. Both anoxia treatments hampered sugar transport. The flow velocity remained about constant, although phloem sap sugar concentration changed during treatments. Apparently, stored starch was remobilized under anoxia.  相似文献   


Genetic code alterations have been reported in mitochondrial, prokaryotic, and eukaryotic cytoplasmic translation systems, but their evolution and how organisms cope and survive such dramatic genetic events are not understood.  相似文献   
Different goat cheeses from Chile were studied by Free-Choice Profile (FCP) analysis. Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) applied to FCP data permitted differentiation between samples and informed on the attributes responsible for the observed differences. Appearance was a dominant factor in discriminating samples and to a lesser degree textural variables were also correlated with GPA dimensions. In acceptability the fresh cheeses were significantly preferred over the ripened ones.  相似文献   
Gingival epithelial cells are part of the first line of host defense against infection. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) serve important immune and nonimmune functions. We investigated how interferon gamma (INF-γ) and interleukin 13 (IL-13) are involved in the TLR4 ligand-induced regulation of interleukin-8 (IL-8) effects on gingival epithelial cells. We used immunohistochemistry to localize TLR4 in ten healthy and ten periodontitis tissue specimens. Gingival epithelial cells then were primed with Th1 cytokine (INF-γ) or Th2 cytokine (IL-13) before stimulation with Escherichia coli-derived lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to detect the level of IL-8 secretion in cell culture supernatants. Although both healthy and periodontitis gingival tissue samples expressed TLR4, the periodontitis samples showed more intense expression on gingival epithelial cells. Gingival epithelial cell cultures were primed with either INF-γ or IL-13 before stimulation with TLR4 ligand. Supernatants from co-stimulated epithelial cells exhibited IL-8 production in opposite directions, i.e., as one stimulates the release, the other reduces the release. INF-γ significantly increased TLR4 function, whereas IL-13 significantly decreased TLR4 function, i.e., production of IL-8. Pathogen associated molecular pattern-LPS, shared by many different periodonto-pathogenic bacteria, activates the gingival epithelial cells in a TLR-dependent manner. Diminished or increased TLR function in gingival epithelial cells under the influence of different Th cell types may protect or be harmful due to the altered TLR signaling.  相似文献   
One of the most conspicuous and widely analyzed patterns in ecology is the latitudinal gradient in species richness. Over the 200 years since its recognition, several hypotheses have accumulated in order to account for spatial variations in diversity. Geographic variations in seasonality have been repeatedly proposed as a determinant of community richness. However, the geographic structure of community seasonality has not yet been analyzed. In the present work we evaluated three hypotheses that account for variations in the temporal structuring of communities: first, environmental seasonality determines community seasonality; second, community richness determines its degree of structuring; and third, the presence of an increase in species segregation with latitude, reflected in a pattern of species negative co‐occurrence. The hypotheses were evaluated using path analysis on 29 amphibian communities from South America, connecting latitude, environmental conditions, diversity, seasonality, and coexistence structure – nestedness and negative co‐occurrence – within communities. Latitude positively affects community seasonality through an increase in temperature seasonality, but a weak negative direct effect suggests that other variables not considered in the model – such as the strength of biotic interactions – could also be involved. Both latitude and diversity (directly and indirectly) determine an increase in negative co‐occurrence and nestedness. This suggests that groups of species that are mutually nested in time are internally segregated. Further, the strength of this structure is determined by community diversity and latitude. Temporal structuring of a community is associated with latitude and diversity, pointing to the existence of a systematic change in community organization far beyond, but probably interrelated, with the recognized latitudinal trend in richness. The available information and analysis supported the three hypotheses evaluated.  相似文献   
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