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Sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD) is now interpreted as a complex nervous system disorder in which the projection neurons are predominantly damaged. Such an interpretation is based on mapping of Lewy body and Lewy neurite pathology. Symptoms of the human disease are much widespread, which span from pre-clinical non-motor symptoms and clinical motor symptoms to cognitive discrepancies often seen in advanced stages. Existing symptomatic treatments further complicate with overt drug-irresponsive symptoms. PD is better understood by assimilation of extranigral degenerative pathways with nigrostriatal degenerative mechanisms. The term 'extranigral' appeared first in the 1990s to more rigorously define the nigral pathology by process of elimination. However, as clinicians progressively identified PD symptoms unresponsive to the gold standard drug l-DOPA, definitions of PD symptoms were redefined. Non-motor symptoms prodromal to motor symptoms just as pre-clinical to clinical, and conjointly emerged the concept of nigral versus extranigral degeneration in PD. While nigrostriatal degeneration is responsible for the neurobiological substrates of extrapyramydal motor features, extranigral degeneration corroborates a vast majority of other changes in discrete central, peripheral, and enteric nervous system nuclei, which together account for global symptoms of the human disease. As an extranigral site, spinal cord degeneration has also been implicated in PD progression. Interconnected to the upper CNS structures with descending and ascending pathways, spinal neurons participate in movement and sensory circuits, controlling movement and reflexes. Several clinical and in vivo studies have demonstrated signs of parkinsonism-related degenerative processes in spinal cord, which led to recent consideration of spinal cord as an area of potential therapeutic target. In a nutshell, this review explores how the existing animal models can actually reflect the human disease in order to facilitate PD research. Evolution of extranigral degeneration studies has been succinctly revisited, followed by a survey on animal models in light of recent findings in clinical PD. Together, it may help to develop effective therapeutic strategies for PD.  相似文献   
Galán JM  Łatek MM  Rizi SM 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e20474
Metanorms is a mechanism proposed to promote cooperation in social dilemmas. Recent experimental results show that network structures that underlie social interactions influence the emergence of norms that promote cooperation. We generalize Axelrod's analysis of metanorms dynamics to interactions unfolding on networks through simulation and mathematical modeling. Network topology strongly influences the effectiveness of the metanorms mechanism in establishing cooperation. In particular, we find that average degree, clustering coefficient and the average number of triplets per node play key roles in sustaining or collapsing cooperation.  相似文献   
The fact that hereditary hearing loss is the most common sensory disorder in humans is reflected by, among other things, an extraordinary allelic and nonallelic genetic heterogeneity. X-chromosomal hearing impairment represents only a minor fraction of all cases. In a study of a Spanish family the locus for one of the X-chromosomal forms was assigned to Xp22 (DFNX4). We mapped the disease locus in the same chromosomal region in a large German pedigree with X-chromosomal nonsyndromic hearing impairment by using genome-wide linkage analysis. Males presented with postlingual hearing loss and onset at ages 3-7, whereas onset in female carriers was in the second to third decades. Targeted DNA capture with high-throughput sequencing detected a nonsense mutation in the small muscle protein, X-linked (SMPX) of affected individuals. We identified another nonsense mutation in SMPX in patients from the Spanish family who were previously analyzed to map DFNX4. SMPX encodes an 88 amino acid, cytoskeleton-associated protein that is responsive to mechanical stress. The presence of Smpx in hair cells and supporting cells of the murine cochlea indicates its role in the inner ear. The nonsense mutations detected in the two families suggest a loss-of-function mechanism underlying this form of hearing impairment. Results obtained after heterologous overexpression of SMPX proteins were compatible with this assumption. Because responsivity to physical force is a characteristic feature of the protein, we propose that long-term maintenance of mechanically stressed inner-ear cells critically depends on SMPX function.  相似文献   
A total of 553 collection cultures of actinobacteria, including 453 reference ISP strains, were studied after long-term storage in a lyophilized state, as soil cultures, and under mineral oil. It was established that their viability reached a near-critical level. A number of methodological approaches to optimization of activation and proliferation of actinobacteria made it possible to restore the viability and major cultural and morphological properties of 65% of actinobacteria stored in a lyophilized state or under mineral oil. The actinobacteria stored as soil cultures almost completely lost their viability. Resuscitated actinobacteria exhibited a high level of genetic instability, which resulted in the emergence of more than three phenotypically different types of colonies. The population spectrum shifted towards an increase in the content of minor phenotypes with low spore-forming capacity. Significant changes in the cultural and morphological properties of a number of resuscitated strains were observed. Desirability of the application of antioxidants or growth-stimulating compounds in order to restore the viability of Actinobacteria cultures and to stabilize them after long-term storage was demonstrated.  相似文献   
The alkylating DNA-damage agent N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) induces a form of caspase-independent necroptosis implicating the mitochondrial flavoprotein apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF). Following the activation of PARP-1 (poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1), calpains, BID (BH3 interacting domain death agonist), and BAX (Bcl-2-associated X protein), the apoptogenic form of AIF (tAIF) is translocated to the nucleus where, associated with Ser139-phosphorylated histone H2AX (γH2AX), it creates a DNA-degrading complex that provokes chromatinolysis and cell death by necroptosis. The generation of γH2AX is crucial for this form of cell death, as mutation of H2AX Ser139 to Ala or genetic ablation of H2AX abolish both chromatinolysis and necroptosis. On the contrary, reintroduction of H2AX-wt or the phosphomimetic H2AX mutant (H2AX-S139E) into H2AX−/− cells resensitizes to MNNG-triggered necroptosis. Employing a pharmacological approach and gene knockout cells, we also demonstrate in this paper that the phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase-related kinases (PIKKs) ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated) and DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) mediate γH2AX generation and, consequently, MNNG-induced necroptosis. By contrast, H2AX phosphorylation is not regulated by ATR or other H2AX-related kinases, such as JNK. Interestingly, ATM and DNA-PK phosphorylate H2AX at Ser139 in a synergistic manner with different kinetics of activation. Early after MNNG treatment, ATM generates γH2AX. Further, DNA-PK contributes to H2AX Ser139 phosphorylation. In revealing the pivotal role of PIKKs in MNNG-induced cell death, our data uncover a milestone in the mechanisms regulating AIF-mediated caspase-independent necroptosis.  相似文献   
Teeth and skin teeth (denticles), collectively named odontodes, are usually associated with the physical roles of cutting, protection or drag reduction in fishes [1,2]. These structures are composed of a soft pulp surrounded by dentine and covered by a mineralized substance such as enamel [3]. Odontodes arise from neural crest cells and epithelium and are often innervated [1-3]. However, little is known about their possible sensory function. Here, we demonstrate for the first time a mechanosensory role for denticles in a cavefish endemic to a fast water flow cave. All fishes gather hydrodynamic information via specialized sense organs called neuromasts [4-6]. Some fishes are especially attentive to such type of information [5] and until now hypertrophy of the neuromast system has been reported as the main constructive sensory adaptation in cavefishes [6,7]. We expect that the mechanosensory nature of denticles highlighted in this cave fish species might reflect a widespread sensory role for these structures in other animals.  相似文献   
The influence of solar ultraviolet radiation and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) on summertime marine bacterial uptake and assimilation of sulfur from radiolabeled dimethlysulfoniopropionate (35S-DMSP) was studied at four Arctic and two Antarctic stations. Incubations with 3H-leucine were also conducted for comparative purposes as a measurement of bacterial activity. Arctic waters were characterized by large numbers of colonial Phaeocystis pouchetii and higher DMSP concentrations than in the two diatom-dominated Antarctic samples. Exposure to full sunlight radiation (280–700?nm), and to a lesser extent to PAR?+?UVA (320–700?nm), generally decreased the bacterial assimilation of 3H-leucine with respect to darkness, and caused variable effects on 35S-DMSP assimilation. By using a single-cell approach involving microautoradiography we found high percentages of sulfur assimilating cells within the bacterial groups Gammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, SAR11 and Roseobacter despite the varying DMSP concentrations between Arctic and Antarctic samples. The dominant SAR11 clade contributed 50–70% of the cells assimilating both substrates in the Arctic stations, whereas either Gammaproteobacteria or SAR11 were the largest contributors to 3H-leucine uptake in samples from the two Antarctic stations. Only one station was analyzed for single-cell 35S-DMSP assimilation in Antarctica, and Gammaproteobacteria were major contributors to its uptake, providing the first evidence for Antarctic bacteria actively taking up 35S-DMSP. PAR?+?UVA repeatedly increased the number of SAR11 cells assimilating 3H-leucine. This pattern also occurred with other 35S-DMSP assimilating groups, though not so consistently. Our results support a widespread capability of polar bacteria to assimilate DMSP-sulfur during the season of maximum DMSP concentrations, and show for the first time that all major polar taxa can be highly active at this assimilation under the appropriate circumstances. Our findings further confirm the role of sunlight as a modulator of heterotrophic carbon and sulfur fluxes in the surface ocean.  相似文献   
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