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Earlier studies have indicated that Jun/AP-1 activity is associated with, and probably required for apoptosis induction by DNA-damaging and stress-inducing agents in human myeloid cells. To investigate this possibility, we examined the capacity of continuous treatments with etoposide (10 microM) and camptothecin (0.4 microM), and pulse treatments with X-rays (20 Gy), heat (2 h at 42.5 C) and cadmium chloride (2 h at 200 microM) followed by recovery, to provoke apoptosis and to simulate c-jun and c-fos expression and AP-1 binding in U-937 human promonocytic cells. All these treatments generated apoptosis with similar efficacy (50-60% apoptotic cells at 6 h of treatment or recovery). However, the capacity to increase c-jun and c-fos mRNA levels and to stimulate AP-1 binding was very different, ranging from more than a twelve-fold increase in the case of cadmium, to almost no increase in the case of heat-shock and etoposide. When the cells were pre-conditioned with a soft heat shock (1 h at 42 degrees C) the cadmium-provoked apoptosis was greatly inhibited, but the stimulation of AP-1 binding was not affected. The administration of cAMP-increasing agents also reduced the etoposide- and cadmium-provoked apoptosis. However, cAMP greatly stimulated c-jun and c-fos expression and AP-1 binding when applied together with etoposide (which itself was ineffective), and potentiated the cadmium-induced AP-1 binding. Conversely, retinoic acid abrogated the cadmium-provoked stimulation of AP-1 binding and transactivation capacity, and greatly inhibited the stimulation of binding caused by camptothecin and X-rays. However, retinoic acid did not inhibit the induction of apoptosis by these agents. These results indicate that Jun/AP-1 activity is not necessarily coupled with apoptosis, nor required for apoptosis induction by DNA-damaging and stress-inducing agents in human promonocytic cells.  相似文献   
Mutations of various tumor suppressor genes, e.g., PTEN, TSC1, and TSC2, are known to be responsible for different inherited diseases presenting with multiple hamartomas, a benign tumor resembling neoplasia that results from faulty organ development. Combined hamartoma of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and retina is a rare, congenital, focal malformation of the fundus. So far, no disease gene has been associated with this disorder. By molecular analysis of an apparently balanced and reciprocal translocation between the short arms of chromosomes 11 and 18, t(11;18)(p13;p11.31), in a patient with hamartoma of the RPE and retina, we selected PAC clones crossing the breakpoints on both derivative chromosomes 11 and 18. For the overlapping chromosome 11 clone, two EST clusters were identified, suggesting the existence of at least two genes in the breakpoint region. We constructed a PAC contig and showed that at least three exons of a novel gene map to the breakpoint region on chromosome 18. Based on the results of FISH analysis with the PAC clones of this contig, we suggest the occurrence of a complex rearrangement.  相似文献   
Clinical differential diagnosis of early-onset dementia (EOD) includes familial Alzheimer disease (FAD) and hereditary prion disease. In both disease entities, postmortem brain histopathological examination is essential for unambiguous diagnosis. Mutations in the genes encoding the presenilins (PS1 and PS2) and amyloid precursor protein (APP) are associated with FAD, whereas mutations in the prion protein (PrP) gene are associated with prion disease. To investigate the proportion of EOD attributable to known genes, we prospectively (i.e., antemortem) screened these four genes for mutations by sequencing genomic PCR products from patients with EOD before age 60 years. Family history for dementia was positive (PFH) in 16 patients, negative (NFH) in 17 patients, and unknown (UFH) in 3 patients. In 12 patients, we found five novel mutations (in PS1, F105L; in PS2, T122P and M239I; and in PrP, Q160X and T188K) and five previously reported mutations (in APP, in three patients who were most likely unrelated, V717I; in PS1, A79V and M139V; and in PrP, P102L and T183A) that are all considered to be disease causing. Of these 12 patients, 9 had PFH. This indicates a detection rate of 56% (9/16) in patients with PFH. We found two mutations (APP V717I) in two of the three UFH patients, and only one mutation (PrP T188K) in 1 of the 17 patients with NFH. We conclude that because of the lack of specific antemortem diagnostic markers for FAD and hereditary prion disease, all four genes should be included in a molecular diagnostic program in patients with EOD who had PFH.  相似文献   
While most patients affected by the influenza A(H1N1) pandemic experienced mild symptoms, a small fraction required hospitalization, often without concomitant factors that could explain such a severe course. We hypothesize that host genetic factors could contribute to aggravate the disease. To test this hypothesis, we compared the allele frequencies of 547,296 genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between 49 severe and 107 mild confirmed influenza A cases, as well as against a general population sample of 549 individuals. When comparing severe vs. mild influenza A cases, only one SNP was close to the conventional p = 5×10−8. This SNP, rs28454025, sits in an intron of the GSK233 gene, which is involved in a neural development, but seems not to have any connections with immunological or inflammatory functions. Indirectly, a previous association reported with CD55 was replicated. Although sample sizes are low, we show that the statistical power in our design was sufficient to detect highly-penetrant, quasi-Mendelian genetic factors. Hence, and assuming that rs28454025 is likely to be a false positive, no major genetic factor was detected that could explain poor influenza A course.  相似文献   
Microglia are the resident macrophages in the central nervous system. In the spinal cord dorsal horn, microglia stay in resting condition during physiological sensory processing, and are activated under pathological conditions such as peripheral nerve injury. In cases such as this, the nearby resting microglia increase their motility and accumulate at the site of injury. However, direct evidence to support that nerve activity can enhance the motility of microglia has not yet to be reported. In this study we investigated whether the activation of spinal microglia under in vivo nerve injury may be mimicked by neuronal activity in the spinal cord slice preparation. We found that local application of spinal excitatory neurotransmitters, such as glutamate and substance P did not cause any change in the motility of microglial cells in the spinal cord dorsal horn. The motility of microglial cells is unlikely modulated by other transmitters, neuromodulators and chemokines, because similar applications such as GABA, serotonin, noradrenaline, carbachol, fractalkine or interleukin did not produce any obvious effect. Furthermore, low or high frequency stimulation of spinal dorsal root fibers at noxious intensities failed to cause any enhanced extension or retraction of the microglia processes. By contrast, focal application of ATP triggered rapid and robust activation of microglial cells in the spinal dorsal horn. Our results provide the first evidence that the activation of microglia in the spinal cord after nerve injury is unlikely due solely to neuronal activity, non-neuronal factors are likely responsible for the activation of nerve injury-related microglial cells in the spinal dorsal horn.  相似文献   
Over the last decades, the natural disturbance is increasingly putting pressure on European forests. Shifts in disturbance regimes may compromise forest functioning and the continuous provisioning of ecosystem services to society, including their climate change mitigation potential. Although forests are central to many European policies, we lack the long-term empirical data needed for thoroughly understanding disturbance dynamics, modeling them, and developing adaptive management strategies. Here, we present a unique database of >170,000 records of ground-based natural disturbance observations in European forests from 1950 to 2019. Reported data confirm a significant increase in forest disturbance in 34 European countries, causing on an average of 43.8 million m3 of disturbed timber volume per year over the 70-year study period. This value is likely a conservative estimate due to under-reporting, especially of small-scale disturbances. We used machine learning techniques for assessing the magnitude of unreported disturbances, which are estimated to be between 8.6 and 18.3 million m3/year. In the last 20 years, disturbances on average accounted for 16% of the mean annual harvest in Europe. Wind was the most important disturbance agent over the study period (46% of total damage), followed by fire (24%) and bark beetles (17%). Bark beetle disturbance doubled its share of the total damage in the last 20 years. Forest disturbances can profoundly impact ecosystem services (e.g., climate change mitigation), affect regional forest resource provisioning and consequently disrupt long-term management planning objectives and timber markets. We conclude that adaptation to changing disturbance regimes must be placed at the core of the European forest management and policy debate. Furthermore, a coherent and homogeneous monitoring system of natural disturbances is urgently needed in Europe, to better observe and respond to the ongoing changes in forest disturbance regimes.  相似文献   
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