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Phosphor persistence, video bandwidth, DC restoration and high-voltage regulation affect the appearance of images presented on cathode-ray tubes (CRTs), potentially resulting in differences between nominal and actual stimuli. We illustrate these effects by measuring physical parameters of horizontal and vertical static and counter-phase flickering gratings, and we illustrate problems for vision research by measuring contrast sensitivity to these gratings. We also measured the extent to which calibration protocols actually result in the monitor being calibrated over its entire area regardless of image size. The results of our physical measurements indicate substantial differences between gratings that nominally differ only as to orientation. Consistent with these differences, our psychophysical measurements indicate different sensitivities when the bars of the gratings are parallel or orthogonal to raster lines, regardless of the retinal orientation of the gratings. The results of our calibration check show that only a small region around the target area of calibration can be regarded as effectively linearized, and only if the size of the test image used during the check is similar to the size of the calibration patch. Overall, our results indicate potentially severe problems with the use of CRTs in vision research, and we discuss some published results that are likely to have been affected by these problems.  相似文献   
The natural diet of the Chilean croaker, Cilus gilberti Abbott 1899, was studied in Queule and Tumbes, two areas in central-southern Chile, with emphasis on the possible influences of geographic distribution, sex and ontogenetic development on the croaker feeding habits. Results indicate that C. gilberti behaves in both locations as an euriphagic carnivore predator. The Queule population predate mainly on the sardine Strangomera bentincki Norman 1936, while at Tumbes the principal prey items were mysids. Further quantitative analyses showed that within the Queule population, females between 54 and 75 cm total length (TL), as well as those individuals exceeding 75 cm, acted as an Ontogenetic Trophic Unit (OTU). A Transitional OTU, which includes individuals between 47 and 54 cm, was also identified. Queule males between 47 and 68 cm defined one OTU; another OTU was defined with individuals between 68 and 82 cm. On the other hand, the female population at Tumbes behaved as an OTU between 68 and 89 cm TL; males were grouped in an OTU ranging from 61 to 89 cm TL.  相似文献   
The localization of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in brain regions would demonstrate active ethanol metabolism in brain during alcohol consumption, which would be a new basis to explain the effects of ethanol in the central nervous system. Tissue sections from several regions of adult rat brain were examined by in situ hybridization to detect the expression of genes encoding ADH1 and ADH4, enzymes highly active with ethanol and retinol. ADH1 mRNA was found in the granular and Purkinje cell layers of cerebellum, in the pyramidal and granule cells of the hippocampal formation and in some cell types of cerebral cortex. ADH4 expression was detected in the Purkinje cells, in the pyramidal and granule cells of the hippocampal formation and in the pyramidal cells of cerebral cortex. High levels of ADH1 and ADH4 mRNAs were detected in the CNS epithelial and vascular tissues: leptomeninges, choroid plexus, ependymocytes of ventricle walls, and endothelium of brain vessels. Histochemical methods detected ADH activity in rodent cerebellar slices, while Western-blot analysis showed ADH4 protein in homogenates from several brain regions. In consequence, small but significant levels of ethanol metabolism can take place in distinct areas of the CNS following alcohol consumption, which could be related to brain damage caused by a local accumulation of acetaldehyde. Moreover, the involvement of ADH in the synthesis of retinoic acid suggests a role for the enzyme in the regulation of adult brain functions. The impairment of retinol oxidation by competitive inhibition of ADH in the presence of ethanol may be an additional origin of CNS abnormalities caused by ethanol.  相似文献   
Summary Kluyveromyces fragilis produces polygalacturonase (PG) on a lactose medium. Although the enzyme is normally repressed at high aeration levels, significant amounts of PG can be produced under such conditions when pectin is added as inducer. The productivity and yield of cell mass were not significantly affected by the presence of inducer, suggesting potential applications to current single cell protein processes from whey.  相似文献   
We report in this paper the presence of fluorescence bands of tryptophan and tyrosine solutions centered above 550 nm. This long-wavelength fluorescence is of much lower intensity, (0.4-2.7)%, than the UV fluorescence of these aromatic aminoacids. The basic characteristic of these fluorescence bands are: (a) tyrosine: lambda em = 600 nm with two excitation peaks centered at 453 nm and 550 nm (b) tryptophan: lambda em = 675 nm with two excitation peaks centered at 455 and 560 nm. It has been found that irradiation of tyrosine solutions with a potent UV lamp promotes an important increase of absorption at 310 nm and above 400 nm.  相似文献   
Sedimentation equilibrium and low-angle laser-light scattering were used to determine the molar mass of the glycoprotein moieties in the complexes of sodium dodecyl sulphate with the human platelet membrane glycoproteins IIb (GPIIb), IIIa (GPIIIa), and the (GPIIb) and (GPIIb) subunits of GPIIb. The values obtained by both procedures, except those for GPIIb, agree within experimental error with those calculated from their chemical composition: GPIIb (114,000 g mol-1), GPIIb (22,200 g mol-1), and GPIIIa (91,500 g mol-1). The molar mass of GPIIb determined by light scattering (142,000 g mol-1) and sedimentation equilibrium at different solvent densities (134,000 g mol-1) also agree, within experimental error, with the values calculated either from its chemical composition (136,500 g mol-1) or from the sum of the molar masses of its subunits. However the molar mass determined by sedimentation equilibrium at constant solvent density, is consistently underestimated (116,000 g mol-1).High-performance size-exclusion chromatography in sodium dodecyl sulphate solutions overestimates the molar mass of these glycoproteins and their Stokes radii, and therefore the maximal frictional ratios derived from them.Abbreviations GPIIb glycoprotein IIb - GPIIIa glycoprotein IIIa - GPIIb and GPIIb and subunits of GPIIb, respectively - CM-GPIIb CM-GPIIb, and CM-GPIIIa, totally reduced and carboxymethylated forms of GPIIb, GPIIb, and GPIIIa, respectively - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - eosin-ITC eosin-5-isothiocyanate  相似文献   
Summary The 550-day semicontinuous cultivation of Claviceps fusiformis immobilized in calcium alginate is documented. The vegetative mycelium from seed or from early-production submerged culture is the best choice for immobilization. No extracellular glucans are produced by immobilized cells. Immobilized spores give low yields of clavine alkaloids. Alginate concentrations in a range of 2%–4% do not influence yield and spectrum of alkaloids. The cytoplasm of the immobilized cells becomes condensed (after 3 days), polysaccharides disappear, and centres of lipid synthesis are formed in the cytoplasm. After 60 days the cells harbour a great number of lipid particles, mitochondria are diminishing and their cristae partly disappear, indicating a decreased respiration capacity. After 350–500 days the volume of most cells is increased many times and the cells are filled with large oval bodies of electrondense material. Chloramphenicol protects immobilized cultures against bacterial contamination.  相似文献   
The action of the herbicide glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)-glycine] on phenolic metabolism and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL; EC activity was investigated in yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.). Glyphosate caused significant increases in the amount of total soluble hydroxyphenolics in the three fractions studied (neutral, acid and residual). Qualitative and quantitative differences in relation to these fractions and the amount of applied glyphosate were observed. Most of the phenolic compounds which increased after glyphosate treatment were benzoic acids (gentisic. p -OH-benzoic, salicylic and vanillic). Gentisic acid showed the greatest increase in neutral and acid fractions, being twenty- and four-fold, respectively, of the amount found in the control. PAL activity was not affected by the lowest doses of glyphosate (10−4and 10−3 M) , but a dramatic decrease in PAL activity was observed after 10−2 M treatment. These findings, together with the low levels of cinnamic acids measured in treated yellow nutsedge plants, suggest that PAL activity is only marginally involved in glyphosate action. Since the herbicidal action probably takes place at 5-enol-pyruvylshikimate-3-P synthase (EC, an alternative pathway to PAL in phenolic biosynthesis should be activated yielding benzoic acids.  相似文献   
The commissural component of the stria terminalis (S. T.) was studied in Equi-Thesin (92.7 mg/kg) anesthetized rats after their exposure in the caudothalamic surface of both hemispheres. Two types of connection between right and left S. T. across the anterior commissure are described: A "direct" connection set up by fibres that run through the S. T. and join the contralateral S. T., and another "indirect" component, formed by cell axons that receive excitatory synaptic contacts from fibres running in the S. T.  相似文献   
The functional state of erythrocytes from hen during their conservation with a preserving solution for 24 days at 4 degrees C, has been estimated by studying some biochemical and hemorheological parameters. Results show an initial phase in the preservation period (4-5 days) in which red blood cells maintain their values at levels similar to those at the beginning of the experience, except for osmotic resistance. Furthermore a progressive erythrocyte deformability loss, linked to ATP depletion (with rise in inorganic phosphate levels) as well as a gradually higher rate of hemolysis, were detected.  相似文献   
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